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Prophetess Melania (Adams) Thomas
Kingdom Builders for Christ International Ministries
P.O. Box 368942
Chicago, IL 60636-8942

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any

means without written permission from Kingdom Builders for Christ
Ministries. Address all permission requests to the ministry.
The Author

Melania Adams (Thomas) was born in 1974 to

Willie Mae Wilson and Donald Ray Adams. She grew up on the south
side of Chicago, Illinois, in a neighborhood called Englewood. Even at
a ripe young age, Melania had a spiritual connection with the Lord. At
the age of five she began to have, prophetic visions about her life and
the things around her. The Lord truly had something special in store
for this young lady. As she got older her gifts began to grow, but
without spiritual guidance, she had a lack of understanding as to what
was going on with her. As the years went by, her confusion grew;
leaving her vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. Melania no longer
wanted to see these visions and began to suppress them. As a result,
Melania went through a series of trials such as molestation, and child

As she began to approach her adolescent years, more trials

seemed to come her way than ever before. With having an unsaved
mother and an absent father, Melania had enough of the abuse and
decided there was no other choice but for her to run away. At the
young age of thirteen, the streets were no place for a child as herself,
and the harshness of her situation began to slowly tear away at her
psyche. With nowhere to turn, she found refuge with a local street
gang. They became what she thought was her family. Melania quickly
realized that there were repercussions to joining a gang, and found
herself being abused more than ever.

The years went by and her need for love and support grew
stronger, so she began to look toward older men for support and
affection. This led her deeper into mental and emotional confusion and
she found herself being introduced to a lifestyle of prostitution and an
addiction to crack cocaine. By the age of sixteen, she found herself
pregnant with her first child; a baby boy. Given her current lifestyle,
she decided that it would be best if he were raised by someone else
and turned him over to the custody of her grandmother. Melania
continued to live on the street where she carried on a life of gang
involvement, drug trafficking, and drug abuse. By the age of 22 years
old, Melania had already given birth to her fourth child, two of which
were in the custody of her grandmother.

Melania began to sink into a deep depression, giving up on her

life completely. She was ready for a change. She soon would accept
Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

As her relationship with the Lord grew stronger, her visions

returned and he began to use her as a prophetess in his kingdom. God
gave her a new career, a career she could be proud of. She began to
show a lot of promise in the ministry of Evangelism and Prophetic
word. She began to undergo spiritual training under some of the most
prestigious spiritual leaders in Chicago. Once her training was
complete, she began to travel all over the area ministering to God’s
people in different churches. Melania now knew that God had a
tremendous calling on her life. She set out to explore her gifts and how
she could be used to further God’s Kingdom.

She then began to reflect back on the torments and strongholds

that Satan put in her own life and developed a strong passion for
setting people free from spiritual captivity. She started asking the Lord
on how to set people free and began to take classes concerning
deliverance ministry. Soon Melania obtained a special gift from the
Lord to cast out demons and spiritual wickedness. It was not long
before God had given Melania everything she needed to fight the
enemy. He made her sword long, and her armor strong. She was ready
for war. She began to deliver people by the multitudes in the name of
the Lord. Satan grew angry with her and placed attacks on her life like
never before, but it was too late. The Lord had already given her
everything she needed to defeat him and she could not be moved.
Over time, the Lord increased her gifts and made her countenance
bright. Through many prophetic words, Melania was told that it was
time for her to bless the people with the ministry given to her by the
Lord. Having an overseer that was in agreement with her mission, She
began going out on the streets and minister sometimes all night. She
developed a church entitled Kingdom Builders for Christ that she Co-
Pastor with her husband, Apostle William Thomas. With this ministry
her goal is to minister to the outcast , and the broken hearted. This
ministry is also for women that have been broken. {Rich women, poor
women it does not matter to Prophetess Melania, in her eyes,
brokenness is all the same.
Melania Thomas is co-laborer in ministry with her loving and
devoted husband, Apostle William Thomas. They are the pastors of
Kingdom Builders for Christ Prophetic Deliverance Ministry in Chicago,
IL. Together they have blessed the lives of many people by opening
their home to those in need of food, prayer, deliverance or an
encouraging word. Their ministry holds classes in the areas of the
Prophetic, Deliverance, and Evangelistic Ministry to those that have a
desire to learn in the school of the Holy Sprit given to them by the

Her main goal in life is to bless the God’s people through her life
experiences. Melania is working in stride to birth her visionary projects
such as {Daughters of Destiny Boarding House for young women}
{Kingdom Builders for Christ life Center Temporary Housing Program}
{Food for Thought Feeding Program}{Ambassador’s for Christ Youth
Recreational Center}{Safe House Independent Living Program for
Young Adults} just to name a few.

Melania has been activated in Prophetic Deliverance Ministry

through Christian International Ministries. She has received training
from House of Prayer Ministries (Apostle David Rodgers). Most of her
prophetic training comes from a father in ministry (Pastor Ricardo
Patterson/ For My People Ministries).

Melania expresses appreciation to the many people who have

pushed and encouraged her all the way. Melania has also received
impartation from many sources such as tapes, books, conferences,
motivational speakers, mentoring classes, and different ministries. She
is very passionate about Street Ministry and giving back to less
fortunate communities. One of her visions is to travel and witness
throughout the world evangelizing and winning the lost for Christ.

Before you read this book I encourage every reader to

understand that this book was totally inspired by the Holy Spirit. The
Calling of a Prophet is not just a calling, but, also a life’s journey.
These pages are full of true testimony. I believe that the reader will
gain a deeper understanding of the calling that is upon their lives and

This message is not only for the church, but it is a universal

message of healing for the world in hopes that gaining a glimpse at the
trials the Lord has delivered me out of, will inspire the hearer to make
Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior.

My prayer is that this book is read in churches, group homes,

prisons, Battered Women Shelters, and wherever else the Lord sees fit.
There are so many people called of God struggling with past abuse,
past hurts and addictions. The enemy has told them that they’re
worthless. I want to let them know that the Lord loves them and that
he has a purpose and a plan for their lives.

The Lord has revealed to me that there are gifted individuals

with supernatural callings on their lives locked up in Mental hospitals.
Some have never been taught the Word of God or knew and never had
relationship with Jesus. When a person is destined to be used greatly
for the Lord, problems arise to hinder them. Most of our children are
not crazy but gifted and called of the Lord and they lack
understanding. So many kids in fosters homes have been mishandled
and sexually abused so their self-esteem is very low at this point. They
have been or are still apart of gangs, sex and violence, God is calling
for them, wanting to use them for his glory and it’s my job to let them
know it doesn’t matter how far they have gone, the Lord desires to pull
them into his family. This book is also for leaders. It is time to get the
churches in order. My prayer is for deliverance and healing to go forth
in the lives of every one that read what the Lord has inspired and to
also tap into the spirit of Christ and to get out of the flesh.
Session I

1. We as the teachers are to take the class through deliverance after

the fifth lesson, bind the strong man after each lesson.

2. We as the teachers are to restore the gift’s after each lesson.

3. Before each class there need to be warfare prayer

4. After each class leave time for testimonies and personal prayer.

5. During each class activate the class to prophesy

6. When activation is going fourth have worship music on

7. If demons manifest cast them out and keep the class in worship.

8. You will teach the class to be sensitive to the voice of God.

9. The students will experience and identify the mind of Christ

10. The students will learn how to discern the enemy

11. Activation will be fun and creative

12. Teachers are to identify the gift that’s in the students and activate


At the age of five, I remember seeing in the realm of the spirit,

and not being able to tell anyone, knowing they wouldn’t understand. I
was living a life of fear at the time. No one in my family was born
again or church-going, so I had no spiritual up-bringing.

Growing up around alcohol abuse, there was a lot of cursing and

fighting, so I ended up living with my grand parents. I used to see
shadows that had the shape of men walking around the house. There
were times when I could fell someone sit on the side of my bed, but I
could not see what it was.

I was living a life not being able to express myself, being called
strange, walking around paralyzed with fear. Seeing demons that
were attached to alcohol, I remember moving in with my mother at
the age of ten. At my mother’s house, the atmosphere was totally
different. There were drugs and men around all the time. I was
tormented almost every night, afraid to sleep.

When my mother’s boyfriend moved in, I began going through

hell. This man was sent straight from hell. I would look at him and see
a big, nasty demon. At first, I didn’t understand why I saw him that
way, but I soon found out. He would come in my bedroom and torment
me in the middle of the night. He would stand in the doorway just
staring at me, and do things to put fear in me.

I learned to compress my pain and not say anything, because I

knew that no one would listen. I remember about the age of thirteen
going to the restroom in the middle of the night. I looked into my
mother’s bedroom as I was walking pass, and I saw the ugliest demon
in my mother’s bed.
I thought it had killed my mother, so I jumped in the bed and
begin to beat this ugly demon until I heard a scream. It sounded just
like my mother, and it was. I opened my eyes and cried. I told her
how sorry I was and begin to explain to her what I saw. She wanted to
put me away in a bad girls home, but she didn’t. Then it came to me
that what I saw in that bed was the demon that had her bound. I was
seeing in the realm of the spirit.

There were so many times we wondered what was wrong with

me, and I know that there are other people out their wondering what’s
wrong with their kids who may be seeing or experiencing these things.
Why are they so afraid to go to sleep?

There are many children called by God (Jeremiah Chapter 1). The
Lord wants to use them. They are destined as Prophets from the
womb. Not only do parents need to raise their children in a Bible-
based, praying home, but spiritual church leaders should be open to
what children tell them in and out of the church building. The worse
thing a child can go through, is being called of God and not know who
God is. The enemy would love to get a young gifted child and pervert
the gift that God has given.

Realizing that something was going on with me spiritually, and

not being able to understand it, I turned to a life of drugs and alcohol
abuse because I didn’t want to see things that weren’t there anymore.
And on top of that, I was having problems at home. I was running
right into the arms of Satan. My life was going down hill. My mind
was being tormented and I didn’t know if I was coming or going. At
times it was as if my mind was being slowly taken away. I was a
young child crying out for help and no one was listening.
Seeing in the Realm of the Spirit as a Child

Chapter 1–Jeremiah 1:4-5

Session II

1. Read the scripture and explain how the prophets are alike.

2. After reading the lesson, explain what demonic spirits

were in operation.

3. What does the author express about spiritual leaders .

4. Are you a person that the Lord has gifted to see in the spirit?
If so explain.

5. Do you know children that are being used of God?

6. If yes, who and how are they being used?

7. Find two scriptures where a child was being used of the Lord.



When you speak the word of God it should be backed up with

His love. As real prophets, we hold his heart to the point that we take
on His character. Therefore, when we move in the supernatural we no
longer look like ourselves but like Him. Because we have adopted His
love, when we stand before his people there’s an anointing that
overtakes us, and our only concern is the well being of His people. This
is the kind of love where you see someone you don't know but your
heart is heavy with compassion as if you’ve tapped into the depth of
their soul. As prophets you are to be intimate with the Lord, always
desiring more of Him, another touch, just to hear him call your name,
seeking for the weight of His glory, longing for that place called the
greater. Wanting to be apart of Him and to have Him as apart of you
that place were nothing else matters but him. That is how you know as
a prophet that you’re calling is sure when your focus is him. Loving on
his people and staying humble (James 4:6-Is 57:15).

When you prophesy with the love of Christ it opens the

door for other miracles to take place. I remember many times longing
to bless God’s people with a word, praying to the Lord to give me a
right now word for His people. I did not have a clue what was going to
come out of my mouth, but by faith in God I opened my mouth and I
knew that He would fill it. (Matt 10:19). When you have a love for
people and a desire to see the Lord bless them, God will show up and
out. That night deliverance took place; people that were bound for
years were loosed. There is a very powerful anointing that comes with
love; the more you love the greater it is (Rom 8:35-2Cor 5:14 -Eph3; 19
-1John 4:7-21).

Session III

love >noun 1 an intense feeling of deep affection. 2 a deep

romantic or sexual attachment to someone. 3 a great interest
and pleasure in something. 4 a person or thing that one loves.
5 (in tennis, squash, etc.) a score of zero. [apparently from the
phrase play for love (i.e. the love of the game, not for
money).] >verb 1 feel love for. 2 like very much. 3 [loving]
showing love or great care.

Phrases: love me, love my dog proverb if you love someone,

you must accept everything about them, even their faults or
weaknesses. Make love 1 have sexual intercourse. 2 (make
love to) dated pay amorous attention to. There’s no love lost
between there is mutual dislike between.

-DERIVATIVES loveless >adjective lovingly >adverb.

-ORIGIN Old English, related to leave2.

1. Find four scriptures where the love of Christ is


2.Have you ever prophesied or been prophesied to?

3. Do you believe that you are a prophet?

4. If yes, how do you know?


It' is impossible to prophesy without the love of Christ. I have

seen so many prophets get up before the people and speak a word in
such a hurtful manner. As prophets, you must show love. God is love,
and you are to speak His mind, and to drink and eat of his goodness.
How can you be mean to people if you have been in His presence? His
presence allows you to discern where some leaders have been.
There’s no way possible you have been in prayer before the Lord and
treat the people of God so badly. We are not to tear people down if
the Lord gives a word of judgment. After the word has been delivered
in love, you must build the person back up.

I have been in churches where prophets stand up and speak “

thus said the Lord” but act as if they’re to good to shake someone's
hand after church. Jesus who knew no sin, had fellowship with sinners
( yet you sin everyday), can't speak to your brothers and sisters. How
can you proclaim a word from the Lord and mishandle His people?

The body of Christ needs to get it together and see the need of
the people. The offices were not given to the church so that one can
think they are greater than the other (Eph 4:11). How can we walk
around with our heads in the air as if were superstars and we didn't lay
our lives down for a dying world? There's only one superstar and His
name is Jesus. It’s so easy for a prophet to operate in the spirit of
witchcraft. It's when you walk selfishly in the spirit and fall out of
obedience to God. Without the love of Christ, a person will leave your
presence hurt and confused. That's why you hear so many people say
they don't want anything to do with a prophet. It’s because either they
ran into a false prophet that only wanted their money, or a real
prophet with character issues. It will confuse a person to the point
they won’t believe that prophets and apostles are in the twenty-first
century church. It’s too late in the game to ignore the fact that major
deliverance is needed on our pulpits. We can no longer walk around
with the spirit of offense every time were in the church.

We can preach, lay hands, and prophesy, but the people walk
away with a bitter taste in their mouth. (Matt 17:27)

As a prophet I send warning out through these pages

prophetically. This word is going forth, don't allow yourself to be
deceived or you will deceive others. Prophets beware of people telling
you how great you are; they are lifting you up for a fall, it's the oldest
trick of Satan (Pro 16:18). Pride is a demon that's the total opposite
of Christ, so if the devil can use people to get you puffed up, they will
have no effect on this world as the person that proclaims the word of

If you know that you have been deceiving others using prophetic
words for self-gain, and allowing the spirit of divination to operate over
the spirit of Christ, you wonder why the anointing has lifted off your
life, this is why. You’re really manipulating people, because a door is
open into the realm of the soul as well as the demonic realm (Acts
16:16). At this point, your so far gone that you don't realize that your
not anointed anymore. This is because you’re hanging around a bunch
of false prophets that's telling you how great you are. My job is to
speak the truth in love. If you don't operate in the love of Christ you
are just another false prophet (Matt 7:15 -24:11-24:24-Mark 13:22 -
Luke 6:26 -2Peter 2:1-1John 4:1-Ex 20:16-Prov 6:19-21-28- Rev16: 13).

Session IV

1. Have you ever been hurt by a prophet?

2. How?

3. Have you ever hurt some one as a prophet?

4. Do you need to be delivered from being a false prophet?

5. Do you need healing from church hurt?


As you have known by reading Chapter 1 about my childhood, I

was seeing in the spirit already, but hearing his voice is totally
different. I wasn’t walking with the Lord yet. When my oldest son was
about eight years old, and my middle son was three, I needed
someone to baby-sit while I went shopping. I called a close friend of
the family over and he sat with the kids until we came back.
Everything appeared to be fine when I got back. I was tired when I
returned, but before I went to sleep, I heard a voice say look in the
bathroom. I got up and noticed the towel racks was pulled from the
walls. I said to myself those kids! But the voice said rape. I thought it
was all in my mind, so I laid down went to sleep. I dreamed that the
person I left to baby-sit my kids tried to rape my oldest son. My son
was pulling on the towel racks trying to get away. He had my son’s
pants down, and he was trying to have anal sex with him. In the
dream an Angel told my middle son to run in the bathroom and
scream. I jumped up out of my sleep frightened about what I dreamed.
I woke the kids up and asked them if any thing happened while I was
at the store, and my baby told me everything that I had dreamed. The
person who baby-sat did try to rape my oldest son but wasn’t able to
(thank God) because of the Angel giving my middle son instructions.
It’s very important to hear God’s voice. I listened, but I didn’t really
hear. (Gen 3:8-14) Hearing God’s voice should be a normal everyday
occurrence for a Christian. (Proverbs 20:12) Since I’ve been saved, I
have disobeyed the Lord more than once. But this incident taught me
to walk in total obedience to Him.

I planned a trip to a conference and the day I was to go, I heard

the Lord say, “don’t go.” The only thing that was on my mind was the
fact that I paid my money and I needed to get to this conference for an
impartation. I also felt that I needed a vacation it was all about what I
needed. That’s the spirit of pride! I went anyway! I said, “that wasn’t
God speaking, that was the devil.”
The conference lasted for a week, but I went only one day
because I had gotten a phone call that my uncle was stabbed in his
lung and that he may not make it. I was not able to get a flight out so I
stayed in my hotel room all week praying.

God knew what was going to happen, that’s why He told me not
to go to the conference. Hearing and obeying His voice is a must
because you never know whose life could be on the line. I thank God
for His grace, and my uncle made it out alive. I never got to go to the
conference but that one night. My place was on my face interceding
(Acts 9:4) God does not speak to everyone in the same way, but we
have to learn to discern his voice. (Hebrews 5:4). When you pray,
worship, and read the Word of God, you will be able to discern His
voice more and more. (1 Peter 4:10)


Session V

JOHN 10:3

3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he
calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out

1. Why is it so important to hear and obey.

2.Have you ever disobeyed the Lord and suffered actions.

3. If yes explain

4. What did the author mean when she said we should hear his voice
every day. And why is it so important



I can hear souls crying out in the night looking for change in a
place of darkness where there’s no light, living a life full of pain they
can’t sleep, they need a way out. Sometimes the Lord will take me in
the spirit and show me lost souls stuck in the blackest clay, fighting to
be free. We should have the power and anointing to pull them out. I
remember one night hearing the souls crying. I went into a vision; in
the vision I stood on a large rock reaching down in this sticky clay and I
begin pulling these souls out one by one. Even though I was in the
realm of the spirit, Jesus put the joy in my heart by letting me know
that these lost souls were freed. In reality, my heart got heavy again
because of the ones that I couldn’t reach. What if all of the body of
Christ started pulling out lost souls? Just maybe if we worked together,
we could pull them all out.

Another night I was flying in the air to what I believe was a place
in Africa. When I got on the ground, I walked into this run down clinic.
The doctor was trying his best to help these very sick people. I looked
around and every thing was black. I asked the angel that was with me
where are the lights? How can this doctor help these people in the
dark? There were people that needed an operation. I said, “This man
cannot operate on these people without light.” And the angel spoke to
me and said, “It’s just like some pastors who are trying to pastor the
people without the love of Christ.” It’s a disaster cutting in the dark,
putting parts where they don’t belong, and not being able to find the
proper tools. It’s impossible to operate in the dark. Just like it’s
impossible to pastor without the love of Christ. We don’t have a
monopoly on God. He uses his people in different ways, so let’s not
discriminate against the gifts that are operating in the body of Christ..

Session VI

1. Find in scripture where someone had a heavenly visitation.

2. Have you ever had a visitation from heaven? If so explain.

3. When the author talked about flying what realm was she in
and how is this possible?


I had many visitations from hell over the years. I am only going
to write about a few in this book. I remember one night about three
o’clock in the morning; I was awakened by evil spirits escorting me into
a place in hell. It was very dark at first and I was so scared. I couldn’t
say anything. I remember going down some stairs, then being thrown
to the floor. And I saw a big fat juicy demon sitting on a throne with a
large crown on his head. When I looked up at him, he whipped out his
long fiery fingernail; that’s when I saw angels coming to get me. The
demon took his nail and cut me in my face. I felt my face burst open in
the vision. The Angels lifted me up and carried me back to my bed and
healed my face. I remember them putting their hands on my face and
all I could see was light.

When I woke up the next morning, I thought that I had a dream

until I looked in the mirror and saw a long burn going down the side of
my face. After that, I would pray and the glory of God showed up.
There was very thick fog with little crystal lights inside of the fog
because of the residue left by the angels.

That’s when the warfare got great. I have been through so many
different levels of warfare. The things that I experienced when I was
younger was nothing compared to what I was going through at this
point. I have even experienced snakes being thrown on me. I could
feel them crawling all over me, but I couldn’t see them. I started
pleading the blood of Jesus and it lifted. Witches hate deliverance
ministers. They would have what appears to be their bodies come into
my bedroom; at first it would scare me. I begin crying out to the Lord
and the Holy Spirit would teach me how to war at the forces with the
Word of God. And what they were trying to do, he taught me not fear
and walk in my God given authority and demonstrate the power of the
Holy Ghost. On another level Some times demons come by legions but
God didn’t give me a spirit of fear I have power, love, and a sound
mind. (2TIM 2-1-7) I get great pleasure in casting out demons seeing
the people set free we have power over the enemy (LUKE 10:19).


2SAM 22:6

Session VII

The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death

prevented me

1. Do you believe hell is a real place?

2. Have you ever experienced anything like this? If yes, explain.

3. Define warfare.

4.Find in scripture where someone visit hell.


I remember my first time being used in this gift. A friend of mine

was having problems at home with her husband, she came to my
house to talk. God began to use me in the Word of Knowledge. The
Lord told her through me, to look under her husband’s bed and she
would find her answers. After she got home and looked under the bed,
there was an envelope with papers. After she looked at the papers,
she called to tell me that he had divorce papers drawn up. The Word of
Knowledge has nothing to do with human study; it’s a gift from God
that can’t be earned.
I have another example of the Word of Knowledge. One day we
were out on the street witnessing, and we ran across a man that was
on drugs. The Lord revealed to me the center of his pain. I told him
that the only reason that he was out there getting high and drunk was
because he couldn’t see his children (the mother had taken the kids
and he didn’t know where they were). The Lord told him that He was
going to clean him up and put him back in relationship with his kids; he
was shocked at first, then he cried.

The Lord will even allow the Word of Knowledge to be used in

order to find things that are lost or hidden. I was at home one night
and my girlfriend called me so that we may pray because her daughter
had run away from home. As we were praying, the Lord revealed that
the grandparents were hiding her over their house. She called the
police, and that’s where the girl was. (1 Sam 9 &10; 1Kings 14:2 &3;
1.JOHN 4:18,19,29 2.2KINGS 6:8-12 3.ACTS 5:1-11.


Session IX
1. The word knowledge is a word of God’s knowledge for a particular
season or time, for a particular person or people, for a particular
purpose, for a need at a particular place.

2. The gift has nothing to do with human reasoning. True or false.

3. There are three different levels to knowledge. What are they?

4. 1 Peter 4:10 says what?

5. Do you operate in this gift?


There are three different levels of wisdom, natural or worldly,

biblical or divine. The Holy Spirit blesses you with the Word of Wisdom
you have the ability to impart special and specific information. The
Lord gives you insight and guidance that come directly from the Holy
Spirit. Sometimes God will give you a flash of revelation while you’re
flowing in the prophetic, and will even show you visions. The sole
purpose of this revelation gift (as well as all the others) is to bring
people closer to the Lord. It has nothing to with how great you are, or
to be in a person’s business. If the Lord shows you something and
gives you the okay to release it do so, but always stay prayerful,
because it’s not always for everyone to hear; and always release the
word in love. One summer morning, the Lord instructed me to visit a
church. As soon as I sat down my stomach started to turn, and I
couldn’t control myself. I began to speak in tongues and the pastor
told me to be quiet, that it didn’t take all of that. What he didn’t know
was that I was wailing out on his behalf. I had never seen that pastor
before that day, so it wasn’t natural wisdom, it was divine. After he
told me to be quiet, I stood to my feet and my voice sounded off like a
trumpet. The Lord told me to warn him that judgment was on the way,
but God didn’t leave him torn down, he had me to build him back up.
He did not take heed to the word and ended up in the hospital three
weeks later.

The word of wisdom will also confirm ministry calls and give an
assurance of blessings. God has told lots of people about lost money,
checks coming, approval on denied paper work, and much more. I see
a lot of human reasoning in the body of Christ, that’s why it’s hard to
tap in the realm of the supernatural. Here are a few biblical examples
of the word of wisdom; 1. Gen 41; 2. Exodus 3:3. 1 Kings 3:16-28; 4.
Genesis 6:14-18; 5. Gen 19; 6. Acts 27: 21 –25.

I was over a sister in the Lord house for prayer one evening, and
her sister was visiting from out of town. We didn’t have a chance to
pray when the Lord took me in the realm of the spirit in a place
centuries before our time. I saw a campfire and five people with grass
skirts on sitting around the fire making blood oaths to Satan by
chanting and cutting their hands and dripping the blood in the fire.

I heard the Lord say, “tell her don’t worry about her children and
for me to break the curse of idolatry off her husband’s bloodline”.
After I came out of the vision I told both women what I saw and what I
was instructed to do. The lady from out of town started to cry. She
told me that there was a curse over her husband’s family in which all
of his family would die at a young age from
mental illness, and that her husband was fighting this illness also and
that she was afraid for her kids. We prayed and broke the curse off
that bloodline. You as the person getting the Word of Wisdom to
deliver don’t always know what it means; it’s your job to be the
messenger. Trust in the Holy Spirit, not in your own reasoning and
Jesus Christ will deliver.


JOHN 10:3
Session VI

1. Why is it so important to hear and obey.

2.Have you ever disobeyed the Lord and suffered actions.

3. If yes explain
4. What did the author mean when she said we should hear his voice
every day? Why is it
so important



I can hear souls crying out in the night looking for

change in a place of darkness where there’s no light, living
a life full of pain they can’t sleep, they need a way out.
Sometimes the Lord will take me in the spirit and show me
lost souls stuck in the blackest clay, fighting to be free. We
should have the power and anointing to pull them out. I
remember one night hearing the souls crying. I went into a
vision; in the vision I stood on a large rock reaching down in
this sticky clay and I begin pulling these souls out one by
one. Even though I was in the realm of the spirit, Jesus put
the joy in my heart by letting me know that these lost souls
were freed. In reality, my heart got heavy again because of
the ones that I couldn’t reach. What if all of the body of
Christ started pulling out lost souls? Just maybe if we
worked together, we could pull them all out.

Another night I was flying in the air to what I believe

was a place in Africa. When I got on the ground, I walked
into this run down clinic. The doctor was trying his best to
help these very sick people. I looked around and every
thing was black. I asked the angel that was with me where
are the lights? How can this doctor help these people in the
dark? There were people that needed an operation. I said,
“This man cannot operate on these people without light.”
And the angel spoke to me and said, “It’s just like some
pastors who are trying to pastor the people without the love
of Christ.” It’s a disaster cutting in the dark, putting parts
where they don’t belong, and not being able to find the
proper tools. It’s impossible to operate in the dark. Just like
it’s impossible to pastor without the love of Christ. We
don’t have a monopoly on God. He uses his people in
different ways, so let’s not discriminate against the gifts
that are operating in the body of Christ.
Session VII

1. Find in scripture where someone had a heavenly


2. Have you ever had a visitation from heaven? If so


3. When the author talked about flying what realm

was she in and
how is this possible?



I had many visitations from hell over the years. I am

only going to write about a few in this book. I remember
one night about three o’clock in the morning; I was
awakened by evil spirits escorting me into a place in hell. It
was very dark at first and I was so scared. I couldn’t say
anything. I remember going down some stairs, then being
thrown to the floor. And I saw a big fat juicy demon sitting
on a throne with a large crown on his head. When I looked
up at him, he whipped out his long fiery fingernail; that’s
when I saw angels coming to get me. The demon took his
nail and cut me in my face. I felt my face burst open in the
vision. The Angels lifted me up and carried me back to my
bed and healed my face. I remember them putting their
hands on my face and all I could see was light.

When I woke up the next morning, I thought that I had

a dream until I looked in the mirror and saw a long burn
going down the side of my face. After that, I would pray
and the glory of God showed up. There was very thick fog
with little crystal lights inside of the fog because of the
residue left by the angels.

That’s when the warfare got great. I have been

through so many different levels of warfare. The things that
I experienced when I was younger was nothing compared to
what I was going through at this point. I have even
experienced snakes being thrown on me. I could feel them
crawling all over me, but I couldn’t see them. I started
pleading the blood of Jesus and it lifted. Witches hate
deliverance ministers. They would have what appears to be
their bodies come into my bedroom; at first it would scare
me. I begin crying out to the Lord and the Holy Spirit would
teach me how to war at the forces with the Word of God.
And what they were trying to do, he taught me not fear and
walk in my God given authority and demonstrate the power
of the Holy Ghost. On another level Some times demons
come by legions but God didn’t give me a spirit of fear I
have power, love, and a sound mind. (2TIM 2-1-7) I get
great pleasure in casting out demons seeing the people set
free we have power over the enemy (LUKE 10:19).


2SAM 22:6
Session VIII

The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares

of death prevented me

1.Do you believe hell is a real place?

2.Have you ever experienced anything like this? If yes,

3.Define warfare.

4.Find in scripture where someone visit hell.


I remember my first time being used in this gift. A

friend of mine was having problems at home with her
husband, she came to my house to talk. God began to use
me in the Word of Knowledge. The Lord told her through
me, to look under her husband’s bed and she would find her
answers. After she got home and looked under the bed,
there was an envelope with papers. After she looked at the
papers, she called to tell me that he had divorce papers
drawn up. The Word of Knowledge has nothing to do with
human study; it’s a gift from God that can’t be earned.
I have another example of the Word of Knowledge. One day
we were out on the street witnessing, and we ran across a
man that was on drugs. The Lord revealed to me the center
of his pain. I told him that the only reason that he was out
there getting high and drunk was because he couldn’t see
his children (the mother had taken the kids and he didn’t
know where they were). The Lord told him that He was
going to clean him up and put him back in relationship with
his kids; he was shocked at first, then he cried.

The Lord will even allow the Word of Knowledge to be

used in order to find things that are lost or hidden. I was at
home one night and my girlfriend called me so that we may
pray because her daughter had run away from home. As
we were praying, the Lord revealed that the grandparents
were hiding her over their house. She called the police, and
that’s where the girl was. (1 Sam 9 &10; 1Kings 14:2 &3;
Luke 22:31-34).


1.JOHN 4:18,19,29 2.2KINGS 6:8-12 3.ACTS 5:1-11.

1. The word knowledge is a word of God’s knowledge for a

particular season or time ,for a particular person or people,
for a particular purpose, for a need at a particular place.

2.The gift has nothing to do with human reasoning. True or


3.There are three different levels to knowledge. What are


4. 1 Peter 4:10 says what?

5. Do you operate in this gift?



There are three different levels of wisdom, natural or

worldly, biblical or divine. The Holy Spirit blesses you with
the Word of Wisdom you have the ability to impart special
and specific information. The Lord gives you insight and
guidance that come directly from the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes God will give you a flash of revelation while
you’re flowing in the prophetic, and will even show you
visions. The sole purpose of this revelation gift (as well as
all the others) is to bring people closer to the Lord. It has
nothing to with how great you are, or to be in a person’s
business. If the Lord shows you something and gives you
the okay to release it do so, but always stay prayerful,
because it’s not always for everyone to hear; and always
release the word in love.

One summer morning, the Lord instructed me to visit a

church. As soon as I sat down my stomach started to turn,
and I couldn’t control myself. I began to speak in tongues
and the pastor told me to be quiet, that it didn’t take all of
that. What he didn’t know was that I was wailing out on his
behalf. I had never seen that pastor before that day, so it
wasn’t natural wisdom, it was divine. After he told me to be
quiet, I stood to my feet and my voice sounded off like a
trumpet. The Lord told me to warn him that judgment was
on the way, but God didn’t leave him torn down, he had me
to build him back up. He did not take heed to the word and
ended up in the hospital three weeks later.

The word of wisdom will also confirm ministry calls and

give an assurance of blessings. God has told lots of people
about lost money, checks coming, approval on denied paper
work, and much more. I see a lot of human reasoning in the
body of Christ, that’s why it’s hard to tap in the realm of the

Examples of the Word of Wisdom

1. Gen 41; 2. Exodus 3:3. 1 Kings 3:16-28; 4. Genesis 6:14-
18; 5. Gen 19; 6
Acts 27: 21 –25.

I was over a sister in the Lord house for prayer one

evening, and her sister was visiting from out of town. We
didn’t have a chance to pray when the Lord took me in the
realm of the spirit in a place centuries before our time. I
saw a campfire and five people with grass skirts on sitting
around the fire making blood oaths to Satan by chanting
and cutting their hands and dripping the blood in the fire.

I heard the Lord say, “tell her don’t worry about her
children and for me to break the curse of idolatry off her
husband’s bloodline”. After I came out of the vision I told
both women what I saw and what I was instructed to do.
The lady from out of town started to cry. She told me that
there was a curse over her husband’s family in which all of
his family would die at a young age from mental illness, and
that her husband was fighting this illness also and that she
was afraid for her kids. We prayed and broke the curse off
that bloodline. You as the person getting the Word of
Wisdom to deliver don’t always know what it means; it’s
your job to be the messenger. Trust in the Holy Spirit, not
in your own reasoning and Jesus Christ will deliver.

Session IX
1. Biblical examples of word of wisdom

a. Genesis 41

b. Acts 27:21-25

c. Exodus 34-40

2. How does the word of wisdom operate?

3 .What is the purpose of the word of wisdom?

”And I brethren, when I came to you, came not with
excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the
testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing
among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. And my
speech and preaching was not with enticing words of man’s
wisdom, but in demonstration of the spirit and of power.
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but
in the power of God”.
Jesus Christ should center the focus of everything you
do in life. It’s time for the body of Christ to get active in the
things of the spirit, so that we may be effective when we
stand before an unbeliever. They are looking for a healing,
and a right now word from God. They’re looking for
something to believe in. When you as a born-again believer
go on the streets to witness to the lost souls with the
anointing and power of God operating in the flow of the
prophetic, you will be able to bypass things such as
debating minds and differences in economic backgrounds
and education.

Prophecy goes straight to the heart, and it demands a

response. It brings an encounter with Jesus Christ, and that
leads the persons to salvation. To spiritual leaders, there’s
about to be a shift taking place in our cities, and God is first
calling for the leaders of the churches to come together in
unity and win the souls that are lost. As people that profess
to know Christ, we shouldn’t want to see one soul lost (Luke
15:1-7). So let us lead by example and demonstrate what
a servant truly is.
Jesus and his disciples walked the streets
demonstrating the power of God by winning the lost,
healing the sick, casting out devils, working miracles and
preaching the word of God. (Luke 4:18-19). Not only
spiritual leaders, but the body as a whole, its time to
transform into the image of Christ and for us to do what He
did. This is the time of the GREATER (John 1:50). People
are dying and going to hell because they don’t know about
the love of Christ or the blood He shed at the cross. We as
believers have to take a stand and open up to the true
gospel, which is saving the lost. Jesus gave His life; the
only thing we have to do is give a little time.

There will be a people that will never step foot in a

church building, and its our job to take the church to them
(1 Cor. 12:14, Psalm 72:13-20, Matthew 18:10-11, and Luke
15:4). As born-again believers that worship Jesus Christ, we
need to show the world that we can stand together in unity,
power and most of all love
(John 13:34 –35).

Biblical Examples of Prophetic Evangelism

JOHN 5:2-9; JOHN 9:6; LUKE 8:43-48; LUKE 8:41-42; JOHN
In order to go out and reach the lost, you have to
adopt the heart of Christ and allow your self to tap
into a place spiritually on that person behalf. When I
see my family, or someone I don’t know lacking true
intimacy with Jesus, my heart gets heavy because
they’re missing out on the only true pure love,
without they will ever experience.

My vision is for miracles to be common in our

every day life. That the church will get out of the
buildings and lay hands, prophesy, and cast out
devils in the place where its needed the most, on the
streets. Why do we as Pastors minister to the same
people Sunday after Sunday? You would think the
people would have gotten a revelation by now. Look
in the realm of the spirit for a moment and see
people in your cities laying out in the streets under
the power of God, and having no one think that it’s
strange because the people are common with seeing
the church perform miracles on the streets. My
husband and I have seen big time drug dealers on
the street corner where they hang out, break down
under the weight of Gods glory. There’s too many
experiences to write about in this book; but we have
seen God work in the lives of the toughest
hardhearted people. They just needed to know that
God is real, alive, and that He loves them just the
way they are.

1. What is your outlook on this lesson?


There's an anointing in prophetic ministry that the Lord

will take some prophets into. We know that God uses all of
his prophets in different ways, but this anointing is two
ministries mixed into one. With this ministry of Prophetic
deliverance, it comes natural to the prophet (or whoever
God chooses to use) to know the spirit that's in operation,
and is inspired by the Holy Spirit to speak in past tense to
the persons as far back as hundreds of years into their

This is one of the ministry's the Lord allows me to flow

in, and I love it. When I minister to someone, I can see the
demons that have the person bound, sometimes before I
even meet the person. Instead of calling out a list of
demons, I go straight to the root.

I remember a time when a lady came to my house for

private deliverance. She wanted to be delivered from
drugs, but I saw something else. I saw the reason why she
couldn't keep her deliverance. It was because she was in
an extramarital relationship with a warlock, and he was
using witchcraft to keep her bound. She was already
delivered from drugs; it was so much deeper than that. I
had her to repent and renounce all involvement with
adultery and witchcraft; she did and was freed that same
hour. She stayed free for six months then went back to that
relationship and become bound to drugs again. After some
time, she came back and ask me how did I know that she
was hiding information, I told her it was the Holy Spirit not
me. I will no longer perform deliverance on her because
she's not ready to give up that life style. Another young
lady had come to my house for many sessions, but this time
I saw a demon sitting on top of her and it was in control.
She said it was nothing wrong, she was going though some
hurt from her marriage, but this demon’s name was not
hurt, its name was incest. As I started operating in
deliverance, the prophetic took over and I commanded that
the snakes come out of her vaginal area.

The demon manifested and told me and the workers in

Latin language that it’s been there for a time and its not
going. I knew it was Latin because the Holy Spirit
interpreted the language for me and told me that it was an
ancient demon.

I commanded in the name of Jesus that the demon lose

her and her bloodline.
She screamed and her face changed. I called her name
and command in Jesus name that she come to the surface.
I told her to renounce incest she cried and said that she was
having sex with her relative and the family knew about it.
After she confessed and repented, we cast the demon out
and she was free. There have been several times demons
have tried hide but they couldn’t hide from the Holy Ghost
(Acts 16:16).
Session X
deliverance >noun 1 the process of being rescued or
set free. 2 a formal or authoritative utterance.

1.Do you need deliverance right now if so from what?

2. Have you ever gone through deliverance?

3.What are demons?

4.Give scripture of casting out devils.


I can remember times in my life when I was afraid and

hurting. I was praying for everyone and needed prayer
myself. I knew I had cancer for years, it was frozen and
under control . One day I went to the doctor and he told me
that I needed surgery. I went home called up the prayer
warriors; because my faith was low at this point. Then the
Lord said, “speak to it and choose life, there’s the power of
life and death in our tongue”. That day I chose life (Psalm
34: 13,39:1). Others started to pray and prophesy healing
over my life, too. The Lord taught me to be careful what
comes out of my mouth.

I was used to speaking into the lives of others, but had

forgotten about myself. Every day up to the date of the
surgery, I spoke the prophetic word of God over my life. I
was not going to die but live (Ps 119:17). I had the surgery,
and with a supernatural healing I was on my feet and back
at church within days.
Another miracle of prophetic healing happened when a
friend called and said that someone she knew was dying
from Aids, she wanted me to go and pray. When I got
there, the lady was very small and told me what all the
doctors had to say, but I told her what “the DOCTOR” had to
say. The Lord told me to tell her that she didn’t have Aids.
I was shocked when it came out of my mouth because I am
looking at her in the natural realm, but in the spirit she’s
healed. I prayed and prophesied over her life. Then I left
and about two months later I heard that she didn’t have
Aids anymore and that she is doing fine. There’s nothing to
hard for God.

JAMES 3:5; 1PETER 2:24; ISA. 61:1; MATT 10:1;

LUKE 6:7.
Session XI

speaking >adjective 1 used for or engaged in

speech. 2 able to communicate in a specified
–PHRASES on speaking terms slightly acquainted;
moderately friendly.

heal >verb 1 make or become sound or healthy

again. 2 put right (an undesirable situation).
–DERIVATIVES healer >noun.
–ORIGIN Old English, related to whole.

1. Find three scriptures that deal with prophetic healing.

2. Speak healing into your own life right now.

3. Prophesy healing to some one else


It’s very important to pray on the behalf of others. An

intercessor is one that stands in place of someone else in
prayer. As prophetic intercessors, the Lord will show you
faces of people. You may not know right off what to pray,
but the Holy Spirit will give it to you. And sometimes you
will hear names or have feelings of danger (Rom. 8:26).
Even in dreams, God will show you things before they
happen that you may pray. I remember times I would hear
children crying. Because I have kids, I ran all over the
house frantically because the cries were so loud, but all of
my children were asleep. That’s the time to warfare in the
spirit for those kids placing and applying the blood of Jesus.

You as an intercessor may not always see the end

result, but I encourage you to keep praying on the behalf of
others because it’s done in the spirit. One night I had a
very hard time sleeping, my spirit was calling out to God. I
never opened my mouth, and I had no control over my inner
man; my spirit was preaching and prophesying. The faces of
so many women came before me, and I started crying out
to the Lord on their behalf. I saw myself in the spirit laying
hands, and healing went forth. I wasn’t sleep, but in a state
that I can’t explain; it was real. After the spirit of God
healed the ladies, He touched my mouth. I instantly fell
asleep for about two minutes, then I was awakened by a
loud sound of bird wings flying, and I remember hearing
doors opening very loudly. At first I couldn’t move, but after
a while I felt secure in my heart that all of the women
received their breakthrough and walked through those open
doors. I may never see them again, but I thank God that I
was open to be used.

God loves you when you’re messy, and when you don’t
deserve it. He even loves you when you don’t want to be
loved. He will make His sun shine on you when it’s a cloudy
day. He will even allow the rain to wash all of the dirt away.
Who can explain the love of Christ? Who can understand
His love? It was His love for us that caused Him to die ad
rise again.

God loves us so much that He’s right there attending to

every word. Even when were sad, if you listen you will hear
Him say it will work together for your good. When you
mess up, His grace is sufficient. When you’re down, He will
lift up your head. When you’re confused, He will give you
His mind. When the enemy comes up against you, He will
lift up a standard against him.

Session XII
intercede >verb intervene on behalf of another.
–ORIGIN Latin intercedere, from cedere 'to go'.

prayer >noun 1 a request for help or expression of

thanks addressed to God or another deity. 2
(prayers) a religious service at which people gather
to pray together. 3 an earnest hope or wish.
–PHRASES not have a prayer informal have no
prophetic >adjective 1 accurately predicting the
future. 2 relating to or characteristic of a prophet or
–DERIVATIVES prophetical >adjective prophetically

1. Are you a prophetic intercessor ?

2. How do you know?


In my own study and experience with the Lord I’ve

learned that the prophetic flow comes from the mind and
heart of God. He wants to communicate with His creation.
It’s like giving birth to children that never talks to you.
Being a Father that wants the best for His children, but how
the kids will ever really know the love that the Father has
for them until they communicate.

The purpose of the prophetic flow is to bring God’s

creation into an intimate relationship with Him. I’ve seen
people that didn’t even believe in Jesus Christ, and then
after receiving a prophetic word their hearts were soften
and they got saved. The prophetic flow is biblical
knowledge of truth (JOHN 8:32). The person speaking the
word from God at all times must operate in the love of
Christ, because its His mind you’re speaking. It’s not about
what you feel or what you have heard about a person. You
must remember faith has no emotions. Emotions come from
the soul. There are very little emotions in the realm of the
spirit, just truth when a prophet flows from the heart, which
is the inner man. When a prophet is flowing in the spirit he
or she can’t act on their own because their taken totally
over by the Spirit of God. (EZEK 11:7, 1SAM 10:6, 10-13).

There have been several times I got caught up and

didn’t remember what I said. When I came back to myself,
the Lord had already done the speaking (Rev 1:10). There
are different ways the prophets flow and operate, but the
person being used of God has to remember that this
ministry is not for babes; you have to grow up in your faith
(Heb. 5: 14). And how can you deliver a word you don’t
practice living (James 1: 22). Every ministry must submit to
the Holy Spirit and not seek self glory (John 7: 17).



1) The office of the prophet

2) Prophetic preaching
3) Prophetic presbytery
4) The gift of prophecy
5) The spirit of prophecy

1. The Office of the Prophet

A. One of the Five Headship Ministries (Ephesians 2:20, 1
Corinthians 12:28). The ministry of the Prophet in the
church in not a gift of the Holy Spirit, but a gift extension of
Christ Himself as a Prophet (Ephesians 4:8,11).
B. The office of the Prophet is higher than the Gift of
Prophecy. The Prophet has the calling and responsibility to
function in much more.
2. The Gift of Prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:3
1) Edification
2) Exhortation
3) Comfort
3. Prophets may function in these areas
1. Guidance
2. Instruction
3. Correction
4. Revelation
5. Laying Foundation
6. Judgment
7. And others


Prophetic Preaching is a different level of preaching and has

a number of different qualities. It’s under the order of the
Holy Spirit.
1. The Preacher gets the words directly from God
2. Good News
3. Glad Tidings
4. Encourage
3. Prophetic Presbytery

Definition: A Prophetic Presbytery is a gathering of

qualified people for the purpose of:

• Prophetic revelation and confirmation

• Ordination to the Five-Fold Ministry
• Confirmation and activation of the saint’s place in
the Body of Christ

• Progress in Christian maturity.


1. Laying on of hands to set one in Ministry
2. They are only Prophets
3. They speak in the lives of the people
4.They give Prophetic Revelation
5. The Gift of Prophecy ( ACTS 2:7; 1COR12:
10,14:1,3.4,6,22,24,31,39 THESS 5:20, ROM 12:6)
6. It’s a Gift not an Office (we must remember that the Gift
of Prophecy is not an Office, or Headship Ministry as
described in Ephesians 4:11)
What we see 2. What we hear 3.What we speak


Session XIII

Prophecy is the most edifying gift for a congregation (1


The Spirit of Prophecy (Numbers 11:24,30; 1 SAM 10:10,

19:20-24, 2 Chr. 20:12)
DEFINITION: The Spirit of Prophecy is an anointing arising
from Christ within the believer, which takes place on
occasions of special anointing (REV 19:10).


• During Prayer
• Atmosphere has to be set
• Person has to depend totally on the Holy Spirit
(Numbers11:24-30; 1 SAM 10:10, 19:20-24; 2 CHR 20:12-
17- 24)


It’s so many prophets that compromise the anointing

for self gain. A spirit of prostitution has been released in
our churches to the point that the sheep are paying the
overseer or guest speakers for a prophetic word.

My husband and I were invited to minister at a church

that was well known in Chicago. When we got there, we
were instructed to call a one hundred dollar line for a
prophetic word. When we refused, the pastor took the
microphone, and told the people that my husband and I
needed to be taught how to get money out of the people of
God. I saw the hurt in these people, and they needed real
ministry, and a true word from God.

I was instructed by the Lord to bless the people with a

prophetic word and deliverance ministry. The pastor got
very angry because we were not going to allow him to
prostitute the anointing that is on our lives. I don’t care if I
never get an offering! That’s not the reason why I minister.
I minister because I love God’s people, and I want to see
them in a greater relationship with Jesus Christ.
After the pastor started to call the hundred-dollar line, God
gave my husband and I a word of judgment to speak over
that church. The pastor didn’t receive the word. About
three months later, I was told that the church was closed
down. The Lord wasn’t going to let His people sit under a
pastor that was all about self gain any longer (1Peter 5;
Titus 1:10-16; 1 Sam 8:3).
We are not to let others use the anointing on our lives
for self gain, we are not to use the anointing outside of
what the Lord has commanded us to do with it. Such as
equipping, edifying the body of Christ for the work of the
ministry (Eph 4:11). The anointing on our lives is for the
purpose of casting out devils, healing the sick, preaching
the gospel, and to recover sight to the blind (Luke 4:18,

The anointing is not for sale!!! (Matt 6:25-34). As

people of God, we are not to worry about MONEY, because
the Lord will supply ALL of our needs according to His riches
in glory. We first have to seek after God and His
righteousness, and then everything else will be added to us.
If you are using the anointing to gain things, and money,
that means you don’t believe the word of God and you are
at a back-sliding state. You can be up before the people
running a church, or sitting on a church bench and have
your heart so far away from God because the anointing has
been compromised.

Anointing– The gift of the Holy Spirit as an efficient aid in
getting knowledge of the truth (1 JOHN 2:20). Not that the
work of Jesus was imperfect, but the Spirit helps us to
understand the truth that He taught. And we must glorify
Him in whom the full revelation of God has been given (JOHN
Anointing– To anoint, smear, consecrate, GEN 31: 13
illustrates the idea of anointing something or someone as an
act of consecration. The basic meaning of the word, however,
is simply to smear an oily or viscous substance on an object
(EXDOS29: 2, ISA 21:5, JER 22:14).
Elisha was anointed to a Prophet (1KINGS 19:16). More
typically, kings were anointed for their office (1SAM 16:12 1
KINGS 1:39). Anointing is a word that is important both to the
old and new testament. Anointing is for a special office or
function. David refused to harm Saul because God anointed
him (1 SAM 24:6). It is important believers have an anointing
from the Holy One indicates that this anointing renders them
holy, separating them to God. The passage teaches that the
gift of the Holy Spirit is the all-efficient means of enabling
believers to possess knowledge of the truth.
compromise >noun 1 an agreement reached by each side
making concessions. 2 an intermediate state between
conflicting opinions, reached by mutual concession. >verb 1
settle a dispute by mutual concession. 2 expediently accept
standards that are lower than is desirable. 3 bring into
disrepute or danger by indiscreet or reckless behavior.
–DERIVATIVES compromiser >noun.
–ORIGIN Old French compromis, from Latin compromittere,
from promittere 'promise


This chapter, is inspired by the trials and

tribulations of my life. It’s about how the Lord can
use His people in different realms of the spirit. I’ve
learned that the enemy will try anything to destroy
God’s elect people. I have had on the job training
when the Lord told me, and confirmed that I was
called to a prophet.
I studied many books, and I’ve read and studied
mostly all of Bill Hammond books. Most of all my
knowledge in prophetic ministry comes the Lord .
The Lord has thought and imparted into my life, and
I impart into the lives of others. My main goal in life
is to teach others the things of the spirit, because I
know from experience how it feels to be alone and
not have anyone who understands the realm of the
supernatural. God is real, alive, and He desires for
His people to do away with the flesh and tap into the
spirit because God is spirit.

When you allow Him to transform you through

the Word of God (which is the Holy Bible) it will
cause you to have a more intimate relationship with
Him. I pray that my testimonies will help and deliver
others. I believe my purpose in life is to bring
healing and restoration to a people that are called
and chosen by God . All ages and nationalities. I have
such a great love for God’s people everywhere. I sit
and cry many of nights because I can feel the pain
and hunger of the souls. They want to experience
His love, and as spiritual leaders, it’s our job to show
them the way. We all have different encounters with
the Lord and He uses all of us in different ways.
Let’s not judge one another and be open to the
ministry that God has chosen for us.

I understand why I went through so much. It was

because of the call. A prophet receives his calling
directly from God. Some prophets are called before
birth like Jeremiah (Jer1: 5). And one thing I know is
that Satan hates prophetic and deliverance
ministry’s because these are miracle ministries.
Satan tried to kill so many prophets because he
knew the main role of the prophet was to bear God’s
word, for the purpose of teaching; reproving,
correcting, and training in righteousness.
I believe when God calls a prophet, he or she
walk divinely in His love. When a real prophet
stands before God’s people, they should feel the hurt
of the people and begin to flow in the power of God
to bring fourth true deliverance. A prophet is very
close to the heartbeat of God. I don’t understand
when a prophet says they don’t confront the enemy
in deliverance ministry, when the very call of the
prophet is to pluck up and cast down. Some of these
watered down prophets want to be seen by men, so
that they may be praised. They don’t care if the
people get set free; it’s all about them.

I am here to let you know, the covers are coming

off and they’re being exposed. True prophets are
not selfish to the things of God. Some people that
carry the title “prophet”, called themselves. Real
prophets walk in the love of Jesus Christ. He is the
center of our faith. It makes me wonder when I go in
some of these churches and see people that call
themselves prophets run away from demon-
possessed people, The Lord has given us power over
the enemy (Luke 10:19); not just prophets but every

The reason the enemy hates real prophets is

because it was predestined that we tear his kingdom
down. We as prophets walk in a God- given
authority, and operate by faith. Only we are born to
pursue any task the Lord puts before us. Prophets
are to have a high level of integrity. We had to go
through so much pain, because the anointing is
birthed through pain. Don’t ever think you went
through all of that for yourself, it was for someone
else. As prophets we have to be sensitive in the
spirit to hear for God’s people (Is 50:4-5). The
enemy will try anything to stop you by causing you
to be affected by what people say. If you allow what
we call persecution, to get the best of you, how can
you be effective for the people? There have been
many trials in my life as prophet, but I learned to
over come.

The problem in the church is that a lot of people,

including the overseers don’t understand the call of
the prophet. We go through so much hurt and
persecutions until it teaches us that at all cost to
stay in total obedience to the Lord. God uses His
prophets in different ways, at different times. In the
Word of God you can read about how prophets had
freedom and liberty to be themselves, and not be
intimidated by people (Jer1: 7 Ezek 2:6). Some
pastors are very intimidated by prophets for two
One is that his or her life isn’t lining up with
Word of God and they try their best to put the
prophet out or sit them down so that they won’t be
exposed. But what they fail to realize is, man can’t
sit down a true prophet, and if you try to put them
out, they will kick and scream until they get the
message out that God has given.
I have been put out of many churches been
called names and falsely accused in the past, it
knocked me off my feet but now I have a passion to
serve him and to walk in his shadow. When I fell in
love with Jesus nothing else mattered . The other
reason why prophets intimidate some pastors is
because they fear the anointing, when the focus of
the prophecy is Jesus Christ.
Prophecy may be expressed in many ways through
the prophet such as dreams, visions, speaking, the
written word of God, the voice of an angel, the voice
of God, bodily expression, and symbolic messages
(Ezek; 40; 2-Gen, 22; 15-19-Is20-1King 11; 30-31).
Don’t try to figure God out; He’s multi talented, the
creator of everything. When you’re truly called by
God to be a prophet, persecutions and storms are
going to come; it’s a very high calling that need not
to be taken lightly.


Session XIV
call >verb 1 cry out to (someone) in order to summon them
or attract their attention.
1.What is your calling?

2. When does a prophet receive his calling?

3. How do you know if your called?

4. How do the lord use you in ministry?

5. Questions & answers


In the beginning God breathed the breath of life into

man’s nose and man became a living soul (GEN 2: 7). What
that means is the spirit of God was in man, and he had
spiritual sight. The fall of man caused spiritual blindness
and allowed man to have natural sight. (GEN 3:7) Spiritual
blindness affects the truth, the truth to the things of the
spirit, and to who Jesus Christ really is.

I know how it feels to walk around blind to the things of

spirit, just carnally minded. I used to always feel that
there’s more out there but I couldn’t see it. I was always
looking for a touch, but I was in a place of darkness not
knowing about the light, the light of the world (JOHN 9: 1-
11). There was a man blind from birth the Lord spoke to
me, and said, “there will be afflictions in our lives that we
have no control over, but some afflictions are there that I
may get the glory.”

I used to wonder why I had to go through so much at

such a young age. I thought the Lord didn’t love me, or did
He even exist. Because it seemed as if He wasn’t there
when I needed Him. That was a lie from the enemy. The
Lord never left me, He was right there all the time; I just
couldn’t see it. We don’t want to go through, but we have
to go through in order to come out a better person (JOHN 9:

This verse in the Bible talked about Jesus spitting on

the dirt and making a piece of clay. God is full of
revelations. In GEN 2:7, man was made from the dust of
the earth, the very thing that man was made of, caused
man to fall (himself). The serpent didn’t cause the fall, the
temptation of man caused the fall. The Lord is teaching me
that sometimes He will use the thing that brought fourth
blindness, to cause us to see. The fall of man brought forth
a carnal sight.

Jesus spat on what we once were, dust formed of clay.

Just like in the beginning God’s DNA mixed with dust
brought forth life, Jesus Christ’s DNA mixed with dust
brought forth a spiritual sight, which is what we lost with
the fall. God wrapped Himself up in flesh, and redid all that
He did in the beginning. God will use the foolish things of
the world to confound the wise.

We want to be used of God, but we first have to come

down out of the clouds and allow God to deal with our
blindness. We walk around professing to know Jesus, but
spiritually blind to whom He really is. Some of us go to
church all week long and never once reach out to someone
else. Blindly walking through the church doors, never
seeing that great big world that’s full of pain.

If we had spiritual sight to see who Christ is, we will

begin to look past our stuff and see the needs of His people.
Jesus Christ is love, and we as spiritual people must
demonstrate that same love (JOHN 9-7). Jesus put the
anointed clay on the blind man’s eyes, and told him to wash
in the pool called Sent. After he washed, he came back
seeing. Some of us walk around talking about how anointed
we are, and never been sent. When you have been truly
sent by the Lord, He will confirm the anointing that is on
your life. How can the lost souls hear, except you are sent
(ROMANS 10:15)? When you receive Jesus into your life,
and allow Him to open your spiritual eyes, everything you
thought you knew goes right out the window. After you
receive your sight, truth always follows (JOHN 9:8).
Spiritual blindness effects your position in the kingdom of
God. It’s a fact that not only was he blind, but he also was
living way beneath his means. When you’re blind to the
truth of Christ, you can’t step into your inheritance. Allow
the DNA of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to live on the
inside of you, which is the Holy Ghost.
Session XV

sight >noun 1 the faculty or power of seeing. 2 the

action or fact of seeing someone or something. 3
the area or distance within which someone can see
or something can be seen

1. How is this lesson speaking to you?

2.Pray for spiritual sight. .

3. Worship and thank God for new sight.

4. Demonstrate the gifts of the spirit.

5. Pair off and prophesy


As I sit here and take a look back, I realize that being a

Prophet is more than a calling; it’s my life. The prophet is
me. Its not something I can turn on and off at any given
time. Before I was born it was my destiny. Every demon in
hell knew it, and tried to stop me from finding out why my
life went the way that it did, why I couldn’t die, or why I
didn’t lose my mind.

There are so many people playing with the idea of

being called. When you are truly called, your life will back
up the calling. The enemy will try everything to stop God’s
called and chosen people. That’s why if someone comes to
me and say they’re called of God, it’s my job to pray for
that person like never before. You’re not just called to be
called; you’re called to bring others out. Your calling is
destined, that’s why we can’t do what others do. I know the
Lord has covered me.

I’ve been around other ministers and I can’t do the

things they do and live, I know that down deep in my soul,
when I don’t want to be kept He keeps me. So many times
I wanted to give up on Christianity, and I have even said, “I
will never minister to another person”, because I was seeing
the wicked prospering right before my eyes. That’s the
picture Satan painted for me. But when its destiny, the call
is a part of you. It’s not for fame or self glory, it’s for
destiny. So when I said that I will never speak another word,
that was impossible, because He lives in me, and when He
speaks my mouth opens.

From birth to now, many of us have been fighting to

complete our assignment in the earth, not understanding
that you have to allow the calling and your life to be one.
Stop trying to play a role that you can turn on and off when
it’s a lifestyle. When you walk, breathe, shop, or whatever
you do, the light of destiny will always shine.

You don’t have to wear a long dress or a suit. You don’t

even have to speak in tongues for an hour. Your life is
supposed to confirm your calling. It’s nothing you did to
make the calling part of your destiny. Before this world was
formed, God made the calling part of your destiny. You just
had to choose. That’s why you can be sitting eating dinner
with your family and someone walks in the restaurant, and
right away the Lord speaks to your heart concerning that
person. Because you answered the call and the Holy Sprit
lives on the inside of you. Your life is not your own, but it
belongs to God. He glorified your standing as His
spokesman. Standing in the gap for others, how great is

When you're really sold out for God, your life will speak.
You will go straight when others are turning around. I
realize that my life doesn’t belong to me. I trust in the Lord
with my whole heart and I don’t lean to my own
understanding. I look to Him and he tells me which way to
go. When I feel down, He lifts up my head. When I think I
can’t go on, He carries me through. I live this thing.
Someone asked me, “How can you always have a word”? I
told her because the word lives in me. I can’t begin to
describe the life that He’s given me. When I stand before
the people, its not me anymore but Him; its like my body
has been taken over by His Holy presence. The love that I
feel I can’t explain it. A transformation is taking place in my
life and I encourage the readers to seek the face of Jesus
and allow Him to transform your calling into destiny.
Session XVI

1.Give three ways that you can change your ways of


2.As a believer are you expressing it to the fullest?

3.If your not get , free now.

4. Repent and do better

5. Prayer and worship


My calling is my identity. Prophets see in the spirit

realm, and they speak supernaturally. Prophets operate in
signs and wonders; it’s who we are. I see when I am
sleeping; my natural eyes are closed, but my spiritual eyes
are always looking through my home preparing me for

I travail in the earth praying, fighting demons, and

seeing when others think they’re alone. I’ve traveled in the
spirit when my body is in bed; I work for the Lord in the
realm of the supernatural. I love being used of God. I don’t
hear other prophets talk about different experiences in the
spirit realm. I am always with angels. When I travel, they
protect me from hurt harm and dangers.
When your calling is your identity, at any given time you’re
able to tap into whatever gift you may possess. Your heart
has to stay pure, don’t trust in your gift. Trust in Jesus. He
will allow you to operate in a supernatural anointing, to
better this world and bring others to Himself. If your motive
is selfish and you want to use the gift for your own reasons,
you will end up with a gift and no anointing. We all know
it’s the anointing that destroys the yoke.

The other night I was asleep, and I was taken to a place

in the spirit. I saw two men planning to kidnap children on
Halloween. I saw a white van where they were going to put
the kids in the back of. I prayed and warred, binding and
loosing. It’s important that we counter attack whatever the
enemy has planned. God shows us things so that we may
speak the word, pray, and take authority over all
wickedness. I have no idea what city or country I was in,
but I know the Lord has His intercessors everywhere
praying in the spirit.


Session XVII




4.Pair up and prophesy

5. Share if your prophecy was on point or not.


I was visiting my mother one morning, and she sent me

to pay some bills for her. I was in the Englewood area of
Chicago, after I paid the bills the Holy Spirit prompted me to
walk down a street. I was walking almost to the end of the
block, when I saw an older lady on her porch crying. As I
was walking pass, she begged me to come on the porch and
hold her hand. At first I wanted to keep on walking because
I was very familiar with that neighborhood, but my heart
wouldn’t allow me to keep going. She said it was a house
on fire in back of her house, and the smoke was coming
through the windows. Her son sat her on the porch until he
could get some of the smoke out of the house.

I started walking up the stairs, and she began to call on

the name of Jesus. She grabbed my hand and held it so
tight. She said I am eighty-seven years old, and I’ve seen a
lot of things, but one thing I know for sure is that the Lord
sent you by here for me. As we were holding hands, her
son came out the door and said, “mom, let the nice lady
hand go”, and she said, “I can’t because she has something
that I need”. At that moment I began to pray and bind up
the spirit of fear and I started to place and apply the blood
of Jesus all over her body because at this time, the Lord
spoke to me and told me he was about to take her home.

She told me that her body felt different, and she

couldn’t explain what she was seeing, but she saw me as an
angel. The Lord told me to tell her son that he’s preparing
him for his mother’s transition. He looked at me like he
already knew. She was still holding my hand when I felt the
anointing going from my body to hers. God was
transforming her right before my eyes. The Lord even sent
a witness.
A pastor owned the building, and he walked on that porch
speaking in tongues. The power of God overtook me as I
prophesied over his life. He cried and was over taken by
the power of God. Always be open to the things of the Spirit
concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because you
never know in what way He will use you to impact
someone’s life.

God used me to prepare her for natural death. God

used the anointing through me to destroy the spirit of fear,
and God gave a conformation that I was truly sent by God
through the pastor. The Lord told me that I would see her
again. God allowed me to be apart of many supernatural
experiences. I had two of these encounters.

This one happened one summer night, I was invited to

minister at a women’s ministry. Right off, the Holy Spirit
had my eyes on a soul that was hurting and confused.
About an hour later, she stood before me and all I saw was
Jesus Christ holding a young man’s hand. I described the
young man to her, and told her that he was with the Lord.
She hit the floor crying, and reaching up as if she was trying
to hold someone. I didn’t know that her son was killed by a
drive-by shooting, and she was concerned about his
salvation and if she would ever see him again.

Two years earlier, a lady came to me for prayer and the

spirit of guilt consumed her countenance. Before I started
to pray, repentance came gracefully out of her mouth. I
began to pray and the Lord told me to tell her to look up,
and we did. I saw a young man with a red shirt on sitting on
a very big lap. She saw the same thing. The light
surrounding his body was so bright. After the vision was
over, she told me that her son was murdered, by someone
that she knew, and that she knows her son is sitting on
God’s lap and the guilt left her that day.

Session XVIII

supernatural >adjective 1 attributed to some force

beyond scientific understanding or the laws of
nature. 2 exceptionally or extraordinarily great.
>noun (the supernatural) supernatural
manifestations or events.
–DERIVATIVES supernaturally >adverb.

1. Find scripture of two supernatural events .

2.Have you ever experienced the supernatural. If

yes explain

3. Why do you believe God had the author to

minister to the older lady.


Sometimes the Lord will warn us in dreams or visions

about a spirit that’s around us, or what’s about to come. I
was having problems with a person that I’ve known for
years, and I always felt that they were in my life to look
down on me. This person was controlling and I was ready
for the so-called friendship to be over. God was showing
me the spirit from the beginning, but I said it was me;
thinking that it wasn’t the Lord. I’ve learned that the best
training is hands on experience from the Holy Ghost. When
I was ready to end the friend ship, I would pray that the
Lord break the soul tie because the friendship wasn’t

I remember falling asleep after praying one night, and I

started to dream. The dream started off beautiful. I was
lying on the bed, it was so bright. I looked at the window,
standing there appeared to be Jesus in a long white robe,
dressed with a gold belt. The robe had a hood, and I
thought to myself, “that’s strange”. I wanted to see Him,
and have Him speak to me. I longed for that day. My heart
was joyful, but something was wrong. He had a gold crown
in His hand full of jewels. He said, “this is yours when you
get to heaven”. I said, “Lord come talk to me, and take
your hood off”. He came over to the bed and lay down,
knowing I needed a father and that’s the way it was. I laid
my head on his chest and said, “father”. As I looked up at
him under the hood, it was the ugliest demonic face
imitating Jesus. I jumped up screaming and warring,
pleading the blood of Jesus.
I woke up so confused and deceived. Suddenly the
Lord spoke to me and said, “There’s a spirit of deception all
around you”. The next day that spirit manifested its self
through my friend. God will reveal the plan of the enemy to
you, but you must be open to receive. I was discerning that
spirit the whole time, but because I was seeking for friends I
totally ignored what the Lord was showing me.

I’ve also learned that in discerning spirits, you don’t

always dream or see the demons. There was an occasion
when a lady came to my house for prayer. I wasn’t getting
any instructions from the Lord concerning her. I prayed a
little while longer and started to smell this terrible odor.
Then the Lord began to let me know that she had cancer.
She confirmed what I was getting from the Lord as she told
me that she did years ago. That spirit of cancer was trying
to come back. She went through deliverance and has a
clean bill of health. I can usually smell sickness, sex sins,
and even drugs abuse. These demons don’t have to be
active in the person’s life; I can sometimes smell through
the bloodline.

Some times people will act out side of their character.

Like one day, one of my sons was just acting evil fighting
his brothers. He didn’t want me to look him in his face. I
knew right off that it was demonic, because that day he
went over a friend house came back a different person.
When I looked at him, I saw a shadow of complete darkness
and I commanded that in the name of Jesus it release my
son. The witchcraft spirit that attached it self to my son
released him. I started binding and casting out the evil
spirit. After it was over, he was back to his loving self. With
this gift and all the others, it’s important to always show
love and stay in the presence of the Lord.

Session XIX

It’s name implies that it is the supernatural ability

to discern what spirit is motivating human words or
actions. There are three sources of spirits – Human,
God, and Satanic. With this gift, the person is able
to determine the spiritual source of a word attitude
individual action’s atmosphere or environment the
sources can be heavenly, human, or demonic the
ability to identify these specific spirits and their
devices is to safeguard your self from deception.
Mark 9) Matthew 16:15-23 Acts 8:23 Acts 13:9-12
Acts 16:16-18 Discerning of spirits is motivated by
the Holy Spirit and activated by your faith. 1cor
14:39-40 always depends on the Holy Spirit.

1. Do you have the gift to discerning?

2. How do you know?

3. Are you a dreamer?

4. How do the Lord speak to you?



One evening a young man called me very upset. He

was living a homosexual lifestyle and had just found out
that he had HIV. He was at a very low place. He had a
relationship with the Lord years ago, and he wanted to be
delivered from those strongholds. So I called two prayer
warriors to go with me to his house. Once we arrived at his
home, a great demonic presence met us at the door. It was
so dark and cold. I looked at the pain in his face; I gave him
a big hug and kiss on his face. We started the deliverance
session, and it was a great war going on. After an hour of
massive deliverance, the young man was free and filled
with the Holy Spirit, and spoke in heavenly tongues. I felt so

When I got home after the deliverance, I could tell that I

was drained and depleted by the demonic forces. I wanted
so badly for that man to be set free that I interceded and
warred with every thing in me.

I was at home in a bath after this deliverance session,

and I prayed that the Lord would restore me. I cried and
prayed all night. All of a sudden I sensed the presence of
Angels and I felt fire consume my body, it was a heat that I
can’t explain. The heat of the fire of God dwindled down
into a little ball that went slowly through my body. I said, “
Lord in order for me to continue casting out demons, I want
to be totally clean my self”. I laid down for bed and the fire
was still slowly moving in my body. I slept was sleeping on
off, when I heard someone reading scripture in my ear. I
turned and looked; there was a man sitting on a stool next
to my bed reading the Bible to me I knew in my spirit that
this was a Angle I felt so much love and peace. He was
telling me my role as a prophet, I can’t remember all that
he said but I know that my spirit heard it all. When the
Angle left the ball of fire hit the pit of my stomach and I
received my deliverance that night. I have never seen an
Angle in human form to my knowledge I all ways see them
in there glorified from.

(John 1; 50-51) Luke 22:43) John 20: 1-12)

Session XX

angel >noun 1 a spiritual being believed to act as an

attendant or messenger of God, conventionally
represented as being of human form with wings. 2 a
person of great beauty, kindness, or virtue. 3
theatrical slang a financial backer. 4 a former
English coin bearing the figure of the archangel
Michael killing a dragon.
–PHRASES on the side of the angels on the side of
what is right.
–ORIGIN Greek angelos 'messenger'.

1.Have you ever discerned a angel?

2.Explain if yes

3.What was the fire the author was speaking of in


4.Find three scriptures that speak of discerning of


As a child I had the ability to discern spirits but I didn’t

understand what was happening. I just had this knowing
about a person, whether they were bad or good. Even now
that gift is strong in my life. It’s nothing I can do on my
own; the Holy Spirit controls it. When people come into my
life to harm me, I often know their motive, but that doesn’t
mean I cut them off. I love them and pray that they have a
heart of repentance, and then I listen for the Lord to tell me
what to do concerning the counterfeit.

Judas was a counterfeit and Jesus knew it, but the

disciples didn’t discern it. Jesus knew that it was
predestined that Judas betray him. I always want to show
love. That doesn’t mean allow a person to harm you, or use
you; it just means show love in whatever situation you find
your self in. Every gift should always operate in love (John
2:23-25). The Lord often shows me the gifts that are laying
dormant in person’s life, and sometimes He will allow me to
see the anointing out lined on a person’s body, it’s a great
bright light. I also see the bad in a person, and it looks like
black smoke over a person. This does not mean for us as
Prophets to treat a person badly because the Lord allowed
us to see this. Our job is to pray that he or she is set free
from the darkness that has them bound. There have been
times when I’ve heard what a person was thinking about
me, and I’ve heard motive of their hearts, and wept inside
because its sad how people smile in your face and inwardly
hate you, or hate any one at all (Acts chapter 8). I thank
God for the gifts of discernment.


Session XXI

human >adjective 1 of, relating to, or characteristic

of humankind. 2 showing the better qualities of
humankind, such as sensitivity. >noun a human
–DERIVATIVES humanly >adjective humanness
–ORIGIN Latin humanus, from homo 'man, human

1. Where in scripture was human discernment was

present ?

2. Do you see in the spirit? If yes, explain.

spirit >noun 1 a person's non–physical being, composed of
their character and emotions. 2 this regarded as surviving
after the death of the body, often manifested as a ghost. 3 a
supernatural being. 4 the prevailing or typical character,
quality, or mood: the nation's egalitarian spirit. 5 (spirits) a
person's mood. 6 courage, energy, and determination. 7 the
real meaning or intention of something as opposed to its
strict verbal interpretation. 8 chiefly Brit. strong distilled
liquor such as rum. 9 a volatile liquid, especially a fuel,
prepared by distillation. >verb (spirited, spiriting) (spirit
away) convey rapidly and secretly.
–PHRASES in spirit in thought or intention though not
physically. when the spirit moves someone when someone
feels inclined to do something.
–ORIGIN Latin spiritus 'breath, spirit', from spirare 'breathe'.



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