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Recruitment of a Star HRM Case Solutions


Stephen Connor is the director of research at Rubin, Stern and Hertz (RSH)
Need for hiring a permanent replacement for Peter Thompson, his star semiconductor analyst
who resigned
Industry is extremely competitive and requires high skill levels
Upcoming deal with PowerChip company
Rina Shea acting as a temporary resource for this role
Has screened the various candidates and shortlisted David Hughes, Gerald Baum, Sonia Meetha
and Seth Horkum
Post completion of interviews he is currently reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of all
candidates to make a final offer

Issues Identified
Are the candidates shortlisted a right fit for this job?
The cost of hiring each candidate
The strengths and weaknesses of each candidate
Hire internally or externally?
Stephen wants someone exactly like Peter which could prove difficult given time constraint
Post hiring implications
Expectations of Stephen for new hire
This is a key business decision and can drive clients to a firm set industry standards and increase revenues
Self motivated
Team oriented
Amiability, friendliness and likeability
Good personality
Loyalty towards organization
Enthusiastic and hard working
Target oriented
Good professional network
Relevant industry experience
Communication skills
Presentation skills
Analytical & Research skills
Good industry knowledge
Natural stock picker
Networking skills
Selling skills
Ability to perform in fact paced & high pressure environment
Great client service
Access to high level management

Loss of RSH by exit of Peter

Peter had excellent analytical and research skills
Achieved and even surpassed results
Good stock picker
Intelligence and good industry knowledge

Highly competitive and not team oriented

Focus on monetary aspects of job
Perceived as conniving rather than skilled negotiator
Resented by team mates

Review of Each Candidate

Rina Shea
Didnt get a formal interview
Needs to ask Stephen for a equal opportunity and use it to elaborate on her experiences
Has worked with Peter and aware of his strengths and weaknesses
Critique Peters performance and say how she can improve upon it
Intelligent & Hardworking
Has worked with Peter
Detailed in her work
Strong Communication skills
Intimate knowledge of how RSH works and its culture
Lacks considerable experience in the semiconductor industry
Hasnt yet proved herself as star material
Introversion and may need to develop better team skills
David Hughes
Is an established star senior analyst in the semi conductor industry with 15 years experience of II rankings
including 4 1st place ranks and 5 2nd place ranks. Vast exp mentoring juniors and can work with RSHs current
lot of jr analyst & make them stars. Stellar reputation built on vast knowledge, quality reports & great client

Team oriented
Good personality & confident
Excellent reputation
Superior industrial network and vast client base

Highly experienced with superior industrial knowledge

Strong communication skills
built lasting client relationships by providing superior client service
Superior analytical & research skills
Certain clients feared he is already past his prime
Assumption that he may not be able to work in a high paced pressured environment
Gerald Baum
Covering semiconductor industry for 18months but already ranked in II. Proven to handle stress having
worked at a large firm in the industry and excelled despite being stuck with a subpar junior analyst and sharing
a assistant. Great stock picker and provides great client service that have leveraged this into a extensive client

Self motivated
Star power
Good client contacts
Excellent communication and research skills
Great stock picker
Excellent industry knowledge
Already ranked in II despite covering semiconductor industry for a short period
Proven ability to handle high pressure

Low coverage for new companies
Negative attitude and perceived as conceited
Does not value time and was late for the first interview
Seth Horkum
Access to high level executives at PowerChip
Has a strategic plan to achieve top spot at coming II rankings
Good client relationships through high transparency. RSH will be a good platform to expand
services & client contacts
Great stock picker
Moderate client base
Potential to become a star
Eagerness to please
Potential for being misused
Lack of proven record as he was ranked only once

Sonia Meetha

Motivated and achieved results

Team oriented
Potential star power
Good stock picker
Superior analytical & research skills
Industry & global market knowledge
Provided good client service
up & comer ranking from II at a boutique off wall street firm with no junior analysts and despite
lack of support provided. With a skilled analyst team, access to support staff and state of art
technology at RSH she can achieve great heights.
Developed rapport with CEOs and top management of certain companies
She has lead the way at welsh Harrison and smith her current firm to expand research in the
global semiconductor industry. At RSH she will continue to push expansion into new markets to
grow the business.

Lack of flexibility
Not keen on travelling
Experience at a smaller firm
Possible difficulty to make the transition to a big firm
How does Sonia compare?
Team oriented
Personality to train
Potential star power
Good stock picker
Superior analytical & research skills
Industry & global market knowledge
Provided good client service
up & comer ranking from II at a boutique off wall street firm with no junior analysts and despite
lack of support provided. With a skilled analyst team, access to support staff and state of art
technology at RSH she can achieve great heights.
Developed rapport with CEOs and top management of certain companies
She has lead the way at welsh Harrison and smith her current firm to expand research in the
global semiconductor industry. At RSH she will continue to push expansion into new markets to
grow the business.

Support for the hire

Identified as up & comer by II as well as clients
Has both sales & technical background also identified as a good stock picker
Identified as a excellent writer having superior analytical & research skills and strong communication
Initiative and motivation to bring international focus to the company with long range vision on global
Developed rapport with CEOs as well as divisional managers and staff
Responsive to client needs and ability to adapt based on client needs
Most of the concerns post Sonias interview were disregarded by her poise and remarkable knowledge
of technology stocks
Selection Process
Contact recruiter
Ecaluate candidates
Hold first round of interviews
Hold second round of interviews
Decide and make final offer
1. Contacted recruiter
Short on time
Access to broad range of candidates
Previous work relationship
2. second round of interviews: Candidates put in company environment
3. Seeking feedback
1. Seeking feedback
2. Set Vision: wanted someone exactly like peter
3. Led Rina on: set false expectations
All candidates have great potential to perform as RSH
Choice needs to be made effectively
Sonia Meetha is ideal for this job
Keep an open mind
Ask for & Check references thoroughly
Seek many opinions & feedback
Avoid setting false expectations
Confidence in self
Have rating system
Timing of seeking feedback

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