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Campus Security

In the age of insecurity and security threats nationwide, identifying the owners or operators of
vehicles granted access to the state secretariat, is very important.
Firstly, is the campus safe from security threats? The answer is no and here is why:
As it currently stands, though cars without approved stickers are not permitted entrance into the
state secretariat, owners of permitted vehicles are not truly known, nor are the contents of the
vehicles known.
To attempt to check every vehicle coming into the secretariat for threats, would result in traffic
gridlock so what can be done, to reduce security threats to the barest minimum since they cannot be
completely eliminated?
The solution is SecurePass. What is SecurePass?
SecurePass is an integrated public security system comprising automated access control, logging,
and monitoring of vehicles, continuous capture (CCTV) cameras, and threat alert/notification.
SecurePass enables the PSO to improve campus security by:

Engaging the cooperation of owners of vehicles issued the SecurePass, in securing the
campus through the understanding that the electronic vehicle pass granted them, is uniquely
identified with them.

Tracking, monitoring, and logging vehicles granted access, to ensure they exit the campus
when due, i.e. a vehicle should not be on the campus for two days consecutively without
exiting, exemptions may be allowed in special cases.

Enabling the PSO to utilize all campus entry/exit points as they are all covered by the
security CCTV. With the information provided by the system management backend, each
SecurePass issued can be programmed to utilize particular entry/exit points and not others.
This enables the PSO to determine electronically, how vehicles access the campus, where,
and when.

Enabling the PSO to determine which vehicles are abusing the parking privileges, through
the monitoring, logging, and auditing of vehicles parked on campus i.e. vehicles belonging
to agencies, which have not been moved in months, taking up valuable parking space. The
system backend notifies the PSO of offending vehicles and since the owners of those
vehicles can be identified, the PSO can take one of several actions i.e. revocation of the
owner's SecurePass, financial penalties, or forcible vehicle removal. SecurePass gives the
PSO several options.

Enabling the PSO to reduce or eliminate abuse of government vehicles, i.e. government
vehicles which should not operate on weekends, and should be parked on campus can be
verified as parked on campus.

Ensuring that the vehicle access privileges granted to civil servants, is revoked upon their
retirement automatically, and remotely by disabling the SecurePass issued them.

Enabling the PSO to generate revenue from the campus parking privileges issued to campusbased partners and the issuance of time-limited passes issued to non-campus based partners.
SecurePass enables the automatic invalidation of any vehicle access privileges.

Threat Scenario
An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure. God forbid an attack should be made against the
campus, how will investigative authorities find the culprits? Under the current campus security
protocols, it is a virtual impossibility mainly because there is no way, to find out who owns or
operates the vehicles granted access to the campus, worse, should a criminal steal a vehicle granted
access, without the PSO knowing this, chances are innocents would suffer unjustly for a crime they
know nothing about and still not help authorities catch the culprits.

SecurePass Solution
With the CCTV cameras, time logging, and vehicle monitoring capabilities of SecurePass, all
entry/exits logs with time-stamps are available, identities of vehicle owners/operators are available,
video footage of vehicle entry/exits are available, and depending on CCTV configuration, ability to
zoom in on vehicle driver identity is available. All these, provide investigators with enough
information to identify and apprehend the culprits, which aids in preventing future attacks, and
sending a clear message to would-be attackers, you will be apprehended!

There are many scenarios where a little spent on threat prevention/containment, helps in saving a lot
in cleanup/rebuilding. Damage caused by successful security attacks are always much larger than
what it would have cost in preventing, or containing those attacks. To refuse to deploy resources to
prevent the unnecessary loss of lives and property, amounts to being penny wise, pound foolish.
The probabilities of a security attack against the campus are unknown to anyone, it may be little, it
may be much but because it can't be accurately quantified, the prudent action is to be prepared
rather than be sorry.

SecurePass makes it possible to secure the campus, and be prepared for any threat
It can be rapidly implemented, and expanded for additional functionality when needed, the
SecurePass issued to each vehicle is unique and tamper-proof and can be revoked or canceled
electronically, without the need for access to the vehicle or the issued SecurePass. It grants the
peace of mind that comes from knowing, that all that can be done to secure lives and property on
the campus, has been done.

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