Paper 23

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Social Science (Std. X)

Name : _______________________________________
Roll No. : _________ Batch : ____________

Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100

Instructions :
(1) There are 54 questions in this question paper. (2) All the questions are compulsory.
❐ The 15 multiple choice questions given below carry equal marks. Choose the correct
option from those given below and write the correct answer : [15]
(1) Which religion was adopted by king Kanishaka ?
(a) Hindu (b) Buddhism (c) Jain (d) None
(2) Which book is written by Pandit Sarangdev ?
(a) Sangeet Ratnakar (b) Sangeet Markand
(c) Sangeet Parijat (d) Natya Shastra
(3) Where is Dholavira ?
(a) Bhuj (b) Khavda (c) Alyabet (d) Khadirbet
(4) How many verses are there in the Mahabharata ?
(a) 18,000 (b) One Lakh
(c) 24,000 (d) One Lakh eighteen thousand
(5) Who is the writer of the book ‘Astang Hridaya’ ?
(a) Brihaspati (b) Braham Gupta
(c) Vagbhatta (d) Varahamihir
(6) Where is Virupaksha temple situated ?
(a) Thanjavur (b) Mahabalipuram (c) Pattadakal (d) Vijayanagar
(7) People of which caste of Rajasthan follow certain principles for the conservation of plants
and animals ?
(a) Bishnois (b) Vanvasi (c) Kirat (d) None of these
(8) What is made from extract of chid ?
(a) Baskets (b) Turpentine (c) Herbs (d) Furniture
(9) Which is the cash crop from the following ?
(a) Toabacco (b) Jawar (c) Sesamum (d) Vegetables
(10) In which state of India the largest Hydro-electricity station located ?
(a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Gujarat

(11) In which state of India the first iron and steel factory was established ?
(a) Gujarat (b) Karnataka (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Andhra Pradesh

(12) In which sector agriculture and other allied activities are included ?
(a) Primary Sector (b) Secondary Sector (c) Service Sector (d) Preprimary Sector
(13) Which fuel is used to control pollution ?
(a) Petrol (b) Diesel (c) Natural gas (d) Kerosene
(14) What is the main strategy of UNDP ?
(a) Political Development (b) Defence Development
(c) Only economic growth (d) Human development
(15) What type of process is Social Change ?
(a) Personal (b) Universal (c) Ideological (d) Regional
❐ Questions 16 to 30 carry equal marks. Answer in one sentence :
(1 Mark Each) [15]
(16) What is natural heritage ?
(17) Who has considered ‘Sangeet Ratnakar’ as the most authentic book on music ?
(18) Who built Brihadeshwar temple ?
(19) When and by whom was the Jama Masjid of Ahmedabad constructed ?
(20) Who wrote ‘Mrigawati’ ? Whose disciple he was ?
(21) Which are the books of Sangam Literature ?
(22) Where is Ellora situated ?
(23) Where is ‘National Marine Park’ situated ?
(24) Which states will get benefit more from the ‘Narmada Valley Project’ ?
(25) Which canal has been declared as National Waterway ?
(26) What is non-economic activity ?
(27) Give the full from of W.T.O. ?
(28) Who is a consumer ?
(29) Which countries are included in the highest Human Development Index ?
(30) What are two main problems of Indian Society ?
❐ Questions 31 to 42 carry equal marks. 2 marks each. Options are internal. Answer
as required : [24]
(31) State special features of Indian culture.
(32) Who built the Sun temple of Konark ? Why is it called ‘Black Pagoda’ ?
(33) Who are great Sanskrit writers of Gupta age ? OR
Which are the languages of Dravidian family ?
(34) Who were great historians after Akbar’s time ?
(35) Why is laterite soil less fertile ? OR
Why is Black soil called Black soil of cotton ?
(36) Why is Punjab called ‘Wheat Granary’ ?
(37) Mention any three objectives of rain water preservation.
(38) Mention uses of copper.

(39) What is Mixed Economy ?

(40) State main objectives of W.T.O. OR What is ‘Globalization’ ?
(41) What are the elements related to Human Development ?
(42) Which factors have made social change possible ?
❐ Questions 43 to 49 carry equal marks. Each question is of three marks. Options
are internal. Answer as required : [21]
(43) State different types of dance forms. Give information about Bharat Natyam.
(44) Explain the meaning of ‘Science and Technology’. OR
Who were the pioneers of Vastushastra in India ?
(45) Describe the special features of Mahabalipuram ?
(46) Mention economic importance of forests. OR
Into how many categories the forests are divided for the purpose of management.
(47) Mention in short the effect of Green Revolution.
(48) Mention the qualities of Anthracite coal.
(49) What is ‘Terrorism’ ? OR State evils of casteism.
❐ Questions 50 to 54 carry equal marks. 5 marks each. Options are internal. [25]
(50) Describe the ways to protect and preserve the heritage.
(51) What are the causes of industrial pollution ?
(52) Fill in the following details in the outline map of India :
(i) One area producing groundnuts (ii) Nagarjuna Sagar Project (iii) One state producing
mica (iv) One centre of jute industry (v) Rail route from Mumbai to Delhi via Ahmedabad.
(53) Explain the meaning of unemployment and state its types.
(54) What are the duties of a consumer ?
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