Cycle Test 1

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Answer any 10 of the following

TIME: 1 hour
1x10 = 10


Write the equation for x axis and the equation for y axis.
Write x = -3 as an equation in two variables.
In which quadrant will the point (m,-m) will lie.
Write an equation having x = 3, y = -2 as a solution.
Write the equation of a line parallel to y-axis and passing through the point (-3,-7).
What will be the distance between the graph of the equation x= -3 and x=2.
Write any two solutions of x + y = 9.
For what value of c, the linear equation 2x + cy = 8 has equal values of x and y for its
9. Express 2x + 3y = 9.3 in the form ax + by + c=0.
10. If the point (3, 4) lies on the graph of the equation 3y = ax + 7, find the value of a.
11. Can the angles 110, 80, 70 and 95 be the angles of a quadrilateral? Why or why not?

Answer any 6 of the following

2x6 =12

12. Examine whether is a solution of the equation

13. The cost of 2 pencils is same as the cost of 5 erasers. Express the statement as a linear
equation in two variables.
14. If x = k2 and y = k is a solution of the equation x 5y + 6 =0, find the values of k.
15. If x = 2 + 1 and y = - 1 is a solution of the equation 2x 3y + 5 =0, find the values of .
16. Solve
17. In a ||gm ABCD if A = (3x 20)0, B = (y + 15)0, C = (x + 40)0, then find the values of x
and y.
18. Prove that the sum of the four angles of a quadrilateral is 360 0.
Answer any 6 of the following

3x6 =18

19. Aman hires an auto rickshaw to cover a certain distance. The fare is Rs. 10 for first km and
Rs. 7 for subsequent kilometers. Taking total distance covered as x km and total fare as y :
(a) Write a linear equation for this.
(b) The man covers a distance of 16 km and gave Rs. 120 to the auto driver. Auto driver
said It is not the correct amount and returned him the balance. Find the correct
amount paid back by the auto driver.
(c) Which value is depicted here by the auto driver?

20. Ramesh is driving his car with a uniform speed of 80 km/hr. Draw the time distance graph.
Form the graph find the distance travelled by him in.
b) 3 hours
21. A farmer has a field in the form of a parallelogram ABCD. One of his cow is suffering from
some disease. To take good care of her, he tied the cow at one corner of the field. The
corner angle of the field is 65.
a) Find all the other three angles of the field.
b) Explain the values depicted here.
22. The linear equation that converts Fahrenheit (F) to
Celsius (C) is given by the relation
a) If the temperature is 86F, what is the temperature in Celsius?
b) If the temperature is 35C, what is the temperature in Fahrenheit?
c) What is the numerical value of the temperature which is same in both the scales?
23. a) Give the geometrical representation of the equation y = 3 as an equation in two variables
b) Solve and represent 2x+1 = x-3 on the number line and then on the Cartesian plane.
24. Draw the graph of each of the equations
coordinates of the point where the lines meet.
25. In a quadrilateral ABCD, CO and DO are the bisectors of
Prove that COD =
Answer all the questions in this part

and find the

C and

D respectively.

5x2 =10

26. The force exerted to pull a cart is directly proportional to the acceleration produced in the
body. Express the statement as a linear equation of two variables and draw the graph of
the same by taking the constant mass equal to 6 kg.
Read from the graph, the force required when the acceleration produced is
(a) 5 m/sec2,
(b) 6 m/sec2.
27. The work done by a body on application of a constant force is directly proportional to the
distance travelled by the body. Express this in the form of an equation in two variables and
draw the graph of the same by taking the constant force as 5 units.
Read the graph the work done when the distance travelled by the body is.
a) 0.5 units
b) 0 units

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