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Submitted By:- Abhijeet Panwar
Archit jindal
Anirudh chauhan
Amrit pal singh

Introduction:- CFD is the science of determining a solution to fluid flow through

space and time.
A CFD models include
a description of the flow geometry,
a set of coupled differential equations describing the physics and Chemistry of
the flow,
Boundary and initial conditions, and
a structured mesh of points at which these equations are solved.
The equations of motion are solved by a finite difference, finite element, or finite
volume technique.
ROLE OF CFD:Researchers, engineers, and educators can use CFD as a
Design Tool
Evaluate design alternatives
Retrofit alternatives
Troubleshooting Tool
Explain strange flow phenomena
Explain poor process performance
A tool to better understand the process dynamics
COMMON AND TRADITIONAL USES OF CFD:-Computational fluid dynamics has its
Applications in many fields and it can be illustrated as shown in fig.


Geometry, domain, grid specification
Governing equations
Initial and boundary conditions
Selection of models for different applications.
GEOMENTRY SPECIFICATION:Simple geometries can be easily created by few geometric parameters (e.g.
Circular pipe)
Complex geometries must be created by the partial differential equations or
importing the database of the geometry.


GRID SPECIFICATION:Grids can either be structured or unstructured. Depends upon type of

discretization scheme and application.

Finite differences: structured

Finite volume or finite element: structured or unstructured


Unstructured grids useful for complex geometries

Unstructured grids permit automatic adaptive refinement based on the pressure

gradient, or regions interested
(FLUENT, Comsol, AEA, Flow 3D, etc.)
The grid selection/distribution can impact the accuracy of the flow
field/turbulence and scalar variable field.
It is important to make sure that the flow domain is properly discretized with an
appropriate grid distribution.
The accuracy of a solution and its associated cost due to computing time and
hardware are dependent in part on the grid density.
Some cost savings can be achieved by optimizing the grid or cell distribution
within the flow domain (i.e., making the cell size non-uniform).
For non-uniform grid density, the cells are finer in areas where large variations
or gradients occur from point to point and coarser in regions with relatively small
variations in the solved variables.

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