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Project R999/1: Jumeirah Creek - Sheikh Zayed Road Crossing

General Specifications

Volume 2 Part I




Unless otherwise stated or approved by the Engineer all materials used in the
Works shall be new and of the best quality as specified in the Contract.


All materials and equipment specified in the contract documents which are to
be incorporated in the works must be obtained from or through a Dubai
Emirate supplier and or manufacturer who must be registered and licensed by
the Dubai Municipality. If such specified materials or equipment is not
available from the Dubai Emirate market then any other source is acceptable.


Materials delivered to the Site for the purpose of the Works, shall be
accompanied by a "Certificate of Guarantee" signed by the authorized
representative of the manufacturer. Such Certificate shall state that the
materials specifications and test results are in compliance with the specified
requirement of the pertinent designations of the most recent edition of
Standards as per Section 1/12.8 or any other approved equivalent National
Standard unless otherwise directed.
Falsification of such Certificates,
Materials, Specifications or Test Results shall be just cause for the rejection of
the materials.


The borrow pit location if not designated in the Contract Documents shall be
approved by the RTA/DM. The Contractor shall exercise a continuous quality
control upon the extracted material to confirm its suitability for use. No
material shall be supplied to the site before the Engineer's approval of the type
of equipment which the Contractor intends to use in the borrow pit, and for the
method of work.


The Contractor shall select rock quarries and shall submit laboratory tested
and accepted samples, within sufficient time before their use, in order for the
Engineer to determine their conformity with the related Specifications. The
Contractor shall exercise a continuous quality control upon the extracted
material to confirm its continued suitability for use.
No material shall be supplied on the site before the Engineer's approval of the
type of equipment which the Contractor intends to use in the quarry, and for
the method of work.


The Engineer's acceptance of the materials does not relieve the Contractor of
his total responsibility to carry on with additional investigations in order to
obtain and supply during the progress of the works uniform material
conforming to the Specifications.


The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of royalties, if any, arising

due to the obtaining of materials for use in the Works. No separate payment
will be made by the Employer as a royalty for materials for use in the Works.


Wherever in the Specifications tests on materials, tests on completed work

and construction control tests are called for or implied, they shall be carried
out according to, and the materials shall comply with, the requirements of the
Specifications (latest edition or as specified herein) with the priority of standard
shall be as follows:-

August 2013

Tender Documents

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