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ISEA Membership Committee

August 13, 2014

10:00 12:00 AM

Jay Lacsamana FSSI

Marlon Palomo PRRM
Lisa Dacanay ISEA
Atty. Joey Villamor ISEA
Silay Ramos ISEA

All four approved
1. Review of AC and CBL
Its up to the organization to define its identity if its local or regional.
Need to amend the articles of incorporation and by-laws to define who has the power to decide, specific
roles, define structure or put section about the regional council the operate within that framework
Practice today is GA for all Philippine-based members
Interested members in Asia dont want to be involved in the day to day activities but want to be part of
the decision-making body in the GA
Amend structure, membership, regional council,
November First Regional Assembly regional council board
1. MemCom recommends to formalize to revise the AR and CBL to formalize the institutional and
individual membership Joeys recommendation is 1 vote per org, 1 vote per individual; Lisa
wants 2 votes per organization, 1 vote per individual
2. Define qualifications of individual and institutional members
3. By invitation, nomination by an existing member, 2/3 votes guidelines of membership can be
4. Individual members track record and contribution
5. Institutional members SE or SE resource institution, academic
6. Original incorporators are permanent members
7. General membership of majority of Filipinos and some foreign members
8. Regional assembly elect officers subregions (co-chairs, VP for for subregion) board
9. Board all Filipino for now, can be Philippine-based, silent

10. Quorum at least 7 of 9 board members are residents of the Philippines, simple majority or 6
will compose the quorum
11. Silent on matters of consultation with the regional officers regarding board decisions
12. 2/3 of the present board must approve the amendments to be concurred by 2/3 of the general
membership next board meeting would be expanded board meeting
2. Guidelines
Membership dues not good practice to exempt, consider expenses for activities like that of
Indonesia as payment of dues; USD 150 organization, USD 50 individual
Responsibilities and Benefits Should have a provision about the official representation of any organization
Atty. Joey Villamor to be ISEAs new corporate secretary
All current members will re-commit or formalize membership except for the four new members.
October 29, 2014 Board Meeting expanded including 3 organizations who are not board member,
PBSP, MVI, VICTO General Assembly na ito; amend the AC and CBL.
Following discussions with you/your organization and ISEA officers..
Former MemCom discussions ok na yung apat, then MCPI, CARD MRI, APPEND explore if they are
interested; consult both organization and network
Before October 29 notice of meeting, proposed revisions to the AC and CBL, affirmation of
invited for membership

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