Premilinary: 1.1 Background

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Akper Nazhatut Thullab Sampang

1.1 Background
After mastering the English language well, then we will be able to communicate
with other nations in the world. In addition, we will be able to add insight and
knowledge for the betterment of our nation and our country, because we will be able to
read English literature, listening to radio broadcasts abroad, as well as watching films of
other sciences. There are so many rules that must be observed in its use, especially in
the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries to present the four rules of the many
rules of English, in addition to fulfilling the coursework aims hopefully this short article
can add to our knowledge of the English language.
1.2 Formulation Of The Problem
1. What is a pronoun?
2. What are the forms of pronouns and examples?
3. Learn how to use forms of pronoun?
4. What is the function of the use of pronouns?
1.3 General purpose
From the above problems, the authors certainly aimed to describe or explain these
points, according to the knowledge we have, either from books or other sources.
Hopefully all provide benefits for us. If there is an error in writing or words in this
paper, the authors apologize profusely.
1.4 Special Purpose
1. To Know What is a pronoun
2. To Know What are the forms of pronouns and examples
3. Know How To Learn use forms of pronoun
4. To Know What is the function of the use of pronouns

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Akper Nazhatut Thullab Sampang

2.1 Understanding Pronoun
Pronoun or pronouns are words used to replace people or objects. There are 5 types
of pronouns, namely that serves as a subject (Subject pronouns), as an object (object
pronoun), as an adjective (possessive adjectives), for states belonging to (possessive
pronouns), and to express self-reflection (reflexive or reciprocal pronouns) . Pronoun
generally replace a noun that is as subject, object or complement.So we can conclude
that the pronoun is a pronoun used to replace people, animals, and objects. pronouns in
the English language (pronouns) are words used to replace nouns (nouns), these nouns
can be people, animals, places and abstract concepts. The purpose of the use of
pronouns can be caused by many things such as to make it more concise, a name not
mentioned repeatedly in a sentence and the effectiveness of a sentence.
2.2 Forms Pronoun
Personal, Possessive, Reflexive Pronouns
To distinguish the three refer to the table below:










































I go with himto her house. (Thats Mean: Saya pergi dengan dia ke rumahnya)
He visits ourhome. (Thats Mean: Dia mengunjungi rumah kita)
Its tail is very long. (Thats Mean: Ekornya sangat panjang)
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2.3 Personal Pronoun

Is a pronoun or a person who occupies a position subject and an object.
a. Pronoun Subject: Be subject pronoun (basic sentence)

Where is Simmon? He is in the kitchen.

Sue didnt go out last night. She stayed at home.

b. Pronoun Object: Be the object pronoun.

John likes them.

My sisters hate you.

Can you lend me some money?

2.4 Demonstrative Pronoun (Pronouns Bookmarks)

This = ini (used for single objects near), example:

This is my pen. (Thats Mean: Ini pulpen saya)

What is this? (Thats Mean: Apa ini?)

These = ini (used for near objects plural), example:

These are our cars. (Thats Mean: Ini adalah mobil-mobil kita)

What are these? (Thats Mean: Apa ini?)

That = itu (used for the single remote object), example:

That is your pen. (Thats Mean: itu pulpen kamu)

What is that? (Thats Mean: Apa itu?)

Those = itu (used for distant objects plural), example:

Those are our car. (Thats Mean: itu adalah mobil-mobil kita)

What are those? (Thats Mean: Apa itu?)

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2.5 Indefinite Pronouns

Pronouns are used to replace the quantity of people or objects and unclear.
Each = setiap, tiap-tiap, masing-masing
I have two watches, each costsRp. 100.000,(Thats Mean: Saya punya dua jam tangan, masing-masing seharga Rp. 100.000,-)
One atau Ones = yang lainnya, yang satu.
This car is new, but that one is old.
(Thats Mean: Mobil ini baru, tetapi yang satu itu sudah tua/ lama.)
Someone; Somebody; Somewhere; Anyone; Anybody; Anything; Something; Anywhere
In this case some are used in positive sentences and any used in negative sentences, for

I left it somewhere.

I didnt go anywhere.

Each other = satu sama lain, untuk 2 orang.

One another = satu sama lain, untuk lebih dari 2 orang.

They help each other.

Love one another.

Another = yang lain, untuk benda tunggal tak tentu.

Others = yang lain, untuk benda jamak tak tentu.
The other = yang lain, untuk benda tunggal tertentu.
The others = yang lain, untuk benda jamak tertentu.

I dont like this pen. I want another.

These cars are very expensive. I want others.

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2.6 Interogative Pronouns

Is the question words are used as a pronoun, the WHO, Whom, what, and roomates.
Who = siapa (asking people as subject).
For example: Who teaches you English?
Whom = siapa (asking people as object).
For example: Whom does she love?
Whose = kepunyaan siapa
For example: Whose car is this?
What = apa (ask for your name, object, occupation, or job title).
For example: What is your name?
Which= yang mana
For example: Which do you prefer, the tea or the coffee?
Where= dimana/ kemana
For example: Where do you go?
When= kapan
For example: When can you visit?
Why= mengapa/ kenapa
For example: Why do you love me?
How= bagaimana, dengan apa
For example: How does he teach you every day?

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2.7 Reflexive Pronoun

Reflexive pronouns is a pronoun that is a reflection of pronoun (pronoun) itself.
Pronouns include myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, oursevels, yourselves, and
Themselves. These words are used when the subject and object in a sentence is the same
- I hit myself with a stick
- Jack hits himself with a hammer
Following statements is not true:

I hit me with a stick

Jack hit him with a stick

But it should be remembered, when the subject and object are different people, then
used the pronoun objects / people as usual (me, he, se, it, us, and them.

I hit her (Diana) with a stick

Jack hit him (John) with a stick

2.8 Possesive Pronoun

Is a pronoun that shows ownership that comes from a personal pronoun.

This is your book. This book is yours.

Jack is my friend. Jack is a friend of mine.

2.9 Reciprocal Pronoun

Is a pronoun that shows the relationship of interacting.

Each other 'Mutual' for two people / objects

One another 'Mutual' for more than two people or objects.


Tom and Ann kept looking at each other and smiling.

Tom and Jerry are interested in each other.

The students throw one another.

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Relative Pronoun

Is a pronoun that refers to a noun that is before the relative pronoun or relative clauses
(adjective clause). Relative Pronoun is a pronoun that begins an adjective clause /
relative clause.

Who / whom Referring to the (person)


Referring to objects (thing)


Referring to both (person and thing)

Relative Pronoun as Subject

Whats the name of the tall man who just came in?

Its a book which will interest children of all ages.

The people that live next door keep having all-night parties

Relative Pronoun as Object

He has married somebody whom I really do not like.

I gave him an envelope , which he put in his pocket at once.

Here are the papers that you were looking for.


Pronoun Functions

Pronoun functions: to call something or someone instead of a noun that has been
mentioned in the previous sentence or the speaker and listener alike already know
where the object in question. If there is no pronoun we must repeat the word or phrase
repeatedly objects.

Do you know the man over there? It seems the man is looking for something. Lets come
near to the man. Perhaps we can help the man.

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3.1 Conclusion
Underlying the preparation of this paper is to increase our insight into the compilers
and looking for an easy way to explain the material of Pronoun. Forms relating to the
nature Pronoun Pronoun sense, the form and nature Pronoun as well as how the
application / use.
It can be concluded that the definition of a pronoun is a pronoun that serves as the
I, you, we, they, he, and she used to replace people. In addition, "they" are also used to
replace plural nouns. He and she also can be used to replace animals, especially pets.
And specifically to "she" can also be used to replace the ships.
"It" to replace single inanimate objects and plants.
He, she and it is a singular subject (third person singular), which is always followed by
a singular verb.
3.2 Suggestion
1. English is the International language, to make it easier to learn in different ways,
one way to make a more detailed paper delivery. Read this paper carefully.
Hopefully can add insight (especially those who have studied the material on
2. To the reader who had already mastered the material, we hope to provide input
can even add information to us either directly or indirectly. Hopefully can add
knowledge to us.
3. Please understandable if in explanation of this matter is no less appropriate
especially not in accordance with the opinion of the source, we human beings
and will open if there is a correction of any party.

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