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My Most Embarrassing Situation

Everyone has been embarrassed at one time or another. It is that moment in

time when you wish the earth would open up and swallow you. The anxiety and
discomfort felt during that time which may only last a few seconds feels like time has
stood still.
I remember so well when I had my most embarrassing moment. I was in Form 4
and it was during the school recess. The minute the bell rang for recess, I rushed to the
toilet because I had been controlling my urges since class started. I didnt want to miss
class because the lesson taught that morning was to include tips for the forthcoming
Without realising, I had rushed to the girls toilet. The prolonged control and an
upset stomach made worse by two glasses of cold milk in the morning made me grunt
and groan in what I thought was the privacy of the cubicle. I thought I heard giggling
outside and wondered why the giggles sounded unusually near. A few minutes later I
came out the cubicle and discovered my horror that I had entered the girls toilet. To
make matters worse, the few girls standing outside didnt even turn away when I came
out. Instead they looked down at me, then only they turned quickly away. Horror of
horrors, I had forgotten to zip up! No beetroot could have matched the colour of my face
at this point in time!
The news of my predicament spread like wild fire throughout school. I was truly
the talk of the town. I felt like I could either walk around feeling perpetually selfconscious and embarrassed or I could turn the situation round, perhaps even to my
advantage. I remembered my mothers words that if you cant beat them, join them. So
I decided to make fun of myself, to laugh at myself too. It works. Everyone got bored
after a while and nobody teased me after that.
It was indeed an eye-opening experience for me. I have learnt that when people
laugh at you, you should laugh along. You must not take yourself seriously. Learn to
look at yourself through other peoples eyes and you will realise that most of the time
when they laugh at you, they just want to have some fun. They mean no harm. If you
can make people laugh, its like bringing sunshine into their lives and as someone said,
those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
I read them all. Every word you wrote. You and I, Tess, were alike. We live and breathe words. It was
books that kept me from taking my own life after I thought I could never love anyone, never be loved by
anyone again. It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be
honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely sometimes
and afraid, but always brave; the way you saw the world, its colors and textures and sounds, I felt- I felt
the way you thought, hoped, felt dreamed. I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. I
dreamed what you dreamed, wanted what you wanted- and then I realized that truly I just wantedyou.
The girl behind the scrawled letters. I loved you from the moment I read them. I love you still.
I love you, Tessa, and I have loved you, almost since the moment I met you.

4. Anna and tienne, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
I trail my fingers across his cheek. He stays perfectly still for me. Please stop apologizing, tienne.
Say my name again, he whispers.
I close my eyes and lean forward. tienne.
He takes my hands into his.Those perfect hands, that fit mine just so. Anna?
Our foreheads touch. Yes?
Will you please tell me you love me? Im dying here.
And then were laughing. And then Im in his arms, and were kissing, at first quicklyto make up for lost
timeand then slowly, because we have all
the time in the world. And his lips are soft and honey sweet, and the careful, passionate way he moves
them against my own says that he savors the way I
taste, too.
And in between kisses, I tell him I love him.
Again and again and again.

You're the most incredible girl I've ever known. You're gorgeous and smart, and you make me laugh
like no one else can. And I can talk to you. And I know after all this I don't deserve you, but what I'm
trying to say is that I love you, Anna. Very much

3. Lola and Cricket, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Once upon a time, there was a girl who talked to the moon. And she was mysterious and she was perfect,
in that way that girls who talk to moons are. In the house next door, there lived a boy. And the boy
watched the girl grow more and more perfect, more and more beautiful with each passing year. He
watched her watch the moon. And he began to wonder if the moon would help him unravel the mystery of
the beautiful girl. So the boy looked into the sky. But he couldn't concentrate on the moon. He was too
distracted by the stars. And it didn't matter how many songs or poems had already been written about
them, because whenever he thought about the girl, the stars shone brighter. As if she were the one keeping
them illuminated. One day, the boy had to move away. He couldn't bring the girl with him, so he brought
the stars. When he'd look out his window at night, he would start with one. One star. And the boy would
make a wish on it, and the wish would be her name. At the sound of her name, a second star would
appear. And then he'd wish her name again, and the stars would double into four. And four became eight,
and eight became sixteen, and so on, in the greatest mathematical equation the universe had ever seen.
And by the time an hour had passed, the sky would be filled with so many stars that it would wake the
neighbors. People wondered who'd turned on the floodlights. The boy did. By thinking about the girl.
His breath is ragged, and I place my hands on his cheeks to steady him. Is this okay? I whisper. Are
you okay?
His reply is anguished. Honest. I love you.
2. Clary & Jace, City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Clary, Jace said. Open your eyes.
She did.

She was lying on the sand, in her torn, wet, and bloodied clothes. That was the same. What was not the
same was that the Angel was gone, and with him the blinding white light that had lit the darkness to day.
She was gazing up at the night sky, white stars like mirrors shining in the blackness, and leaning over her,
the light in his eyes more brilliant than any of the stars, was Jace.
Her eyes drank him in, every part of him, from his tangled hair to his bloodstained, grimy face to his eyes
shining through the layers of dirt; from the bruises visible through his torn sleeves to the gaping, bloodsoaked tear down the front of his shirt, through which his bare skin showed- and there was no mark, no
gash, to indicate where the Sword had gone in. She could see the pulse beating in his throat, and almost
threw her arms around him at the sight because it meant his heart was beating and that meantYoure alive, she whispered.Really alive.
With a slow wonderment he reached to touch her face. I was in the dark, he said softly. There was
nothing there but shadows, and I was a shadow, and I knew that I was dead, and that it was over, all of it.
And then I heard your voice. I heard you say my name, and it brought me back.
Not me. Clarys throat tightened. The Angel brought you back.
Because you asked him to. Silently he traced the outline of her face with his fingers, as if reassuring
himself that she was real. You could have anything else in the world, and you asked for me.
She smiled up at him. Filthy as he was, covered in blood and dirt, he was the most beautiful thing shed
ever seen. But I dont want anything else in the world.

There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I
die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.
1. Lena & Alex, Delirium by Lauren Oliver
And I look back. Alex is still standing on the other side of the fence, beyond a flickering wall of smoke and
fire. He hasnt moved a single inch since we both jumped off the bike, hasnt tried to. Strangely, in that
moment I think back to what I answered all those months ago, at my first evaluation, when I was asked
about Romeo and Juliet and could only think to say beautiful. Id wanted to explain; Id wanted to say
something about sacrifice.
Alexs T-shirt is red, and for a second I think its a trick of the light, but then I realize hes drenched,
soaked in blood: blood seeping across his chest, like the stain seeping up the sky, bringing another day to
the world. Behind him is that insect army of men, all of them running toward him at once, guns drawn.
The guards are coming too, reaching for him from both sides as though they are going to tear him apart,
straight down the middle. The helicopter has him fixed in its spotlight. He is standing white and still and
frozen in its beam, and I dont think I have ever, in my life, seen anything more beautiful than him.
He is looking at me through the smoke, across the fence. He never takes his eyes off me. His hair is a
crown of leaves, of thorns, of flames. His eyes are blazing with light, more light than all the lights in every
city in the whole world, more light than we could ever invent if we had ten thousand billion years.
And then he opens his mouth and his mouth forms one last word.
The word is: Run.
His voice is endlessly soft. His eyes are warm and flecked with light, the color of the sun melting like
butter through the trees on a warm autumn evening.
And I love you too. His fingers skate the edge of my jaw, dance briefly over my lips. You should know
that. You have to know that.

Tis a sunny day as we prance around @ work
Emails pave our thoughts as pcs quack
Then a text message telling me to pack
Toothbrush, passport, nothing more than a sack
Even more im not allowed to ask?
With the rhythm of my heart going faster
With my head thirsting for the answers
I do as I am told
Then another text
London heathrow 1900
I hop in a cab
Trying to look fab
Yet calm with a handkerchief to dab
Arrive at the airport in a splash
There he is the reason Im here
All over my face my thoughts are crystal clear
It was like a movie premiere
Dressed in a suit tapered with black silk
Black patent brogues to match
He definitely turned it up a notch
Held my hands his finger over my lips gestured that I shush
Spun me around and I was blindfolded
Absolutely dumbfounded
I was led away till we got off the plane @ GIBRALTAR AIRPORT
Yes the famous GIBRALTAR
I thought to myself wow I definitely need this holiday!
He planted a kiss on my lips as he left me in the taxi
With wandering eyes I didnt utter a word
I was driven to a destination unbeknown to me
Arrived at Catalan bay
Where the driver handed me a note
Head to Caleta palace hotel
Asked the driver for directions
Upon my arrival I saw the red carpet littered with rose petals
As I was met by a chariot to be whisked away
To the rock of Gibraltar as the next note said

As we halted at the base of the of the rock

Surrounded by the breathtaking sea
Once again with his back to me I saw the Gus he said
Take off ur shoes
I looked around as he held my hand
The sunset
His perfume lingering in the wind
The comfort of his hands
He led me as we walked along the pathway
Till we reached the peak
I took a sneak look at what lay ahead
Table tapered with diamonds
Chair wired with roses
Traditional lanterns all the way from Nigeria
Hot-pounded yam with vegetable soup
Laced with smoked turkey
Lay on the table
We ate we drank we kissed and whilst he offered me
His tongue I felt a chill in my mouth
I withdrew to ask if he had just being to the tattoo parlour
For a piercing?
He ignored me even further
And beckoned for me to come closer
To be met by another kiss yet so passionate
And there it was a metal piece
The thought of it had me feeble kneed
The cool air of the sea
Was all I could feel
And there it was he knelt
Said the words and asked me to be his
And no one else
There and then I knew
I will be his rock
Stronger and higher than


My ideal romantic moment:

Sunday evening, 20--. I'm 60, my husband is thereabouts that age too. Children are grown
and out of the nest, married or in college. We've had a fun day, one of the children came for
lunch with her family after church. The grandkids were fun to have around, and life was just
They've left and as the sun sets, my love and I sit on a swing on our back porch overlooking
the lake. We laugh as we remember the antics of the little ones, we smile and rejoice at the
success of our children and give ourselves a mental pat on the back for raising them to be
good, honest, balanced children. We give thanks to God for all his mercies and for blessing
our marriage. We thank him for seeing us through the hard times.
Then my husband turns to me, his eyes brimming with tears and says, "I'm forever grateful I
met you, I'm furthermore grateful I married you and I can't express to you how much I love
you and how I'm glad God gave us the opportunity to carve together a life. I will always love
you even when you are old and your farts become uncontrollable. I will love you when your
teeth and hair are all gone and we can barely see each other over our cataracts. I will love
you when your fingers become gnarled and I will sit up with you through painful nights. I
will always love and cherish you".

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