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Lab 7: Introduction to Behavioral

Verilog and Logic Synthesis

Rebecca Sontheimer
ECEN 248-511
TA: Mehnaz Rahman
October 29, 2014

The purpose of this lab is to introduce behavior modeling in Verilog. This is a
higher-level abstraction that is typically used to improve simplicity and efficiency of
a digital circuit. Behavior modeling describes the behavior of a circuit rather than
describing the specific gates being used. In this lab, we used this new abstraction
using logic synthesis; we then used the written code to create a circuit that could be
implemented. This was also the first time using the Xilinx board, which allowed us
to load our code onto the board and actually see how our program translates to the


Attached are the six different source codes that were used during the lab
with comments notating what is occurring in each part of the code. Each source code
is written using behavior Verilog and is run using a given test bench code that is
used to check that the behavior of the circuit is correct and to create a diagram that
displays the waveforms of the described circuit.


The waveforms that resulted from each source code are shown below. These
waveforms are created by running the given test bench code with the source code in
order to generate a visual representation of the timing within a certain circuit.
Experiment 1



Experiment 2



In conclusion, this lab was very informative on how to program using
behavioral Verilog and also how to physically run the code on the circuit board. I
became acquainted with the programs associated with the Xilinx board and learned
a lot about how to take a desired behavior and translate it to an actual circuit. I also
learned about the benefits of using behavioral programming and how it differs from
dataflow or structural. It allowed me to give a set of inputs and outputs and let the
program create the proper circuit.

Post-Lab Deliverables

1. All code is listed in the design section of this lab.

2. Screenshots are provided in the results section of this lab.
3. 2:1 Mux Structural
`timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps
module two_one_mux(Y, A, B, S);
output wire Y;
input wire A, B, S;

//declaring variables to be used

wire notS;
wire andA;
wire andB;

//declaring wires

not not0(notS, S);

//declaring logic gates and what variables are used within them
and and0(andA, notS,A);
and and1(andB, S, B);

or or0(Y, andA, andB);


//end of module

2:1 Mux Behavioral

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
`default_nettype none
module two_one_mux(Y, A, B, S);
output reg Y;


input wire A, B, S; //inputs including select bit

//behavioral begin-end block
always@(A or B or S)
if(S==1'b0) //one bit binary value of zero
//if S=0 then Y=A
//any other value
//if S=1 then Y=B

Above are shown the two different ways that I have programmed a 2:1
Multiplexer using Verilog. The first way is my source code from Lab 6 using
structural programming for the mux and it programs each specific logic gate with
specific inputs and outputs based on the layout of the circuit. The second way is
source code from earlier in this lab using behavioral programming to create the
same circuit, but the behavioral programming just dictates what the inputs could
be and what the output is in each case without explaining the inner workings of
the multiplexer. Advantages of the first one would include easy programming if a
schematic has already been given because then it is just coding the specific gates.
Advantages of the second one is exactly the opposite of why the first would be
used; we dont care about the inner workings, we just care about the output of the
circuit being correct so we let the program decide what functions it wants to use
and just dictate what it has as an output. This behavioral method makes it easier to
program more intricate circuits because it isnt as important to have every gate
specifically coded, which wastes time and space.
4. Bread-boarding and using an FPGA both have their own purposes and their own
merits. I prefer the bread-board because like knowing exactly whats going on,
but it isnt always the best choice. Bread-boarding is great for seeing physically
what is happening within the circuit. I can look at a bread-board and see all of the
different inputs and outputs and know exactly what is going where and it makes it
easier to spot bugs. Having a physical representation of the circuit can be very
informative of what is happening. However, a program can be much easier to use
and download onto a FPGA board and it obtains the same result, but sometimes at
the cost of not actually understanding the inner workings of the circuit itself.

1. I liked this lab because it was very informative and useful. I liked that the lab
manual was like a tutorial with step-by-step instructions. There was nothing
that I disliked.
2. All parts were very clear and informative.
3. No need to improve this lab.

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