Pakiza Project

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Pakiza has excelled in the retail business through its innovative and revolution

ary thinking and most importantly for taking Retail Industry in Madhya Pradesh t
o another level.
It has not only synchronized the industry but has also given a whole new definit
ion to it. The foundation of this multi brand Pakiza, is based on emotional conn
ect with the consumers. It is a brand name reckoning with quality, affordability
and trust since 1975.Pakiza is the one to start the chapter of retailing in the
entire state even when the name of the book was not heard. The response of the
people towards Pakiza has been overwhelming which in turn has boosted their conf
idence further.Since its humble beginning back in 1975, Pakiza is not only opera
ting but evolving with every passing day. Presently spreading over the spacious
area of 1, 75,000 square feet, its departmental store is catering to the demands
of the masses in Indore. Pakiza departmental store houses outfits for men, wome
n and kids, FMCG, Textile and other household goods and articles. Thus, making i
t one stop solution, for all without pinching the pocket. The main purpose of th
e store is to deliver quality and satisfaction as well as gain confidence of the
consumer in the brand name Pakiza. Their growth graph is a candid confession an
d proof of customer satisfaction. And because of its reputation, respect and rea
sonable cost, the number is set to grow more and more with a hop, skip and jump.

Assistance by Sales Personal

Mr. Maqsood: The motive behind Pakiza Retail is to provide one stop solution sho
pping for all. Our spacious outlet and extensive product range for all section h
as allowed Pakiza to emerge as a most consumer friendly store. The offers and di
scounts are always on for the benefits of the customers. Pakiza has actually rel
axed the norm of shopping as far as the premium brands are concerned.manjoor gor
iMr. Manjoor: Our main aim is to get connected with values and ideas of consumer
s. Like what they need and the bracket within their reach. We don t only want them t
o purchase any product but quality product from our varied range at the most fai
r and fit price. Pakiza strongly believes in maintaining relations be it with ou
r customers or staff. As they are the driving force behind us to a great extent.
iqbal goriMr. Iqbal: Affordability, emotional connection and expansion are the
base of Pakiza. Pakiza has proved to be a leader in sustainability, consistency
and job opportunities. We harbor the dream to avail every individual with all th
e so called A listed products. We also believe in generating economic growth and
consumption not only across the state but across the nation.mehboob goriMr. Meh
boob: "Mr. Iqbal can be considered to be the father of Textile industry in the s
tate of MP. It was sole his conception of starting the business which gradually
gave rise to mall culture across the state." I think Pakiza has actually written
and rewritten rules of the Retail across the state. Pakiza's understanding and
knowledge of consumerism is at the par of international level. Hence, allowing t
he retail format to work in the favor of not only brand but all the other associ
ates of it. One point which makes Pakiza different is that all its showrooms are
owned by the brand, none are on rental. Moreover, Pakiza future plans are to ex
pand and venture into other states along with the price tag being reasonable and
affordable.shadab goriMr. Shadab: Pakiza Shopping mall in MP is not only a depa
rtmental store but a family store and one stop solution for all kinds of need, f
or one and the all. The mall is operated by young techno savvy management under
the guidance of senior members of the group.
Mission of Pakiza
VISION : To set Pakiza as an example of a brand which innovates new concepts and
take initiatives for their execution, which understands needs and puts an effor
t to serve them genuinely, which plays in number and not in revenue, which has t
rust as its base and it has maintained it generation after generation.
MISSION : Pakiza Retail is all set to have national presence in the coming futur
e and revolutionize retail industry with its novel approach. It has a clear miss
ion of collective growth considering following aspects-

CUSTOMERS : Pakiza ensures quality and affordability at the same time strives to
establish a trust based relationship with its customers. Its ultimate motive is
to win hearts and have lineage relationship.
ASSOCIATES : To set up bilateral understanding with the associates and have mutu
al growth. We at Pakiza believe its important to serve our associates with concre
te future plans to generate growth and confidence in our ventures.
EMPLOYEE : To provide such a platform where everyone works like a professional,
communicates like a friend and lives like one family. Individual growth is taken
on priority basis to inculcate entrepreneurial skills in each employee.
SOCIETY : Pakiza has been a stimulus for an absolute and affirmative change in t
he society where it functions. As it has enabled every single individual to aspi
re to shop. Pakiza has given a new definition to shopping with the idea "anyone
and everyone can shop".
NATION : Pakiza has core belief to have a robust working management to contribut
e in the consistent development of domestic economy through generation of employ
ment and improvement in the living standard of the people.
Promotion Campaign
Pakiza does various kinds of Promotion activites. They print advertisement in ne
wspapwers, magzines and putting banners. On every Independence day and Republic
Day Pakiza provides special schemes and discounts. Pakiza display cartoon chara
cters like Tom and Jerry, Micky mouse etc. to attract kids. On special days paki
za organizes games for public.
Culmination of hard work, honest effort and belief to initiate a new concept in
the market resulted in the brand name Pakiza. Pakiza is not all about consumeris
m but its fundamental is to get connected to the emotions of the consumers of ev
ery age and provide them with the best at the best price. Beginning of the Pakiz
a was very humble and modest back in 1975. It all began with a shop rather shant
y for repairing cycle puncture. But soon Mr.Iqbal Gori gauged his own potential
in the textile business and decided to take a leap in it. Since then, there was
no looking back in terms of success and customers.
After two years of hawking in Santha Bazaar Mr. Iqbal Gori succeeded in opening
his first fabric stall of 2 feet in 1977 at Santha Bazaar itself. Thereafter, he
gradually forayed in full fledged textile business and his tryst with success i
s still continuing. The business is successfully carried ahead by family members
with pride and laurels for bringing the mall culture in the state of Madhya Pra
desh. The family dedication and devotion has been able to hoist the flag of bran
d across the city as well as state through their various large showrooms and ret
ail outlets.

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