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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Dont be afraid to speak out! Dont be silent! Im with you. No one will attack you or harm you. I have many people in this
city (Acts 18:9-10, GW).
God has His people everywheresome in high positions in lands where they cannot even testify of their faith. Like Daniel,
Obadiah, and Nehemiah, they can have great influence in their nations. Let's intercede for them, that they may move in the
Lord's wisdom, keep their focus on Him, and be firm witnesses through their lives and actions.*

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

Providing schooling for children is an effective means of serving Muslim communities, but the schools have many
needs and challenges. Please pray for those leading them, for favor in the communities, and for these requests:
NORTHERN GHANA: An alumnus oversees Christian schools from nursery through junior high and is now adding
the high school. The schools serve more than 830 students, nearly all Muslim, and is consistently top in the district.
More importantly, some students accept Jesus; recently one boy brought his talismans and tools to be burned. The
director asks us to pray: (1) for more Christian teachers who are committed and dedicated to Christ, and (2) for
infrastructure needs. Buildings are needed, especially boarding facilities. The countryside people want to bring their
wards to the school, but because we don't have the boarding facility, this is a great challenge to us.
THE GAMBIA: Last week, without warning, the government closed two Christian schools for failing to allow the
teaching of Islamic education for its Muslim students, as required by law. It is likely more will be closed. This is
especially difficult for those students who were to finish this year. Please pray that the Spirit will touch hearts of
leaders and give these schools favor. We are also asked to pray (1) for the President of the country, who needs Jesus;
(2) against militant Islam, which is making headway in the government; and (3) for the 15+ unreached people groups
in this 90%-Muslim country, that they will have the opportunity to hear the Good News.

World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**

Bangladesh, at the easternmost tip of India, is #48 on the list of 50 nations where Christians face the most
persecution. Nearly 90% of the 158+ million inhabitants follow Islam; of 372 people groups, 339 are considered
unreached. Christians make up less than 1% of the population. Freedom of religion is guaranteed, but extremist groups
want to establish sharia and try to influence government. Converts from Islam face persecution from family and
communities. Women face the threat of forced marriage, and children of believers are frequently harassed at school.`
Pray for God's people, that they may stand firm and lead many to Jesus. Pray for the Bangladesh Assemblies of God,
that the churches, children's and youth ministries, and social outreaches will bear still more fruit for the Kingdom.

For Muslim Women***

Pray for Muslim women who are barren. They are stigmatized, and many look to occultic practices for help. Pray they
will find their value in Jesus instead, and that the Lord will send Christian women their way to encourage them.

Prayer Resources
*Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer subject
each Friday. This week we pray for secret believers who hold high positions in their nations:
**Open Doors publishes an annual list ranking the 50 nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. See the full
2014 World Watch List at Click on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer requests.
***Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at
For suggestions on starting a prayer group, see
For a list of resources for prayer groups, see
Find information and prayer requests concerning Muslims around the world at
How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith? Read
For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit and
For prayer requests, visit and
To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore

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