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Distribution Shared Services - How To.

Series - Working with Campaigns

Campaigns are used to group together advisors or contacts for tracking responses to a
specific business objective. For example, you can use a campaign to select advisors for an
event, email a newsletter or other publication or article, or track their sales after a specific
educational event. Salesforce users will use Campaigns as a method of sending out massemail with Genius. For these users, refer only to the 2: Create and Execute the Campaign
and 3:Add Campaign Members steps your campaigns are transient and will only be
required for that mailing. Once the email is sent, your campaign can be removed.
Campaigns are accessed from the CAMPAIGNS tab and all users can see all campaigns.
While Campaigns are created, managed and cloned from
There are five steps to a successful campaign:
this tab, they are also accessible from the Lead, Contact
1. Plan the Campaign
and Advisor Objects. If you do not see Campaigns in
2. Create & execute the Campaign
Salesforce, you may not be setup as a Marketing User.
Contact your Subject Matter Expert to submit a request for
3. Add Campaign Members
you to get access to campaigns. Campaigns are not
4. Track Responses
available in Salesforce Mobile.

5. Measure Campaign Data

The most important step is #1!

Parent Campaigns
Parent Campaigns are holding campaigns that group all
the campaigns for the business. Parent Campaigns help organize
campaigns and facilitate reporting. All user-created campaigns must be
created under one of these parent campaigns.

Before using campaigns, each Salesforce user should check with their
Subject Matter Expert to determine where their campaigns should reside,
and if any naming conventions are in place.
Users are responsible for their campaigns - Only campaigns created at
the parent level will be maintained by Distribution Shared Services. Any
campaigns not created properly will be removed by Distribution Shared Services as part of
regular Salesforce maintenance.
To place your campaign under a Parent Campaign, select the appropriate campaign where
Campaign Views
Campaign views have been created for each business/channel.
Contact if you would like to
have a view created for your teams campaigns.

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1: Plan the Campaign

When planning the campaign, you should ask:
1) What is the purpose of this campaign?
2) Do I need to group the objects by matching a specific criteria? Or will I be selecting
based on their name only?
3) In Salesforce terms, what are the criteria that will I use to gather the campaign
members? Hint: Use the object to help develop your criteria. For example, if you
wish to select all Elite Advisors, refer to the ADVISOR object for a specific advisor to
find out how to select Elite status.
4) Do I need to review the list of group members and/or remove or add additional
members? For example, I may select all Elite advisors, but then add a couple more
advisors (not Elite) who have expressed an interest.
5) Do I need to track responses in the campaign? If so, what are the milestones I want
to track. For example, if you use a Campaign to track work with your advisors on a
specific initiative, you may want to track the stages of your project.

2: Create and Execute the Campaign

Scenario: You wish to set up a Campaign for an Email Communication
1) Click on CAMPAIGNS tab. If you do not have the Campaigns tab visible, click on ALL
TABS icon, then click on Campaigns.
2) Click on NEW.
3) Type the following:
Campaign Name
Type the Campaign name (following the naming
conventions established by your Channel/Business Unit)
Use the arrow to select Email
Parent Campaign
Type the Parent Campaign name or use the Lookup icon to
search for the Campaign.
Type some text to describe the purpose of this campaign.
Change the status to In Progress.
Check the Active Field.
For descriptions of the Campaign fields, refer to Appendix A.

4) Click SAVE.
Your campaign is now ready to add members. Proceed to the Add Campaign Members
section to add your advisors, Marketing Assistants, and/or Field Team members.

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Scenario: You wish to Track Milestones For a Specific Objective

In my example, I am creating a Campaign to track my success with a group of advisors I
wish to introduce to RepSources Campaign Manager.

1) Click on CAMPAIGNS tab. If you do not have the Campaigns tab visible, click on ALL
TABS icon, then click on Campaigns.
2) Click on NEW.
3) Type the following:
Campaign Name
Type the Campaign name (following the naming
conventions established by your Channel/Business Unit)
Use the arrow to select the type of Campaign.
Parent Campaign
Type the Parent Campaign name or use the Lookup icon to
search for the Campaign.
Type some text to describe the purpose of this campaign.
If you are ready to work on this campaign now, change the
status to In Progress.
You can leave the Campaign set to PLANNED until you are
ready to launch it.
If you are ready to launch your Campaign, check the Active
4) Click SAVE.
Your campaign has been created.
Campaign Status
Before adding campaign members, decide if you will be creating Campaign Status
entries for this campaign. In my example, Ill use the following status entries to identify
the milestones in my Campaign:
Contact Required
Indicates that I have not yet booked or had a meeting with
this advisor to discuss the merits of Repsources Campaign
Not Interested
Indicates that this advisor is not interested in using
Campaign Manager.
In Progress
This advisor is using one of the Campaigns available.
Analyze Results
The campaign is finished and the resulting statistics need to
be analyzed with the Advisor to determine success of the
This advisor has successfully completed an email campaign
and has sufficient knowledge to use the tool on his/her own.

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The Campaign Member Status fields are free-form, you can enter whatever milestones
you wish to track in your campaign. Once you have created the status entries, you will
change the status for each advisor as they move through this campaign.
Change the Default Responses:
5) To change the default responses, click on ADVANCED SETUP button.
a. Click EDIT to modify the standard responses of Sent & Responded.

b. Add your own responses and determine which will be the default response
when you select a contact, lead or advisor and which responses will count
as in the Campaign Statistics.
c. Use the ADD MORE Button to add additional responses besides the two
values shown.
d. Click SAVE to save the responses.
Now, you are ready to add members. Proceed to the Add Campaign Members section to add
your advisors, Marketing Assistants, and/or Field Team members.
If you did not set your campaign to active, remember to change the Status and Active
setting (steps 3 & 4).

3: Add Campaign Members

There are three ways that you can add a contact, lead or advisor object to a Campaign:
o Reports allow for numerous records to be added to a campaign.
o Only Leads and Contact Objects can be added to a Campaign via a report.
o Available for Leads, Contacts or Advisor Objects.
o Allows users to use Recognition data and Relationship Fields to select
o Only 200 line items can be displayed at one time, therefore advisors must be
added 200 at a time.
o Advisor Views are only available for channel-specific users.
Individual Contact, Lead or Advisor Object
o Each contact, lead or advisor is added one-at-a-time.
o Useful for one-offs.
Any method can be used and more than one method can be used for the same campaign.
For example, you may initially build your Campaign with a View, and add other contacts
with a different View or individually by their object record.

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Add Campaign Members with a Report

Only Contacts and Lead objects can be used to generate reports with names to be added as
Campaign Members. Use the Campaigns (Manulife)
folder to find examples of contact or lead reports
that can be used for data entry to a Campaign.
Alternatively, create your own report for contacts or
lead objects to add to a campaign.
To add these contacts or leads to a Campaign:
1) Click on the report to generate the list of
2) When the report data is displayed, click on
3) Select the Campaign using the Lookup
4) If necessary, modify the Member Status.
Note that for email campaigns to be
delivered through the Genius Tool, you must leave the Member Status to Sent.
5) Click on ADD TO CAMPAIGN.
6) A message will display when the records have been added to the Campaign.
Add Campaign Members with a View
Advisor, Contacts and Lead objects can be added to a Campaign from a View. A view is a
list of Advisors, Contacts or Leads. Views are available on the main page for the object.
To add these records to a Campaign:
1) Click on ADVISOR, LEAD or CONTACT Tab. Select the View from the list.
2) Place a beside the records to be include. To select all records from the list
(maximum 200), check the box beside the first column heading
3) Click the ADD TO CAMPAIGN button.
4) Select your campaign from the Campaign list using
the lookup icon.
5) If necessary, modify the Member Status. Note that
for email campaigns to be delivered through the
Genius Tool, you must leave the Member Status to Sent.
6) Click on ADD TO CAMPAIGN.
7) A message will display when the records have been added to the Campaign. Click
8) If necessary, repeat for each View page.
If you get the error message shown below, you are a channel-neutral user and as such, do

not have the logic required to select the underlying Contact for this Advisor. You will need to
select your Campaign members from the Contacts View.
Add Campaign Members Individually
For any Advisor, Lead or Contact object, you can add that record to your campaign.
Do this by:
1) Find the Advisor, Lead or Contact record you wish to add to your Campaign
2) Using the Quicklinks, hover over ADVISOR CAMPAIGN, or CAMPAIGN HISTORY link.
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3) Click on the ADD TO CAMPAIGN button in this section.

4) Specify the Campaign and Member Status. For:


The Advisor & Advisor Contact

record must be entered. There is
underlying logic to select the
appropriate contact record based
on your user profile*. Click on ADD
The Campaign name is selected,
along with the Member Status.
Click on SAVE.


The Campaign name is selected,

along with the Member Status.
Click on SAVE.

*For example, an IAC user who selects an Advisor in the IAC Channel will automatically
select the first active IAC Contact into the Campaign.

5) Repeat for each Campaign member to include in this Campaign.

Remove a Campaign Member
To remove any Campaign Member, do this:
A) From the Advisor, Contact or Lead Object:
1) Find the Advisor, Lead or Contact record to be removed.
2) Hover over ADVISOR CAMPAIGN, or
3) Click on the DEL link beside the Campaign
4) Confirm the Deletion.
B) From the Campaign:
1) Click on CAMPAIGNS tab.
2) Navigate and open the Campaign.
3) Scroll to the Campaign Members section.
4) Find the Contact to remove, click on the REMOVE link.
5) Confirm the Deletion.

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4: Track Responses
For Campaigns with Milestones, track the responses by changing the Member Status as the
member moves through the Campaign process. Modify the Member Status from the
Advisor, Contact or Lead object or directly through the Campaign.
Advisor, Contact, Lead Object
1) Find the Advisor, Lead or Contact record to be modified.
3) Click on the EDIT link beside the Campaign name.
4) Modify the Campaign Status and click on SAVE.
1) Click on CAMPAIGNS tab.
2) Navigate and open the Campaign.
3) Scroll to the Campaign Members section.
4) Find the Contact to modify, click on the EDIT link.
5) Modify the Campaign Status and click on SAVE.

5: Measure Campaigns
Campaigns are measured through the Campaign Reports, specifically those reports that are
located on the Campaign Object page. These reports use the fields within a campaign to
total the Number of Responses, and other statistics. By default, they will print information
for My Campaigns that is campaigns that you have created.
Campaign ROI Analysis Report calculates the return on investment (ROI) and average
costs for your campaigns. ROI is calculated as the net gain (Total Value Won Opps - Actual
Cost) divided by the Actual Cost. The ROI result is expressed
as a percentage.
Campaign Member Analysis Report Displays information
about who has responded to campaigns. Use this report to
view how successful your campaign is.
Campaign Revenue Report can be used to analyze which
opportunities have resulted from your campaigns.
In addition, you may find some Campaign level reports available in your regular Salesforce
Report folder. Contact your Subject Matter Expert to see if there are any Campaign reports
developed for you.

For support for Manulife hardware/ software,

please contact the Service Desk by email at
contact DTSC (Distribution Technology Service Desk) at 1 800 667-4266
during regular business hours.

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Appendix A: Campaign Object

Campaign Detail


Campaign Statistics

Custom Links

Campaign Members

Campaign Hierarchy

Open Activities

Advisor Campaigns


Activity History
Genius Events



Campaign Name (including the hierarchy), Type (Advertisement,

Email, Continuing Education, Seminar/Conference, Call Campaign,
Referral Program, Other), Parent Campaign, Actual Revenue,
Description, Campaign Owner, Status (In Progress, Completed,
Aborted, Planned), Active Status
Start & End Date of the Campaign, Number Sent, Expected
Response %, Expected Revenue, Budgeted Cost, Actual Cost.
Maintained by, this section displays the number of:
Total Leads, Converted Leads, Total Responses, Total Contacts.
Custom Links section contains Custom Reports for this particular
For this campaign, use this section to Add Members to an existing
The Campaign hierarchy shows the hierarchy of the current
campaign. You can have up to 5 levels in a campaign hierarchy.
This section shows open activities that have been linked to this
This section shows advisors who have been made part of this
This section shows completed activities linked to this campaign.
This section shows any Genius email activity.
This section identifies any attachments that have been linked to
this campaign.

Use EDIT to make changes to the values in their fields. Dont forget to SAVE your changes!

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Appendix B: Other Campaign Features

Create a View with Campaign Members

Create a View from the Contact or Leads tab.


With Campaigns active,

you can now use a filter
with your Campaign


SAVE the View.

Clone a Campaign
Clone the Campaign to make another copy of the campaign structure. This technique does
not copy the Campaign members. For example, you have created a campaign and
customized the Campaign Status and now wish to create a campaign for each region, or

Open the campaign to be cloned.

Click on



Modify the Campaign Name as appropriate and change the Parent Campaign to
the first campaign that was created.


Click SAVE.

Repeat as required for each territory/region.
When you have completed this task, you will have campaigns with the same detail data
including the Advanced Setup options. Note that Changes made to the original Campaign
detail do not carry forward to cloned Campaigns.
Send a Genius Email
The Genius mass-email tool only works with Campaigns and you must be setup as a Genius
user before proceeding.


Create your Campaign in Salesforce & add the appropriate members to your
Campaign. Only Campaign members with a status of SENT will be added to the
email list.
From your Campaign, click on
. Click on SENT option
and click OK. You will now be directed to the Genius Tool.


Create a new Genius List using the same name as your Campaign. Click OK.


Select the template from the TEMPLATE tab. Confirm the template selection.


Modify the Activity Name as appropriate and add the Subject Line. Make any
other changes to the body of the email as required. Click on SEND PREVIEW


Validate the Deliverability Check value and click on SEND YOURSELF A TEST E-

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MAIL button. Click on CONTINUE.


Click SAVE & CONTINUE button at the Edit Instant Promo screen. Click on SAVE
& CONTINUE button to progress to the next step.


At the Email Recipients screen, specify the FROM: user (usually you, but can be
another contact); To: should be set to From user. Confirm that the correct
Genius List is displayed. Click on SAVE and CONTINUE button.


Confirm the information displayed - this is the last chance to review the users and
the content. Click on the SEND NOW button. Confirm email send.


To remove the Genius List, select Leads/Contacts>Genius List. Find your list and
click on the DELETE icon beside the email column. Confirm the deletion.

For complete information, refer to the document Working with Email.

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