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GENERIC NAME: Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate

BRAND NAME: Cortisan

CLASSIFICATIONS: Corticosteroids
MODE OF ACTION: Glucocorticoid w/ anti-inflammatory effect because of its ability to
inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, inhibit migration of macrophages, leukocytes and
fibroblasts at site of inflammation also an immune modifier. May decreased frequency
and severity of asthma attacks. Improves asthma symptoms.
INDICATION: Treatment of primary of Secondary adrenal cortex insufficiency rheumatic
disorders, collagen disease, dermatologic disease and ophthalmic inflammatory process
CONTRAINDICATION: Systemic Fungal infections; IM use in idiophatic
thrombocytopenic purpura; administration of live virus vaccine in patient receiving
immunosuppressive corticoid doses
Drug-Drug: increase hypokalemia with thiazide and loop diuretics.
Drug-food: Grapefruit increase serum levels.
SIDE EFFECTS: Depression Flushing, sweating, headache, mood changes,
hypertension circulatory collapse


1. Establish baseline and continuing data on BP, weight, fluid and electrolyte
balance, and blood glucose.
2. Lab tests: Periodic serum electrolytes blood glucose, Hct and Hgb, platelet count,
and WBC with differential.
3. Monitor for adverse effects. Older adults and patients with low serum albumin are
especially susceptible to adverse effects.
4. Be alert to signs of hypocalcemia.
5. Ophthalmoscopic examinations are recommended every 23 mo, especially if
patient is receiving ophthalmic steroid therapy.
6. Monitor for persistent backache or chest pain; compression and spontaneous
fractures of long bones and vertebrae present hazards.
7. Monitor for and report changes in mood and behavior, emotional instability, or
psychomotor activity, especially with long-term therapy.
8. Be alert to possibility of masked infection and delayed healing (antiinflammatory
and immunosuppressive actions).
9. Note: Dose adjustment may be required if patient is subjected to severe stress
(serious infection, surgery, or injury).
10. Note: Single doses of corticosteroids or use for a short period (<1 wk) do not
produce withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, even with moderately large

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