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MEDIA ADVISORY, CONTACT: Jim Leydon, Communications Director


November 20, 2014 -Springfield, MA- On the heels of a graduating a class of 22 new police officers and
with six cadets currently in the Massachusetts State Police Academy, Mayor Domenic J. Sarno is
announcing additional public safety academies. In the coming months both the Springfield Police (SPD)
and Fire Departments (SFD) will begin academies. After a careful review of finances and clarity in the
form of the MGM Springfield resort destination project moving forward, Mayor Sarno will seek a police
academy of 30. A total of 58 new police officers are hitting the streets along with two fire academies of
14 fire fighters each for a total of 28 after graduating a class over the summer of 7.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno commented, This is a financially sustainable plan, reviewed by
Commissioners Barbieri and Conant as well as CAFO Plante that gets us ahead of attrition in both the
police and fire departments. Mayor Sarno went on to say, The additional boots on the ground will
assist in our ongoing war on crime as well as providing more men and women in blue to enhance
Commissioner Barbieris soon to be announced expanded C-3 policing.
Since taking office in 2008 Mayor Sarno and his administration has placed a priority on public safety;
having weathered the great recession without laying-off a police officer or fire fighter. At the
successful completion of the academies the SPD will have a compliment of 409 officers for a total of
483 sworn personal, up from 360 officers at the start of the year, and the SFD will have 228 sworn
personnel. The additional financial commitment to the remainder of the FY2015 budget will be
$587,380 for the SPD academy and $576,651 for the SFD academy these figures represent: academies,
salary and uniforms. The full cost to the FY 2016 budget will be $1,865,629 for the SPD and $1,747,426
for the SFD. All dollar figures include salary, benefits, and educational incentives for police officers.
CAFO TJ Plante commented, We have done our due diligence on the financial impacts on the
additional academies and have done so with an eye on sustainability. I am happy to report that with the
additional revenue provided by the agreement with MGM, the City has the resources necessary to
confidently build these positions into budget for future years.
Springfield Police Commissioner John Barbieri stated, Thanks to Mayor Sarno and his administrations
commitment to public safety the Springfield Police Department will continue to have the necessary
resources to continue our war on crime.

Springfield Fire Commissioner Joseph Conant stated, I appreciate the Mayors continued support of the
Fire Department and his willingness to increase the number of budgeted firefighters for the first time in
many years. The addition of 28 new firefighters will reduce our reliance on overtime for staffing and at
the same time continue our efforts to deploy four firefighters on each apparatus in accordance with
national standards which will increase the safety of our firefighters and the citizens of Springfield.

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