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Jainism is a religion of peace and kindness.

Their practices and beliefs are very passive

and simple. Jains are forbidden from killing or harming any living thing, including plants
and insects. Many Jains wear masks over their faces so they do not accidentally breathe
in insects.(Hickman,Meredith,9) Many Jains are monks, nuns, traders, craftsmen, or any
other occupation that does not involve killing or harming. (Kenoyer, Heuston, 98) Jains
have a simple diet of fruit, vegetables*, eggs, and more. They also only eat after sunset.(
Kenoyer, Heuston, 127) Jains worship no god or powerful being. They believe that we
are trapped in a constant state of rebirth. One is only released from the cycle of
reincarnation if they are always truthful, honest, kind, and caring. This is called moksha.
Individuals who achieve the status of moksha are admired and respected by the Jain
community. (Hickman, Meredith,94) Jainism is an amazing religion who sets a great
example, that I hope influences many people all around the world.
*that are picked off a plant, without harming or killing it.

The practices and beliefs of Zoroastrianism are very simple just like Jainism.
Zoroastrians believe that there are two opposing forces in a persons mind, one
negative and one positive..Zoroastrians believe that by acting in a positive way they
can make the world perfect , therefore creating a heaven on earth. The Zoroastrian
ideal is Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. To Zoroastrians fire is a sacred
symbol, all Zoroastrians worship in a fire temple in front of a fire. White is also an
important symbol in Zoroastrianism, it represents purity. Because of this all
Zoroastrians worship with a white belt called a kutsis. They also wear a white
undershirt while in the temple. Zoroastrians believe that the world is made of the seven
creations. Water, sky, animals, humans, fire, plant, and earth. Zoroastrianism is a
religion that can do anything as long as they stay true to their beliefs(
Zoroastrianism and Jainism are actually quite diverse while being very comparable.
While Jainism worships no god or powerful being, Zoroastrians believe in two
powerful forces. Also Jains are required not to kill or kill any thing, it is only
encouraged not to kill anything, as they believe they are deciding their own fate.
Zoroastrianism and Jainism are also similar due to their love of peace and harmony.
Jainism and Zoroastrianism are two religions who I hope will be able to influence the
world we live in.
Boehm, Richard G. Harcourt Brace Social Studies. Orlando: Harcourt Brace, 2000. Print.
A fire in Zoroastrian worship. The Heritage Institute. N.p., 2014. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
Kenoyer, Jonathan M., and Kimberley Burton Heuston. The Ancient South Asian World. New York: Oxford UP, 2005. Print.
Langley, Myrtle. Religion. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. Print.
Meredith, Susan, Clare Hickman, and Kirsteen Rogers. The Usborne Encyclopedia of World Religions: Internet-linked. Tulsa: EDC, 2010. Print.
Three Jain nuns. Victoria and Albert Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2014. <>.
Venn diagram. Venn Diagram Website. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <>

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