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Worldwide Islamic Terrorism Since September 11th

The Bloody Borders Project by Dymphna

March 03, 2006

Back in December, the Baron wrote a post in which he mentioned Samuel Huntington’s
well-known quote about Islam’s “bloody borders”. The imagery was graphic and
startling. In my ignorance, I asked the Baron if he could draw a simple map delineating
these boundaries. I wanted to be able to see these “fault lines”. I wanted to see if a
pictorial representation would help me better to understand the reach and the destruction
of what the Islamofascists have wrought.

The Baron reminded me that no such map could be made. Islamic terrorism takes place
among, between, and inside many countries. The constant, vicious, lethal storm of
Islamist violence stretches from equatorial Africa and the Barbary coast, across the Holy
Land and the Arabian heartland, snaking through the mountains and plains of South Asia,
making its way along the littoral of Indochina and the Indian Ocean, and ending in the
archipelagos of the Pacific Rim.

Remember when we heard about “The New World Order”? Few of us envisioned a world
order straight from the gates of hell. On that beautiful September day in 2001, the sky a
deep cerulean blue, we watched bodies, people, people like you and me, leaping, jumping
arm-in-arm, sailing through space. We never saw them land.

Everyone has his own interior landscape of that September day. For many of us,
September 12th was indeed the commencement of a New World Order. It was not an
order founded on innocence or optimism or platitudes. It had become a world of resolve
in the face of uncertainty. Whatever happened, we would not go quietly again.

We are well past the hopes and fears of the 20th century. The atomic Armageddon so
endlessly prophesied died in silence. The old ideologies belong to the ages. We have
come to some new, yet equally terrible, darkling plain.

Where there were previously two superpowers and three “worlds”, we have now, instead,
a roiling, ever-changing political and religious battle. Who could have predicted, when
Francis Fukuyama so dismissively consigned history to its own dustbin, that only a few
years later new historical battle lines would be drawn? Who, reading the End of History,
could have foreseen the Bush Doctrine?

Samuel Huntington proposes that, in the coming war between cultures, we will be
confronted with “the West against the rest.” Leaving aside the inherent simplistic
reduction here, he does have a point. If, by “the rest”, he means those who have no shared
history with the West — that is, who do not spring from its essentially Judaeo-Christian
foundations, nor partake of its Greco-Roman understanding of the law — he does have a

However, many of the previously colonized cultures have adopted and adapted this
essentially Western Weltanschauung. One could include, for example, Japan, or India.

Differences among cultures are not inherently conflictual. The growing alliance between
Japan and the West is born of Japan’s fear of China, and the West’s need for an ally in
that part of the world. A developed, Westernized, and cohesive ally.

Of particular interest to Gates of Vienna are the cultural clashes which Islam has created
as it comes up against whatever it considers “foreign”. Think of it as a kind of cultural
spontaneous combustion. This has been a perennial problem for Islam, one which was
resolved in its favor several times through brute force, before the gradual decline of the
Muslim world. Were it not for petroleum, Islam might have vanished. Now, however, its
more powerful tribes float on a sea of luxury while the “Arab street” wallows in its own
uncollected garbage.

At the moment, in early 2006, Islam’s infiltration of other cultures, its demand for the
dhimmification of others, and its absolutist and utopian visions, have created a long fault
line of chronic bloody terrorism.

The Baron explained the difficulties inherent in making any map encompassing what I
wanted to see. To be accurate, his cartography would have to include the ongoing
quotidian massacres that have occurred and continue behind the screen erected by the
legacy media, the screen on which they display the bread and circuses meant to trivialize
and distract. What does it matter that thirty Hindus died in Kashmir today, or that 350
women were raped in Darfur, when there is the serious matter of Paris Hilton videos to be

As Providence would have it, late in December the Baron discovered a series of tables at
The Religion of Peace (TROP) showing the location and casualties for every Islamic
terrorist attack since September 11th. “All you have to do,” I told the Baron, “is put those
little numbers on a map.” He didn’t say anything for a long time. Now I understand his
silence; in fact, I find it rather admirable. As it turned out, what I wanted took him well
over a hundred hours of his spare time to complete… The things we do for love…
All Islamic terror attacks since September 11, 2001

Here’s how he did it: he used the more than 1,300 place names from TROP and matched
them to various online maps and gazetteers, particularly Falling Rain. The locations in
Iraq, Pakistan, and India were particularly difficult to match, due to wildly varying
spellings. The results were collected in a database, and then he wrote hundreds of lines of
program code to create the images, learning the rudiments of Macromedia Flash MX to
build the animation. Meanwhile, having had the time to repent in leisure, I learned the
hard wisdom of being careful about what you ask for.

Those endless hours hunched over the keyboard staring at the names of villages in Hindi
and Urdu and Arabic and Tagalog has left the Baron’s eyesight a little worse for the wear.
Never mind; his labors produced a wonder. You cannot watch the display representing the
ongoing murderous intent of so many groups, all of them under the umbrella of a brutally
insane worldview, without realizing with a sinking heart what we are up against. Every
time a little flash goes off, lives wink out.

And so we come now to what I call The Bloody Borders Project. Or, on my bad days,
“that bloody Bloody Borders Project.” Perhaps, as you view it, you too will be changed
by what you see. You are seeing it because of all those falling bodies in New York City
on that September day in 2001. How ignorant we were not to know that bodies had been
falling, falling for years, all along those bloody borders.

Note: the Baron intends to update the Project every month, as time permits, with new
data provided by TROP. The maps shown here and at The Bloody Borders Project cover
incident data through February 22, 2006.

Warning: The animation file is over 8MB in size. It is difficult, if not impossible, to load
and view with a slow dialup, such as ours.

Update (3/4/2006 1:00 pm): Welcome to readers from Peaktalk, Instapundit, Little Green
Footballs, and Pajamas Media!
Everyone should note that we are aware of a problem with the Flash animation involving
the Mac. We will work to resolve it.

Also, Minh-Duc points out that the origin of the phrase “bloody borders” lies with V.S.
Naipaul, from his book Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted
Peoples, and not Samuel Huntington. We always suspected that there was a prior author
for the quote; it’s good to know who it was. Thank you, Minh-Duc.
Dymphna | 3/03/2006 08:28:00 AM
Links to this post:
See links to this post
SVEGLIARsi L'EUROPA! Iran Avvia a Manovella Su l'Attività di Arma ...
la pensée absurde - Dieu de l'Univers dit a laissé NOUVEAU Hitler a des armes
nucléaires ne pas craindre sa religion il aime vraiment Israël absurder Gedanke - Gott
vom Universum kennt Iran nie atomares Europa Wenn sie zu Allah schwören ...
posted by USpace @ 1/25/2007 10:22 PM
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What the recent military action in the Horn of Africa illustrates is that we need an
updated version of the Truman Doctrine of Containment to prevent the spread of Islam on
the African continent, as well as globally and to guide our ...
posted by Aeneas @ 12/30/2006 6:45 AM
The name of this project was inspired by The Clash of ...
The name of this project was inspired by The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of
World Order by Samuel P. Huntington (available at Amazon). The following quote is
from an earlier article, “The Clash of Civilizations? ...
posted by jan @ 12/12/2006 11:17 AM
Critical Mass
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self-sustaining. Similarly, it appears that non-Muslim societies with growing Muslim
populations reach a "critical mass" at which the slide into ...
posted by st @ 7/14/2006 6:49 AM
Rounding Up the Watcher’s Council
Again, I’ve been horribly deficient in getting the Watcher’s Coucil results to you guys, so
let me start to make up for it by giving you the full results of the March 10th post. I
missed this post in my last roundup, which was my own ...
posted by Jimmie @ 4/13/2006 10:36 PM
Council Winners
Late, as usual for me, but the Watcher's Council winners for the week are up. Winner
among council members was The Bloody Borders Project at Gates of Vienna, which,
through painstaking work, actually manages to map (and graph) the ...
posted by Callimachus @ 3/19/2006 12:10 PM
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It subsequently finished first among non-council posts in the ...
posted by @ 3/13/2006 6:42 PM
Presentation of this blog
I begin this blog with several objectives, being the main one to have a site where I can
point out my personal views about the Jihad. As the title suggests, I am not in favour of
an institution by which all Muslims are told to fight not ...
posted by actuajihad @ 3/13/2006 8:11 AM
The Bloody Borders Project
Baron Bodissey and Dymphna of the Gates of Vienna have created a new blog. Called
'The Bloody Borders Project', it tracks Islamist violence across the world, and presents it
on an interactive map. It is already up and running with blood ...
posted by NoolaBeulah @ 3/12/2006 6:44 PM
Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the
completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as
always!). So, if you want to remain sane, ...
posted by Dr. Sanity @ 3/18/2006 2:40 PM
The Council Has Spoken!
The Watcher's Council has found some wonderful posts for your reading pleasure and
edification. Among the Watcher's posts, The Bloody Borders Project at Gates of Vienna,
was the overwhelming winner. If you have not yet read and ...
posted by ShrinkWrapped @ 3/11/2006 11:12 AM
This week's winners in the Watcher's Council are now posted at the Watcher of Weasels .
Every week the Council nominates posts from the blogs of the Council members, and
posts from around the blogsphere. The Council then votes to select ...
posted by Dr. Sanity @ 3/11/2006 11:14 AM
This Week's Watcher's Council Winners
It's Friday, which means the Council has voted on its favorites from this past week.
Coming in tops from the Council's own postings is The Bloody Borders Project, by the
Gates of Vienna. In this post, the good folks at GofV announce ...
posted by NewSisyphus @ 3/10/2006 7:34 PM
The Council Has Spoken!
The Watcher’s Council selection of the best posts for the week are out and here are the
results. In the council catefory first place easily went to The Bloody Borders Project by
Gates of Vienna, with second place going to From Way Up ...
posted by AJStrata @ 3/10/2006 12:35 PM
The Council has spoken!
The Watcher’s Council has announced its picks for the most outstanding posts of the
preceding week. This week the selection for the winning Council post was Gates of
Vienna’s post, “The Bloody Borders Project”. ...
posted by Dave Schuler @ 3/09/2006 8:37 PM
Eye on the Watcher’s Council
As you may know the members of the Watcher’s Council each nominate one of his or her
own posts and one non-Council post for consideration by the whole Council. The
complete list of this week’s Council nominations is here. ...
posted by Dave Schuler @ 3/07/2006 10:24 PM
Bloody Borders in India
As mentioned in the Bloody Borders Project, and further discussed in the comments of a
subsequent post, India has been one of the primary and ongoing battlefronts in the Great
Jihad since the beginning of Islam. ...
posted by Baron Bodissey @ 3/07/2006 3:23 PM
Terrorism: The Danger within Other Dangers: Overview
Second post in the 10 Greatest Dangers to the Western World series Part 1 Welcome to
the second post in the 10 Greatest Dangers series, this post focusing on terrorism and its
recent role in world events. I decided to use the poll to ...
posted by Scottage @ 3/06/2006 1:35 PM
Final Solution to American Reliance on Foreign Oil and The Muslim ...
Dear Friends,. I have been giving the matter of our dependence on foreign oil a great deal
of thought. Certainly our reliance on the believer’s pools of oil has weakened our national
security. There is no greater threat to our existence ...
posted by eteraz @ 3/05/2006 9:15 PM
Mapping evil
The Bloody Borders Project. The Gates of Vienna bloggers have just completed a major
undertaking called “The Bloody Borders Project”, which draws together data from and makes maps of all the Islamic terror ...
posted by Joe N. @ 3/05/2006 9:04 PM
The Gates of Vienna weblog's "Bloody Borders Project"
An interesting project by the Gates of Vienna weblog:. Back in December, the Baron
wrote a post in which he mentioned Samuel Huntington's well-known quote about Islam's
"bloody borders". The imagery was graphic and startling. ...
posted by Krishna109 @ 3/05/2006 8:58 PM
The Bloody Borders Project
Over at the most excellent blog Gates of Vienna a new kind of project has been created:
The Bloody Borders Project. It is well worth a visit! Excerpts from the background of the
project. Back in December, the Baron wrote a post in which ...
posted by von Schlichtningen @ 3/05/2006 7:58 PM
¡ALELUYA! Finalmente hoy, domingo, se me han soluc...
¡ALELUYA! Finalmente hoy, domingo, se me han solucionado los problemas de
conectividad, así que vuelvo a la carga. Como aperitivo, Gates of Vienna ha elaborado un
estupendo post, con un mapa interactivo, sobre las fronteras sangrientas ...
posted by FrancoAlemán @ 3/05/2006 9:35 AM
Sunday morning blogjam!
I hope this will be the lamest post of the yet young week. Yes, I am merely going to link
to the most interesting items I've seen this morning. Megan McArdle excerpts an article
from the New York Times Magazine that examines the ...
posted by TigerHawk @ 3/05/2006 8:58 AM
Cartography of Continuing Carnage
Dymphna writes:. Of particular interest to Gates of Vienna are the cultural clashes which
Islam has created as it comes up against whatever it considers "foreign". Think of it as a
kind of cultural spontaneous combustion. ...
posted by Ralph @ 3/04/2006 10:18 PM
The Bloody Borders Project
The tag-line of the Gates of Vienna puts it all into perspective: At the siege of Vienna in
1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. We are in a new phase of a very
old war. The latest phase is set forth in full color in ...
posted by GrenfellHunt @ 3/04/2006 3:34 PM
Remember all that talk 4 1/2 years ago about "bl...
Remember all that talk 4 1/2 years ago about "bloody borders"?.... Believe it. The visual
posted by Ron @ 3/04/2006 10:25 AM
First, the explanation at the Gates of Vienna . Then go to The Bloody Borders Project to
see the animation. (Only click the Animation link if you have a high speed connection...)
posted by The Viewfinder @ 3/04/2006 10:13 AM
David Warren, writing for RealClearPolitics, has done us the service of bringing us the
courageous words of Muslims who dare to call the Islamists out. Sometimes I am brought
up short by the clarity and courage with which someone else ...
posted by Dan Pierce @ 3/04/2006 9:36 AM
The Bloody Borders Project
Check out Gates of Vienna and its Bloody Borders Project , concerned with mapping
worldwide Islamic terrorism since September 11th , a great testimony to the (ah!)
peacefulness (&%$£!) of this religion (read "evil cult of hate and ...
posted by freedom @ 3/19/2006 2:23 AM
Baron Bodissey and Dymphna at Gates of Vienna have put together an incredible map of
all terrorist attacks in the world since 9/11. This herculean effort maps out the bloody
borders of Islamic terror, and is rightly named the Bloody ...
posted by Dr. Sanity @ 3/03/2006 1:10 PM
US - Left hastening the clash of civilizations?
The Belmont Club has an interesting take. If the Left had not been so relentlessly
politically correct it might have been able to shape the debate according to its avowed (or
should I say "so-called") principles. ...
posted by Marc @ 3/03/2006 3:49 AM

Worldwide Islamic Terrorism Since September 11th
By Baron Bodissey
A Gates of Vienna production

Incident data through February 22, 2006

Pages republished March 16, 2006

Notes to readers not arriving here via our blog: In response to reader requests, the Project
has expanded to include the new maps using Muslim population statistics. The results can
be found at Umma Maps and Umma Animation.
Also, Dymphna’s original essay on the meaning of these maps is here.
— Baron Bodissey

September 11th captured our attention. Prior to that, few in the West had taken serious
notice of the extent and virulence of Islamic terrorism. It is both brutal and enduring.
The name of this project was inspired by The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of
World Order by Samuel P. Huntington (available at Amazon). The following quote is
from an earlier article, “The Clash of Civilizations?” in Foreigns Affairs from the summer
issue of 1993:
“The interactions between civilizations vary greatly in the extent to which they are likely
to be characterized by violence. Economic competition clearly predominates between the
American and European subcivilizations of the West and between both of them and
Japan. On the Eurasian continent, however, the proliferation of ethnic conflict,
epitomized at the extreme in ‘ethnic cleansing,’ has not been totally random. It has been
most frequent and most violent between groups belonging to different civilizations. In
Eurasia the great historic fault lines between civilizations are once more aflame. This is
particularly true along the boundaries of the crescent-shaped Islamic bloc of nations from
the bulge of Africa to central Asia. Violence also occurs between Muslims, on the one
hand, and Orthodox Serbs in the Balkans, Jews in Israel, Hindus in India, Buddhists in
Burma and Catholics in the Philippines. Islam has bloody borders.”
The goal here is to represent graphically the geography and the intensity of the violence
on these “bloody borders.”
For decades before the Fall of 2001 Islamists terrorized their neighbors. However, the
Bloody Borders Project is concerned solely with the violence since 9-11.

Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9-11

Click on any affected area for more information.

Seeing the worldwide sweep of the Islamist enterprise makes it evident that the attacks on
the United States, despite their unprecedented horror, were but a minuscule piece of the
enormous mosaic of Salafist terror. The terror masters have established their first
beachheads in the West — more so in Western Europe than the United States — but their
murderous ideology had long since become a way of life in many other parts of the
Looking at the these maps helps to broaden the view of anyone accustomed only to
mainstream media reports of terror attacks. The violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel
is very clear — Iraq has the highest concentration of terror since late 2003 — but much
of the rest of the world endures a quotidian brutality that is scarcely mentioned in the
Western press.
Particularly notable are Algeria — in which the violence is Muslim-on-Muslim — the
Caucasus, southern Thailand, the Philippines, and India, particularly the state of Jammu
and Kashmir. Islamists were terrorizing these places before September 11th, and their
killing of apostates and infidels will continue. Even if the Coalition withdraws
completely from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Jews are driven into the sea, the slaughter
will not cease.
The goal of the Salafists — those who espouse the extreme fundamentalist form of Islam
— is nothing less than the ascendance of Islam worldwide, and the re-establishment of
the Caliphate to rule over the Umma, which is the collective body of the faithful along
with their slaves and vassals.
The Bloody Borders Project charts the ongoing progress of their efforts.
Affected Country: India

Country City/Location Incidents Killed Injured
India Achar 1 4 0
India Ahmadabad 2 34 86
India Alal 1 2 0
India Amirabad Tral 1 1 0
India Anone Chaba 1 2 2
India Athwatoo 1 2 0
India Bareri 1 3 0
India Barhi Draman 1 2 4
India Behibagh 1 2 0
India Bhagwa 1 2 4
India Bhillwar 1 5 0
India Bigambri 1 2 0
India Bilalabad Mohalla 1 4 4
India Billawar 1 3 0
India Bindra 1 4 2
India Bomthan 1 5 0
India Bonakote 4 12 12
India Budgam 9 33 36
India Chadoura 1 4 23
India Chandilora 1 2 0
India Chanser 1 3 0
India Chewdara 1 4 0
India Chillar 1 2 0
India Chitabas 1 7 0
India Chowkian 1 3 2
India Dadsar 2 4 5
India Dharmari 1 7 9
India Dodi & Samot 1 3 0
India Donipora-Kantpora 1 3 0
India Gadyari 1 2 0
India Gadyog 1 3 0
India Gagarsula 2 5 9
India Galyot 1 8 0
India Ganeshphora 1 4 3
India Ghat Palhalan 1 3 2
India Ghatkopar 1 3 35
India Gogaldara 1 2 0
India Gokahama 1 3 0
India Gondoh 1 3 0
India Gopalpora 1 4 0
India Gujarat 1 60 39
India Halla 2 7 0
India Hangal 1 2 0
India Hari Mohalla 1 2 0
India Harong 1 4 0
India Hasote 1 2 3
India Hogam 1 3 3
India Hyderabad 1 2 2
India Ichhgooza 1 2 0
India Jamia Mohalla 1 2 2
India Joura 1 2 0
India Kalaali 1 12 0
India Kalmund-Bachana 1 4 0
India Kalotra 1 2 0
India Kantha 1 5 2
India Kapran 2 9 51
India Kara 1 3 0
India Katarmal 1 11 0
India Kathua 1 3 7
India Koteranka 1 6 0
India Kukurgaon 1 3 4
India Larkuti 1 3 0
India Lassipora 1 4 2
India Lohardaga 1 5 4
India Lopra 1 2 0
India Madaana 1 5 2
India Malad 1 3 2
India Manasbal 1 3 41
India Manwa-Dangal 1 2 0
India Maroti 1 2 3
India Mohalla Jamia 1 3 0
India Mumbai 4 68 288
India Mundana 1 3 0
India Nandyali 1 2 0
India Nar 1 3 0
India New Delhi 2 70 186
India Nowpora Jageer 1 2 0
India Omarabad 1 0 31
India Pakherpora 1 3 29
India Panar 1 3 0
India Pasri Adda 1 2 0
India Pathan Mohalla 1 2 2
India Rai Sehot 1 5 4
India Ratnipora 1 2 0
India Salar 1 5 8
India Sangam 2 5 15
India Shingru 1 3 0
India Sonabrari 1 4 0
India Tiali Kathamara 1 13 13
India Varmul 2 5 0
India Wadna 1 2 5
India Wagora 1 3 2

Worldwide Islamic Terrorism Since September 11th

Incident Maps
Below are maps showing different views of data on Islamic terrorist attacks since 9-11.
When a map shows incident severity, it is aggregated at each location within the full time
period. This is why Baghdad and Kashmir have the highest severity rating, even though
individual incidents in those places are are less severe than the attack in Manhattan on
September 11th, 2001.
All Islamic terror attacks since September 11, 2001

Click on any affected area for more information.

Timeline of all Islamic terror attacks since 9-11

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2001

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2002

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2003

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2004

Click on any affected area for more information.
Islamic terror attacks in 2005

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks through February 22, 2006

Click on any affected area for more information.

Note: Maps do not use any incident data after February 22, 2006.

Worldwide Islamic Terrorism Since September 11th
By Baron Bodissey
A Gates of Vienna production
Incident data through February 22, 2006
Pages republished March 16, 2006

Umma Maps
These maps combine Muslim population statistics with data on Islamic terrorist attacks
since 9-11. The intensity of green shading in a country represents the level of Muslim
population (population statistics drawn from
In the heart of the Umma, where the population is nearly 100% Muslim, the terrorist
attacks are relatively few in number. This may be due to the brutal dictatorships that most
Muslims live under, which would explain why Afghanistan and Iraq are now exeptions to
the rule. It would also explain why the "stans", the former Soviet republics of Central
Asia, are relatively free of Islamic terror attacks, since the people there live mostly under
corrupt authoritarian regimes.
Note: When a map shows incident severity, it is aggregated at each location within the
full time period. This is why Baghdad and Kashmir have the highest severity rating, even
though individual incidents in those places are are less severe than the attack in
Manhattan on September 11th, 2001.

All Islamic terror attacks since September 11, 2001

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2001

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2002

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2003

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2004

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks in 2005

Click on any affected area for more information.

Islamic terror attacks through February 22, 2006

Click on any affected area for more information.

Data Source for Muslim Population Statistics

% Muslim
Country Population Mus. Population
Afghanistan 29,928,987 99.0 29,629,697
Albania 3,563,112 70.0 2,494,178
Algeria 32,531,853 99.0 32,206,534
Angola 11,190,786 1.0 111,907
Argentina 39,537,943 1.5 593,069
Armenia 2,982,904 2.0 59,658
Australia 20,090,437 1.5 301,356
Austria 8,184,691 4.7 384,680
Azerbaijan 7,911,974 93.4 7,389,783
Bahrain 688,345 85.0 585,093
Bangladesh 144,319,628 88.0 127,001,272
Belarus 10,300,483 0.5 51,502
Belgium 10,364,388 3.5 362,753
Belize 279,457 1.0 2,794
Benin 7,460,025 20.0 1,492,005
Bhutan 2,232,291 1.0 22,322
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,025,476 40.0 1,610,190
Botswana 1,640,115 1.0 16,401
Brunei 372,361 67.0 249,481
Bulgaria 7,450,349 12.2 908,942
Burkina Faso 13,925,313 55.0 7,658,922
Burundi 6,370,609 10.0 637,060
Cambodia 13,607,069 3.5 476,247
Cameroon 16,380,005 20.0 3,276,001
Canada 32,805,041 2.0 656,100
Central African Republic 3,799,897 15.0 569,984
Chad 9,826,419 54.0 5,306,266
China 1,306,313,812 3.0 39,189,414
Comoros 671,247 99.0 664,534
Congo (Brazzaville) 3,039,126 2.0 60,782
Congo (Kinshasa) 60,085,004 10.0 6,008,500
Côte d'Ivoire 17,298,040 38.6 6,677,043
Croatia 4,495,904 1.3 58,446
Cyprus 780,133 18.0 140,423
Denmark 5,432,335 3.0 162,970
Djibouti 476,703 99.0 471,935
East Timor 1,040,880 4.0 41,635
Egypt 77,505,756 91.0 70,530,237
Eritrea 4,561,599 50.0 2,280,799
Estonia 1,332,893 0.8 10,000
Ethiopia 73,053,286 47.5 34,700,310
Fiji 893,354 7.0 62,534
France 60,656,178 7.5 4,549,213
Gabon 1,389,201 1.0 13,892
Gambia 1,593,256 90.0 1,433,930
Georgia 4,677,401 9.9 463,062
Germany 82,431,390 3.7 3,049,961
Ghana 21,029,853 16.0 3,364,776
Greece 10,668,354 2.8 300,000
Guinea 9,467,866 85.0 8,047,686
Guinea-Bissau 1,416,027 38.0 538,090
Guyana 765,283 10.0 76,528
Hungary 10,006,835 0.6 60,041
India 1,028,610,388 13.4 138,188,726
Indonesia 241,973,879 88.2 213,469,356
Iran 68,017,860 99.0 67,337,681
Iraq 26,074,906 97.0 25,292,658
Ireland 4,015,676 0.5 19,676
Israel 6,276,883 14.6 916,424
Italy 58,103,033 1.7 987,751
Jordan 5,759,732 95.0 5,471,745
Kazakhstan 15,185,844 47.0 7,137,346
Kenya 33,829,590 7.0 2,368,071
Kuwait 2,335,648 85.0 1,985,300
Kyrgyzstan 5,146,281 80.0 4,117,024
Laos 6,217,141 1.0 62,171
Lebanon 3,826,018 70.0 2,678,212
Lesotho 1,867,035 2.0 37,340
Liberia 3,482,211 20.0 696,442
Libya 5,765,563 97.0 5,592,596
Lithuania 3,596,617 0.6 21,579
Luxembourg 468,571 2.0 9,371
Macedonia 2,045,262 30.0 613,578
Madagascar 18,040,341 7.0 1,262,823
Malawi 12,158,924 20.0 2,431,784
Malaysia 23,953,136 60.4 14,467,694
Maldives 349,106 99.9 348,756
Mali 12,291,529 90.0 11,062,376
Mauritania 3,086,859 99.9 3,083,772
Mauritius 1,230,602 16.6 204,279
Mongolia 2,791,272 4.0 111,650
Morocco 32,725,847 98.7 32,300,410
Mozambique 19,406,703 20.0 3,881,340
Myanmar 42,909,464 4.0 1,716,378
Namibia 2,030,692 3.0 60,920
Nepal 27,676,547 4.2 1,162,414
Netherlands 16,407,491 6.0 984,449
Niger 11,665,937 90.0 10,499,343
Nigeria 128,771,988 50.0 64,385,994
Norway 4,593,041 1.6 73,488
Oman 3,001,583 99.0 2,971,567
Pakistan 162,419,946 96.3 156,491,617
Palestinian Territories 3,761,904 84.0 3,159,999
Philippines 87,857,473 5.0 4,392,873
Portugal 10,566,212 0.3 36,981
Qatar 863,051 95.0 819,898
Russia 143,420,309 15.0 21,513,046
Rwanda 8,440,820 4.6 388,277
Saudi Arabia 26,417,599 100.0 26,417,599
Senegal 11,126,832 94.0 10,459,222
Serbia and Montenegro 10,829,175 21.0 2,274,126
Seychelles 81,188 1.1 894
Sierra Leone 6,017,643 60.0 3,610,585
Singapore 4,425,720 16.0 708,115
Slovenia 2,011,070 2.5 50,276
Somalia 8,591,629 100.0 8,591,629
Somaliland 7,591,629 100.0 7,591,629
South Africa 44,344,136 1.5 665,162
Spain 40,341,462 2.5 1,008,536
Sri Lanka 20,064,776 7.0 1,404,534
Sudan 40,187,486 65.0 26,121,865
Suriname 438,144 22.0 96,391
Swaziland 1,173,900 1.0 11,739
Sweden 9,001,774 4.0 360,070
Switzerland 7,489,370 4.4 329,532
Syria 18,448,752 88.0 16,234,901
Taiwan 22,894,384 0.7 160,260
Tajikistan 7,163,506 95.0 6,805,330
Tanzania 36,766,356 35.0 12,868,224
Thailand 65,444,371 5.0 3,272,218
Togo 5,681,519 13.7 778,368
Trinidad and Tobago 1,088,644 6.0 65,318
Tunisia 10,074,951 99.0 9,974,201
Turkey 69,660,559 99.0 68,963,953
Turkmenistan 4,952,081 89.0 4,407,352
Uganda 27,269,482 15.0 4,090,422
Ukraine 47,425,336 0.5 237,126
United Arab Emirates 2,563,212 76.0 1,948,041
United Kingdom 60,441,457 2.7 1,631,919
United States 295,734,134 1.4 4,140,277
Uzbekistan 26,851,195 89.0 23,897,563
Venezuela 25,375,281 0.5 126,876
Vietnam 83,535,576 0.8 710,052
Western Sahara 273,008 99.8 272,461
Yemen 20,727,063 99.0 20,519,792
Zambia 11,261,795 1.1 123,879
Zimbabwe 12,746,990 1.0 127,469
Other 784,410,076 0.1 892,881

All Countries 1,493,776,900 23.4 6,386,793,850

Note: Some figures are estimates, and

Muslim population figures are unavailable
for some countries.


Note: Maps do not use any incident data after February 22, 2006.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bloody Borders in India
As mentioned in the Bloody Borders Project, and further discussed in the
comments of a subsequent post, India has been one of the primary and
ongoing battlefronts in the Great Jihad since the beginning of Islam.

As Alain Danielou wrote in his book Histoire de l’Inde (thanks to Atanu

Dey for the quote):

“From the time Muslims started arriving, around 632 AD, the history of
India becomes a long, monotonous series of murders, massacres, spoliations,
and destructions. It is, as usual, in the name of ‘a holy war’ of their faith, of
their sole God, that the barbarians have destroyed civilizations, wiped out
entire races.” Mahmoud Ghazni, continues Danielou, “was an early example
of Muslim ruthlessness, burning in 1018 of the temples of Mathura, razing
Kanauj to the ground and destroying the famous temple of Somnath, sacred
to all Hindus. His successors were as ruthless as Ghazni: 103 temples in the
holy city of Benaras were razed to the ground, its marvelous temples
destroyed, its magnificent palaces wrecked.” Indeed, the Muslim policy vis a
vis India, concludes Danielou, seems to have been a conscious systematic
destruction of everything that was beautiful, holy, refined.

In recent years Pakistan, either directly or through its terrorist surrogates, has
fomented Islamist violence in the neighboring Indian state of Jammu and
Kashmir. The Bloody Borders maps show that the vast bulk of Islamic
terrorism in India occurs in Kashmir. There has been a de facto ethnic
cleansing of Hindus in whole districts of the state.

But no part of India is immune to Islamofascist violence. Today we have a

report from the New Kerala:
At least 12 people are feared to have died and about 25 injured when a series
of powerful bomb explosions rocked Varanasi on Tuesday evening.

According to informed sources, the bomb blasts occurred between 5.30 and
6.30 p.m. (IST) in the famous Sankat Mochan Temple complex, near the
Benaras Hindu University and Varanasi cantonment railway station here,
killing at least seven on the spot and injuring several other devotees.

At the time of explosion, the Shivganga Express was on the platform to

leave for Delhi.

The injured have been admitted to the SS Hospital in the Benaras Hindu
University campus.

Soon after the blast, panic gripped the city as people here were seen talking
on phones to know about their relatives and friends.

The reports in the Western press have refrained so far from using the
dreaded I-word when describing the attack, but the New Kerala is not so

Giving a political colour to the incident, former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister
and senior BJP leader Kalyan Singh demanded the dismissal of the Mulayam
Singh-led government.

He further went on to say that Islamist fundamentalist were responsible for

the blasts and appealed the people to come forward to help the victims.

Varanasi is in Uttar Pradesh, in northeast India, halfway across the country

from Kashmir. It is also separated from Muslim Bangladesh by the state of
Bihar, yet Islamic violence managed to find its way to the city.

And note the modern instance of the time-honored Muslim practice: the
target was a Hindu temple.

Back in the 14th century, the Mongol conqueror Tamerlane said:

My principal object in coming to Hindustan… has been to accomplish two

things. The first was to war with the infidels, the enemies of the
Mohammadan religion; and by this religious warfare to acquire some claim
to reward in the life to come. The other was… that the army of Islam might
gain something by plundering the wealth and valuables of the infidels:
plunder in war is as lawful as their mothers’ milk to Musalmans who war for
their faith.

Since its inception Islam has enriched its adherents by plundering the infidel.
The relative wealth enjoyed by some Islamic countries today comes from
petroleum, and is not dependent on any inherent industry or productivity
among the faithful.

When the last stronghold of the infidels has been overrun, and the dream of
the worldwide Caliphate has been realized, from whom will Islam gain its
wealth? Sitting in the ruins of the civilized world, living their Utopian dream
under the Shari’ah, what can be plundered to keep the emirs in the style to
which they have become accustomed? Whose fat will they batten on then?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Cross-posted at Gates of Vienna.

posted by Baron Bodissey at 8:23:00 PM


Pastorius said...

I've often pondered this question. What do they think they would do, when they
are in complete control? They produce almost nothing. The UN study of the Arab
world a couple years back noted that the entire Arab world has only gotten a
couple hundred patents during the decade of the 1990's, while the tiny country of
South Korea has gotten over 16,000 patents in the year 1999 alone.

Islam destroys the intellectual ability of cultures, leaving them virtually impotent.

If they got their wish and ransacked the entire world, their oil would no longer
mean a thing, because nothing would function.

The Taliban in Afghanistan is the model Islamic nation. That's what the whole
world would look like.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:43:00 PM

Baron Bodissey said...
Pastorius, I don't think they think about it. It would be Paradise on Earth, and
Allah would provide everything they require. It would be like the Rapture, only
the saved get to stay here.

It's the largest collective lunacy the world has ever known.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 9:59:00 PM

Mustafa Kamel said...

Even the most peaceful tree-hugging bunny-cuddling Buddhists seem to

acknowledge that the eventual solution may have to be a military one, see:

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:07:00 PM

John Sobieski said...

My knowledge of India's suffering from Islam was near zero prior to 9/11. I knew
it had all this turmoil but did not really know the adversaries except in the most
vague terms. I've learned a lot. Sometimes I think how much richer the world
would be if Islam had not destroyed so much. The destruction of the world wars
were horrible, but Islam really destroyed everything within its reach.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:27:00 PM

Pim's Ghost said...

I cannot express enough gratitude regarding this post and the campaign to keep
educating the world on forgotten (in the West) bits of history. Like the history of
Asia Minor and the demise of Byzantium, the history of the slaughters in India
and the Mughal Empires are little known to Westerners. We must continue to
educate others on the history of Islamic conquest before that history repeats itself.
The "Hindu Kush" is not called by that name for no reason, after all.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:28:00 AM

The Parallel Government Of The Entire World

All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the
same inalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the
governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change
will be necessary.

IBA Quote of the Day.

Once you declare one group off-limits for critical examination or declare that these
people must at all costs not be offended, or that if they are they’re perfectly within
their rights to stone, or lash, or imprison, or kill the offender, then you have
destroyed free speech. In a free society, people with differing opinions live together
in harmony, agreeing not to kill one another if their neighbor’s opinions offend
them. If offensive speech had been prohibited in the 1770s, there would be no United
States of America, and that is one of the reasons for the First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. Whenever offensive speech is prohibited, the tyrant’s power is
solidified. --- Robert Spencer

"An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," explained Ayatollah

Khomeini. "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There
is no fun in Islam."

Mohammed Cartoons

The original [and best] Mohammed cartoons. Educational too :) (click the picture to open
then use the page numbers in the sidebar)
Mohammed, The Pervert Prophet. Bear In Mind That This Vid Was Originally Posted On
Youtube, But The Cowards Repeatedly Took It Down. IFilm Are The Only Ones Out
There With The Balls To Keep It On

Zombie Time Mohammed Image Archive. (Endless pics of mo)


A picture sent in by an anonymous infidel. I wonder if this version will win

any awards?

Mohammed, Pig or Dog?

You Decide
The Islamo-Fashion Show

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