EJHV Edx MITx 11.126x I2GD Assignment 3.1

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MITx 11.

126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

MITx: 11.126x Introduction to Game Design

Week 3 Final project: Explore a mechanic.
Eugenio Jacobo Hernndez Valdelamar
November, 2014.

This assignment explores prototyping a simple digital game. Starting with a basic template, the goal is
to experiment with different game mechanics and game objects, seeking a core set of repeatable game
actions that create an engaging, interesting experience for the player.

Core mechanic
The proposed game is based on (american) football.
Game play consists of a series of downs, individual plays of short duration, outside of which the ball is
dead or not in play.
The objective of this game is to score more points than the other team.
In the real sport, the team with the ball (the offense) has 4 tries (downs) to advance at least 10 yards,
and can score points once they reach or near the opposite end of the field, called the end zone.
While the opposing team has possession, the defense attempts to prevent the offense from advancing
the ball and scoring. The defense may also score points by tackling the ball carrier in the offense's own
end zone, called a safety (which is worth two points).
To adapt the real support mechanics, some simplifications are proposed:
1. Win condition: team that scores the most points win.
2. Two teams that alternate offense and defense roles.
3. Kicking plays are defines by rolling a die. Both kick distance and return.
4. Offensive team has 3 downs where can prepare a scrimmage play and compete with the defense to
try to advance in the field, and score.
5. Defense can push back the offense position and provoke a safety.
6. The forth down is used for kick plays.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Paper prototype
The first element that emerge was the field, Actually, the first mechanic intended was to move across
the field rolling a die, but it was too simple.
Then came the idea of having a second board, where players can fight with their teams, and the result
of this mini chess is the distance gain to advance on the field.
Prior to the version in the photo, the Down, Score and Gain markers didn't exist. The first solo
iterations establish the need to give these facilities to players, where the control of the turns and results
can be manage.
First prototype with some notes about the rules.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Score in 4: Board and pieces

Game title: Score in 4.
Players: 2.
a. Field divided in 14 blocks, 2 of them are the end zones (1 for each team) and 2 are the field goal
b. Score board (to keep the points of each team)
c. Down mark (to keep the actual down)
d. Distance Gain mark (to mark the actual distance gain)
e. Scrimmage board is a 4x4 matrix, where 2 columns are reserved for defensive pieces and 2 for
offensive pieces.

1. Ball marker, to signal position of the offensive team on the field
2. Defense pieces. Four tokens that represent defensive team players. Must be set on the scrimmage
3. Offense pieces. Three tokens that represent offensive team players, plus one piece that represents the
runner. Must be set on the scrimmage board.
Die (6 faces)

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Score in 4: Rules
For deciding witch teams starts first, layers throw a coin. The winner decides if kicks or receives the

Game starts with a kick-off. The kicking team places the ball on its own 5 block of the board. The the
player A throw a die, and the resulting number will be the number of blocks that the ball advances.
If the die is a 6, the ball reaches the other team's end zone, so the offense begins on their own 2 block.
If the die is less than 6, then a return is possible, so the player B throw the die and advances the ball as
many blocks as the die's number.
Down mark is set to 1st down.

Kick-off will repeated is any of the teams score.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Scrimmage plays (1st to 3rd down)

Team with the possession of the ball plays offense, and the other team defense. The first 3 downs,
offense and defense make their formations for a scrimmage play in the scrimmage zone.
Each player has 4 pieces that has to locate in their scrimmage zone (they do this hiding from the
opponent). One piece of the offensive team represents a runner who carries the ball.

Once their pieces are in position, they open scrimmage zones and apply the following rules:
0. Reset the distance mark to zero.
For each round:
1. A defensive or an offensive piece that doesn't have a piece in front of it, advance +1 cell (for
example, jumps to the opponents first column cell).
2. If a defensive piece is in front of an offensive piece, both are discarded. If one of the pieces is the
runner, play ends.
3. If the runners move forward, update distance + 1.
4. If a defensive piece is in front of the runner piece, and the runner is on the second column of its
scrimmage zone, the play ends and the distance mark is set to -1.
5. If the runner reach the second column of opponent's scrimmage zone, play ends.
6. When the play ends, move the ball marker in the field as many units as the distance mark is set.
Increment down mark +1.
7. If ball marker reaches the opponent's end zone, then increase the score +1 for the offensive team and
8. If ball marker is placed on the offense own end zone, a safety is claimed and score is increased +1
for the defensive team. Offense has to kick-off.
Blue team playing defense and red team playing offense. Each player, covering his scrimmage zone,
place his pieces play the down.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

1. pieces in the first row that have an opponents piece in front of them, are taken from the scrimmage
board (except if is the runner).

2. If any pieces are left in the second row, forward the pieces and update the gain board to 1.

3. If a defense piece is again, in front of an offensive piece, both disappear.

4. If the ball is alive, then advance the runner piece forward (to the first row of offense and, if
available, to the cells of the defense); maximum distance is 3 cells.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Kick plays (4th down)

When offensive team is on 4th down situation, has two options:
a. Punt. If ball marker in on the team's half of the field, player rolls the die and then advances the ball
marker forward as many blocks as the die number states. If ball marker reaches the end zone, ball
marker is dropped in the second block of the field and ream roles are switched. If ball marker is outside
the end zone, receiving team's player rolls the die and advances the ball marker as many blocks as the
die number states. Down mark is set to 1st down.
b. Field goal. If ball marker is on opponents half of the field, offensive team player roll the die, and if
number let ball marker reaches the end zone +1, then increment score +1 for the offensive team, and
prepare to kick-off. If the number reaches the end zone or less, teams switches roles and down marker
is set to 1st down.

Game end
The game ends when one of the players reaches a score of 7 point.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Score in 4: Playtest
The prototype was tested with several individuals, following this protocol:
1. Game goal statement
2. Rules induction
3. Game setup
4. Let the players play the game and observe game development.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

- Some confusion arose on how to move the pieces of both teams; was not well defined if the
arrangement of parts in the scrimmage was simultaneous or if a team moved first and the other later.
- First time I forget to measure game duration. In the second playtest session, it last about 12 minutes.
- It was harder to explain the game to people not related to real football.
- Scrimmage board is too small. One of the players place his pieces outside the board during play setup
and later place them in the board.
- In a session of about 12 minutes, score was 2-2.
- Distance gain mark was never used.
- Some rules adjustments were made on the run, for example, after discarding pairs of pieces, the
offense move one piece, then defense move one piece and so on.
- Many plays give maximum distance gain; there was no way to stop the runner.
- Only one punt was made.
- Only one field goal was made.
- Field goals mechanic needed to be improved, because to reach the end zone is not fair to defense, so
an extra block was added to the board.

MITx 11.126 I2GD

Game: Score in 4. EJ Hernndez Valdelamar.

Final comments
Future improvements
- Rules must be review and adjusted.
- Scrimmage board may be larger (5x4, 6x6). There was a suggestion related to this part of the board
that implies that each player has his part of the board to prepare the play and the unite both boards to
proceed with the play moving the pieces according to the rules.
- Mechanics should be more balanced. Defense requires some addition to provoke more damage on
opponent (fumble, kick block).
- Score of 7 points imply longer play sessions. To make it faster 3 or 5 max points could be considered.
- Board's sketch is fine for initial test, but requires some design work. Distance marker will be
discarded. Down and score markers may have a different way of update, instead of tokens.

American football rules
Paper football
1st & Goal - Board Game Review
Raph Koster's website presentations
A Zen Guide to Paper and Pen Games
Paper and pencil games


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