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Interviews and Salary Negotiations

25 Tips for
Cover Letters
Cover letters are you are certain of gender. Your goal is to get
your first sales pitch your letter to the person who is actually making
to a potential em- the hiring decision. Use “Human Resource
ployer. Remember Manager” or “Personnel Director” only when
that employers receive you cannot find a name.
hundreds of resumes
and cover letters from 4. Write in your own words.
people who are Make sure that your letter sounds personal-
applying for the job you want. Your goal is to ized. Choose a writing style that matches your
stand out from the other candidates. A good personality. Employers are looking for knowl-
cover letter introduces you to the employer and edge, enthusiasm, focus, drive, dedication, and
explains why you are the best candidate applying honesty. Incorporate as many of these character-
for the job. The following are guidelines to help istics in your cover letter and writing style as
you create a cover letter that stands out from the possible.
5. Use proper grammar
1. Proofread your letter for and spelling.
errors and readability. Because it is so critical to be
A professional cover letter as accurate and professional as
“Your goal
contains no spelling, typing, or gram- possible with your cover letter,
matical errors. Job applicants are is to don’t hesitate to utilize the
frequently disqualified because of such stand out variety of reference tools that
mistakes. are available to help you with
from the grammar, spelling, and letter
2. Address your letter to the other writing, including your dictionary
person who can hire you. candidates.” and thesaurus.
Call the company and find out the
name and title of the person to whom
to address your letter, usually a hiring 6. Show you know
manager or department head. It shows something about the
initiative, resourcefulness, and will impress the company and the industry.
reader that you figured out a way to address him This is where your research comes in. Don’t
or her personally. go overboard, just make it clear that you didn’t
pick this company out of the phone book. You
3. Send your letter to an individual, know who they are, what they do, and why you
not a company. would like to work for them.
Use his or her name and title, when avail-
able. Do not use a title such as Mr. or Ms. unless
4th Edition, Volume 2
Introduce yourself and why you
want the job in the first paragraph...
7. Use terms and phrases that are emphasize how these abilities can contribute to
meaningful to the employer. the organization. Use concrete, specific language
Customize your letter as much as possible to so that the reader gets a good sense of who you
the needs of the employer. Think about the are and what you have done.
company, their customers, and the work you see
yourself doing for them. Use industry jargon and 13. Draft your letter in a way that
career-specific keywords where appropriate. demonstrates your fit within the
8. Be sure to include a return Use your cover letter to describe your skills,
address and phone number. abilities, personality, and experience and how
Your return address includes your street these qualities will benefit the organization.
address, city, state, zip code, telephone number Demonstrate how your experience matches the
with area code, and e-mail. Put this information requirements of the position.
at the top of your cover letter. Always include
the best time to contact you. 14. Structure your letter in an
organized, deliberate manner.
9. Adapt a formal tone to your letter Introduce yourself and why you want the job
to promote yourself as a in the first paragraph, demonstrate your qualifica-
professional. tions in the second paragraph, and ask for the
Your letter should be close to a business interview in the third.
proposal instead of a plea for an
interview. What do you offer that is 15. Visually call
of value? What objectives can you attention to your
help them achieve? qualifications!
“Don’t Use underlining, bolding,
10. Emphasize the benefits just explain indents, or bullets to highlight key
to hiring you. why you information contained in your
What can you do for the organi- cover letter, but use these
zation that will create interest and are formatting techniques sparingly
arouse a desire for an interview? qualified...” and consistently. If you empha-
Don’t just explain why you are size too many qualifications, your
qualified, illustrate why hiring you will cover letter will become hard to
have a positive impact on the read.
company’s bottom line.
16. Keep it short.
11. Sound confident. Keep your letter simple, clean, short, direct,
If you meet all the stated requirements for and to the point. Use no more than five to seven
the job, spell this out in your letter. Accentuate lines per paragraph. Vary the length of each
the good match between your skills and their sentence. Sentences shouldn’t be very long, but
needs. Doing so will emphasize your viability as a you also don’t want a staccato stream of very
candidate. short sentences. One page is the maximum for
12. Provide readers with an insight
into your past success. 17. Demonstrate your skills.
Make your accomplishments, skills, and For any position, there are two types of
Resumes & Letters
background the subjects of your sentences, and skills: core skills that any serious applicant will be
expected to have, and a much broader range of contribute to the organization, you have a strong
skills that would be useful to the employer but go opening.
beyond the scope of the minimum requirements.
Your core skills get you in the door; your other 22. Do not enclose a photo.
skills make you stand out from the competition. Unless you are seeking employment in
modeling, acting, or other performance indus-
18. Send original letters to each tries, it is inappropriate to send a photograph
employer. with your cover letter. An employer will have a
Sending a personalized letter to chance to see you in person,
each hiring manager will always should you reach the interview
achieve better results than mass- stage. Until then, a photo will not
produced or mail-merged letters. “Your help you get in the door.
Whenever possible, tailor your letter
to the specific needs of each em- cover letter 23. Do not use all
ployer. should be capitalized letters.
Some employers may
vibrant and
19. Direct the reader to consider using ALL CAPS
specific information in your bursting with unprofessional. Use bold, italics,
resume. energy. ” or underlining instead to highlight
Your cover letter should be information in your cover letter.
vibrant and bursting with energy. It Additionally, do not justify the
should mention the highlights of your right margins. The contents and
resume and tease the reader into organization of your letter are the
wanting to see more. Consider including a most important elements, but presentation has an
question or statement about you that would effect too. Be sure your letter has a professional
entice the reader to read your resume, such as appearance.
“The time-saving techniques I developed have
saved my current company 1.3 million dollars 24. Finish your letter with a
over the last 3 years. Let me demonstrate how I request.
can save money for your company.” The primary goal of your cover letter is to
introduce yourself, demonstrate your qualifica-
20. Include a copy of your resume. tions, and request an interview. Be sure and ask
Remember that the main purpose of a cover for the interview at the end of your cover letter
letter is to get your resume into the hands of the and then let the employer know when and how
employer and request an interview. Don’t forget you will follow up.
to enclose a copy of your resume.
25. Send your resume and cover
21. Open with an attention grabber letter unfolded.
that generates interest Sending your resume and cover letter
immediately. unfolded in a full-sized, flat envelope may give
There are many ways to start your letter. you an edge on the competition. Your resume
Your opening statement should get to the point will have a neater, more professional appearance,
quickly, but engage your reader’s attention. If and your resume will be easier to scan into a
your first sentences demonstrate how you can database.

The primary goal of your cover

letter is to introduce yourself,
demonstrate your qualifications,
and request an interview. 4th Edition,Volume 2

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