The Role of Honey in The Management of Wounds: Discussion

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The role of honey in the

management of wounds
A review of the evidence on the advantages of using honey as a topical wound
treatment together with practical recommendations for its clinical use

he widespread development of
antibiotic -resistant bacteria l
has generated an increasing
interest in the use of alternate therapies
for the treatment of infected wounds. In
1989, an editorial in the Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine, referring to
reports o n the successful use o f
ho ney in wounds, stated: 'The
therapeutic potential of uncontaminated,
pure honey is grossly underutilized.' This
paper examines how the chemical and
physical properties of honey may facilitate
wound healing and offers guidance on
practical issues related to clinical use.

Antibacterial action
A number of laboratory studies have
demonstrated the significant antibacterial
activity of honey. Using concentrations of
honey ranging from 1.8% to 11% (v/v),
researchers have achieved complete inhibition of the major wound-infecting
species of bacteria.3 Other reports include:
complete inhibition of a collection of
strains of MRSA (1%-4% v/v honey);4
complete inhibition of 58 strains of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus isolated from infected wounds (2%-4% v/v
honey);5 complete inhibition of 20 strains
of Pseudomonas isolated from infected
wounds (5.5%-8.7% v/v honey).6
The antibacterial activity of honey has
also been shown in vivo, with reports of
infected wounds dressed with honey
becoming sterile in 3-6 days,7,8 7 days9-11
and 7-10 days.12
Solutions of high osmolarity, such as
honey, sugar and sugar pastes, inhibit
microbial growth13 because the sugar
molecules 'tie up' water molecules so that
bacteria have insufficient water to support
their growth. When used as dressings,
dilution of these solutions by wound
exudate reduces osmolarity to a

P.C.Molan, BSc, PhD, Director, Honey Research

Unit, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Abscesses; Burns; Honey; Moist wound

Ulcers; Wound infection

level that ceases to control infection,

especially if wounds are infected with
Staphylococcus aureus (a common osmotolerant wound pathogen). 14, 15 Even
when diluted by exudate to a point where
its osmolarity no longer inhibits bacterial
growth, honey's additional antibacterial
components still ensure sterility.
Honey's antibacterial activity is
thought to be due primarily to the
presence of hydrogen peroxide, generated
by the action of an enzyme that the
bees add to nectar.16 Some floral
sources provide additional antibacterial
components by way of plant-derived
chemicals in the nectar, such as
flavonoids and aromatic acids.17 This
partly explains the very large variation
that is seen in the antibacterial potency of
honeys from different floral sources.18
However, the variation results mainly
from differences in the amount of
hydrogen peroxide formed in the honeys,
because nectar from some floral sources
contains components that break down
hydrogen peroxide or destabilise the
enzyme that produces it. Exposure of
honey to heat and light also deactivates
the enzyme that produces hydrogen
antibacterial potency are reflected in the
varying sensitivity results reported for
wound-infecting species of bacteria.18
The use of hydrogen peroxide as an
antiseptic agent in the treatment of
wounds is generally considered to give
outcomes that are less than successful.
However, when honey is used, the
hydrogen peroxide is delivered in a very

J O U R N A L O F W O U N D C A R E S E P T E M B E R , VOL 8 , NO 8, 1999

different way. Hydrogen peroxide is an

effective antimicrobial agent if present at a
sufficiently high concentration,19 but at
'higher concentrations-it-causes-cellular
and protein damage in tissues by giving
rise to oxygen radicals 20,21 This limits the
concentration of hydrogen peroxide that
can be used as an antiseptic.
Honey effectively provides a slow-release
delivery of hydrogen peroxide; the enzyme
producing it becomes active only when
honey is diluted16 and continues to
produce it at a steady rate for at least 24
hours (unpublished work). In honey
diluted with an equal volume of pH7
buffer, the concentration of hydrogen
peroxide accumulating in one hour is typically about 1000 times less than that in
the solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%)
that is commonly used as an antiseptic.
Honey also has high levels of
antioxi-dants,22 which would protect
wound tissues from oxygen radicals that
may be produced by the hydrogen
Deodorising action
The deodorisation of offensive odour
from wounds is an expected conse quence of honey's antibacterial action.
The malodour is due to ammonia,
amines and sulphur compounds, which
are produced when infecting bacteria
metabolise amino acids from proteins in
the serum and necrotic tissue in a
wound. The rapidity of honey's deodorising action is probably due to the provision of a rich source of glucose, which
would be used by the infecting bacteria
in preference to amino acids,23 resulting
in the production of lactic acid instead of
malodorous compounds.
Debriding action
The debriding action of honey has not
yet been explained. It may be simply a


Table I. Advantages of using honey

Wound care advantages
It provides a protective barrier to
prevent cross-infection10,34,31,40,41,54,61
It creates an antibacterial moist healing
It rapidly dears infecting bacteria7-12
including antibiotic-resistant strains37
It has a debriding effect and its osmotic
action causes an outflow of lymph, lifting
debris from the wound bed8-10,31,33,34,38,49,50,61
It rapidly removes malodour9-11,33,34,61
It hastens healing through stimulation of
tissue regeneration7-10,12, 26-30,33,37-41
It prevents scarring and
It minimises the need for skin
It is non-adherent and therefore minimises
trauma and pain during dressing
Its and-inflammatory action reduces
It has no adverse effect on wound
Economic advantages
Reduced costs of dressing materials and
antibacterial agents12,37,52,59
More rapid healing8,11,12,26,30,37,41,53
The obviation of surgical
The obviation of skin grafting8,9,30,33
Ease of use allows patients to manage
their own wound care at home, thus
reducing nursing costs

result of the moist healing environment

that is created by the honey dressing.
Another possibility is that it is an enzymatic debridement process. There have
been no reports of honey having any
proteolytic activity, but the debridement
action may be due to activation of
pro-teases in wound tissues by hydrogen
peroxide generated by the honey
dressing. It has been reported that
metalloproteases can be activated by
oxidation,24 and the inhibitors of serine
proteases can be deactivated by
Anti-inflammatory action
Histological studies using experimental
wounds in animals have shown that

honey has an anti-inflammatory influence even when there is no infection present, this being seen as a reduction in the
number of inflammatory cells infiltrating
the wound tissue. 26-29 This confirms
clinical observations of reduction in
inflammation,26,30 oedema,9,10,31-33 and
exudation,9,10,26 and a soothing effect26,34,35
when honey is applied to wounds. This
anti-inflammatory influence may be associated with the antioxidant content of
honey, which has been found to be of a
significant level when assayed as the
capacity of honey to scavenge free radicals?, Oxygen radicals are involved in various aspects of inflammation,25 and the
application of antioxidants to burns has
been shown to reduce inflammation.36
Stimulation of tissue growth
Honey promotes the formation of clean
healthy granulation tissue7-10,12,30,32,37-39
demonstrated histologically in animal
studies 26-29,41 This may be due to the
generation of hydrogen peroxide, low
levels of which stimulate angiogenesis42
and the growth of fibroblasts43 Increased
angiogenesis would provide more oxygen,
which is a limiting factor for tissue
Acidification of the wound may also be
responsible: honey typically has a pH from
3 to 4, and topical acidification has been
shown to promote healing44 by causing
more oxygen to be released from haemoglobin.45 Also it has been suggested that the
decreased turgor resulting from the
application of honey may increase tissue
hydrostatic pressure in the interstitial
fluid resulting from anti-inflammatory
action would allow improved circulation
in the tissues.
Another theory is that the nutrient content of honey may stimulate growth it
has a wide range of amino acids, vitamins
and trace elements, in addition to large
quantities of readily assimilable sugars.
Studies in animals46 and humans47 have
shown an association between topical
application of nutrients to wounds and
increased growth of granulation tissue.
In addition, the high osmolarity of
honey will draw fluid out from a wound
bed. This outflow of lymph with its dissolved nutrients would also provide
nutrition for regenerating tissue.
Clinical experience
Honey has been used to treat a number
of different wound types, including surgical wounds8,11,12,41,48-51 most notably
v u l v e c to m y
wo u nd s , 8 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 4 1 , 4 8 - 5 1

w o u n d s related to trauma,10,50,52-54
wounds associated with necrotising
fasciitis,9,33 pressure tlICerS10.38.53'55.58 and
venous and diabetic leg ulcers.52,59,60
However, it is in the management of
burn wounds that the role of honey has
probably received most attention.
Investigations have shown honey to
products29.30.34,61 in the management of
partial-thickness burns. A retrospective
study also has shown that honey is as
effective as silver sulphadiazine in the
management of burns.62
In prospective randomised controlled
trials comparing honey with silver sulphadiazine-impregnated gauze in the treatment of fresh partial-thickness burns,
honey was shown to produce an early subsidence of acute inflammatory changes
and quicker wound healing, better control
of infection, better relief of pain, less irritation of the wound, less exudation, and a
lower incidence of hypertrophic scar and
post-burn contracture.30,61 The advantages
of using honey in the management of
wounds are listed in Table 1.
Guidelines for practice
Honey varies in consistency, from liquid
to solid, with the glucose content crystallised. Solid honeys may be liquified by
warming and semi-solid honeys can often
be liquified by stirring. Heating above
37C should be avoided, as this may bum
the patient and will destroy the enzyme
that produces hydrogen peroxide.
The honey should be spread evenly on
the dressing pad rather than directly to the
wound. The amount of honey required on
a wound depends on the amount of
exudation; the beneficial effects of honey
on wound tissues will be reduced or lost
if small quantities of honey become
diluted by large amounts of exudate.
Wounds with deep infection require
greater amounts of honey to obtain an
effective level of antibacterial activity by
diffusion into the wound tissues.
Dressing technique
Typically, 30mL of honey is used on a
10cm x 10cm dressing. Dressing pads
impregnated with honey (such as those
produced by REG International, New
Zealand) (Figs 1 & 2) are the most convenient way of applying honey to surface
wounds. Occlusive or absorbent secondary
dressings are needed to prevent honey
oozing out from the wound dressing (Fig
3). The frequency of dressing changes will
also depend on how rapidly the honey is
diluted by exudate. Daily dressing changes
are usual, but up to three times daily may


uniquely high level of a herbal antibacterial

component that is particularly effective
wound-infecting bacteria. However, ail
honeys vary very much in their potency.
There is a high chance of the activity being
little better than that of sugar if a honey is
taken at random. There is a large variance in
the level of antibacterial activity even within
honeys from the same floral source.

be necessary.

Exudation should be

reduced by the anti-inflammatory action of

honey, so the frequency of dressing
changes should decline as treatment
progresses. Deep wounds (Figs 4-6) or
abscesses are most easily filled by using
honey packed in 'squeeze-out' tubes, now
available commercially (Actimel) (Fig 7).
Honey quality

Although ancient physicians were aware that

honeys from particular sources had the
best therapeutic properties, little regard is
given to this in current clinical practice. Any
honey to be used for infected wounds
should therefore have its antibacterial
activity assayed. A 'UMF' rating (equivalent to
the concentration of phenol which has the
same activity against Staphylococcus aureus)
is being used by producers of manuka
honey to show the potency of its
plant-derived component.
Potential risk

There is no report of any type of infection

Honeys from Leptospermum species (for
resulting from the application of honey to
have a VOL 8, NOwounds
8, 1999 although there is no reference in

reports of the clinical application of honey on

open wounds being sterilised before use.
Honey sometimes contains spores of
clostridia, which poses a small risk of infection,
such as wound botulism. Any risk can be
overcome by the use of honey that has been
treated by gamma-irradiation, which kills
clostridial spores without loss of any of the
honey's antibacterial activity."

This paper has described the chemical and
physical properties of honey and has
shown how these may have a positive
influence on wound healing. Honey is an ideal
substance to use as a wound dressing
material. Its fluidity, especially when
warmed, allows it to be spread and makes
honey dressings easy to apply and
The osmotic action resulting
from honey's high sugar content draws out
wound fluid and thus dilutes the honey that is
in contact with the wound bed, minimising
adhesion or damage to the granulating surface
of the wounc1
when the dressing is
removed. The high solubility of honey in
water allows residual


honey to be washed away by bathing54

Although the clinical experiences
detailed in this paper show positive results,
more quality randomised controlled trials
are needed to provide evidence to
encourage the use of honey in wound care.
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The use of honey dressings may have a

beneficial effect in wound management
and can be cost-effective

Solid honeys may be liquified by stirring or

warming but honey should not be heated
above 37C

The honey should be spread evenly and

applied to the dressing pad rather than
directly the wound

Deep wounds can be filled with honey from

a 'squeeze-out' tube

The amount of honey required depends on

the amount of exudate; wounds with deep
infection require greater amounts of

Dressing pads pre-impregnated with honey

are the most convenient method of applying
honey to wounds

Frequency of dressing change depends on

quantity of exudate

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