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Social Science (Std. X)

Name : _______________________________________
Roll No. : _________ Batch : ____________

❐ Choose the correct option from those given (1 mark each) : 15
(1) Culture means :
(a) Cultivation of human mind (b) Ideas of human mind
(c) Joys and sorrows of human mind (d) Fickleness of human mind
(2) Which of the following is the best drama of Kalidas ?
(a) Malavikagnamitram (b) Vikramorvashyam
(c) Abhignan Shakuntalam (d) Uttar Ramcharit
(3) In which caves is the magnificent Trimurti found ?
(a) Ajanta (b) Ellora (c) Elephanta (d) Mahabalipuram
(4) Which is the holy book of Buddhist Religion ?
(a) Kalapasutra (b) Bhagawat Gita (c) Tripitika (d) Sariputra
(5) Who is considered the father of mathematics ?
(a) Bramha Gupta (b) Charak (c) Bhaskaracharya (d) Aryabhatta
(6) Which type of soil is known as ‘Regur’ ?
(a) Black (b) Laterite (c) Red (d) Desert
(7) In which state is Kaziranga National Park situated ?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttaranchal (c) Assam (d) Karnataka
(8) What amount of the national income of India is obtained from agriculture ?
(a) 65% (b) 26% (c) 62% (d) 22%
(9) On which river is Nagarjuna Project situated ?
(a) Godavari (b) Tungabhadra (c) Krishna (d) Kaveri
(10) Which metal is extracted from Bauxite ?
(a) Barium (b) Aluminium (c) Beryllium (d) Lead
(11) Who takes economic decisions in socialist economic system ?
(a) Money (b) State mechanism
(c) Price mechanism (d) Society
(12) In which year was the World Trade Organization established ?
(a) 1992 (b) 1998 (c) 1991 (d) 1995
(13) In which programme are women given subsidy for self employment ?
(a) Jawahar Gram Samrudhi Yojana
(b) Jawahar Shaheri Samrudhi Yojana
(c) Pradhan Mantri Gramodhar Yojana
(d) Suvarna Jayanti Shaheri Swarojgar Yojana
(14) To keep the price level under control the government has passed the
(a) Essential Services Act (b) Essential Commodities Act
(c) Consumer Protection Act (d) Price Control Act
(15) The concept of Human Development Index has been accepted by
(a) WHO (b) UNICEF (c) UNO (d) UNDP
❐ Answer the following questions in one sentence each. ( I mark for each) : 15
(16) What are the distinguishing features of mankind ?
(17) What is ‘Akik’ ? Explain.
(18) Which three main parts are found in the ancient Indian city of Dholaveera ?
(19) A confluence of which three religions is seen in the Ellora caves ?
(20) When was the Bombay Natural History Society established ? What is it’s function ?
(21) What are the important factors for soil formation and for the development of soil
fertility ?
(22) Which are the different types of forests according to the their administration ?
(23) What is subsistence farming ?
(24) From where is Petroleum obtained in India ?
(25) On what basis are industries classified ?
(26) What is Express High way ?
(27) What is globalization ?
(28) Which are the three indices of human Development index ?
(29) What had the Government done to protect the minority community ?
(30) Which laws have been framed to curb the antisocial activities ?
❐ Answer the following questions briefly (as required ) (2 marks each) : 24
(31) What are the characteristics of Indian culture ?
(32) Give information about the Sun Temple of Konark.
(33) Give brief information about Buddhist literature.
Describe progress made by India in the field of Chemistry.
(34) Give a short introduction of Mughal literature.

(35) What is the meaning of resources ? Mention its types.

(36) How can we conserve rain water ?
(37) Why is mica used in electrical instruments ?
(38) Explain any two features of developing economy ?
(39) State the main objectives of ‘World Trade Organization’.
(40) What is women empowerment ? What obstacles are faced by it ?
(41) What is meant by insurgency ? Which states of India are affected by it ?
(42) What types of changes in the society can be termed as ‘Social Change’ ?
❐ Answer the following questions as required (3 marks for each) : 21
(43) Give information about the various types of dance forms.
(44) Describe India’s progress in the field of Vastushastra.
Describe the progress of medical science and surgery in ancient India.
(45) Describe the specialities of Mahabalipuram.
(46) Mention the steps taken by the government to protect wild life.
State measures to conserve minerals.
(47) Mention the technical reforms in the agricultural sector.
(48) Differentiate between Anthracite and Bituminous coal.
(49) Sate the adverse effect of casteism.
❐ Answer the following questions as required (in detail) (5 marks for each) : 25
(50) What has been done to preserve the natural heritage ?
(51) Give information about cotton textile industry in India.
How are industries classified in India ?
(52) Fill in following details in the outline Map given to you :
(1) One region cultivating sugarcane.
(2) Narmada Valley Project.
(3) One state where copper is found.
(4) One centre for woollen textile industry.
(5) Rail Route from Delhi to Chennai via Nagpur.
(53) What is poverty ? State the causes and solutions in detail.
Write a short note on Jawaha Samrudhi Yojana.
(54) Who can be called a consumer ? Describe the rights and duties of consumer.
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