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- Uninstall the apps you dont use

- In sound settings select Mi earbuds instead of Piston 2 for best sound clarity
- Flash the latest v37 update from the official miui website to solve ram n heat problem
- Underclock the phone to 1014 Mhz to avoid heating

phone goes bad, neither me nor Flipkart is Buckle up DUDE!!

1) the very common problem is that When ever u try to call either the screen turns off and never turns
on or turns on or and never turns off..n etc
Solution :
1) First Install Phone tester on your phone.
2) open the app and go to Sensor status
3) ull see the 5th Tag as PROXIMITY SENSOR.
4) Check the value of that by placing ur Hand near the earpiece. and move away ur hand..
5) by doing step 4 u may get any of the 3 values FAR (when ur hand is away from the sensor), NEAR
(when ur hand covers the sensor) and waiting for values (some issue with the values).
6) so if this is the case then its a Calibration issue in the phone..Not a Big Deal..easy to fix.
7) Code for hardware test *#*#64663#*#*
8) type the above code on the dial will take you to hardware test screen.
9) Now dont be shocked when the hardware screen comes....its all in Chinese..But dont panic.
10) Select the 8th option - it is for proximity sensor.
11) on the next screen there will be a middle button on the screen. Press that button (text in Chinese).
test it by placing ur hand close and far frm the sensor..the will be values changing according to that. if its
0 when the hand is over the sensor and some value greater than 0 when ur hand is far..then the
problem is sorted i guess.
(make sure when pressing the button there is nothing over the sensor within 40 mm of range).
12)press the back button and come back to the phone tester app and check for the values.
it should be Near or Far as per ur hand position over the phone.
13) Now try making a call and see if the screen turns off and taking phone away make the screen come
Phew that was long..
Here are the links for the pictures...these are diff methods for phone belonging to diff country. i
Combined them and tried out.
2) Second Problem Battery Drain..

when ever you get the phone dont just rape it on day one by installing all the heavy apps and pushing it
to the limits.
you need to either charge it full 100% or discharge it completely and then charge it to 100% in one go.
The best method is the discharge it completely and charge it 100% in one go.
do it like 3 -4 times and by the time u can install any thing that this phone can run..
so if u wanna follow...u can and enjoy the phone..or else wait for a replacements..

its a very good phone at a remarkable price..

and those who are criticizing this phone either they are fake reviewers or they dont know the actual
reason behind the heating issue... so Let me clear it
actually this phone is overclocked ..for best performance under any condition so it creates heating issues
oooh this is really concerning heating issue.
it happened to me too but you can control it by doing this...
Root your Phone (there are so many videos of rooting but i like the c4etech method on youtube .it will
just take 2 minutes.(your warranty will not void as u can unroot it anytime ,it is also in that rooting
SO just root your mobile and UNDERCLOCK ITS PERFORMANCE using the app ;No Frills Cpu ; TO 998
MAX -998 mhz,MIN -300 mhz.(note that after every restart it will automatically set up to 1.56 ghz so
underclock it again by above mentioned speed by using no frill cpu) (GOverner -on demand)
also use CPU SPY to view the cpu usage.
to boost RAM
just use this APP
App Quarantine.(just freeze those app which are of no use like sme google app some MI native apps)
now my mobile doesnt get heated up ..

heating issue= charge phone is swtich off mode tht solve this issue to some extent
battery issue= use marathon mode
ram isuue= remove startup apps

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