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Context for Learning Statement

My student is a first grader at Hubbell Elementary. Based on his pre-assessments and the
information I received from his teacher I would say that my student does not have confidence in
his reading and that his reading level is still at Kindergarten level. My tutor student relies heavily
on visual cues when reading, when my student encounters a word he is unfamiliar with he often
gives up and does not attempt to sound the word out. I plan to work on letter sounds, blends, and
word families with my tutor student to encourage him with sounding words out and build more
confidence with his reading ability.

Planning Commentary
1. Central Focus
1. Describe the central focus and purpose for the assessment in this learning
I chose to assess my tutor student by using the first 100 Words Fry Sight-Word
Inventory. This assessments purpose was to tell me my students ability to read
high-frequency Vocabulary words. I wanted to focus on my tutees ability to
recognize common sight words, if the word was unfamiliar to him I asked him to
guess or try to sound the word out.
b. Given the central focus, describe how the assessment addressed an essential literacy
This assessment allowed me to gather a baseline on my tutees knowledge of tierone sight words. Mastering high frequency sight words is an essential part of
becoming a fluent reader. The Fry Sight- Word assessment allowed me to see
what high frequency words my student is unfamiliar with. With the results from
this assessment I am able to see what words I need to continue to work with when
c. Explain what you plan to do once you have obtained the assessment results.
My student scored 76% accuracy on the first 100 Words Fry Sight-Word
Inventory. With these results I plan to work with my student to make the 23
words he missed a part of his high-frequency vocabulary. I plan to write out
multiple of the sight-words and have my tutee to point to a specific word. I also
plan to use a whiteboard and write out each word at a time, I will have my student
break the words apart and sound them out. Lastly, I plan to use flashcards to
practice sight word recognition. I once I feel like my student has mastered all 100
words I will do a post test assessment.

2. Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching


Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills related to the central focus- what does the

student know, what can they do, and what are they learning to do?
My student has a high verbal vocabulary but lacks reading vocabulary. I plan to
build upon my tutees reading vocabulary and make connections to his verbal
vocabulary and background knowledge. My student seems to talk as an adult at
times, his wording and vocabulary tends to be inappropriate and beyond his age
range at times, I plan to work on building his high frequency vocabulary, which in
return will hopefully build his confidence and motivation towards reading.
b. Personal/cultural/community assets related to the central focus- what do you know
about your students everyday experiences, cultural backgrounds and practices, and
My student seems to derive from a lower socioeconomic background, which
prohibits his ability for reading opportunities outside of the classroom. My student
relies heavily on visual cues within texts, which makes me believe that he has been
relying on this strategy since he began to read. I do know that my students first
grade teacher reads aloud to students for 15 minutes everyday and that his
classroom participates in daily five. I have reservations of how much my student
actually gets out of participating in daily five because he is a student who needs
constant guidance and reminders in order to stay on task. My student has shown a
great interest in games such as using an Ipad or computer to play games. Within
my lessons I have incorporated Ipad use at the end of the lesson in order to keep
my student on task and motivated. Based on the Tell Me What You Like! Interest
assessment I was able to find out my student is interested in animals, cops, and
exploring unknown places.

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