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Page 1 of 32 ASHIQ, 0005750 (MBA-1-USC /905)


This is the report is to analyze BIC company and, take some initiative and policy which is

help company. The vision and target of this industry is very high and always able to

capture the market. This report renders a close analytical look and Internal and external

factor of the company at the stationeries sector. Emphasis on the brand royalty of

company BIC company ultimate target to crate a strong brand performance to the market.

It also sheds light on the future outlook of the stationeries market, its growth prospects

and potentials, These dissertation is written from the point of view of BIC company, as

this dissertation is expected to augment the market intelligence and knowledge and

technological considering base of the market research and development department of

BIC company. The next issue being discussed is how to create a good brand in the

competitive market. BIC company management try to focus to brand royalty&

positioning in the market. In today’s talent-centric workplace, it makes sense to brand

yourself As a unique entity, say Adjunct Professor of Marketing David Dunne and

Communications consultant Julia Moulden. Branding yourself focuses your thinking on

what the marketplace needs and what your competitive advantage is, and can help you

discover how to best serve your customer’s. And the marketing manager try to focus the

brand power whole over the world and present market position over all the world

asia,28% west urop 32% EEMA 8%,South America 8% North America 33%.Beside they

want to increase the market share of the company .

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2.1 Background History of BIC

BIC Graphic USA, a division of BIC USA Inc., is a leading, world-class supplier of

custom-imprinted products for the promotional products industry. BIC Graphic USA sells

exclusively through distributors of promotional products/advertising specialties.

Established in 1969 under the name BIC Special Markets Division, BIC Graphic USA

now offers a wide variety of high quality, innovative custom-imprinted writing

instruments and complementary products. Follow these product links to explore all of the

promotional possibilities with an extensive selection of brand name items including All

products from BIC Graphic USA are imprinted with the highest quality and the utmost

attention to detail. Customer service is also a cornerstone of BIC Graphic USA . Products

are backed by services and programs that lead the industry.

2.2 Scope of the study

This report renders a close analytical look at the BIC company main focus and emphasis

on the brand company, its growth and development his target market . It also sheds light

on the future outlook of the BIC company market, its growth prospects and potentials,

The report is written from the point of view brand power , as this report is expected to

augment the market intelligence and knowledge base of the market research and

development department of BIC

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3 Methodology

Type of business research used In this report is of descriptive nature. Through this

descriptive research this report seeks to determine the answers to who, what, where and

how BIC industry force his brand royalty And brand image.

Secondary data analysis was selected as the basic research method.

3.1 Data Collection

Data for this report has been extracted from secondary sources, as the descriptive nature

of the study to prepare this report calls in for existing facts and information compilation.

Source of Secondary Data Majority of the secondary data was obtained from the Market

Research and Development Department of BIC wave side. Annual reports of other

stationery, their official web sites, reports done on the stationery sectors and information

obtained from the Internet, augmented this report to take a comprehensive shape.

3.2 Data collection Instrument

In-depth analyze company wave side Textbook And key marketing and sales personnel

of the BIC users to obtain ideas about the market, current happenings, developments,

competition, problems, hazards and challenges faced by them operating in the fastest

growing industry .

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3.3 Data processing and analysis

Collected information was processed with the aid of MS word photo shop computer

software. Detailed analysis, world rig variables, variables, future projections and working

definitions are incorporated in the report.

3.4 BIC Mission

The Mission of the BIC Group and its subsidiaries is to meet our clients' needs and solve

their problems in the areas of management, work organization, innovation and finance

resulting in their prosperity. We provide comprehensive services - a consultancy package

followed by its implementation. In order to achieve a diverse range of services we are

entering into dedicated, long-term partnerships. We continuously and consciously

improve and develop our services in order to become the market leader in our market


3.5 BIC Vision

We offer simple, inventive and reliable choices for everyone, everywhere, every time.

3.6 BIC product value

Our vision and our philosophy are central elements of our culture, guided by our shared

values: ethics, responsibility, teamwork, simplicity, and ingenuity.

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3.7 BIC Product Philosophy

Since its founding more than 50 years ago, BIC has built its success on a clear vision: to

make top-quality, affordable BIC products available to everyone. While responding to the

need for new product lines, the company continues to fulfill this mission by observing

three fundamental values:

4 Brand

“A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, intended to identify

the goods or services of one seller or group of se and to differentiate them from those of

competitors”.[ Philip kotler print hall pp-232]

4.1 Brand Learning

Successful marketers place a great deal of emphasis on understanding what their brand

Stands for what type of quality it promises, and which values it represents. In the case of

personal brands, understanding oneself is even more important. As we said earlier,

building a personal brand is not about adapting to customers’ needs as a commodity

would. Instead, our objective is to find a good fit with a selected audience. To do this, we

must have a clear understanding of who we are and an in-depth understanding of our

target audience. The first step is self-assessment.

Prof. David Dunne and communications consultant Julia Moulden

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4.2 Branding Strategies

Building Strong Brands Some analysts see brands as the major enduring asset of a

company, outlasting the company’s specific products and facilities. John Stewart, co-

founder of Quaker Oats, once said, ‘If this business were split up, I won give you the land

and bricks and mortar, and I would keep the brands and trademarks; and I would fare

better than you. [Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.221]Brand Equity Brands are

more than just names and symbols. Brands represent consumers’ perceptions and feelings

about a product and its performance very thing that the product and service means to

consumers. In the final analysis, brands exist in the minds of consumers. Thus, the real

value of a strong brand is its power to capture consumer preference and loyalty. [Philip

Kotler, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.241]

[Refer to Appendix-III pp--

4.3 Building Strong Brands

Branding poses challenging decisions to the marketer. shows that the major brand

strategy decisions involve brand positioning, brand name selection, brand sponsor ship,

and brand development. [Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.242].

4.4 Brand Positioning

Marketers need to position their brands clearly in target customers’ minds. They can

position brands at any of three levels. At the lowest level, they can position the brand on

product attributes. Thus, marketers of Dove soap can talk about the product’s attribute of

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one-quarter cleansing cream. However, attributes are the least desirable level for brand

positioning. Competitors can easily copy attributes. More important, customers are not

interested in attributes as such; they are interested in what the attributes will do for them.

[Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, 2005- pp.242]. [Refer to Appendix III- pp- 30]

4.5 Brand Name Selection

A good name can add greatly to a product’s success. However, finding the best brand

name is a difficult task. It begins with a careful review of the product and its benefits, the

tar get market, and proposed marketing strategies. [Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong,

2005- pp.242] . [ Refer to Appendix-III- pp- 30]

4.6 Brand Sponsorship

A manufacturer has four sponsorship options. The product may be launched as a

manufacturer’s brand (or national brand), as when Kellogg and IBM sell their output

under their own manufacturer’s brand names. Or the manufacturer may sell to resellers

who give it a private brand (also called a store brand or distributor brand). Although most

manufacturers create their own brand names, others market licensed brands. Finally, two

companies can join forces and co-brand a product. [Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong,

2005- pp.243] . [ Refer to Appendix-III- pp- 30]

4.7 Brand Development

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A company has four choices when it comes to deve1opIn brands It can introduce line

extensions (existing brand names extended to new forms, sizes, and flavors of an existing

product category), brand extensions (exist brand names extended to new product

categories), international brands (new brand name introduced in the same product

category), or new brands (new brand names in new product categories). [Philip Kotler,,

Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.246] . [ Refer to Appendix-III pp-30]

5 Market segmentation

Dividing a market into distinct groups with distinct needs, characteristics, or behave ions

who might require separate products or marketing mixes. .

i) Target marketing

The process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more

segments to enter. .

ii) Market positioning

Arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to

competing products in the minds of tar get consumers. .

[Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.185]. [Refer to Appendix-II pp-29]

5.1 Evaluating Market Segments

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In evaluating different market segments, a firm must look at three factors: segment size

and growth, segment structural attractiveness, and company objectives and resources.

Segment Size and Growth the Company must first collect and analyze data on current

segment sales, growth rates, and expected profitability for various segments. It will be

interested in segments that have the right size and growth characteristics. But “right size

and growth” is a relative matter. The largest, fastest-growing segments are not always the

most attractive ones for every company. Smaller companies may tack the skills and

resources needed to serve the larger segments. Or they may find these segments too

competitive. Such company’s may-select segments that are smaller and less attractive, in

an absolute sense, but that are potentially more profitable for them. [Gary Armstrong

Philip Kotler,, 2005- pp.199]

5.2 Segment Structural Attractiveness

The Company also needs to examine major structural factors that affect long-run segment

attractiveness. For example, a segment is less attractive if it already contains many strong

and aggressive competitors. The existence of many actual or potential substitute product

may limit prices and the profits that can be earned in a segment. The relative power of

buyers also affects segment attractiveness. Buyers with strong bargaining power relative

to sellers will try to force prices down, demand more services, and set competitors against

one another—all at the expense of seller profitability. Finally, a segment may be less

attractive if it contains powerful suppliers who can control prices or reduce the quality or

quantity of ordered goods and services. [, Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler, 2005- pp.199]

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Company Objectives and Resources Even if a segment has the right size and growth and

is structurally attractive, the company must consider its own objectives and resources in

relation to that segment. Some attractive segments could be dismissed quickly because

they do not mesh with the company’s long-run objectives. The company must consider

whether it possesses the skills and resources needed to succeed in that segment. If the

company lacks the needed strengths and cannot readily obtain them, it should Rot enter

the segment. Even if the company assesses the required strengths. It needs to employ

skills and resources superior to those of the competition in order to really win in a market

segment. The company should enter only segments in which it can oilier superior value

and gain advantages over competitors.

[Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler,, 2005- pp.199]

5.3 Selecting Target Segments Market

A target market consists of a set of buyers who share common I need or characteristics

that the company decides to serve. A Because buyers have unique needs and wants, a

seller could potentially view each

buyer as a separate target market. Ideally, then a seller might design a separate marketing

program for each buyer. However, although some companies do attempt to serve buyers

individually, most face larger numbers of smaller buyers and do not find individual target

ing worthwhile. Instead, they look for broader segments of buyers. More generally, target

marketing can he carried out at several different levels. Shows that companies can target

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very broadly (undifferentiated marketing), very narrowly (micromarketing), or

somewhere in between (differentiated or concentrated marketing). [, Gary Armstrong,

Philip Kotler, 2005- pp.199]

6 Undifferentiated (mass) marketing

A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences

and go after the whole market with one offer. [Refer to Appendix-I pp-28]

i) Differentiated (segmented) marketing

A market-coverage strategy in which a trim decides to target several market segments

and designs separate offers for each. [Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.200]

[Refer to Appendix-I-pp

ii) Concentrated (niche) marketing

A market-coverage strategy in which a

Firm goes after a large share of one or a

Few segments or niches. [Gary Armstrong, Kotler, Philip 2005- pp.201]

[Refer to Appendix-I-pp-28]

iii) Micromarketing

The practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to the needs and wants of

specific individuals and local customer groups—includes /local marketing and indMduai

marketing. [ Refer to Appendix-I-pp-28]

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iv) Local marketing

Tailoring brands and promotions to the needs and wants ot local customer groups—cities,

neighborhoods, and even specific stores, [ Refer to Appendix-I-pp-28]

v) Individual marketing

Tailoring products and marketing pro grams to the needs and preferences of individual

customers—also labeled ‘markets-ot-one marketing, marketing,” and one-to-one

marketing”[, Gary Armstrong, Kotler, Philip 2005- pp.202] [ Refer to Appendix-I-pp-28]

7 How marketing communication works

Through our communications activities we seek to influence the behavior of our clients,

both current and potential. We seek to retain our current clients and gain new ones. We

shall now explore various ways of achieving this. We shall also consider new techniques

for putting our message across: corporate communicates audit, corporate publications

audit and adversary training, and how they can help to make marketing communication

work more effectively. [,David CorkindalePeter balan Caroline Rowe pp-146]

8 Product Line Decisions

Beyond decisions about individual products and services, product strategy also calls for

building a product line. A product line is a group of products that are closely related

because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are

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marketed through the same types of outlets, or fall within given price ranges. [Philip

kotler print hall pp-232]

9 BIC Strategy

The strategy is focused on sales growth to achieve profitable scale. Their aim to grow

sales 5-7 percentage points faster than the market at constant Currencies. Sales growth

combined with productivity is aimed to drive IFO to a sustainable16 to 17% of Sales

(including the imprinted business).In 2003, IFO as a percent to sales established at

13.9%.Drive Top Line Growth in existing Segments through: Being everywhere High

GDP markets Low GDP Markets Classic Segments Added Value Segments .OTC

Channels Office Channels Strong Display Strong

9.1 Promotion

• Growing the core line

- Consumer News Line Extensions

- Quality Improvement

• Bringing Bull’s eyes new products

- Clear consumer positioning At the Right Margins

- Better than competitor products Capture big opportunities

9.2 Drive Productivity Gains in all areas through:

● Reducing Internal Product Costs

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● Plant Consolidation

● Standardization of Technology

● CAPEX < Depreciation

● Inventory reduction

● Outsourcing

● Purchasing leverage with vendors

● New products pending volume scale

● Securing non-core technologies

● Push the BIC Brand Equity into New Segments:

● Disney Range Expansion

● Launch of Glues (only in Asia and Latin America)

● Industry Leadership in execution know-how:

● Emphasis on R in R&D

● Leveraging of BIC’s industrial strengths

● Increased Consumer marketing insights

● Constant development of Trade Marketing/Sales

● Strategic Key Account Management

9.3 Implementation Markers

BIC’s participation in the Permanent Marker and Board Marker segments is limited to

France. There is a large, profitable market for Permanent Marker in the USA, Dominated

by Sharpie. In 2003, BIC launched a range of n Premium permanent markers with

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Superiority claims over the competition. “Value” and “better” positioned Permanent

markers have also been launched. Europe is also following this product Strategy. Best

Implementation – Markers Highlighters BIC has strong market share in the USA with

Bristlier. BIC’s participation in the market was strengthened with Bristlier Grip in 2002.

The “Free Ink” Techno light launched in 2001 has been supplemented with Z4

Highlighter Implementation – Disney BIC has entered the Coloring Category in a major

way globally with “Disney Magic Artist from BIC” Initial sell-in and consumer off take

has been extremely successful everywhere notably in Australia, the UK and the United

States The expansion allows BIC to capitalize on the Disney brand equity in countries

where BIC is underdeveloped (e.g. Asia).

10 BIC’s Category Segmentation

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10.1 BIC’s Brand Recognition

BIC is the # 1 recognized Writing Instrument Brand

in multiple Key Markets. And the logo of the brand recognition is that

10.2 BIC’s Organization for Consumer Stationery

Category Management Four Geographic Regions

Global Consumer Marketing Regional Trade Marketing

Research & Development Sales & Customer Relations
Manufacturing/Outsourcing Customer Service & Supply
Resource Allocation Local Operations
Developing People/Best Developing People/Best
Practices Practices

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10.3 BIC’s Results in Total Stationery (Consumer)

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11 BIC Marketplace

We compete in a growing market with a value of over € 7 billion.


Competitive strategies in relationship marketing require an understanding of what

customers value, or might value, and at what price. In other words, firms should aim to

position themselves in their market to attract and keep customers, and may reshape the

market in the process. They also position the firm to advantage, relative to be

competitors. [.Martin Christopher Adrin Payne David Ballantne pp-69]

11.2 Customer perceived value

While relationship marketing requires a look sideways to the competition it also means

looking straight ahead to the customer, and systematically building a relationship with

them. [.Martin Christopher Adrin Payne David Ballantne pp-69]

11.3 Sustains its position

Quality is the means by which the firm sustains its position among competing offers over

time. Quality is how the offer gains uniqueness and value in the eyes of the customer.

Quality is both the act of making the offer different and its evaluation by

customers[.Martin Christopher Adrin Payne David Ballantne pp-69]

12 Product of BIC company

 Pens
• Ball Point

• Gel

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• Roller

• Felt tip


• Felt Pen

• Pencils

• Markers

• Wax Crayons

 Markers

• Permanent

• Board

• Highlighters


• Wood case

• Extruded

• Mechanical


• Bottle

• Pens

• Tape

12.1 BIC Marketplace – Value Segmentation for the Worldwide Market

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12.2 Our Marketplace – BIC’s Volume Share of the Worldwide Market

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12.3 Our Marketplace of BIC’s Value Share of the Worldwide Market

12.4 Our Marketplace - Regional Breakdown of the Worldwide Market

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12.5 Our Marketplace – Competitive Profile of the Worldwide Market

13 Our Results

• Innovation: 23% of 2003 sales achieved by new products and line extensions.

• Limited price increases on core products.

• Selling price deflation is an issue in some markets.

• Strong everyday focus on productivity is the key response.

• The Stationery Streamlining plan accelerated our implementation of cost reductions,

allowing increased investment in Brand Support while improving margins.

14 Financial Targets of BIC company

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• Sales Growth: 5-7 points faster than market

• Mid-term IFO margin target: 16-17% of Sales (including the imprinted business).

15 Your Brand’s Competitive Advantage

According to branding expert Kevin Keller, successful brands develop strong, favourable,

unique brand associations in the customer’s mind. These can be encapsulated in a ‘brand

mantra’ – a three-to-five word expression of the most important aspects of your brand

and its core values. Nike’s brand mantra of “authentic athletic performance” guides its

marketing programs, while Disney relies on fun family entertainment”. Opportunities that

are not consistent with the brand mantra no matter how appealing are rejected. Deepak

Chopra hasn’t shared his brand mantra or any other kind of mantra, for that matter with

us. But a plausible guess might be “spiritual holistic healing”. A phrase

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Such as this can act as a guide to which projects are appropriate and which are not.

However, a brand must also have a sustainable advantage over competition. Keller also

distinguishes between “points of parity” and “points of difference”. Points of parity

(POP) show that you can do what others do. In branding terms, these are the things you

must have in place in order to be considered a contender in your category. For health and

beauty aids, POP might be that a deodorant will stood our, or that a shampoo will clean

your hair. For personal brands, POP might be a degree, or a certain skill, or a number of

years’ experience. It is important to establish the POP as the “price of entry” into a

category. Only when customers are convinced that a brand meets the minimum criteria

for entry into a category will they be prepared to consider its points of difference. These

are the things that make a brand unique. For a deodorant or a shampoo, it might be that

they are also gentle and protective. For personal brands, it might be that you have a stellar

reputation as a public speaker, in-depth knowledge of ethical investing, or that you have

led a variety of divisions to profitability.

16 Core Identity

This lesson is even more important for personal brands. As noted earlier, product brands

have more flexibility to change in response to customer needs than do individuals. Let’s

take Deepak Chopra as an example. Chopra is chairman and co-founder of the Chopra

Center for Wellbeing. He has developed a name for himself as a healer who combines

Western medicine (he was formerly chief of staff at New England Memorial Hospital,

and taught at Tufts University and Boston University Schools of Medicine) with the

principles of Eastern medicine. Dr. Chopra’s East Indian nationality helps make his

promise of alternative healing more credible (to Westerners), while his intelligence and

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empathetic demeanor makes him a credible and magnetic physician. So the core of

Dr.Chopra’s personal brand is perhaps his Indian nationality and his manner of dealing

with people. These would be difficult qualities for him to change, even if he wanted to.

Similarly, the first step in developing a personal brand is to honestly appraise who we

are. This is our core identity, the unchanging part of our personal brand. [ Refer to


[Definition of Deepak Chopra]

16.1 Potential Identity

The potential identity of a brand is all about vision: it represents the directions it could

take in the future – what extensions or repositioning scan be envisaged, given its current

identity. It is important to understand the brand’s boundaries. The French brand BIC’s

association with low-cost, practical items allowed it to extend from ballpoint pens in the

1950’s, to disposable cigarette lighters in the 1970’s, to disposable razors in the 1980’s.

But when BIC attempted to enter the perfume marketing 1989, consumers didn’t respond.

‘Low cost’ and ‘practicality’ aren’t desirable qualities for perfume. Deepak Chopra’s

potential identity includes all the ventures he could undertake in the future. It is not

inconceivable, for example, that he could use his name to launch a line of health

supplements. But before making such a move, he would need to have a strong

appreciation of what his brand means to target customers, and in which directions it can

be stretched. In developing a personal brand, it is important to think of all the potential

directions in which it may be expanded, and to choose those that make sense both in

terms of your identity, and what the marketplace might need in the future. [ Refer to

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Appendix-I-pp-28] [Definition of Deepak Chopra]

17 Understanding the Target Audience

According to branding research, people choose brands that are consistent with their

Actual or desired self-concept. In Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers’

Trust from Rap star Ermine has intense appeal for select group, and emerging NBA

stareBron James is relatively unknown, but has already garnered the respect of true

basketball anatics.Since the task of all marketing is to find level of fit between a producer

and its target market, it is essential to consider how the target audience views and

interprets the world. The process can be likened to turning screw: we begin by comparing

potential target audiences based on our intuition and understanding, and go ever deeper

and narrower as we eliminate groups that are of less interest and progressively enrich our

understanding of more appropriate groups through in-depth research. Companies consider

a target audience’s functional and emotional needs when developing and launching a

product. Experience the liberty of retirement at nearly age. Personal brands also need to

appeal to their target market’s hearts and minds. It is important not just to think about the

type of work the target market needs, but also about the kind of people it wants to deal

with. We live-in a chaotic and hostile world and want to build alliances that make us feel

good. When someone feels in sync with a brand, they are more likely to choose it, and

remain loyal to it over time. For individuals as for products, brand loyalty can be an

important asset. While the branding concept has some limitations when applied to people,

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its major advantage is that it focuses your thinking: who you are, what the marketplace

needs, and what our competitive advantage.

Julia Moulden is a communications consultant and President of Bee’s Knees

Communications Inc.

18 Conclusion

After analyzing the dissertation I think that this company continues to be committed to

their stated long-term objective of annual growth in net income per share. I am equally

committed to maintaining our longtime BIC heritage of marketing top-quality products at

consumer-recognized value. The challenge ahead is to translate this brand and values into

the modern global marketplace in order to achieve their financial goals. This can only be

accomplished with dedicated employees, satisfied customers, loyal consumers, and well-

rewarded shareholders. I appreciate the support of all these groups in on-going efforts.

19 List of reference

Kotler, Philip (Northwestern University) Gary Armstrong Carolina 2005 Marketing and
introduction International Edition, Prentice Hall, Personal education LTD. Pp. 221-246

Kotler, Philip (Northwestern University) Gary Armstrong Carolina 2005 Marketing and
introduction International Edition, Prentice Hall, Personal education LTD. Pp. 185

Gary Armstrong and Philip kotler (Principal of marketing 10th edition), 2005 print hall

David corkindalepeter balan, Caroline Rowe (Marketing the future happen) pp-146
first published 1989 the book printer

Martin Christopher, Adrin Payne David Ballantyne (Relationship Marketing)

published in associate with the Chartered Institute of Marketing1991Billing&SonsLtd
Worcester pp-69

Page 28 of 32 ASHIQ, 0005750 (MBA-1-USC /905)

[accessed Wednesday,October27, 2005]

[accessed Tuesday, October 14, 2005, 6:29]

[accessed Friday, October 14, 2005]

[accessed Sunday, October 16 2005, 7:22]

[accessed Sunday, October 18, 2005, 6:29]

20 Appendix I

Target Marketing Strategy

Undifferentiated (mass) marketing Targeting Broadly

Differentiated (segmented) marketing

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Concentrated (niche) marketing

Local marketing
Individual marketing
Targeting Narrowly

[Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.200]

21 Appendix II

Steps in market segmentation Targeting, and Positioning

Target marketing Market positioning

Market segmentation
Develop measure of Develop positioning
Identify bases for
Segment attractiveness For target segments
Segmenting the market
Select target Develop marketing
Develop segment
Segments Mix for each segment

[Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.185]

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Brand Positioning

Beliefs and value
22 Appendix III

Brand Strategy Decision

Brand Name Selection


Brand Sponsorship

Manufacturers Brand

Brand development
Line extension
Brand extension 30
Multi Brand
New Brand
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[Kotler, Philip, Gary Armstrong, 2005- pp.243]

23 Appendix IV

Brand Identity Components

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