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Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

Teacher Candidate: Bridget OLeary

School: _________________________

Date: 10/23/14
Subject: Spanish

Grade Level: 8

Unit/Lesson Title/Number: The Physical Environment/Lesson 2

Lesson Context and Central Focus: Include authentic connection(s)

This lesson is 2 of 3 in the Physical Environment Unit. This lesson will give students the information to learn
the use of the verb hacer in relation to the physical environment. This lesson will give students the
information to learn the use of the verb hacer in relation to everyday language use. This lesson comes after
the lesson on useful vocabulary with regard to the physical environment. This lesson comes before the lesson
on geography and physical environment of various Spanish-speaking countries. Students can use this
knowledge toward their ability to communicate effectively in another language, to be able to tell others what
the weather is like should they be in a Spanish-speaking country or should they wish to understand what
others are talking about in another language.

Class Profile:
Consider what students know (prior knowledge), what they can already do, what they are learning to do,
what you know about their experiences, cultural backgrounds, and interests.

content standards
Common Core

Standard 1 Checkpoint A
Listening and speaking are primary communicative goals in modern language learning.
These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring
information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a
course of action.
Students can:
comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face
conversation with peers and familiar adults
comprehend the main idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar
vocabulary and structures as well as cognates of English words

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

Standard 1 Checkpoint A
Reading and writing are used in languages other than English for the purposes of
socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and
opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action.
Students can:
compose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information with members
of the target culture.

(Include CC

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Work Creatively with Others
-Develop, implement and communicate new ideas to others effectively

21 Century Skills

Communicate Clearly
-Communicate effectively in diverse environments (including multi-lingual)
Work Independently
-Monitor, define, prioritize and complete tasks without direct oversight

1. Students will be able to identify the conjugations of the verb hacer.

2. Students will be able to demonstrate the use of the verb in communicating the
Label :

Must be numbered


1a. Worksheet

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014


2a. Worksheet
2b. Skits

*Could be collected
for accountability
and/or auditing

Teacher input,
modeling, guided
practice, and/or

Day 1 40 minute block

1. Do Now:
a. Hook: Teacher will show 44 second clip from Anchorman to introduce
the topic of forecasting weather with the use of hacer. (visual)
b. Teacher will ask students to write down 4 sentences in English that they
would expect to hear on the weather report. Students have 3 minutes.
(checking for understanding directions)
Do Now Share
c. The teacher will ask students to share a few things they wrote with their
neighbor. Students will be asked to volunteer to share some ideas with
Label: Bell Ringer
the class and the teacher. (checking for understanding directions)
Also may be called:
2. Instruction
set induction,
a. The teacher will introduce the verb hacer by explaining to the students
anticipatory set,
that in Spanish the verb hacer has many meanings. One of which is
used to tell what the weather is. The teacher will pass out a reference
Do Now, Write
sheet listing the ways in which hacer is used in the Spanish language.
Now, Silent Starter
The teacher will pass out verb ladder worksheets while students are
reviewing the hacer use sheet. Transitions
b. Teacher will spend 5-7 minutes explaining to students how the verb
hacer is conjugated in Spanish. Teacher will ask students to fill out
verb ladders while explaining the conjugations out loud. She will then
visual, auditory,
use fair sticks to call on students to fill out the chart she has up on the
and kinesthetic
projector. (checking for understanding content)
c. Teacher will collect the verb ladders at the end of the lesson to review,
for learning
and provide feedback. Will be handed back at the next class.
3. Practice
a. Students will group up using famous pairs (students will each be given
a piece of paper with a conjugation on hacer, they must find the
student who has the English translation of their conjugation).
(kinesthetic) The teacher will walk around and check to make sure
Checks for
everyone has found the correct partner. (checking for understanding
directions) Once settled, the teacher will hand students a worksheet that
practices the conjugations of hacer. (21st) work creatively with others.
The worksheet will have pictures on it that correspond with the
s, and/or content
sentences. (visual) (checking for understanding procedures/routines)

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

(formative) Ex.
(CFU directions)

Label: Evidence of
21st Century Skills

Evidence of
Cognitive Student
Engagement (CSE)


(CSE) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.8.1After 15 minutes, the teacher will

call students back to the group and collect the worksheets.
4. Closure:
a. As an exit slip students will re-create the verb conjugations of hacer
without looking at their verb ladders. (checking for understanding
directions) (checking for understanding content)
Day 2
5. Do Now: Think write/pair write/share write
a. Review: The teacher will ask students to turn to a neighbor and Think
write/pair write/share write. Using this strategy, students will review the
conjugated form of hacer. Think: what are the forms (write), Pair:
what did your neighbor write down? (write) Share: Share answers with
class (write down new information). (checking for understanding
6. Instruction
a. Teacher will provide guided notes sheet to students before beginning
instruction. Teacher will take 5-7 minutes to explain to students how
you can use the verb hacer to tell what the weather is. Teacher will
use the projector with images that correlate to the explanation. (visual)
(checking for understanding procedures/routines)
7. Practice
a. Teacher will play a video that describes how to tell the weather in
Spanish Students must draw pictures that show the weather being told in
the video. After each video, students will share their pictures with the
class if they choose. Teacher will guide students by asking questions
such as how did you determine that was the weather being described?
what word(s) did you hear that lead you in that direction? This will
be collected, but will not be graded. (visual) (auditory) (checking for
understanding directions) (checking for understanding content)
b. Using the pictures that the students drew during the video. They will
find a partner and verbally ask what the weather is, and then describe
the weather represented in the picture to their partner. (auditory)
Teacher will walk around assessing how students are doing and collect
evidence informally. (checking for understanding directions)
(checking for understanding procedures/routines) (21st) work
creatively with others
c. Teacher will use any remaining class time to bring the group together,
and ask students what they weather is, students will answer in Spanish
according to one of the pictures they drew from the video.
8. Closure
a. Students will be given an index card. They are asked to write a postcard
to a friend detailing what they learned in class today. They have to use
the verb hacer at least 4 times, and it must be conjugated correctly.
Sentences need to make sense based on the location of the postcard (i.e.
if coming from Florida, cannot say it was snowy today.)(visual) Will
be collected. (checking for understanding directions)
Day 3
9. Do Now:

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

a. Each student will be given 5 different sentences. Students will be asked
to walk around to all the pictures taped on the wall around the room, and
tape underneath the correct sentence that corresponds to the pictures.
(checking for understanding directions) (visual) (kinesthetic)
10. Instruction
a. Teacher will spend 5-7 minutes reviewing ways to use hacer to tell
the weather. Using fair sticks, the teacher will call on students to answer
questions. Students may pass, but will be asked to answer different
questions later on.
b. After students have completed the worksheet on hacer, the teacher
will explain the skit assignment to students. Students will be asked to
create a skit in groups pretending to be weathermen or women telling
the weather of the day. Students are encouraged to be funny, creative,
wear costumes etc. Teacher will hand out assignment sheet, and rubric
to students after explanation. (checking for understanding directions)
11. Practice
a. Teacher will hand out a worksheet to practice the conjugation of the
verb hacer, and when to use it to tell weather. Students are to work on
this individually. (checking for understanding directions) (checking
for understanding content) (21st) work independently (CSE)
b. Students will be given 20 minutes of class time to prepare their skits, to
ask questions of the teacher, and review the rubric. The teacher will
make sure to listen in to each group for at least 5 minutes to make sure
everyone understands, and to guide students. (checking for
understanding content) (21st) work creatively with others.
c. Homework: (this class is on a Friday and homework is due on Monday)
Students are asked to finish and have their short 3-7 minute skits
prepared and ready to share during the next class. Each students must
have a written copy of their skit. (checking for understanding
12. Closure
a. Before students can leave, they must stop at the door and tell the teacher
what the weather is like today. What the weather was like yesterday, or
what they weather will be like tomorrow (they can use present tense for
all). If they are shy, or uncomfortable with this, students may opt to
write out their response and hand it to the teacher. (checking for
understanding content) (checking for understanding directions)
(auditory) (kinesthetic)
Day 4
13. Do Now:
a. Students will be given 5-7 minutes to get in their groups, and practice
their skit one last time. They may use this time for any remaining
questions they may have for the teacher. (checking for understanding
14. Practice:
a. Students will act out skits to the class. The teacher will use a rubric to

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

grade students on the skits. Each student will be graded independently.
(checking for understanding content) (21st) communicate clearly
(visual) (kinesthetic) (auditory) While groups are acting their skits,
students will be asked to peer review their classmates.
b. Homework: To evaluate your groups participation in the skits. Make
sure group members are held accountable for their work. (checking for
understanding directions)

Label formative or
summative, describe
purpose, and

1. Weather pictures
a. These will be collected and graded based on the accuracy of the pictures
in reference to the video they correlate to. If students are not
comfortable with their drawings they are encouraged to write a
description beneath the picture. This is a formative assessment. Will be
graded out of 25 points.
2. Worksheet on hacer
a. These will be collected to individually assess students understanding at
the end of the lesson on the verb hacer. These will be graded based on
the number of correct answers. Feedback will be given. This will serve
as the last chance for teacher intervention. This is a summative
assessment and will be graded out of 50 points.
3. Skits
a. The skits will be graded based on a rubric created by the teacher. The
students will be graded on creativity, accuracy of hacer, grammar, and
comprehension of the assignment. This is a summative assessment. The
purpose of this assessment is to assess students performance based on
the objectives, reading, writing, speaking, and listening in Spanish with
a correlation to the verb hacer. These will be graded out of 100.

Describe type and
purpose. Include a
back-up plan.


Back-up Plan:
Academic Language: Hacer
required for the

Introduced: With verb ladders

Practiced: Worksheets
How will the
language be
practiced, &

Assessed: Worksheets, and skits

ELL considerations:

Lesson Plan Template: Hackett 2014

Student Supports,
Interactions with
and/or Support

Accommodations for students with IEPS and/or 504s:

Colleague Collaboration:

Time Required

Verb ladders, worksheets, rubrics, projector, video for hook, videos for listening
3-40 minute classes, and 1-20 minute class.

Include key instructional materials and written assessments. Provide citations for materials that
you did not create

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