Assignment 5

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Due: Monday, Dec. 8

Description: Just like any new capitalist document the application for a job must be quick and
customized. Your goal in this assignment, then, is to research each of these documents (beyond
what we discuss in class) and make carefully designed documents that are customized to specific

Curriculum Vitae (CV): A curriculum vitae is an extra long rsum (at least three pages) in
which you create a list of all the previous experiences, administrative roles, jobs, volunteer
work, classes, skills, organizations, etc., that youve done or been a part of in the past that
you might use on a rsum in the future. It serves as a resource from which to build shorter
and more customized rsums and, in some fields, you can submit a CV instead of a rsum.


Rsum Analysis: Find a rsum from a professional in the field you are in (plan to apply to
jobs in) in the future. In ~200 words describe the types of information and experiences you
see on the rsum and the types you do not.


Job Call Analysis: Find one job calls for a job that you might want to apply to in the future and
write 300 words analyzing it. Respond to the following questions: What is this company
looking for? What specifically skill sets do they expect? What is this companys corporate
culture like (formal, informal, scientific, creative)? What are the buzzwords they use (find at
least two technical/jargon terms and define what they mean)? How might your resume and
coverletter respond specifically to this job callwhat language will you mimic, what will
your tone be?


Rsum: Prepare a 1-page customized rsum for one job call. Weve talked about how this
customization should occurthink about what information from your CV to put on the
rsum and which to leave off, think about the order of that information depending on what
the job call asks for, think about using synonyms for the key words/core values that the
company presents itself as holding.


Cover Letter: Prepare a 1-page customized cover letter for each job call. Again, weve talked
in class about what a cover letter should and should not include. The goal of the cover letter
should be to show how you and your past experiences can benefit the company you are
applying to. Each job call will ask for different experiences so you need to be able to spin
yourself to fit those specific experiences.


Follow-Up Letter: A follow-up letter should occur sometimes within two weeks of your job
interviewusually about a week of your interview. Its goal is thank the employer, remind
them of something specific you bonded over in the interview, maybe mention something you
didnt mention in the interview, and thank them for their time again. End by stating that you
look forward to hearing back from them.

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