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Vehuiah is the first Angel of the 72 angels of the Schem Hamphorasch (The secret name
of God formed by the names of the 72 Angels); the importance of Vehuiah is that this
Angel provides a lot of energy and will for whatever assunt or project you want to begin,
including magical operations. Usually many projects are aborted because of a lack of will
and resolution, and especially in magick where the will is of high importance and where
usually the results are no instantaneous, you need an extra boost of energy, courage,
resolution and will to continue performing the rituals, ceremonies, spells, etc; here is the
reason of the importance of Vehuiah; no matter in your studies, in your general life, in
every project you are beginning, and in magick and occult world, where you need hard
courage to continue sessions before seeing any results, you will receive an extra boost of
energy to your mind and body that will allow you to continue in order to finish all the
projects you begin; no more abandoning projects just few time after beginning them. The
sigil of Vehuiah is included in the first set of angelic sigils, but now, you have here the
telesmatic image of Vehuiah, so you can take profit of the power of this Angel even when
not executing Tele Hypnosis Pro.
You should perform a continous contact with Vehuiah; for this, print the telesmatic image
of Vehuiah included in this set and make some copies; allocate one close to your
computer, a bit higher than the computer; allocate another photo close to your area of
work or studies. For example, over the table as if you had a photo of your wife or
husband. Another photo with reduced size should be in your pocket and wear it the most
of time possible. When you remember it, take the telesmatic image and look at it a few
Contact Vehuiah for every project you begin to receive will, resolution and energy for that
project. For this contact you can use Tele Hypnosis Pro; the contact should be done in the
first 20 minuts after the sunrise; preferibly if it is done in tuesday, and preferibly too with
the moon in crecent phase; the suggested days can be varied, but preferibly if you choose
a tuesday with moon in crecent phase, but the only requisite you must follow is that the
contact must be done in the 20 minuts just after the sunrise.
If you contact Vehuiah with Tele Hypnosis Pro, it is preferible that you use the sigil of
Vehuiah (included in the first set of angelic sigils than the telesmatic image), althought if
you don't have the sigil, you can use by default the telesmatic image.
For meditation and visualization, or simply to look at it some minuts to open a quick
contact with the Angel, you should use the telesmatic image.
2002 All rights reserved.

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