Paper 4

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Social Science (Std. X)

Name : _______________________________________
Roll No. : _________ Batch : ____________

❐ Choose the correct option from those given below and write the correct
answer. 15
1. The main aim of Indian culture is ________ .
(a) Only to exhibit materialism (b) Only idealistic
(c) To attain the highest position in art (d) Dharma, Artha, Kam, Moksha
2. Which of the cities given below is famous for patolas ?
(a) Patan (b) Ahmedabad (c) Jamnagar (d) Vadodara
3. Which is the biggest temple of ancient India ?
(a) Brihadeshwar (b) Kailashnath (c) Mahabalipuram (d) Konark
4. The first historic book of ancient India is ________ .
(a) Rajtarangini (b) Prithviraj Raso (c) Vikramdev Charit (d) Harsh Charit
5. Who is known as father of Mathematics ?
(a) Brahmagupta (b) Charak (c) Bhaskaracharya (d) Aryabhatt
6. Which state is famous for Tarnatar Fair ?
(a) Gujarat (b) Kerala (c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan
7. Regur Soil means ______ .
(a) Alluvial Soil (b) Red Soil (c) Black Soil (d) Mountain Soil
8. Which day is celebrated as world Forestry day ?
(a) 21st March (b) 5th June (c) 4th October (d) 29th December
9. Which of the crops given below is considered to be a cash crop ?
(a) Math (b) Cotton (c) Jute (d) Tobacco
10. Which place in Rajasthan has Nuclear Power Station?
(a) Narora (b) Kaiga (c) Kalpakkam (d) Rawatbhata
11. India ranks _____ among the Sugarcane producing nations.
(a) First (b) Second (c) Third (d) Fifth
12. Which of the following can be considered as an economic activity ?
(a) Agriculture (b) to take part in school drama
(c) Child upbringing (d) to take care of poor patients
13. Which day is declared as World Environment day ?
(a) 10th December (b) 18th July (c) 14th January (d) 5th June

14. Who decides the list of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes ?
(a) Governor of each state
(b) Commissioner for scheduled castes and tribes
(c) President of India
(d) Chief Justice of Supreme Court.
15. What age is decided for a child labourer ?
(a) less than 14 years (b) 21 years
(c) 16 years (d) less than 18 years.
❐ Question 16 to 30 carry equal marks. 1 mark each. Answer in 1 sentence.
16. Which monuments are included in Red Fort ?
17. Which diagnostic book was written by Vagbhata ?
18. What is the meaning of Sculpture ?
19. Which monument is considered to be the best example of the development of
chemistry and metallurgy during the Gupta period ?
20. Which poets are known as ‘trio’ of early Kannada literature ?
21. What has made the modern world a global village ?
22. What saying is inscribed on one of the archs of the Taj Mahal ?
23. Which species can be called Vulnerable Wild life ?
24. What is the chief cause of ‘Child labour’ ?
25. When and on which river was the ‘Grand Anicut Canal constructed’ ?
26 Which metro cities are connected by ‘The Golden Quadrilateral’ express
highway ?
27. What is meant by ‘Mixed Economy’.
28. What is meant by Sustainable development ?
29. What is meant by communalism ?
30. Which factors hinder the progress of human development ?
❐ Question 31 to 42 carry equal marks. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer
as required. 24
31. State the special features of Indian culture.
32. Give short information about Ellora caves.
33. Why is the Gupta age known as the golden period for the growth of poetry and
drama ?
Which major discoveries (invention) were made by Aryabhatta ?
34. How many Vedas are there ? Name them ?
35. Why is the black soil called ‘Blank Cotton Soil’ ?
Why will there be an added need of solar Energy in future ?

36. Give four impacts of globalization on Indian agriculture ?

37. State four objectives of rain water harvesting.
38. Why is mica used in electrical instruments ?
39. Explain any two features of developing economy.
40. State the main objectives of ‘World Trade Organization’.
What is women empowerment ? What obstacles are faced by it ?
41. What is meant by Insurgency ? Which states of India are affected by it.
42. What type of changes in the society can be termed as ‘Social Change’ ?
❐ Question 43 to 49 carry equal marks. Each carry 3 marks. Options are internal.
Answer as required. 21
43. Describe Indianization of the various foreign tribes that came to India.
44. Describe the progress of medical science and surgery in Ancient India.
45. Give information about chief festivals of India.
Give information about development of Gujarati literature.
46. State the adverse effects caused to the environment by destruction of the forests.
Describe the chief types of Coal.
47. Give information about different types of farming.
48. Describe the economic effects of terrorism.
49. Give information about Non-Conventional Energy Resources.
❐ Question 50 to 54 carry equal marks. 5 marks each. Answer as required. Option
are internal. 25
50. What has been done to preserve the natural heritage ?
51. State the causes of Industrial pollution and measures to prevent it.
What care should Vehicle owners take to prevent pollution ?
52. Fill in the following details in the outline map given to you.
(1) One region cultivating sugarcane.
(2) Nagarjun sagar Project
(3) One State where copper is found.
(4) Rail route from Mumbai to Delhi via Ratlam.
53. What is poverty ? State its causes and solutions in detail.
(a) Explain the meaning of unemployment and discuss its types. 2
(b) State the reasons of price rise in detail. 3
54. Who can be called a consumer ? Discuss in detail the rights and duties of the
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