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IELTS Agreeing and Disagreeing

Writing Task 2 Essay Plan

Introduction: Have 3-4 sentences (1) a general statement about the topic (2) a
.sentence or two leading into your thesis statement (3) your thesis statement
.Paragraph 2: First reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 1)
.Paragraph 3: Second reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 2)
.Paragraph 4: Third reason why you agree/disagree (supporting point 3)
.Conclusion: Restate your thesis statement and supporting points
Model Answer IELTS Agreeing Disagreeing Question on the Topic of Education
Education should be free for everyone regardless of their economic
?status. To what extent do you agree or disagree
Intro: Education is important to everyone regardless of age, gender or culture.
In some countries education is provided for free. The benefits of providing a
.free education for all are evident at the individual, national and global levels
P2, 1st Supporting Point: First, for individuals to develop on a personal level
they need to have access to quality education. Education is necessary if an
individual is to grow, cognitively and socially. In order to attain this it is
essential that free education is provided for those at the economic base of any
.given country
P3, 2nd Supporting Point: It follows that providing free education for all is
beneficial at the national level. Any country that fails to provide free education
for the economically underprivileged is likely to produce feelings of
discrimination and marginalisation and in consequence enhance the prospects
.for social unrest
P4, 3rd Supporting Point: Finally and possibly most importantly, many people
who have made significant contributions at the global level, in the arts or
sciences for example, have come from underprivileged backgrounds. Indeed,
we can safely assume that the provision of free education would increase the
number of globally significant contributions made by the economically
Conclusion: Providing a free education for all would be a positive development,
not just for individuals who are underprivileged economically but also for
national and international reasons. The provision of free education is likely to
enhance social stability at the national level and lead to an increase in artistic
.and practical innovations globally
Producing an IELTS model answer in an actual IELTS writing test would be very difficult even for
a native English speaker. There is however, plenty that you can do to improve your score

significantly over a short period of time. Make sure you are aware of the grading criteria for the
IELTS writing test and practice. Ideally, get feedback on any practice answers you write from
someone familiar with the test. In terms of agreeing and disagreeing questions, apply the advice
given here: Make sure you understand the question fully and start your essay with a brief
introduction that includes a thesis statement. Make it clear in the introduction what your position on
the issue is, do you agree or disagree? Following from the introduction have three main body
paragraphs, each of which gives support to your point of view. In the conclusion, restate your
.position using paraphrase

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