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Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009 RESEARCH

Y-Box Binding Protein 1 is a Novel

Substrate of Granzyme A
David Kopelman
Harvard College ‘09,
Granzymes are the cell death effector serine proteases in the granules of natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T
lymphocytes (CTL) that target cells during an immune response. Among the five human granzymes, Granzyme A
(GzmA) is the most abundant. It initiates caspase-independent cell death that is morphologically indistinguishable
from apoptosis. Once delivered by killer cells into infected cells or tumor cells that have been targeted for elimina-
tion, GzmA cleaves a number of proteins inside the cell, including multiple components of the SET complex, to in-
duce apoptosis. The Lieberman Laboratory performed yeast two-hybrid screens that identified Y-box binding protein
1 (YB-1) as a protein that specifically interacts with two SET complex proteins, SET and pp32. YB-1 is a multifunc-
tional nucleic acid-binding protein whose overexpression has been implicated in multiple cancers. We investigated
the possibility that YB-1 might also be a substrate of GzmA. Treatment of lysate from cells over-expressing YB-1 with
GzmA and treatment of whole cells with GzmA and perforin (PFN) demonstrated dose-dependent proteolysis of
YB-1. Purified recombinant YB-1 protein was cleaved by GzmA in the arginine-rich region between R234 and R253.

Introduction Gzms into the target cell cytosol is mediated by PFN by a mecha-
nism that is not fully-understood. Once inside the target cell, Gzms
Upon recognition of virally infected or tumor cells, natural are capable of initiating at least three distinct cell death pathways
killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) release the (Chowdhury and Lieberman, 2008). In the GzmA pathway, GzmA
contents of their cytotoxic granules into the immunological syn- translocates to the interior of the mitochondria and nucleus to in-
apse formed with the cell singled out for elimination. These cy- duce cell death. It has so far been shown to cleave 8 protein substrates
totoxic granules contain a family of serine proteases called gran- in the cell with a high degree of specificity (Supplemental Table 1).
zymes (granule enzyme, Gzm) and a pore-forming protein called Inside the mitochondrial matrix, GzmA-mediated cleavage of
perforin (PFN). PFN facilitates the entry of Gzms into the cytosol a component of the electron transport chain complex I, NDUFS3,
of the target cell, where they initiate a cascade of events ultimately leads to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Martinvalet
inducing programmed cell death. The different members of the Gzm et al., 2008; Martinvalet et al., 2005), driving the ER-associated SET
family are remarkable in the diversity of substrates upon which complex into the nucleus. This complex is involved in the oxida-
they act and the distinct pathways of cell death that they initiate. tive stress response and is currently known to be composed of six
The five human Gzms are encoded on three gene clusters and proteins: three nucleases (Ape1, NM23-H1, and TREX1), two chro-
each Gzm has the ability to initiate distinct pathways of pro- matin-modifying proteins (SET and pp32), and the DNA-binding
grammed cell death; this redundancy likely evolved to allow the protein HMGB2 (Beresford et al., 1997; Chowdhury et al., 2006; Fan
immune system to combat a wide range of pathogens. While GzmA et al., 2003a; Fan et al., 2002; Fan et al., 2003b). Inside the nucleus,
and GzmB are the most abundant members of the family, the ma- GzmA cleaves SET, an inhibitor of the GzmA-Activated DNase
jority of research efforts historically have focused on dissecting (GAAD) NM23-H1. This activates the NM23-H1 endonuclease to
the GzmB cell death pathway (Chowdhury and Lieberman, 2008). cause single-stranded nicking of chromosomal DNA. DNA damage
Granzymes are homologous to trypsin and other related serine is then extended by the SET complex exonuclease TREX-1 (Chow-
proteases, named for the conserved serine residue in their active dhury et al., 2006; Fan et al., 2003a). At the same time, GzmA also
site (Bell et al., 2003). High resolution crystal structures of some of cleaves two other SET complex proteins: HMGB2, a DNA bending
the Gzms and the fact that GzmA substrates do not share a com- protein, and Ape1, a crucial endonuclease in base excision repair
mon peptide sequence around their cleavage site suggest that subtle (BER) (Fan et al., 2003a; Fan et al., 2002). GzmA cleavage and in-
differences in active site conformation are responsible for the sub- activation of Ku70 and PARP-1 proteins in the nucleus also inter-
strate specificity of each protease (Supplemental Figure 1) (Bell et al., feres with single- and double-strand DNA break repair pathways
2003; Chowdhury and Lieberman, 2008; Hink-Schauer et al., 2003). (Zhu et al., 2006). By wreaking havoc on the cell’s DNA repair
Expression of Gzm and PFN genes in naïve CD8 T cells is triggered machinery, GzmA effectively commits the cell to cell death (Fig-
by T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation by antigen-presenting cells (Bossi ure 1). Cells subjected to GzmA and PFN loading die rapidly and
and Griffiths, 2005). A signal sequence directs the nascent Gzms to the display morphological evidence of apoptosis, including membrane
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and begins the process of Gzm trafficking perturbation, nuclear condensation, and DNA damage. Further-
into cytotoxic granules, a specialized set of secretory lysosomes. Af- more, caspase inhibition does not rescue targeted cells. GzmA
ter T cell recognition-mediated activation of cytotoxic cells, the lytic therefore induces a novel apoptotic pathway that allows immune
granules of the killer cell migrate to the immunological synapse. The cells to wage war against infected cells that have developed means
granule membrane fuses with the immune cell plasma membrane, to evade caspase pathways of cell death, as is the case for many tu-
releasing PFN and Gzms into the immunological synapse. Entry of mors and some viruses (Beresford et al., 1999; Shresta et al., 1999). 1
RESEARCH Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009

with increased drug resistance in cancer. Multiple studies demon-

strated that translocation of YB-1 into the nucleus results in upregu-
lation of the MDR1 gene (Bargou et al., 1997; Oda et al., 1998; Ohga et
al., 1996; Ohga et al., 1998). However, this theory has since been ques-
tioned after experiments utilizing RNA interference (RNAi) indicat-
ed that YB-1 is not directly involved in MDR1 regulation (Kaszubiak
et al., 2007). Although originally described as a transcription factor,
YB-1 was later shown to also regulate translation in the cytoplasm,
where the majority of YB-1 is found. YB-1 also influences translation
through multiple mechanisms, including (1) enhancing splicing, (2)
facilitating the formation of messenger ribonucleoprotein particles
(mRNPs), and (3) stabilizing nascent mRNAs in a cap-dependent
manner (Evdokimova et al., 2001; Skabkin et al., 2004; Stickeler et
al., 2001). Microarray analysis has revealed that many YB-1-associ-
ated mRNAs encode proteins regulating cell proliferation, oncogenic
transformation, and the stress response (Evdokimova et al., 2006b).
Recent studies concerning YB-1 have further explored the con-
sequences of nuclear localization of YB-1, which is enhanced in
Figure 1. Granzyme A cell death pathway. Upon entry into the tar-
cancer cells. Increased nuclear localization in cancer correlates
get cell, (1) GzmA targets the mitochondria and induces the produc-
with tumor size, degree of invasion, lymph node metastasis, and
tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS). (2) ROS production leads to
poor clinical prognosis. This has been demonstrated in lung, pros-
the translocation of the SET complex into the nucleus. (3) GzmA
also enters the nucleus by an unknown mechanism and targets mem- tate, and breast cancers; osteosarcoma; and multiple myeloma

bers of the SET complex and other proteins, resulting in irreversible (Chatterjee et al., 2008; Gimenez-Bonafe et al., 2004; Oda et al.,
DNA damage and cell death. Adapted from (Cullen and Martin, 2008). 1998; Saji et al., 2003; Shibahara et al., 2001). Similarly, high YB-1
expression in cells also correlates with drug resistance and poor
In an ongoing effort to identify new substrates of GzmA and un- tumor prognosis (Homer et al., 2005). Elucidation of the molecu-
derstand the function of the SET complex, previous members of the lar mechanisms behind these clinical observations will help de-
Lieberman Laboratory performed yeast two-hybrid screens to iden- termine whether YB-1 might be a potential therapeutic target.
tify proteins that interact with two components of the SET complex:
SET and pp32. In these screens, the transcription factor Y-box binding Method
protein 1 (YB-1) was shown to interact with both SET and pp32. Sub-
sequent GST pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays in 293 Cell Lines and Reagents
cells stably expressing HA-tagged YB-1 confirmed that SET and YB-1 Cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collec-
interact both in vitro and in cells, respectively (Zhang, unpublished tion (Manassas, VA). HeLa cells were maintained in DMEM (Invit-
data). YB-1 was originally identified as a transcription factor (TF) that rogen) supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 units/mL Penicillin G, 100
binds to the Y-box of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II µg/mL streptomycin sulfate, 6 mM HEPES, 1.6 mM L-glutamine,
promoters (Didier et al., 1988). The 324 amino acid protein belongs to and 50 µM β-mercaptoethanol. K562 cells were maintained in RP-
the cold-shock domain (CSD) family of proteins, which is conserved MI-1640 (Mediatech, Inc.) similarly supplemented. The following
in nearly all living organisms and participates in environmental primary antibodies were used: HA High Affinity (Roche, 1:2000
stress responses in eukaryotes (Supplemental Figure 2) (Evdokimova working dilution), YB-1 (Epitomics, 1:5000), β-tubulin (Sigma,
et al., 2006a). YB-1 is localized predominantly in the cytoplasm but 1:1000), β-actin (from J. Lin, University of Iowa; 1:1000), caspase 3
rapidly translocates to the nucleus in response to anticancer drugs, (Stressgen Bioreagents, 1:1000), GST (GE Healthcare, 1:2000), and
hyperthermia, and UV radiation (Koike et al., 1997; Stein et al., 2001; NM23-H1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, 1:1000). SET (1:1000) and
Uchiumi et al., 1993). This illustrates a crucial potential link between pp32 (1:1000) antibodies were produced as described (Beresford et
YB-1 and the SET complex, which also translocates to the nucleus in al., 2001). The following secondary antibodies were used: α-Goat-
response to oxidative stress. In the absence of stress, the C-terminus Ig-HRP (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, 1:2000), α-Rabbit-Ig-HRP (GE
of YB-1 possesses a cytoplasmic retention signal (CRS) that prevails Healthcare, 1:2000), and α-Mouse-Ig-HRP (GE Healthcare, 1:5000).
over a nuclear localization signal (NLS) (Bader and Vogt, 2005; Jur-
chott et al., 2003). Since the CRS was first characterized, nuclear trans- Transfection
location has been shown to result from cleavage of the C-terminus of Mammalian expression plasmid pCDNA6-YB1-HA was a kind
YB-1 by both the 20S proteasome and thrombin (Sorokin et al., 2005; gift of Hans-Dieter Royer (Germany) (Supplemental Figure 3)
Stenina et al., 2001). Thrombin and GzmA are both serine proteases. (Chatterjee et al., 2008). 5x105 HeLa cells were treated with 3 µg of
YB-1 can regulate transcription in three ways: (1) direct binding plasmid and Lipofectamine 2000 Reagent (Invitrogen) at 37°C for
to the Y-box and related sequences, (2) interaction with other TFs 4 hours according to the manufacturer’s instructions in the pres-
(serving as a co-activator or co-repressor), or (3) binding to transcrip- ence of Opti-MEM (Invitrogen). After washing cells twice with
tional promoters to either enhance or inhibit binding of other TFs. PBS (Mediatech, Inc.), DMEM was added to wells and cells were
The transcription of 21 genes has been shown to be regulated by YB-1. incubated at 37°C. Cells were plated 24 hours prior to transfec-
Interestingly, YB-1 down-regulates and up-regulates approximately tion and transfected cells were lysed 48 hours after transfection.
equal numbers of genes (Kohno et al., 2003). One gene which YB-1
was originally shown to upregulate is the multidrug resistance 1 gene Cell Lysate Preparation
(MDR1), which encodes an ABC transporter commonly associated HeLa cells were washed twice with PBS and incubated with Try-

2 The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal

Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009 RESEARCH

Lysate + - + + + + + PFN - + - + + +

GzmA (µM) - 1 0.1 0.5 1 - - - - 1 0.05 0.2 1
S-AGzmA (µM) - - - - - 1 -

GzmB (µM) - - - - - - 1

YB1-HA 50 kD HA

Cleaved YB1-HA 20 kD HA


Cleaved SET 25 kD SET

50 kD β-Tubulin

Figure 3. YB-1 is cleaved in K562 cells treated with PFN and GzmA.
K562 cells were treated with PFN and varying concentrations of active
Figure 2. GzmA cleaves YB1-HA in HeLa cell lysate. Lysate from HeLa cells
GzmA at 37°C for 1 hour. Cells treated with PFN or GzmA alone served as
over-expressing YB1-HA was treated with increasing concentrations of ac-
negative controls. Immunoblots were probed with YB-1, SET, and NM23-
tive GzmA at 37°C for 1 hour. Inactive S-AGzmA- and GzmB-treated cell
H1 antibodies. In the presence of PFN, GzmA cleaved YB-1 in intact K562
lysates served as negative controls. Immunoblots were probed with HA, SET,
cells in a dose-dependent manner that was consistent with cleavage of SET,
and β-Tubulin antibodies. GzmA cleaved YB1-HA in a dose-dependent
a known substrate of GzmA. This experiment was performed by Denis
manner that was consistent with cleavage of SET, a known substrate of GzmA.
Martinvalet. The immunoblot for SET was provided by Danielle Jensen.

pLE Express (Invitrogen) at 37°C for 5 minutes. Following washing 100°C for 5 minutes. Samples were stored at -20°C until analysis.
with DMEM, cells were centrifuged at 500g for 5 minutes, the su-
pernatant was removed, and the pellet was resuspended in 500 µL Cell Treatment with PFN and Gzms
polysome lysis buffer (PLB) (100 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM K562 cells were washed three times with HBSS (Mediatech, Inc.)
HEPES, pH 7.0, 0.5% Nonidet P-40, 1 mM DTT, 100 U ml-1 RNa- and 5x104 cells were resuspended in 60 µL cell loading buffer (HBSS
sin RNase inhibitor, 2 mM vanadyl ribonucleoside complexes so- with 10 mM HEPES [pH7.2], 0.4% BSA, 3 mM CaCl2). A sublytic dose
lution, and 25 µL ml-1 protease inhibitor cocktail for mammalian of PFN [defined as the concentration that lyses 5%-15% of cells (Mar-
tissues) (Peritz et al., 2006). Samples were incubated on ice for 10 tinvalet et al., 2008)] and/or Gzms (concentration as indicated) were
minutes and then centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 15 minutes. Su- added and cells were incubated at 37°C for 1 hour. In cells pretreated
pernatant (cell lysate) was collected and stored at -20°C until use. with a caspase-inhibitor, 50 µM Caspase-3 Inhibitor II, Z-DEVD-FMK
(Calbiochem) was added to the cells in suspension and then incubated
Western Blot at 37°C for 30 minutes prior to addition of granule enzymes. The re-
Samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitro- action was stopped by adding 15 µL of 5X reducing SDS sample buf-
cellulose membrane (Millipore) using a Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry fer, boiling at 100°C for 5 minutes, and storing at -20°C until analysis.
Electrophoretic Transfer Cell (Bio-Rad). Membranes were blocked
in 5% non-fat milk (Nestle) in 0.05% Tween 20 with TBS (TBST) for Protein Expression and Purification
30 minutes and then incubated in the indicated primary antibody in Recombinant GST-YB1 bacterial expression plasmid was a kind
5% non-fat milk TBST either at 4°C overnight or at room tempera- gift of Kimitoshi Kohno (Japan) (Ise et al., 1999; Okamoto et al., 2000).
ture for 1 hour. Membranes were washed three times with TBST, One µL plasmid was used to transform BL21 DE3-competent E. coli.
incubated in secondary antibody in 5% non-fat milk TBST for 1 hour Cells were incubated on ice for 30 minutes, heat-shocked at 42°C for
at room temperature, and washed again. Blots were visualized us- 30 seconds, and added to 250 µL Super Optimal broth with Catabolite
ing homemade ECL solution and Scientific Imaging Film (Kodak). repression (SOC) Medium (New England Biolabs). Cells were incubat-
ed in a shaker at 37°C for 1 hour and then 50 µL of culture was spread
In vitro Cleavage Assays on an LB-ampicillin agar plate before incubation overnight at 37°C.
Protein samples were suspended in 20-50 µL PBS with indi- A single colony was selected for inoculation in 500 mL LB Broth, Len-
cated concentration of Gzms and incubated at 37°C for indicated nox (Fisher Scientific) containing 50 µg/mL ampicillin and incubated
length of time. Cell lysate cleavage assays were performed using at 37°C overnight. This culture was used to seed 4 L of LB-ampicillin.
0.2 µg cell lysate protein/µL and GST-YB1 cleavage assays were per- After reaching an OD600 of 0.7, the large culture was induced by add-
formed using 0.1 µg purified protein/µL. All samples were equal- ing isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) (Sigma Aldrich)
ized to final working volume with PBS. After incubation, 5X re- at a final concentration of 250 µg/mL. Four hours after induction, the
ducing SDS sample buffer was added and samples were boiled at bacterial pellet was harvested, resuspended in lysis buffer, sonicated, 3
RESEARCH Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009

and centrifuged at 20,000g at for 1 hour. Lysate was passed through

a 0.45 µm filter and then loaded onto a PBS-equilibrated column GST-YB1 + - - + + + + -
containing Gluathione Sepharose 4 Fast Flow (GE Healthcare) using
the BioLogic DuoFlow FPLC (Bio-Rad). Column was washed with GzmA
- 1 - 0.25 0.5 1 - -
5 column volumes (CV) of PBS and then eluted using 1.5 CV of an
increasing linear gradient of elution buffer (10 mM reduced glutathi- GzmB
- - 1 - - - 1 -
one) followed by 2 more CV of elution buffer. In the second round of
purification using the Glutathione Sepharose column, pooled sam-
GST - - - - - - - +
ples were reloaded onto the column, washed with 10 CV of PBS con-
taining 0.5 M NaCl, and eluted as previously described. In the final
round of purification, pooled samples were passed through a Sep- 75 kD GST-YB1
hadex 75 (S-75) gel filtration column (Amersham) equilibrated with
PBS. Recombinant GzmA and inactive S-AGzmA were expressed Full-length YB-1
50 kD
and purified as reported (Beresford et al., 1997). PFN and GzmB were
expressed and purified as reported (Shi et al., 1992; Shi et al., 2000). Cleavage
37 kD fragment

Mass Spectrometry GzmB

Samples selected for analysis by mass spectrometry were excised
from Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE gel of samples from the in vitro 25 kD GzmA
GST-YB1 cleavage assay and processed at the Taplin Mass Spectrom-
etry Facility (Harvard Medical School) using tryptic digestion. Pep-
tides were aligned to the amino acid sequence for YB-1 as posted by the Figure 4. GzmA cleaves recombinant GST-YB1 in vitro. Purified GST-
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Theoretical YB1 was treated with varying concentrations of active GzmA and

molecular weights of terminal peptide fragments were calculated using GzmB at 37°C for 2 hours. Samples were separated by SDS-PAGE
and the gel was stained with Coomassie Blue. GzmA cleaved recom-
the ProtParam Tool from the ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis Sys-
binant GST-YB1 and cleavage product accumulated at ~40 kDa.
tem) proteomics server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB).
Bands outlined in red were submitted for mass spectrometry analysis.

peak in fractions #5 and 6 with an approximate MW consistent with

RESULTS the expected MW of GST-YB1 of ~75 kDa (Supplemental Figure 5).
Screening of the peaks from the final purification step demonstrated
Measured by propidium iodine uptake and flow cytometry (data that a doublet of GST-YB1 was obtained in early fractions (Supple-
not shown) (Martinvalet et al., 2008). The level of full-length YB-1 mental Figure 4D). We do not understand why the GST-YB-1 fusion
decreased when cells were treated with increasing concentrations protein elutes as a doublet, but other investigators have reported sim-
of GzmA in the presence of PFN, but did not change in cells that ilar results (Ise et al., 1999). Western Blot confirmed that both of the
were treated with PFN, GzmA, or GzmB alone (Figure 3 and data dominant bands from Supplemental Figure 4D reacted with GST and
not shown). Unlike in HeLa cell lysates, the YB-1 cleavage product YB-1 antibodies (data not shown). Fraction #5 contained 0.1 µg puri-
was not detectable by YB-1 antibody, most likely due to the unique fied protein/µL and was selected for use in subsequent experiments.
epitope recognized by the antibody or the fact that cleavage frag-
ments may be more labile in intact K562 cells. Cleavage of native GzmA Cleaves GST-YB1 in vitro
YB-1 was not inhibited by pretreating the target cells with the cas- Purified protein was subjected to in vitro GzmA cleavage assays
pase inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK, which is consistent with the caspase- similar to those performed using HeLa cell lysates. Samples of purified
independence of GzmA-mediated cell death (data not shown). recombinant GST-YB1 were treated with increasing concentrations of
GzmA and appropriate controls, separated by SDS-PAGE, and stained
Expression of Recombinant GST-YB1 with Coomassie Blue. GzmA, GzmB, and GST alone were incubated
To begin to characterize the GzmA cleavage site, we purified re- alone to allow differentiation between full-length protein, enzyme,
combinant YB-1 protein using an E. coli expression system. The re- tag, and potential cleavage fragment bands (Figure 4). When purified
combinant protein could then be treated with GzmA to isolate cleav- protein was incubated with increasing concentrations of GzmA, full-
age fragments for sequencing. A bacterial expression system was length GST-YB1 (~75 kDa) decreased at the same time that two new
used to express large quantities of YB-1 fused at the N-terminus to bands appeared with apparent molecular weights of ~50 kDa and ~40
a glutathione S-transferase (GST) tag to allow purification of the re- kDa. The intensity of the GzmA band at ~25 kDa also increased as the
combinant YB-1 protein (GST-YB1, Supplemental Figure 3A), as pre- concentration of GzmA increased. GzmB did not have a significant
viously reported (Hayakawa et al., 2002; Ise et al., 1999; Okamoto et effect on the level of full-length GST-YB1. To characterize the new
al., 2000). The fusion protein has an expected MW of ~75 kDa, which bands, the GST-YB1 cleavage assay samples were reanalyzed by West-
is consistent with the fusion of the ~26 kDa GST tag to the ~50 kDa ern Blot, probing with YB-1 and GST antibodies (Supplemental Fig-
YB-1 protein. Purification by fast protein liquid chromatography ure 6). In the GST-YB1 cleavage assay, the YB-1 antibody recognized
(FPLC) using glutathione resin yielded large quantities of recombi- the new ~50 kDa band in GzmA-treated samples, but not the ~40 kDa
nant protein, as determined by fraction analysis using SDS-PAGE band. Two new bands reacted with GST antibody in the GzmA-treated
and Coomassie staining. The indicated fractions of eluted protein samples. The only new band that appeared in GzmA-treated samples
were pooled and subjected to two further rounds of purification in- and reacted with GST antibody migrated at ~26 kDa, the MW of GST.
volving a high salt wash (to remove non-specifically bound proteins) Based on these results, we suspect that in addition to cleaving
and gel filtration (to remove low WV contaminants) (Supplemen- YB-1, GzmA also cleaved the GST-YB1 fusion protein between YB-1
tal Figure 4). Upon elution, the chromatogram showed a dominant and the GST tag. This resulted in the accumulation of WT-length
4 The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal
Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009 RESEARCH

Full-length YB-1 Figure 5. GzmA cleaves YB-1 at the C-terminus. Full-length. GST-YB1 and
1 MSSEAETQQP PAAPPAAPAL SAADTKPGTT GSGAGSGGPG YB-1 N-terminal cleavage fragment bands were excised from the gel de-
41 GLTSAAPAGG DKKVIATKVL GTVKWFNVRN GYGFINRNDT picted in Figure 10 and submitted for tryptic digestion and mass spectrom-
81 KEDVFVHQTA IKKNNPRKYL RSVGDGETVE FDVVEGEKGA etry analysis. Peptide coverage was aligned according to the sequence for
121 EAANVTGPGG VPVQGSKYAA DRNHYRRYPR RRGPPRNYQQ YB-1 obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI). Recovered peptides are indicated in bold. Highlighted in yellow
are peptides recovered in the full-length protein samples but missing from
the cleavage fragment sample. Highlighted in turquoise is the predicted
range within which GzmA cleaves YB-1. GzmA appears to cleave YB-1
between amino acids R234 and R253.
321 GGAE
We interpret these data to mean that GzmA cleaves YB-1 within
Cleavage Product the arginine-rich region between Q235 and R253. Cleavage in this
1 MSSEAETQQP PAAPPAAPAL SAADTKPGTT GSGAGSGGPG region would produce a C-terminal fragment of between 70 and 89
41 GLTSAAPAGG DKKVIATKVL GTVKWFNVRN GYGFINRNDT amino acids in length. The theoretical molecular weights predicted
81 KEDVFVHQTA IKKNNPRKYL RSVGDGETVE FDVVEGEKGA by the amino acid sequences of these two potential cleavage frag-
121 EAANVTGPGG VPVQGSKYAA DRNHYRRYPR RRGPPRNYQQ ments (measured from Q235 to E324 and from R253 to E324) are
161 NYQNSESGEK NEGSESAPEG QAQQRRPYRR RRFPPYYMRR ~8.1 kDa and ~10.6 kDa, respectively. Hence, cleavage of peptide
201 PYGRRPQYSN PPVQGEVMEG ADNQGAGEQG RPVRQNMYRG fragments of these weights is consistent with the ~10 kDa difference
241 YRPRFRRGPP RQRQPREDGN EEDKENQGDE TQGQQPPQRR in electrophoretic mobility between WT YB-1 (~50 kDa) and the
281 YRRNFNYRRR RPENPKPQDG KETKAADPPA ENSSAPEAEQ cleavage fragment (~40 kDa) (Supplemental Figure 7). However, the
GGAE region between R234 and R253 contains seven arginine residues after
which GzmA, a tryptase, could potentially cleave YB-1. Therefore, we
•324 amino acid sequence of YB-1
were unable to identify the precise preferred cleavage site. While our

•Peptide coverage
•Peptide present in full-length sample but missing from results effectively narrow the location of the GzmA cleavage site to a
cleavage fragment sample
•Predicted region containing cleavage site region within the C-terminus of YB-1, further experiments are re-
quired to identify the specific amino acid after which YB-1 is cleaved.
YB-1 at ~50 kDa and an accumulation of GST monomer at ~26 kDa.
Furthermore, based on the fact that the YB-1 antibody recognizes the Discussion
C-terminus of the protein (amino acids 280-301 of 324) and did not
recognize the ~40 kDa band in GzmA-treated samples (Supplemental Based on preliminary data which suggest that YB-1 interacts with
Figure 6A), we hypothesized that this Coomassie-stained band rep- SET, a known substrate of the protease GzmA, in the present study
resents the N-terminal YB-1 cleavage fragment lacking the GST tag. we investigated whether the nucleic acid-binding protein YB-1 is also
Since GzmB did not cleave GST-YB1, this suggests that GzmA cleav- a GzmA substrate. We found that GzmA cleaves YB-1 in mamma-
age of YB-1 is specific. The size of the N-terminal cleavage fragment lian cell lysate and in whole cells treated with PFN and GzmA. Pu-
appears consistent with our previous findings in HeLa cell lysate. In rification of recombinant YB-1 using a bacterial expression system
Figure 2, GzmA cleavage of YB1-HA produced a ~20 kDa HA-tagged and subsequent treatment with GzmA demonstrated that recombi-
C-terminal fragment and here we report that the N-terminal cleavage nant YB-1 is specifically cleaved in a dose-dependent manner. Mass
fragment of GST-YB1 is ~40 kDa. Although we would predict that spectrometry analysis of isolated YB-1 cleavage fragments suggested
the weights of N- and C-terminal cleavage fragments would add up that GzmA cleaves YB-1 at the C-terminus, most likely between ami-
to ~50 kDa, the accepted MW of YB-1, the slight variation in electro- no acid residues R234 and R253. Taken together, our data strong-
phoretic mobility may not be an accurate reflection of actual MW. ly suggest that YB-1 is a direct physiological substrate of GzmA.
In the immediate future, efforts should focus on identifying the
GzmA Cleaves YB-1 at the C-Terminus precise GzmA cleavage site in YB-1 within the range of possible resi-
Cleaved recombinant GST-YB1 bands were subjected to trypsin dues suggested by our mass spectrometry analysis. This could be ac-
digest and mass spectrometry analysis to identify the location of the complished by analyzing fragment samples without enzymatic digest
GzmA cleavage site. Specifically, the top band of the GST-YB1-alone or sequentially mutating each of the arginine residues in the range of
control sample observed at ~75 kDa and the cleavage fragments in potential cleavage sites and assaying for the mutant recombinant pro-
the three GzmA-treated samples observed at ~40 kDa (submitted as teins’ ability to withstand GzmA-induced cleavage. Future experi-
a single sample) were excised and submitted for analysis (submitted ments should next aim to determine whether cleavage of YB-1 is nec-
samples outlined in red) (Figure 4). Peptide fragments were aligned essary for the induction of apoptosis by GzmA. To test this, researchers
according to the amino acid sequence of YB-1 obtained from the Na- should explore the effect of over-expressing a GzmA-uncleavable mu-
tional Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (Figure 5). Tryp- tant form of YB-1 on GzmA’s ability to induce cell death. Cells sta-
tic peptides covering the YB-1 sequence from V54 to the C-terminal bly over-expressing WT and GzmA-uncleavable YB-1 would first be
end of the protein (E324) were recovered in the full-length sample, but treated with PFN and GzmA and apoptosis would then be assayed by
only from V54 to R234 in the cleavage fragment sample. The region flow cytometry following annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) stain-
between Q235 and R253, in which no peptides were identified in either ing. If cleavage of YB-1 is necessary for the induction of apoptosis, we
sample, is arginine-rich and might have resulted in small tryptic prod- would expect that over-expression of the GzmA-uncleavable form of
ucts that were too small to be resolved by mass spectrometry. Surpris- YB-1 would render cells more resistant to GzmA-induced cell death.
ingly, no peptides corresponding to the first 53 amino acids of YB-1 Initial investigations into the hallmarks of apoptosis centered
were recovered from either sample. Peptides corresponding to GST on the effects of caspases, which were thought to be as the prima-
were only recovered in the full-length sample (data not shown), con- ry mediators of this innate cellular process; however, it was later
sistent with our hypothesis that the ~40 kDa band lacked the GST tag. shown that caspase inhibition was not sufficient to block the in- 5
RESEARCH Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009

duction of apoptosis and that caspase-independent cell death was Beresford, P.J., Kam, C.M., Powers, J.C., and Lieberman, J. (1997). Recombi-
possible (Tait and Green, 2008). Researchers also discovered that nant human granzyme A binds to two putative HLA-associated proteins
and cleaves one of them. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94, 9285-9290.
inhibition of ROS generation afforded cells some protection from
Beresford, P.J., Xia, Z., Greenberg, A.H., and Lieberman, J. (1999). Gran-
apoptosis, particularly in the context of T cell deletion during de- zyme A loading induces rapid cytolysis and a novel form of DNA damage
velopment of the immune system (Hildeman et al., 1999; Sand- independently of caspase activation. Immunity 10, 585-594.
strom et al., 1994). Treating cells targeted for destruction by CTLs Beresford, P.J., Zhang, D., Oh, D.Y., Fan, Z., Greer, E.L., Russo, M.L., Jaju,
with superoxide scavengers and antioxidants completely blocked M., and Lieberman, J. (2001). Granzyme A activates an endoplasmic
reticulum-associated caspase-independent nuclease to induce single-
GzmA-induced cell death. ROS generation is now considered es-
stranded DNA nicks. J Biol Chem 276, 43285-43293.
sential to GzmA-mediated cell death (Martinvalet et al., 2005). Bossi, G., and Griffiths, G.M. (2005). CTL secretory lysosomes: biogenesis
ROS are the endogenous byproduct of respiration and oxidative and secretion of a harmful organelle. Semin Immunol 17, 87-94.
metabolism and are induced by a variety of environmental agents, Chatterjee, M., Rancso, C., Stuhmer, T., Eckstein, N., Andrulis, M., Gerecke,
such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation. ROS generation causes DNA C., Lorentz, H., Royer, H.D., and Bargou, R.C. (2008). The Y-box binding
damage by creating abasic sites and plays an important role in the protein YB-1 is associated with progressive disease and mediates survival
and drug resistance in multiple myeloma. Blood 111, 3714-3722.
induction of various diseases, including cancer. YB-1 was recently Chowdhury, D., Beresford, P.J., Zhu, P., Zhang, D., Sung, J.S., Demple, B.,
shown to stimulate the base excision activity of NEIL2, a recently Perrino, F.W., and Lieberman, J. (2006). The exonuclease TREX1 is in the
characterized oxidative base-specific DNA glycosylase (Das et al., SET complex and acts in concert with NM23-H1 to degrade DNA during
2007). YB-1’s ability to inhibit translation of damaged RNA has also granzyme A-mediated cell death. Mol Cell 23, 133-142.
been demonstrated. Researchers found that full-length YB-1 had Chowdhury, D., and Lieberman, J. (2008). Death by a thousand cuts:
granzyme pathways of programmed cell death. Annu Rev Immunol 26,
enhanced binding affinity for 8-oxoguanine-containing RNA. This
oxidized form of guanine is generated in the nucleotide pool by the Das, S., Chattopadhyay, R., Bhakat, K.K., Boldogh, I., Kohno, K., Prasad, R.,
action of oxygen radicals produced in cells and is capable of pair- Wilson, S.H., and Hazra, T.K. (2007). Stimulation of NEIL2-mediated
ing with both cytosine and adenine. Studies in E. coli demonstrated oxidized base excision repair via YB-1 interaction during oxidative
that when WT YB-1, capable of binding 8-oxoguanine-containing stress. J Biol Chem 282, 28474-28484.

Didier, D.K., Schiffenbauer, J., Woulfe, S.L., Zacheis, M., and Schwartz, B.D.
RNAs, was expressed, cells acquired resistance against paraquat, a
(1988). Characterization of the cDNA encoding a protein binding to the
drug that induces oxidative stress in cells. Cells expressing a trun- major histocompatibility complex class II Y box. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S
cated form of YB-1 that lacked binding affinity remained sensitive A 85, 7322-7326.
to the drug (Hayakawa et al., 2002). Thus, functional YB-1 may pro- Evdokimova, V., Ovchinnikov, L.P., and Sorensen, P.H. (2006a). Y-box bind-
tect cells against oxidative stress by multiple mechanisms. Cleavage ing protein 1: providing a new angle on translational regulation. Cell
of YB-1 by GzmA raises the possibility that the human immune Cycle 5, 1143-1147.
Evdokimova, V., Ruzanov, P., Anglesio, M.S., Sorokin, A.V., Ovchinnikov,
system may have evolved to cleave YB-1 to prevent the targeted L.P., Buckley, J., Triche, T.J., Sonenberg, N., and Sorensen, P.H. (2006b).
cell from recovering from the damage induced by killer lympho- Akt-mediated YB-1 phosphorylation activates translation of silent
cytes and NK cells. This idea is supported by the fact that GzmA mRNA species. Mol Cell Biol 26, 277-292.
has already been shown to target a number of components of the Evdokimova, V., Ruzanov, P., Imataka, H., Raught, B., Svitkin, Y., Ovchin-
SET complex, which is thought to be involved in oxidative DNA re- nikov, L.P., and Sonenberg, N. (2001). The major mRNA-associated
protein YB-1 is a potent 5’ cap-dependent mRNA stabilizer. EMBO J 20,
pair, as well as other proteins involved in repairing DNA damage.
Fan, Z., Beresford, P.J., Oh, D.Y., Zhang, D., and Lieberman, J. (2003a).
Tumor suppressor NM23-H1 is a granzyme A-activated DNase during
Acknowledgments CTL-mediated apoptosis, and the nucleosome assembly protein SET is its
inhibitor. Cell 112, 659-672.
Fan, Z., Beresford, P.J., Zhang, D., and Lieberman, J. (2002). HMG2 interacts
I would like to thank Judy for providing me with the oppor- with the nucleosome assembly protein SET and is a target of the cyto-
tunity to engage in what has easily proven to be one of my great- toxic T-lymphocyte protease granzyme A. Mol Cell Biol 22, 2810-2820.
est learning experiences. This work would not have been possible Fan, Z., Beresford, P.J., Zhang, D., Xu, Z., Novina, C.D., Yoshida, A., Pom-
without your kindness and I would not be as proud of it as I am mier, Y., and Lieberman, J. (2003b). Cleaving the oxidative repair protein
without your dedication to a higher standard. Thank you Denis, Ape1 enhances cell death mediated by granzyme A. Nat Immunol 4,
Ashish, Danielle, Perry, and all members of the Lieberman Labo- Gimenez-Bonafe, P., Fedoruk, M.N., Whitmore, T.G., Akbari, M., Ralph,
ratory for your assistance, advice, insight, and friendship. Fi- J.L., Ettinger, S., Gleave, M.E., and Nelson, C.C. (2004). YB-1 is upregu-
nally, I thank my parents, without whom nothing I accomplish lated during prostate cancer tumor progression and increases P-glyco-
would be possible; thank you for providing me with the means protein activity. Prostate 59, 337-349.
to explore and the ability to put the journey into perspective. Hayakawa, H., Uchiumi, T., Fukuda, T., Ashizuka, M., Kohno, K., Kuwano,
M., and Sekiguchi, M. (2002). Binding capacity of human YB-1 protein
for RNA containing 8-oxoguanine. Biochemistry 41, 12739-12744.
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1 324

Supplemental Figure 2. Y-box binding protein 1. (A) Ribbon structure and


(B) domain structure of YB-1. Variable N-terminal domain (V), Cold Shock
Domain (CSD), and alternating basic/acidic residue repeats (B, A). Re-
produced from and (Kloks et al., 2002), respectively.

Supplemental Figure 4. Expression of recombinant GST-YB1. (A) Schematic

representation of GST-YB1 purification scheme. Coomassie-stained SDS-
PAGE gels show fractions of GST-YB1 purified by (B) glutathione affinity,
(C) glutathione affinity with 0.5 M NaCl wash, and (D) gel filtration. In (D),
full-length GST-YB1 is indicated by asterisk. Elution fraction #5 from final
purification was used in subsequent experiments, indicated by yellow star.
Absorbance (260 nm)

Supplemental Figure 3. Transient transfection with YB1-HA plasmid

Time (min)
leads to YB-1 expression. (A) Schematic representation of the two plas-
mids used in experiments. (B) Cell lysates from HeLa cells transiently Supplemental Figure 5. Elution profile of recombinant GST-YB1
transfected with either YB1-HA or empty vector plasmid were analyzed from gel filtration column. FPLC chromatogram of gel filtration pu-
by Western Blot. Immunoblots were probed with HA and β-Tubulin rification of GST-YB1 shows elution of GST-YB1 between frac-
antibodies. YB1-HA was only expressed in YB1-HA-transfected cells tions #3 and 8, which is consistent with fraction screening by
and migrated at the expected apparent molecular weight of ~52 kDa. SDS-PAGE and Coomassie staining in Supplemental Figure 4.

8 The Harvard Undergraduate Research Journal

Volume 2 Issue 2 | Fall 2009 RESEARCH

GST-YB1 + - - + + + + -

GzmA (µM) - 1 - 0.25 0.5 1 - -

GzmB (µM) - - 1 - - - 1 -

GST - - - - - - - +

75 kD GST-YB1

YB-1 Full-length
50 kD

37 kD

B Full-length
75 kD GST-YB1

50 kD
Supplemental Figure 7. Schematic representation of predicted YB-1
GST cleavage fragments. We interpret the results of the mass spectrometry

37 kD
analysis to mean that full-length GST-YB1 was cleaved by GzmA be-
tween YB-1 and its GST tag and at some point within the arginine-
rich region at the C-terminus of YB-1. This schematic represents
25 kD the predicted YB-1 cleavage fragments that would result if GzmA
were to cleave YB-1 from the GST tag or C-terminal to the earli-
est and latest potential cleavage sites within the region between R234
and R253. Cleavage of such fragments from WT YB-1 is consistent
Supplemental Figure 6. N-terminal cleavage fragment of YB-1 protein was with the observed change in electrophoretic mobility of ~10 kDa.
submitted for mass spectrometry analysis. Samples from GST-YB1 cleav-
age assay depicted in Figure 4 were reanalyzed by Western Blot. Immuno- Current contact information: FDA/CBER/DH/LH,
blots were probed for (A) YB-1 and (B) GST. GzmA cleaved recombinant National Institutes of Health, 8800 Rockville Pike
GST-YB1 and cleavage product accumulated at ~40 kDa. Bethesda, MD 20892 9

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