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The Broadband Bible

What is the Broadband Bible?

It’s a catalog of all the major ADSL offers and deals in South Africa. It allows you to choose the one that best matches your needs, with full confi-
dence that you are getting the best deal rather than the most-advertised deal.

The Broadband Bible is released monthly, updated with the latest offerings, prices, and specials from broadband ISPs.

We are completely independent and unbiased in the way we rank and portray the ADSL offers. ISPs do not pay us to be listed, although there are
optional fees for certain features for those ISPs who want to offer more information to the readers. This does not affect the Top 10 lists in any way.

The Broadband Bible is free to download and distribute.

Note: This is the first public edition, so please treat it as a beta release. We welcome comments and criticisms at

Disclaimer: All information in The Broadband Bible is checked and re-checked for accuracy. Even so, we cannot be held responsible for any
errors or omissions, or for any damages to any party caused by any errors or omissions. Should you spot an error or something that is not cur-
rent, please notify us at, and we’ll investigate and correct as needed.

How to use the Broadband Bible

We suggest you start at Part A – Top 10 Lists. This ranks the best deals in various categories. Click the links for more info.

This will hyperlink you directly to a more detailed listing on each package in Part B – Available Packages.

Here you will find the packages listed by company, for easy browsing. You can also click from Part B directly to each company’s website for even
more detailed information, or to place an order.

Table of Contents

Page 3 How to get connected

Page 3 Glossary
Page 3 A note to the ISPs

Who’s the cheapest?

Page 7 Cheapest plans with a 384 ADSL line
Page 8 Cheapest plans with a 512K ADSL line
Page 9 Cheapest plans with a 1024K ADSL line
Page 10 Cheapest Unshaped plans, with no line
Page 11 Cheapest Shaped plans, with no line
Page 12 Cheapest Local bandwidth only
Page 12 Lowest Cost per Gig, shaped
Page 12 Lowest Cost per Gig, unshaped
Page 13 Uncapped

Page 15 A-Z listing of ADSL providers

Page 16 All the plans


How to get connected?

Step 1: Use The Broadband Bible to choose the line speed, ISP, and package that suits your needs.

Step 2: If your package does not include an ADSL line, and you do not already have one , you need to have one installed. An ADSL line is an up-
grade to a regular land line, so you need to get one of those first. Then upgrade to an ADSL line of the right speed. Go to https://secure1.telkom. or call 10215.

Step 3: If your ISP does not provide you with an ADSL router, you will need to buy one.

Step 4: Sign up for the ISP package of your choice. Please be sure to tell the ISP you found them in The Broadband Bible!

Phone-line costs
384 kbps line 512 kbps line 1024 kbps line
Installation (once-off) R 598.31 R 598.31 R 598.31
Voice line rental (per month) R 131.00 (R 174 for businesses) R 131.00 (R 174 for businesses) R 131.00 (R 174 for businesses)
Additional ADSL line rental (p month) R 152.00 R 326.00 R 413.00
ISP charges See the rest of this guide! See the rest of this guide! See the rest of this guide!

Broadband Loosely used to describe high-speed, always-on Internet access, generally 384kbps or faster .

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) A method for moving data at high speeds over normal phone lines. An ADSL circuit is much faster
than a dial-up phone connection, and the wires coming into the subscriber’s premises are the same (copper) wires used for regular phone serv-

ISP (Internet Service Provider) A company that offers its customers access to the Internet, charging either a monthly fee or a per-gigabyte fee or

Shaped If internet access is shaped, some packets of data are delayed by the ISP so that other (more important) packets of data can get through

faster. The ISP uses shaping to optimize the use of their network, generally by prioritising basic web browsing over downloading and other high-
intensity usage. The exact nature of the prioritisation may vary from provider to provider.

Unshaped If internet access is unshaped, all data packets are treated the same, regardless of application. In practice, this should mean the
downloading is faster in peak times, since data packets related to downloading files would not be delayed to let through gaming or browsing

Cap (bandwidth cap) Refers to an ISP limiting usage of the connection. Generally measured in gigabytes per month.

Uncapped An uncapped ISP plan places no limits on the amount of data downloaded (or uploaded) per month.

Topup An extra charge (generally per gigabyte of data transferred) for additional internet access once the cap has been used up for the month.

Gig (gigabyte) A billion bytes, or a million kilobytes, or a thousand megabytes.

Bandwidth A term used to describe how much data you can send through a connection to the Net. The greater the bandwidth, the faster the
rate of data transmission.

Line speeds ADSL lines come in three speeds: 384 kbps, 512 kbps, and 1024 kbps (which can be up to 4 Mbps). These speeds are a function of
the line provided by Telkom rather than the ISP. Of course, faster lines mean more bandwidth, which means that ISP packages for faster lines are
generally more expensive, especially for uncapped access.

Kbps (kilobits per second) A measure of how fast data is transferred.

Mbps (megabits per second) 1000 kbps.

Contention ratio The number of people using the ISP’s bandwidth that is nominally allocated to a single user. Since you are not using all of your
bandwidth all of the time, it does not make sense for the ISP to pay for all your international bandwidth all of the time either – so they share it
out with other users. The higher the contention ratio, the greater the number of users that may be trying to use the actual bandwidth at any one
time and, therefore, the lower the effective speed, especially at peak times.

Local-only traffic Since the internet is global, for most people most of their traffic will be international (i.e. looking at or downloading some-
thing stored on a computer in another country). International bandwidth is expensive, which has led ISP’s to offer local-only options, meaning
that you will only be able to access the small part of the internet located in South Africa. This may be fine is you only use email from your compa-
ny’s server, for example. It is generally used by people who move large files between computers in South Africa.

Modem / router The router is the device that send and receives packets of data to and from the internet. It’s the box that plugs into your phone
jack so you can access the internet.

Wireless ADSL comes in via your copper phone cables to you router. However, some ADSL routers have the option of then transferring the data
to your computer(s) wirelessly, so you don’t have to plug your computer into the router. Most newer laptops and several newer desktops have
the ability to receive this wireless data built-in.

WiFi The most popular wireless protocols. Most wireless routers (and most laptops and desktops with wireless built-in) will work with the WiFi
protocols without any additional hardware or software.

Satellite This refers to the transmission of data (by the ISP, in the background) via satellite rather than via terrestrial cabling. Generally, this is
cheaper but has greater delays, since the signal has to be sent thousands of kilometres into space and back before it reaches you.

Fibre This refers to the transmission of data (by the ISP, in the background) via fibre-optic cable rather than via copper cabling or satellite. Gener-
ally, this is more expensive but has the smallest delays, since fibre allows the fastest effective data transmission.


Please help us provide the South African Internet user with the most comprehensive guide to ADSL plans possible.

Non-listed ISPs

If you represent an ISP that is not listed in The Broadband Bible, please submit your details to us so we can include you as soon as possible (there is
no charge for being included in The Broadband Bible). This is the process:

1. Download the Excel spreadsheet from our website that lays out how you should submit your plan details to us. Please only use one sheet, with as
many columns as is necessary. No plans without prices will be published.

2. Email the spreadsheet to us at

3. Please ensure we have the contact details of the right person at your organisation, should we need to contact you with any questions. You can
email those details to us at the above address.

Listed ISPs

If your plans are already listed in The Broadband Bible, and you would like to change or add some plans, please follow this process:

1. Download the Excel spreadsheet from our website, and fill in the required information. You must include information for ALL your plans, each
time you make a change to any, so we suggest you save the spreadsheet and amend as required. We are specifically interested in the Shaped/Un-
shaped spec, as well as any “Notes” you think are relevant.

2. Email the spreadsheet to Please ensure we have the contact details of the right person at your organisation,
should we need to contact you with any questions. You can email those details to us at the above address.

A new version of the Bible is released on the first Monday of every month, although paying ISPs will have any changes updated
within 48 hours.

Who’s the cheapest?

384 ADSL line included

1 GB per month, 384kbps, ADSL line included 3 GB per month, 384kbps, ADSL line included 5 GB per month, 384kbps, ADSL line included

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 Mweb 1 R145 Valid for first 6m only 1 Telkom R258 1 Mweb 8 R399 Includes modem

2 XDSL 3, 4 R159 2 Cybersmart 5 R259 2 Snowball 16 R450

3 Cybersmart 2 R169 3 Mweb 5 R279 3 Cybersmart R457

4 Altonet 2 R189 4 Altonet 6 R329 4 Altonet 12 R469

5 XDSL 5,6 R193 5 Snowball 12 R340 5 XDSL 9+7 R471

6 Snowball 8 R199 6 Webstorm 6 R482 6 Webstorm 7 R549

7 Mweb R199 After 6 months 7 7

8 Telkom R199 8 8

9 Webstorm 1 R250 9 9

10 Webafrica 12 R254 Unshaped 10 10


Who’s the cheapest?

512 ADSL line included

1 GB per month, 512kbps, ADSL line included 3 GB per month, 512kbps, ADSL line included 5 GB per month, 512kbps, ADSL line included

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 Altonet 7 R339 1 Cybersmart 6 R429 1 Mweb 17 R549

2 Snowball 13 R370 2 Mweb 12 R469 2 Altonet 14 R559

3 Mweb 9 R399 3 Snowball 17 R479 3 Snowball 22 R599

4 Webstorm 3 R399 4 XDSL 14 R512 4 XDSL 16,17 R638

5 Mweb 9 R 459 5 Webstom 8 R569 5 Webstorm 11 R721

6 6 Webafrica 18 R652 Unshaped 6

7 7 7

8 8 8

9 9 9

10 10 10

Who’s the cheapest?

1024 ADSL line included

1 GB per month, 1024kbps, ADSL line included 3 GB per month, 1024kbps, ADSL line included 5 GB per month, 1024kbps, ADSL line included

Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

Altonet 10 R429 1 Cybersmart 7 R524 1 Telkom 3 R554 30 Gig local, free

Webstorm 6 R493 2 Mweb 14 R539 2 Mweb 19 R579

Snowball 15 R440 3 Altonet 15 R569 3 Altonet 16 R689

MWeb 13 R499 4 Snowball 21 R579 4 Snowball 24 R690

Mweb 16 R539 Unshaped 5 Webstorm 10 R656 5 Xdsl 20,21 R718

6 Webafrica 20 R726 Unshaped 6 Webstorm 12 R808

7 7 Mweb 22 R868 Unshaped

8 8

9 9

10 10

Who’s the cheapest?

Unshaped, no line included

1 GB per month, Unshaped, No line 3 GB per month, Unshaped, No line 5 GB per month, Unshaped, No line

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 Axxess 9 R45 After hours only 1 iPeg R167 iPeg R269

2 Axxess 12 R55 After hrs, prepaid 2 OpenWeb R207 OpenWeb R345

iPeg 1 R63 10G local, free 3 Interexcel R227 1 Interexcel 11 R378 IS

OpenWeb 2 R69 4 iSAT R309 2 Nexus 23 R495

3 Interexcel 2 R79 + 9G local 5 Interexcel R326 3 iSAT 11 R509

4 Nexus 10 R99 6 Sainet R327 4 Interexcel 12 R543 Saix

5 Axess 19 R99 No rollover 7 RSAWeb R349 5 RSAweb 7 R579

6 Interexcel 3 R109 8 iBurst R369 24 month contract 6 iBurst 17 R609 24 month contract

7 iSAT 3 R109 9 Snowball R375 7 iBurst 8 R629 Monthly

8 Sainet 5 R109 10 iBurst R389 Monthly 10


Who’s the cheapest?

Shaped, no line included

1 GB per month, Shaped, No line 5 GB per month, Shaped, No line 10 GB per month, Shaped, No line

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 WirelessG 1 R22 1 WirelessG R110 1 WirelessG 5 R220

2 Afrihost 1 R 29 2 Screamer 1 R 115 2 Screamer 2 R230

3 Afrihost 2 R 39 Prepaid 3 Afrihost 5 R 145 3 Afrihost R 290

4 Imagine 1 R 45 Unshaped after hours 4 MyISP R150 4 MyISP R375

5 Interprise R45 5 OpenWeb 11 R245 5 Afrihost R 390 Prepaid

6 OpenWeb R49 6 Imagine 6 R 225 Unshaped after hours 6 Imagine 8 R 450

7 SADomain R58 7 Nexus 19 R 249 7 Nexus R489

8 Axxess 14 R 59 Unshaped after hours 8 RSAWeb 4 R 269 8 Snowball 18 R 490

9 iSAT 1 R 59 9 iSAT R289 9 Webafrica 16 R 490

10 Sainet 3 R 59 25% free top up 10 Webafrica R290 10 OpenWeb 15 R490


Who’s the cheapest?

Local only and Cost per Gig

Cost per Gig, Unshaped

1 GB per month, Local only, No line Cost per Gig, Shaped

Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 WirelessG R22
1 Axxess 1 R 10 1 Xdsl 3,4 R7

2 Axxess R55
2 Axxess 2 R 12 Prepaid 2 Altonet 7 R 13

3 Imagine R59
3 Nexus 2 R 15 3 Altonet 10 R 16

4 iPeg R63
4 Interexcel R18 4 Cybersmart 2 R 17

5 OpenWeb R69
5 Snowball 1 R 19 5 MyISP R20

6 Interexcel R76
6 Webafrica 1,2 R 19 6 Screamer 1 R 23

7 SA Domain R93
7 iBurst R19 7 Snowball 15 R 27

8 Nexus R99
8 Sainet 1 R 25 8 Afrihost 1 R 29

9 Webafrica R102
9 Webnow 1 R 29 9 Mweb 19,22 R 33

10 MWeb R108
10 10 Mweb 20 R 35

Who’s the cheapest?


Uncapped, 512 Unshaped

Uncapped, 384 Shaped Uncapped, 512 Shaped

Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 Interexcel R1539
1 Screamer R399 1 Screamer R799

2 Nexus R1639 Satelite

2 Imagine R873 2 Digichilli R1000

3 Imagine R1653 Satelite

3 Nexus R1189 3 Imagine R1118

4 RSAWeb R1655 Satelite

4 XDSL R1215 4 Nexus R1399

5 Imagine R2131 Fibre

5 Webstorm R1838 5 Xtranet R1539

6 RSAWeb R2135 Fibre

6 6 Webstorm R1612

7 Nexus R2150 Fibre

7 7 XDSL R1619

8 Webafrica R1659 8

9 9

10 10

Who’s the cheapest?


Uncapped, from 1024 Shaped Uncapped, from 1024 Unshaped

Rank Company Plan Cost Notes Rank Company Plan Cost More Info

1 Screamer R1499 1 Interexcel R3078

2 Imagine R2222 No torrents 2 Nexus R3278 Satelite

3 Nexus R2499 Satelite 3 RSAWeb R3295 Satelite

4 Sainet R2599 4 Imagine R3306 Satelite

5 Sainet R2799 With modem 5 Nexus R3899 Fibre

6 Interprise R2939 6 Imagine R3921 Fibre

7 Digichilli R3000 7 RSAWeb R3925 Fibre

8 Xtranet R3078 8

9 XDSL R3289 9

10 Webafrica R3299 10

A-Z Listing of ADSL providers


Free Uncapped, Uncapped,

Page Prepaid Local Only Unshaped Shaped With Line Without Line
Modem no threshold with threshold
Afrihost 16 P P P Afrihost
Altonet 17 P P P P Altonet
Axxess 19 P P P P P P P Axxess
Cybersmart 22 P P P P Cybersmart
Digichilli 23 P P Digichilli
iBurst 25 P P P P P iBurst
Imagine 27 P P P P P P Imagine
Interexcel 28 P P P P Interexcel
Interprise 29 P P P P P Interprise
iPeg 31 P P iPeg
iSat 32 P P P P iSat
myISP 35 P myISP
Mweb 33 P P P P P Mweb
Nexus 36 P P P P P P P Nexus
OpenWeb 39 P P P OpenWeb
Plugg 41 P P Plugg
RSAweb 42 P P P P P P RSAweb
SA Domain 43 P P P SA Domain
SA Gateway 44 P P P SA Gateway
Sainet 45 P P P P P Sainet
Screamer 46 P P P Screamer
Snowball 47 P P P P P Snowball
Telkom 49 P P Telkom
WebAfrica 50 P P P P P P P WebAfrica
WebNow 52 P P P WebNow
WebStorm 53 P P P P WebStorm
WirelessG 55 P P P WirelessG
Xtranet 57 P P P Xtranet
Afrihost (011 612 7200, 16

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name Bronze Prepaid Silver Gold Platinum

Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R29 R39 R58 R87 R145

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gig 5Gig

Cost/gig R29 R39 R29 R29 R29

Usage over cap R29 R39 R29 R29 R29

Contract Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website
Price locked in forever

Price locked in forever

Price locked in forever

Price locked in forever

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Altonet, 0860 ONLINE, 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name
Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Speed n/a 384 n/a n/a 384 384 512 512 n/a 4096 512 384 1024 512 1024 1024

Monthly Cost R 100 R 189 R 195 R 228 R 259 R 329 R 339 R 399 R 420 R 429 R 459 R 469 R 479 R 559 R 569 R689

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 1 Gig 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs

Cost/gig R100 R189 R97.50 R76 R130 R110 R339 R200 R84 R429 R153 R94 R240 R112 R190 R137

Usage over cap 10c/Mb 10c/Mb 10c/Mb 10c/Mb

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Altonet, 0860 ONLINE, 18

17 18 19

Package Name
Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No

Speed n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R699 R 3420

Setup Fee R1880

Cap 4 Gig uncapped uncapped

Usage over cap
Contract monthly 12months 12months

Modem incl? no Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Axxess, (0861 300 960 19

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Local Local Local Local Local Local Local 626 626 Basic

Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Semi Semi Semi

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 10 * R 12 * R 20 * R 24 * R 30 * R 36 * R 37 * R45 R 48 * R 50 * R 55 R 56 * R 59 R 69 R 79

Setup Fee none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none

Cap 1 Gig 1 Gigs 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 1 Gig 4 Gigs 5 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig

Cost/gig R10 R12 R10 R12 R10 R12 R18.50 R45 R12 R10 R55 R19 R59 R69 R79

Usage over cap R45/gig R89/gig

Contract Monthly Prepaid Monthly Prepaid Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

weekdays and Fri 5pm-

Bandwidth valid for 12

Unshaped: 5pm-7am,
Only active 6pm-6am

Only active 6pm-6am

on weekdays and all

on weekdays and all

12 month rolloever
Shaped 7am-5pm

Shaped 7am-5pm
12 month rollover

No carry over
No rollover
Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only


Mon 7am
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Axxess, (0861 300 960 20

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Package Name Basic Basic

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Semi Semi Semi Shaped Unshaped Semi Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 89 R 92* R 99 R100* R110 R118 R119 R120* R139 R149 R159 R165 R177 R182 R198 R209

Setup Fee None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None

Cap 1 Gig 5 Gigs 1 Gig 10 Gigs 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 1 Gigs 10 Gigs 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 20 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs

Additional Local 9 28 27

Cost/gig R89 R18.50 R99 R10 R55 R59 R119 R12 R70 R74.50 R79.50 R55 R59 R9.10 R99 R70

Usage over cap R89/Gig R89/gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
No rollover of bandwidth

weekdays and Fri 5pm-

weekdays and Fri 5pm-

weekdays and Fri 5pm-

Unshaped: 5pm-7am,

Unshaped: 5pm-7am,

Unshaped: 5pm-7am,
First gigs allocated to

First gigs allocated to

First gigs allocated to

First gigs allocated to

First gigs allocated to

Shaped 7am-5pm

Shaped 7am-5pm
Cannot top up

No carry over

No carry over




Local only

Local only

Local only
Mon 7am

Mon 7am

Mon 7am
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Axxess (0861 300 960 21

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Package Name Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a 384 512 1024 n/a 512 512 1024 1024

Monthly Cost R 899 R 990 R 999 R 1499 R 2699 R 1199 R 1299 R 1653 R 2399 R 3306

Setup Fee None None None None None None None R 1710 None R1710

Cap 5G/10d 10 Gigs 5 G/10d 10 G/10d 20G/10d 10 Gigs 10G/10d uncapped 20G/10d uncapped

Cost/gig R99 R120

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly 12Months Monthly 12Months

Modem incl? No No No No No No No Yes No Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Cap per 10 day threshold, then

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

Full LINE speed after 8pm and

throttled to 192kbps

throttled to 192kbps

throttled to 256kbps

throttled to 512kbps

throttled to 192kbps

throttled to 512kbps





Fixed IP

Fixed IP

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Cybersmart (0860 100 FAST 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Package Name
ADSL line incl? No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

Speed 384 384 512 1024 384 512 1024

Monthly Cost R 125 R 169 R 185 R 225 R 259 R 429 R 524

Setup Fee R275 R275 R275 R275

Cap 3 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs

Cost/gig R42 R17 R62 R75 R35 R35 R37

Usage over cap R99/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Digichilli 23

1 2 3 4

Package Name
ADSL line incl? No No No No

Speed 256 256 512 1024

Monthly Cost R300 R500 R1000 R3000

Setup Fee
Cap Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Usage over cap
Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website
One concurrent connection

One concurrent connection

One concurrent connection

One concurrent connection

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
FNB 0860 11 22 44 24

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name
ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 69 R138 R207 R345 R690

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R69 R69 R69 R69 R69

Usage over cap R69/Gig R69/Gig R69/Gig R69/Gig R69/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? no no no no no
Link Website Website Website Website Website
Must be FNB customer

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
iBurst 0877 20 20 20 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Package Name Giga Giga Giga Giga Giga Giga Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro

Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 19* R29* R 69 R 89 R 119 R 139 R49* R69* R209 R229 R369 R389

Setup Fee R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99

Cap 1 Gig i Gig 1 Gig 1 Gigs 1 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs

Cost/gig R19 R29 R69 R89 R119 R139 R16 R23 R70 R76 R123 R130

R29/Gig R29/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R149/Gig R149/Gig R29/Gig R29/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R149/Gig R149/Gig
R69/3Gig R69/3Gig R259/3Gig R259/3Gig R459/3Gig R459/3Gig R69/3Gig R69/3Gig R259/3Gig R259/3Gig R459/3Gig R459/3Gig
Usage over cap
Contract 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
iBurst 0877 20 20 20 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Package Name Xtreme Xtreme Xtreme Xtreme Xtreme Xtreme Addict Addict Addict Addict Addict Addict

Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 79* R99* R 349 R 369 R 609 R 629 R 169* R189* R699 R719 R1229 R1249

Setup Fee R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99 R 99

Cap 5 Gig 5 Gig 5 Gig 5 Gig 5 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R16 R20 R70 R74 R121 R125 R17 R19 R70 R72 R123 R125

R29/Gig R29/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R149/Gig R149/Gig R29/Gig R29/Gig R99/Gig R99/Gig R149/Gig R149/Gig
R69/3Gig R69/3Gig R259/3Gig R259/3Gig R459/3Gig R459/3Gig R69/3Gig R69/3Gig R259/3Gig R259/3Gig R459/3Gig R459/3Gig
Usage over cap
Contract 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly 24month Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

Free modem with 24

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract

month contract
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Imagine 0861 IMAGINE, 27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Package Name
Shaped Semi Unshaped Semi Unshaped Unshaped Semi Unshaped Semi Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 192 384 512 512 512 1024 1024 1024

Monthly Cost R 45 R 85 R 135 R 150 R 195 R 225 R 325 R 450 R 590 R 593 R 873 R 1118 R 1653 R 2131 R 2222 R 3306 R 3921
Setup Fee R558 R558 R558 R1710 R1710 R558 R558 R1710
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Additional Local 9 28 27 25 20

Cost/gig R 45 R 85 R 45 R 75 R 65 R 45 R 65 R 45 R 59

Usage over cap R49/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 12 Month 12 Month Monthly 12Month 12Month

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Shaped 6am-6pm week-

Shaped 6am-6pm week-

Shaped 6am-6pm week-

Shaped 6am-6pm week-

5 static IP. Allows peer to

No torrents. No peer-to-

No torrents. No peer-to-

No torrents. No peer-to-

No torrents. No peer-to-
Local only after cap

Local only after cap

Local only after cap

Local only after cap

Local only after cap

peer and torrents.

peer. Dynamic IP

peer. Dynamic IP

peer. Dynamic IP

peer. Dynamic IP

5 static IP, fibre

5 static IP.

5 static IP




This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Interexcel, 012 348 1747 28

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Package Name Local IS SAIX Business512

Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Uncapped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed m/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 512 1024

Monthly Cost R18 R 68 R 79 R 109 R 136 R 157 R 203 R 217 R 227 R 326 R 338 R 378 R 543 R 676 R 728 R 1085 R1539 R3078

Setup Fee None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None

Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs uncapped uncapped

Additional Local 9 Gigs 8 27 27 27

Cost/gig R18* R68 R79 R109 R68 R79 R68 R109 R76 R109 R68 R76 R109 R68 R73 109

Usage over cap R18/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Local only















* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Interprise 0861 17 17 17 29

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Offpeak Pay-as-use Softcap Offpeak Hardcap Offpeak Pay-as-use Softcap Hardcap Pay-as-use Softcap Hardcap Hardcap Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1024 1024 1024

Monthly Cost R 40 R45 R109 R120 R 130 R200 R225 R 279 R 300 R540 R 589 R600 R1200 R 2939 R520 R1670
Setup Fee None None None None None None None None None None None None None R1500 None None
5 GB 30 GB
1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 12 Gigs 7 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs uncapped
Cap threshold threshold
Cost/gig R40 R45 R109 R40 R65 R40 R45 R93 R60 R45 R85 R60 R60 R60 R60 R60

Usage over cap R55/gig R0.1/mb R95/gig R55/gig R95/gig R55/gig R55/gig R95/gig R95/gig R55/gig R95/gig R95/gig R95/gig R95/gig R95/gig R95/gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

Once you have reached your

Once you have reached your

5pm-7am weekdays, and full

At the office during the day?

At the office during the day?

will be throttled to 128kbps.,

will be throttled to 128kbps.,

weekend. No connectvity at

reached your bandwidth for

reached your bandwidth for

reached your bandwidth for

but bandwidth is unlimited

but bandwidth is unlimited

Cut off once cap is reached,

Cut off once cap is reached,

Cut off once cap is reached,

Cut off once cap is reached,

Only want to brows locally!

Bandwidth after hours and

Bandwidth after hours and

threshold your line speed

threshold your line speed

Your connection does not

Your connection does not

Your connection does not

Only want to brows lo-

get cut once you have

get cut once you have

get cut once you have

Local only, once cap is
helping youkeep your

helping youkeep your

helping youkeep your

helping youkeep your

the monthmonth

the monthmonth

the monthmonth
Pay less for your

Pay less for your

over weekends!

over weekends!
toher times


Static IP



This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Interprise 0861 17 17 17 30

14 15 7 16 4 8 8 6 7

Package Name Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped
ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No

Speed all all 512 S all 512 Fibre 1024 S 4096 Fibre 1024 Fibre 4096 Fibre

Monthly Cost R520 R830 R1450 R1670 R1870 R2900 R2939 R3440 R5740
Setup Fee R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500 R1500
Cap uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped

Usage over cap
Contract 12months 12months 12months 12months 12months 12months 12months 12months 12months

Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
thereafter line speed reduced to

thereafter line speed reduced to

thereafter line speed reduced to

10 Gig per month threshold,

30 Gig per month threshold,

5 Gig per month threshold,




This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
iPeg 31

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name Gaming DSL Gaming DSL Gaming DSL Gaming DSL Gaming DSL

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Monthly Cost R 63 R 113 R 167 R 269 R 540

Setup Fee R0 R0 R0 R0 R0

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gig

Additional Local 10 Gigs 20 Gigs 30 Gigs 30 Gigs 30 Gigs

Cost/gig R63 R57 R55 R54 R54

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
iSAT 086 123 4728 32

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig ADSL /Gig

Shaped Shaped Semi Unshaped Shaped Semi Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Semi Unshaped Shaped Semi Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 59 R79 R 109 R 119 R159 R 179 R 209 R 289 R 309 R389 R 509 R 589 R789 R 1009 R 2131 R 3921

Setup Fee none none none none none none none none none none R1710 R1710

Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gig 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gig 10 Gigs uncapped uncapped

Cost/gig R59 R79 R109 R59.50 R79 R60 R105 R58 R103 R78 R102 R59 R79 R101

Usage over cap R69/Gig R89/ Gig R129/Gig R69/Gig R89/ Gig R69/Gig R129/Gig R69/Gig R129/Gig R89/ Gig R129/Gig R69/Gig R89/ Gig R129/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 12Month 12Month

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Shaped” 7am-5pm weekdays

Shaped” 7am-5pm weekdays

Shaped” 7am-5pm weekdays

Shaped” 7am-5pm weekdays

Max top up of 5 G

Max top up of 5 G

Max top up of 5 G

Max top up of 5 G

Max top up of 5 G
This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Mweb 08600 32 000 33

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name
Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Speed 384 n/a n/a n/a 384 n/a 384 384 512 n/a 512 512 1024 1024 n/a 1024

Monthly Cost R 145 R 145 R 159 R 219 R 279 R 299 R 299 R 399 R 399 R 429 R 459 R 469 R 499 R 539 R 539 R539

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 1 Gig 5 Gigs 1 Gig 4 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 7.5 Gigs 1 Gig
Additional Local 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig
Cost/gig R145 R72.50 R159 R73 R42 R60 R147 R49 R73 R108 R133 R47 R86 R42 R72 R126

Usage over cap R119/gig R119/gig R119/gig R119/gig R119/gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

R145 for first 6 months,
then R199 per month





This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Mweb 08600 32 000 34

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Package Name
Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Speed 512 384 1024 512 n/a 1024 384 512 1024

Monthly Cost R 549 R 549 R 579 R 679 R 739 R 749 R 799 R 979 R 1049

Setup Fee
Cap 5 Gigs 4 Gigs 5 Gigs 4 Gigs 10.5 Gigs 4 Gigs 10.5 Gigs 10.5 Gigs 10.5 Gigs

Additional Local 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gig

Cost/gig R44 R99 R33 R35 R70 R33 R62 R62 R61

Usage over cap R119/gig R119/gig R119/gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over

3 cents/mb for local over










This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
MyISP 35

1 2 3

Package Name
Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No

Speed n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R60 R150 R 375

Setup Fee
Cap 3 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R20 R30 R38

Usage over cap R45/Gig R45/Gig R45/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No
Link Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Nexus, 0861 000 477, 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Package Name Local Prepaid Local Top-up Semi Prepaid Prepaid Local Extra Local Unshaped Prepaid Top Up Semi Top Up Local Extra Local Semi

Shaped Shaped Semi Shaped Semi Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Semi Shaped Shaped Semi

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R15 * R 15 * R30 * R59 R 65 R 69 R 69 R75 * R 75 R 99 R 109 R118 R 129 R149 R150 * R 159 R 189
Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 5 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 10 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gig

Additional Local 1 9 2 18 3

Cost/gig R15 R 15 R15 R59 R 65 R 69 R 69 R15 R 75 R99 R 109 R59 R 65 R49 R15 R 80 R 63

Usage over cap R15/Gig R15/Gig R15/Gig R69/Gig R69/Gig R0.07/Mb R15/Gig R109 R109/Gig R69/Gig R69 R15/Gig

Contract Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly Prepaid Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 24Month Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Shaped: 8am-5pm week-

Shaped: 8am-5pm week-

Shaped: 8am-5pm week-

One concurrent session

One concurrent session

Top up allowed
Saix, Local only

Saix, Local only

Saix, Local only

Saix, Local only

No top up

No top up
Local only
Top Up

Top Up

Top Up

Top Up

Top Up

Top Up

Top Up






* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Nexus 0861 000 477 37

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Package Name Top up Extra Local Top Up Top up Semi Extra Local Top up Top up Semi Extr Local Top up

Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Semi Shaped Unshaped Semi Shaped Unshaped Semi Shaped Unshaped Semi

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 384 n/a 384 512 512 S 512

Monthly Cost R 198 R 210 R249 R297 R 299 R 349 R489 R 495 R 569 R 649 R890 R 990 R1189 R1399 R 1639 R1689
Setup Fee R570 R570 1710
Cap 2 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gigs 10 Gigs uncapped 10 Gig uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped

Additional Local 27 5 25 10 20

Cost/gig R99 R 70 R50 R99 R 60 R 70 R49 R99 R 57 R 65 R99

Usage over cap R109/Gig R69/Gig R109/Gig R69/Gig R109/Gig R109/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 12 Month Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Shaped: 8am-5pm week-

Shaped: 8am-5pm week-

One concurrent session

One concurrent session

one concurrent session

4096 line after hours

4096 line after hours

10 Gigs per 10 days
5 Gigs per 10 days
Top up allowed

Top up allowed

Top up allowed

Top up allowed

5 static Ips
No Top up
No top up

No top up


Top Up

Top Up






This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Nexus 0861 000 477 38

33 34 35 36 37 38

Package Name
Shaped Unshaped Shaped Semi Unshaped Shaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl?

Speed 512 F 4096 384 1024 S 4096 F 1024 F

Monthly Cost R 2150 R2499 R3189 R 3278 R 3399 R 3899

Setup Fee 1710 R570 1710 1710 1710
Cap uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped

Usage over cap
Contract 12 Month Monthly Monthly 12Month 12Month 12Month

Modem incl? No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website
4096 line after hours
20 Gigs per 10 days



5 static Ips

5 static Ips

5 static Ips

5 static Ips

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Openweb 39

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Package Name BPSAIX Premium BPSAIX BPSAIX Premium Premium AH5 BPSAIX Premium AH10 BPSAIX Premium

Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped
ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R49 R69 R89 R98 R138 R147 R159 R207 R229 R239 R245 R345 R399 R449 R490 R690 R719

Setup Fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cap 1 Gig 1 Gigs 1 Gig 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gig 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gig 5 Gigs 10 Gig 10 Gigs 10 Gig 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R49 R69 R89 R49 R69 R49 R80 R69 R76 R48 R49 R69 R80 R45 R49 R69 R72

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

weekends only. No access at

weekends only. No access at

6am-6pm Weekdaysand full

6am-6pm Weekdaysand full

Low latancies

Low latancies

Low latancies

Low latancies

Low latancies
other times.

other times.
This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Openweb 40

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Package Name Satelite Fibre Satelite Fibre Satelite Fibre

Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No
Speed 384 384 512 512 512 512 1024 1024 1024 1024

Monthly Cost R 999 R1099 R1299 R1499 R1599 R1659 R2689 R2699 R2799 R2995

Setup Fee - - - - - R 929 - - - R 929

Cap Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Cost/gig R49 R69 R89 R49 R69 R49 R80 R69 R76 R48

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
15Gig 30 day threshold

10Gig 10 day threshold

10Gig 10 day threshold

20Gig 10 day threshold

20Gig 10 day threshold

Thereafter, line speeds

Thereafter, line speeds

Thereafter, line speeds

Thereafter, line speeds

Thereafter, line speeds

Thereafter, line speeds

5Gig 10 day threshold

5Gg 10 day threshold

15G 30 day threshold

30G 30 day threshold

30G 30 day threshold

60G 30 day threshold

60G 30 day threshold






Static IP

Static IP

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Plugg 41

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name ADSL 1 ADSL2 ADSL 3 ADSL 4 ADSL 5

Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Monthly Cost R 65 R 129 R 189 R 319 R 639

Setup Fee R0 R0 R0 R0 R0

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gig

Cost/gig R65 R65 R63 R64 R64

R75/Gig R75/Gig R75/Gig R75/Gig R75/Gig
Usage over cap R19 local R19 local R19 local R19 local R19 local
Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website
Can be used in Always

Can be used in Always

Can be used in Always

Can be used in Always

Can be used in Always

On Hotspots

On Hotspots

On Hotspots

On Hotspots

On Hotspots

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
RSAweb 0861 RSA WEB 42

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Package Name Super Ultra Super Super Ultra Super Ultra Business Business Ultra Business Business Business Business Business

Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4096 4096 n/a 512 S 1024 S 512F 1026 F 4096

Monthly Cost R69 R125 R169 R269 R349 R499 R579 R590 R945 R1099 R1655 R3295 R2135 R3925 R3395
Setup Fee R1710 R1710 R1710 R1710 R1710 R1710 R1710
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gig 5Gig 3 Gig 10 Gig 5 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gig 10 Gigs Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Cost/gig R69 R125 R57 R54 R117 R50 R115 R118 R94 R81

Usage over cap R75/Gig R115/Gig R65/Gig R59/Gig R115/Gig R55/Gig R115/Gig R115/Gig

Contract Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Monthly Monthly 12 Month 12 Month Monthly 12 Month 12 Month 12 Month 12 Month 12 Month

Modem incl? No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses

5 Static IP addresses


This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
SADomain 021 461 3490 43

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Package Name
Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl?

Speed n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R 58 R 93 R116 R174 R186 R279 R290 R465 R580 R 930

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gig

Cost/gig R 58 R 93 R 58 R 58 R 58 R 58 R 129

Usage over cap R58/Gig R93/Gig R58/Gig R58/Gig R58/Gig R58/Gig R167/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
SA Gateway 086 110 2062 44

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name
ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 384 384 Fibre 512 512 Fibre 1024 1024 Fibre

Monthly Cost R 70 R 70 R 145 R 145 R 220 R 220 R 360 R 360 R 699 R 699 R899 R999 R1299 R1499 R2399 R2699

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped

Additional Local 9 28 27 25 20

Cost/gig R 70 R 70 R72.50 R72.50 R73 R73 R72 R72 R70 R70

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

Bandwidth halved when

Bandwidth halved when

Bandwidth halved when

Bandwidth halved when

Bandwidth halved when

Bandwidth halved when

threshold reached

threshold reached

threshold reached

threshold reached

threshold reached

threshold reached
15 Gigs/30 days

15 Gigs/30 days

10 Gigs/10 days
30 Gigs/30 days

10 Gigs/10 days
30 Gigs/30 days

20 Gigs/10 days
60 Gigs/30 days

20 Gigs/10 days
60 Gigs/30 days
5 Gigs/10 days

5 Gigs/10 days









This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Sainet 0861 724 638 45

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Local Local Local Unshaped Local Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4096 4096

Monthly Cost R 25 * R 50 * R 59 R 75 * R 109 R 118 R 177 R 218 R 250 * R 295 R 327 R 429 R 590 R 1090 R 2599 R2799
Setup Fee R1 500
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 1 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 10 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 4 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs Uncapped Uncapped

Cost/gig R 25 R 25 R 59 R 25 R 109 R 59 R 59 R 109 R 25 R59 R109 R107 R59 R109

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 24Month

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
25% free top up

25% free top up

25% free top up

25% free top up

25% free top up

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Static IP
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Screamer 0860 SCREAM 46

1 2 3 4 5 6

Package Name Data Data Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a 384 512 1024 4096

Monthly Cost R 115 R 230 R 399 R 799 R 1499 R 2499

Setup Fee
Cap 5 Gig 10 Gig Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped Uncapped

Cost/gig R23 R23

Usage over cap R23 R23

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Snowball 086 123 SNOW 47

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Silver Silver Silver Diamond Diamond Gold Silver

Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped
ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 384 n/a 384 n/a 384 512 512 4096 384

Monthly Cost R 19 * R 57 * R 70 R 95 * R 125 R 140 R 190 * R 199 R 199 R 279 R 290 R 340 R 370 R 434 R 440 R 450

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 3 Gigs 1 Gig 5 Gigs 1 Gigs 2 Gigs 10 Gigs 1 Gigs 3 Gig 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gig 1 Gigs 2 Gig 1 Gig 5 Gig

Cost/gig R19 R19 R70 R19 R125 R70 R19 R47 R67 R63 R58 R62 R44 R54 R27 R60

Usage over cap 70/Gig R125/Gig R70/Gig R70/gig R70/Gig R89/gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Snowball 48

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Package Name Diamond Gold Gold Diamond Silver Gold Diamond Gold

Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Speed 512 n/a n/a 4096 4096 512 384 4096 512 4096

Monthly Cost R 479 R 490 R 499 R 510 R 579 R 599 R 660 R 690 R 799 R 890

Setup Fee
Cap 3 Gig 10 Gigs 4 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gig 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R 51 R49 R125 R49 R55 R55 R50 R55 R47 R48

Usage over cap R70/Gig R125/Gig

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Telkom 49

1 2 3 4 5 6

Package Name Do 1 Do 2 Do 3 Do1 Closer Do 2 Closer Do 3 Closer

ADSL line incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Speed 384 384 1026 384 384 1026

Monthly Cost R 199 R 258 R 554 R 532 R 591 R 887

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 3Gigs 5 Gigs 1 Gig 3Gigs 5 Gigs

Additional Local 10 Gig 20 Gig 30 Gig 10 Gig 20 Gig 30 Gig

Cost/gig R 47 R35 R28 - - -

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website
Free callmore calls,

Free callmore calls,

Free callmore calls,

Standard time, call

Standard time, call

Standard time, call

answer, line rental

answer, line rental

answer, line rental

1300 minutes in

1300 minutes in

1300 minutes in

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Webafrica 0861 555 222 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Shaped IS Shaped IS Shaped IS

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 384 n/a n/a 384 n/a

Monthly Cost R19 * R19 * R57 * R70 R70 R95 * R125 R 182 R190 * R199 R220 R254 R290 R367 R379 R490
Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 5Gig 1 Gig 2 Gigs 10Gig 3 Gig 3 Gig 1 Gig 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 2 Gig 10 Gigs

Additional Local 28 27 25

Cost/gig R19 R19 R19 R70 R70 R19 R125 R91 R19 R66 R73 R102 R58 R74 R113 R49

Usage over cap R19/Gig R70/Gig

Contract Prepaid Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Prepaid Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

Local only after cap

Local only after cap

Local only after cap

Local only, prepaid

Automatic topup
Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Webafrica 0861 555 222 51

17 18 19 20 21 22

Package Name Shaped IS Uncapped IS Uncapped IS

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped

ADSL line incl? No Yes No Yes

Speed n/a 512 n/a 4096 512 1024

Monthly Cost R 499 R 652 R 663 R 726 R1659 R3299

Setup Fee R1710 R1710
Cap 4Gig 3 Gig 10 Gig 3 Gigs uncapped uncapped

Additional Local 20

Cost/gig R 125 R 108 R66 R104

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 12 months 12 months

Modem incl? No No No No Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website
Local only after cap

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Webnow 0860 932 669 52

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Package Name Local Local Local Local Local

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Shaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Shaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Monthly Cost R29 * R55 * R 69 R79 * R129 * R 129 R 149 R 199 R259 * R 259 R 349 R 399 R 649 R 649 R 1299

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gig 5 Gig 1 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 10 Gig 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 10 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs

Cost/gig R29 R28 R 69 R26 R26 R 129 R 75 R 67 R26 R 130 R 70 R 133 R 65 R 130 R 130

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
No top up

No top up

No top up

No top up

No top up
Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only

Local only
* Local Only

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Webstorm 086 1101 527 53

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Package Name Standard Basic Standard Pro Basic Standard Premium Pro Pro premium Premium Express Express Express

ADSL line incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Speed 384 384 512 384 512 4096 384 512 4096 4096 512 4096 384 512 384 4096

Monthly Cost R 250 R 379 R 399 R 482 R 486 R 493 R 549 R 569 R 573 R 656 R 721 R 808 R 1182 R 1612 R 1838 R 3117

Setup Fee
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gigs 1 Gig 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 1 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs uncapped uncapped uncapped uncapped

Cost/gig R98 R114 R73 R110 R80 R80 R80 R81 R80 R81 R79 R79

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly 12 months 12months Monthly 12 months

Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

10 Gigs / 10 day. Thereafter,

15 Gigs / 10 day. Thereafter,

5 Gigs / 10 day. Thereafter,

5 static ip addresses
speed dropped.

speed dropped.

speed dropped.


This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Webstorm 086 1101 527 54

17 18

Package Name
ADSL line incl?
Speed 1024 4096

Monthly Cost R 3676 R 6093

Setup Fee R 1710 R 1710

Cap Uncapped Uncapped

Usage over cap
Contract monthly monthly

Modem incl? Yes Yes

Link Website Website
5 static ip addresses

5 static ip addresses

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
WirelessG 55

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name G Connect G Connect G Connect G Connect G Connect

Shaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped Unshaped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Monthly Cost R 22 R 44 R 66 R 110 R 220

Setup Fee R0 R0 R0 R0 R0

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gig 5 Gig 10 Gig

Cost/gig R22 R22 R22 R22 R22

Usage over cap

Contract Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid Prepaid

Modem incl? No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Xdsl 086 100 9375 56

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
384 384 512
1G ADSL 1G ADSL 1G ADSL 3G ADSL 384 Business 5G ADSL 512 Business
Package Name Broadband Broadband Broadband
ADSL line incl? No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes

Speed n/a n/a 384 384 384 384 n/a n/a 384 384 n/a n/a n/a 512 512 512

Monthly Cost R 72 R 72 R 159 R 159 R 193 R 193 R 209 R 209 R262 R262 R 337 R 337 R500 R 512 R512 R638

Setup Fee none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none

Cap 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 1 Gig 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 2 Gigs 2 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 3 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs

Cost/gig R72 R72 R7 R7 R41 R41 R70 R70 R55 R55 R60 R60 R100 R62 R62 R62

Usage over cap Prepay plan 1, 7,11 or 18 onto any package once cap is reached. You will be able to access site to purchase, even if you have no cap left.

Contract Monthly 24 Months 12 Months 12 months Monthly 24Months Monthly 24Months Monthly 24Months Monthly 24Months Monthly Monthly 24 Months Monthly

Modem incl? No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes No

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
Modem included if you take

Fixed IP address
24 m contract

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Xdsl 086 100 9375 57

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Package Name Broadbrand
ADSL line incl? Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No

Speed 512 n/a n/a 4096 4096 n/a 4096 4096 384 512 n/a n/a 1024 n/a

Monthly Cost R 638 R 651 R 651 R 718 R 718 R 920 R 1 025 R 1 025 R 1 215 R 1 619 R 1 700 R 2 310 R 3 289 R 3 600

Setup Fee none none none none none none none none none none none none none none

Cap 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 5 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs 10 Gigs uncapped uncapped 20 Gigs 30 Gigs uncapped 50 Gigs

Cost/gig R62 R65 R65 R61 R61 R92 R61 R61 R85 R77 R72

Usage over cap Prepay plan 1, 7,11 or 18 onto any package once cap is reached. You will be able to access site to purchase, even if you have no cap left.

Contract Monthly 24 Months 12 Months 24 Months Monthly 24Months Monthly 24Months 12Months 12Months Monthly 24Months 12Monthls Monthly

Modem incl? No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

Fixed IP address

Fixed IP address

Fixed IP address

Fixed IP address

Fixed IP address
Fixed IP

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Xtranet 0861 555 666 58

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Package Name Xtra1 Xtra2 Xtra3 Xtra5 Xtra10 Uncapped Uncapped

ADSL line incl? No No No No No

Speed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 512 1024

Monthly Cost R 75 R 149 R 199 R 349 R 649 R 1539 R 3078

Setup Fee R1710 R1710

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gigs 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10.5 Gigs uncapped uncapped

Cost/gig R75 R75 R67 R70 R65

Usage over cap

Contract Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Modem incl? No No No No No No No
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website
No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

No rollover of bandwidth

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - iBurst 0877 20 20 20 59

1 2 3 4 5

Package Name Wireless Wireless Wireless Wireless Wireless

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 5 Gig 8 Gig 15 Gig

Setup Fee R99 R99 R99 R99 R99

Subscription Fee R50 R60 R150 R200 R370

Data Cost R99 R138 R295 R392 R585

Monthly Cost R 149 R198 R 445 R 592 R 955 You must be in an iBurst coverage area to make use of this service. Refer to website for map

Cost/gig R149 R99 R89 R74 R64

Usage over cap R99/Gig R69/Gig R59/Gig R49/Gig R39/Gig

Contract No No No No No
Buy USB modem for R59 x 24 months, or R1699 cash
Modem incl? Buy desktop modem for R99 x 24 months, or R2 839 cash
Link Website Website Website Website
Notes For an extra R199 pm, get unlimited bandwidth. After your cap
is reached, the line speed gets reduced to 64kbps (only avail-
able for plans of 5 Gigs or higher)

For an extra R249 pm, get unlimited bandwidth. After your cap
is reached, the line speed gets reduced to 128kbps (only avail-
able for plans of 8 Gigs or higher)

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - MTN 3G 60

1 2 3

Package Name
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gigs

Monthly Cost R349 R 449 R 649

Cost/Gig R349 R225 R217

Cost/Mb R0.34 R0.22 R0.19

Usage over cap
R1.20/Mb R1.20/Mb R1.20/Mb

24 month
Contract? and Top Up
Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes
Link Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - Neotel 0877 20 20 20 61

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect NeoConnect
NeoFlex NeoFlex NeoFlex
Package Name Prime Lite Prime Lite Prime Prime Prime Prime
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 2.5 Gig Unlimited 5 Gig 10 Gig 15 Gig Uncapped 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 15 Gigs

Monthly Cost R 279 R 299 R 399 R 469 R 499 R 599 R 699 R999 R 499 R 699 R 899

Cost/gig R279 R150 R160 - R100 R60 R47 - R100 R70 R60

Usage over cap 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb - 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb - 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb 8 c/Mb

Contract No No No No No No No No No No No

Modem incl? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 2000 - - -
0 0 0 0 15 30 60 120 - - -
Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

Only one user connection at a time - ideal for home use Multi users allowed, ideal for small
business use

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - Telkom 3G 62

1 2 3 4

Package Name
Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gig 10 Gig

Setup Fee
Monthly Cost R 219 R 349 R 489 R 1499

Cost/gig R219 R175 R163 R150

Usage over cap 0.30/ Mb 0.30/ Mb 0.30/ Mb 0.30/ Mb

Contract No No No No

Modem incl? No
Link Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - Vodacom 3G 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Package Name Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced

Cap 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs 1 Gig 2 Gig 3 Gigs 5 Gigs 10 Gigs

Monthly Cost R 289 R 389 R 589 R 989 R 1989 R349 R 449 R 649 R 1049 R 2049 R 389 R 599 R 799 R 1199 R 2199

Cost/Gig R289 R195 R196 R198 R198 R349 R225 R217 R210 R205 R389 R300 R266 R240 R220

Cost/Mb R0.28 R0.19 R0.19 R0.19 R0.19 R0.34 R0.22 R0.21 R0.20 R0.20 R0.38 R0.29 R0.26 R0.23 R0.22
Usage over cap
(24 month R1.20/Mb R1.20/Mb R1.00/Mb R1.00/Mb R0.50/Mb R1.20/Mb R1.20/Mb R1.00/Mb R1.00/Mb R0.50/Mb R0.38/Mb R0.29/Mb R0.26/Mb R0.23/Mb R0.22/Mb
Usage over cap
R2.00/ Mb R2.00/ Mb R0.38/Mb R0.29/Mb R0.26/Mb R0.23/Mb R0.22/Mb
(Top Up)
Contract? Prepaid, Top Up, Month to month, Once Off 24 month and Top Up

Modem incl? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Link Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website Website

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.
Wireless - WirelessG 0877 20 20 20 64

1 2 3 4 5 Examples - ADSL Examples - 3G

Wi Fi per International
3G Wi Fi per Mb ADSL 1 Gig ADSL 5 Gig ADSL 10 Gig ADSL 1 Gig 3G 5 Gig 3G 10 Gig 3G
Package Name minute WiFi
Cost per Mb 62 cents 49 cents 45 cents R1.50 3.7 cents R37 R 185 R370 R620 R 3100 R6200
Cost per Mb,
59 cents 45 cents 38 cents N/A 3.5 cents R35 R 175 R 350 R590 R2950 R5900
Saturday, Sunday
Cost per Mb,
55 cents 35 cents 30 cents N/A 3.5 cents R35 R 175 R 350 R550 R2750 R5500
5pm-8pm, M-F
30 day voucher,
28 cents 30 cents N/A N/A 2.2 cents R22 R 110 R 220 R280 R1400 R2800
expires 31 Jan
Link Website Website Website Website Website

This is a prepaid service. Buy a voucher, and use any of the

services (3G, Wifi, ADSL) as you wish.
Modems / Telkom lines required (Gigs rounded to nearest 1000 Mb) (Gigs rounded to nearest 1000 Mb)

This edition of The Broadband Bible was released on 4 January 2010. Next issue is Feb 1, 2010. Download latest version at
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the data, we do not accept liability for errors or omissions. Please double check with the broadband providers before making final decisions.

Advertising and Sponsorship

The Broadband Bible is the definitive source of data on the broadband offerings available in South Africa. It’s a free PDF document, easily
downloadable from our website, and easy to forward, reaching thousands of people every month. It is the most comprehensive, independ-
ent, and credible source of comparative data for ISP customers.

We are looking for one credible, forward-thinking company to sponsor The Broadband Bible.

Sponsorship of the Broadband Bible entitles you to the following:

• Strong brand association with the data-driven credibility and clarity of the Broadband Bible.
• Your company name, logo, and tagline prominently displayed on every page of the PDF (at least 66 pages in total).
• 1 full page of editorial copy and contact details in the PDF.
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reference work, readers typically return to the document multiple times and spend much longer on each page than would be the case with a
magazine or newspaper article.

And because the sponsor appears on all (minimum) 66 pages, plus the full-page editorial, plus the website, you get a huge amount of adver-
tising bang for the sponsorship buck.

Note also that sponsorship cannot be allowed to affect the integrity of the content in the Broadband Bible.

Jan 2010 - June 2010: R12,500 per month, payable for 6 months in advance
July 2010 - December 2010: R14, 500 per month, payable for 6 months in advance

Please contact Eve Dmochowska at for further information.

Only one sponsor will be accommodated at a time.


Advertising and Sponsorship

ISP Paid Listings
To preserve our credibility as the definitive guide on ADSL pricing in South Africa, all ISPs are listed regardless of whether they choose to take
out a premium listing or not.

ISP are, however, encouraged to take a Premium ISP Listing. This includes:
• A logo on the ISP’s page in The Broadband Bible
• A 50 word message from the ISP on their value proposition
• One ad space on the ISPs page, which can be used for a discount coupon or an ad
• A three line description for any ADSL plan that appears in the “Who’s the cheapest?” tables (This is useful if you want to point out that you
might not be the cheapest, but you are the fastest, etc)

Overall, the message you are sending to our readers is one of credibility.

Note that a Premium Listing cannot be allowed to affect the integrity of the content in the Broadband Bible.

R 650 per month, by debit order. No contract.

Please contact Eve Dmochowska at for further information.

Ad Blocks
There are ad blocks on every ISP page. These can be bought in bundles of 4 by any Souh African business with an online presence.
Ad blocks are placed randomly throughout the document, specific spots cannot be reserved.

R 600 for 4 ad blocks, for 30 days. Payable in advance.

Please contact Eve Dmochowska at for further information.

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