GIS Project 1: Raster Analysis: EIA and GIS Applications in Water Resources CE74.71

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EIA and GIS Applications in Water Resources

GIS project 1:
Raster analysis
19th March, 2014

School of Engineering and Technology
Asian Institute of Technology

Outline of ex 6-8

The area of land in which all of the water that is under

it or drains off of it goes into the same place.

Ex 6: Raster analysis: crea1ng watersheds features

from DEM
- Data crea)on by combining raster calcula)on from a single
dataset (DEM: Digital Eleva)on Model)
- Spa)al Analyst, an extension soAware of ArcGIS, allows us to
analyze a dataset from several perspec)ves, and generate
various datasets by combining raster analysis func)ons and

- As an example of Raster analysis, we learn a series of analysis
process for genera)ng watershed grid from a DEM.

- Watershed had been extracted manually by reading carefully
contours from a paper map. But GIS allows us to generate various
sizes and shapes of watershed or basin based on our purpose.

Analysis process of ex 6

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Hydrology] > [Fill]

Fills sink in a
surface raster to
remove small
imperfections in the

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Hydrology] > [FlowDirection]

Adjusted elevation grid [Fill]



Flow direction grid [FD]




Flow direction of each cell
is stored as integer value.

Creates a raster of flow direction from each cell to its

steepest downslope neighbor.

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Hydrology] > [FlowAccumulation]

Flow direction grid [FD]

Calculating accumulation

Flow accumulation grid [FA]

Creates a raster of accumulated flow to each cell.

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Conditional] > [Con]

- Each cell of flow-accumulation grid [FA] has flow
accumulated value based on the number of the upstream
flow-direction grid. In this step, stream grid which has
accumulation value more than a standard (threshhold) is
created as a basis for creating watershed. It means that only
cells which has accumulation value more than a standard are
recognized as a stream.
- In this exercise, accumulation value is equal or more than
280,000 are assigned as value 1 at the newly created grid
[con280000], and other gird (less than 280,000) are assigned
as No Data. Threshold value is the important factor to
determine the size of watershed created from now.
50 (m) * 50 (m) * 280,000 (cells) = 700,000,000 m2 = 700 km2

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Hydrology] > [Stream Link]

Stream grid [con280000]

Tributary gird [sl280000]

Assigns unique values to sections of a raster linear

network between intersections.

[ArcToolbox] > [Spatial Analyst Tools] > [Hydrology] > [Watershed]

Tributary gird [sl280000]

Watershed grid [ws2800000]

Determines the contributing area that

pouring to a set of stream cells in a raster.

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