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28, 2014

Dear Ministry Partner,

Though we may not have met personally, I am writing you nonetheless regarding missionaries
Sean and Vita Mason. First and foremost, I want to thank you for your support of them in your
prayers and your giving. Only in heaven will we know the full impact of such sacrifices, but I can
assure you now that you are making a significant difference for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I also want to inform you of some changes in the status of Sean and Vita and the reasons for the
changes. As of January 1, 2015, Sean and Vita will no longer be Foursquare Missions
International (FMI) sponsored missionaries. Before giving you the reasons for this change in
status, let me hasten to say that there is nothing amiss in the relationship between FMI and
Sean and Vita.

As the director of FMI, I can tell you that Sean and Vita have my sincere respect and admiration
for the ministry they steward in Albania. As a single, Sean had faithfully served with FMI since
2001 for seven years in Tirana under the direction of missionaries Chris and Laura Dakas. Since
2008, Sean, along with his wife Vita, has served as senior pastor of Emmanuel Church in Korce
for the last six years in transitioning this congregation to a completely self-supporting
community. He is spearheading the effort to build a rock climbing gym to reach the youth of
Korce. In addition, Sean and Vita provided oversight and worked to translate the Jesus Storybook
Bible into the Albanian language that is being used as an outreach to Albania and to Albanians
globally. This family has been a tremendous blessing as they have ministered in Albania and Im
grateful that I have had the opportunity to know them and to labor with them for the
advancement of the Kingdom of God. My prayer is that this fruitful partnership, though
changing in some ways, will continue for many years to come.

The change in the status of Sean and Vita is prompted by some important decisions made by the
board of directors of The Foursquare Church (the parent organization of FMI) and by certain
health-related decisions made by Sean and Vita regarding themselves and their minor children,
Eva and Oliver. Specifically, in October 2013, the ICFG board of directors decided that all FMI
deployed missionaries and their children must have received the Center for Disease Control
recommended vaccinations as a condition of deployment. For missionaries already deployed by
FMI, the ICFG board of directors decision required that the missionaries and their children be
vaccinated as a condition for their deployment to continue. A copy of the boards resolution is
enclosed with this letter.

This significant and weighty board decision was made after a great deal of research was
gathered, and with much discussion and prayer. There were strongly held differing viewpoints
considered, and some of these viewpoints were represented by our board members. Most
importantly, the impact of any decision, regardless of what it might be on the church, the on-
going work in the field, and the affected missionaries themselves, was discussed at length. For
our board of directors, this was the kind of decision one makes only after calling out to the Lord
for wisdom.

For FMI deployed missionaries who are not opposed to vaccinations for themselves or their
children, this board decision created little concern. But for others who hold deeply rooted
convictions or concerns about the efficacy or related dangers of modern vaccinations, this new
policy confronted them with some hard choices: be vaccinated in spite of their convictions and
concerns, end their deployment and come home, or seek the covering of some other
missionary sending agency other than FMI. These decisions, like the decision of whether to be
vaccinated, are very difficult and very personal. As the missionary sending agency of The
Foursquare Church, FMI is fully committed to adhering to the new board policy. At the same
time, we are doing all we can to assist each of our missionaries to make the decision that is right
for them, to fully support them and their decision and, if necessary, to help them transition with
the least amount of inconvenience.

Sean and Vita Mason have decided to end their deployment with FMI and to remain on the field
under the covering of the Canby, OR New Life Foursquare Church. While this transition does
impact certain resources provided by FMI, we are confident that the New Life Foursquare
Church will cover Sean, Vita, Eva and Oliver with care and generosity and I would hope that this
transition will not impact in any way the level of prayer and financial support from their ministry
partners and friends, like you. I pray you will continue to stand with them at this time in a
renewed, and if possible, increased commitment for their ministry is worthy and important. You
have or will receive information from Sean and Vita about how to continue your prayer and
financial support of them.

Thank you for taking the time to read and thoughtfully consider the contents of this letter.
Please know that I am honored and humbled that you would do so. Most importantly, I am
deeply grateful for your willingness to support missions and missionaries like Sean and Vita with
your prayers and gifts.

Until All Have Heard,

James C. Scott Jr., D.Min.
VP Global Operations
Director Foursquare Missions International

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