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Configuration of SAP Asset Accounting Capital Lease

This is configuration for 4.6c functionality.

1. Enable Interest Calculation in depreciation area (Transaction code OABZ)
2. Assign accounts for Interest calculation (Transaction code AO98)
3. Set Post Interest Flag (Transaction code OAYR)
4. Activate LEAS depreciation key (Transaction code AFAMA)
Asset Class
1. Set Up Screen Layouts
2. SPRO - FI - Asset Accounting - Master Data - Screen Layout - Define Screen Layout
for Master Data
3. This step enables the use of field selection other than your existing asset classes optional
4. Copy Existing Asset Class to Lease Class
5. SPRO - FI - Asset Accounting - Organizational Structures - Asset Classes - Define
Asset Classes
6. Copy and update Screen Layout
7. Update Depreciation Areas transaction code OAYZ
8. Drill down into new asset class, then change default depreciation key to LEAS
9. If default depreciation key is not available, go to depreciation screen layout transaction code AO21
10. Drill down into screen layout seen in previous step
11. On FG 01 line, check 'Class'. Return to OAYZ to assign key.
asset transfer abumn
The functionality in 4.6c is quite good, but limited. You can only enter one payment amount,
which is fixed across the life of the lease. Also, the calculation (based on the current book
value) of the principal vs. interest components of the monthly payment is fixed, and the
reporting is limited. However, it does set up the payments in AP automatically for the vendor.
This enables payments to go out as part of the monthly check run without manual intervention
each month, so can be a big time-saver. It also gets the depreciation/amortization and interest
on the books within the ERP system, which was a big plus for my company.

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