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Naruto + Bleach Crossover (/Naruto_and_Bleach_Crossovers/1402/1758/)

Devil Arrancar

By: Jreaps24 (/u/2331202/Jreaps24) (
bleach and Naruto crossover. I might attemp to throw a little tekken by using a few chracters.
Rated: Fiction M ( - English - Naruto U., Ichigo K. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 71,316 - Reviews: 115
(/r/6512891/) - Favs: 519 - Follows: 346 - Updated: Feb 21, 2011 - Published: Nov 28, 2010 - Status: Complete - id: 6512891

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5. DA chapter five

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Naruto thought about what was said. It was rare for a

swordsman to ask a request as that but never the less, he would honor his wish. He took a
kunai and made a cut on his palm before making a blood oath.
"I Uzumaki Naruto will honor your last wish to take your daughter Haku in which I will
produce children that will continue your workings as one of the seven swordsmen." Zabuza
smiled before closing his eyes never to open them again. Haku looked over her fallen father
figure and made a silent oath to honor his dying wish. She looked over to the person she
would have to mate with soon.
He looked handsome to her. If his flowing blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and exotic whisker
marks didn't say so, then she did not know what else would. Naruto looked over at her
thinking she was a bit uncomfortable with the oath thing so he decided to break the ice.
"Well considering we are going to produce children, we should get to know each other then.
But let's dig him a grave first." She nodded in agreement before grabbing his body and
sword before heading off to bury him .It was there she took off her mask in which Naruto
noticed how beautiful she was. She had straight long black hair, which was just about to
the length of her shoulder blades. She had pale skin and brown eyes. Naruto's cheek
turned a little red which he turned away to bury zabuza. After that was done, he then
initiated a conversation in which they got to know one another. He learned of her mother's
death at her father's hand due to the fact that she possessed a kekkei genkai which was
hated in kiri. He also learned how they tried to kill her in which she accidently killed them
all. Later she met zabuza in which they took on jobs together all leading up until now.
Haku also learned a lot about Naruto like the Kyuubi being sealed into him and his
treatment. He then told her about his Imouto in which caused her to compliment his
While Naruto and Haku talked, kakashi and the others cleaned up the mess that was made
before searching through gato's safe houses. Whatever valuables or cash that they found
went to wave's economy in which in no time, wave regained all the money gato took. The
ninja teams waited until the bridge was complete before making preparations to leave.
Naruto accompanied by Haku made their way over to where Anko and team 7 was
standing. As soon as they were noticed, Sasuke and Sakura went on defense with a kunai
in their hands. Before kakashi could explain that she was coming with them, Sasuke with
his arrogance spoke up.
"What are you doing her dobe and with the enemy none the less?"
"Well genin, I was sent here on a mission to help assist team 7 and as for her, it is none of
your concern GENIN." He put emphasis on the rank in which it was then kakashi noticed his
chuunin vest along with the others. This caused Sasuke to get angry.

"How the hell did a clan-less loser like you get to be chuunin while I get stuck at genin?"
Naruto saw this as a way to crush his pride decided to enlighten him.
"Well you see, after the completion of 1 A-ranked mission, 20 B-ranked mission, and 30 cranked missions, the council deemed that good enough to not only make me chuunin but
head of the newly stated Uzumaki clan." This surprised kakashi greatly. It seems that his
sensei's son was doing greatly.
Sasuke then stomped off to kakashi before making his demand.
"I demand we get higher ranked missions so I could get to chuunin rank."
Kakashi waved his hands in front of him before replying. "That won't be necessary as the
chuunin exams are taking place two weeks from now in konoha. There you will be able to
reach chuunin ranks." Sasuke satisfied with the answer walked in the direction of konoha.
Kakashi took his time in moving towards Naruto to get an answer on what the technique he
used on gato and his men.
"Hey Naruto, just out of curiosity what was that attack you used back there?" Anko and
Sakura who was close enough decided to listen in on the conversation. Anko seen the
attack several times but never knew what it was called. Sakura was trying to get something
to report to Sasuke so that she would get him to fall for her.
"That was called a cero in which you saw what it does. Is there anything you would like to
know about it?" Kakashi thought about it first before asking.
"Yes, I noticed that it wasn't chakra that you used so my question is what is it that you
used?" Naruto chuckled at this before replying, "It is a clan secret". Kakashi seeing as he
wasn't getting any more answers decided to drop it. Sakura on the other hand wished he
spoke more so she could tell Sasuke. Now all she had was a name of the technique he
As the group made their way across the bridge, Naruto heard people cheering. Due to his
sensitive hearing he heard that they would name the bridge 'the great Naruto Bridge'. He
guessed that they got his name through kakashi. He smiled knowing a bridge would be
named after him.
The group slowly made their way towards konoha gates. They traveled non-stop in which
was due to Sasuke wanting to get ready for the chuunin exams, Sakura not wanting to hold
Sasuke back, Naruto wanting to see emi, Anko wanting to visit Naruto and getting to know
him better, and sai for wanting to give a report on what happened along with information
on Naruto and his abilities. He was sure Danzo would be interested in these findings. Haku
just followed behind feeling nervous about her predicament.
They all went to the towers in which they all retold the events in which took place before
and during the bridge. Anko and Naruto then told them what happened when they arrived
and then the events in which took place at the bridge. After what was said and done, the
Sandaime told everyone to stay except Anko, Haku and Naruto. He then looked over at the
new comer.
"So Naruto, you made a deal to impregnate her in which those kids would carry on zabuza's
title. Am I correct that you will follow through with what you said?

"Hai Hokage-sama, I will as I made a promise in which I shall keep" he said without
missing a beat. The Hokage thought about what to do with her now. In his report, he
learned that she had a strong kekkei genkai in which she could manipulate ice which is a
rare thing to have. He also learned that she was at least chuunin level based on what
kakashi said. He looked at the people in front of him before coming up with a decision.
"Alright then, since she will be here for a while, I've think of something to do with her.
Seeing as there is only the two of you, I will add her to you squad. And speaking of squad,
I've got something interesting from the councilmen.
Naruto sat down knowing it was going to impact his team somehow.
"What is it that the council said about our team?"
"It isn't the whole council just one in which was Hiashi Hyuga. He asked me why his
daughter was yet to be placed on a permanent team in which my natural answer was that I
couldn't find one for her. He made a suggestion that she was to be placed on your team
stating that he or she would not mind. He also stated that he hoped that some of Anko's
personality rubs off on her in which her shy nature would dim away until she becomes
confident. I agreed with him seeing as he doesn't mind her being around you and that
Anko is a great kunoichi so I have added her to your team. I hope you don't mind extra
people now do you?"
"Of course I don't mind them being on our team Hokage-sama. Now is that all that you
wished to talk to me about?"
"Yes that would be all I have for you and also, could you pick up your teammate from the
Hyuga compound? I want you to introduce yourself to her. You are a team now and it
would be great to get to know each other as you will depend on each other during
missions." Naruto answered with a quick 'hai' before heading off to collect his newest
member. Haku followed behind as her eyes took in new information at the place she was
going to stay at. She noticed the hate filled glares at him which she understood the reason
as to why but couldn't understand them. Naruto was nothing like the Kyuubi she heard so
much about. She shook her head of those thoughts as they arrived at the compound where
they saw an anbu operative leaving Hiashi and Hinata standing by the gate looking in his
direction. He deduced that the Hokage must have sent an anbu to alert him of the
situation. He watched as he approached the group.
"Hello Naruto-sama, Anko-san, and you must be Haku right? Look I know you have places
to go but I would like for you to mold her into a fine kunoichi such as yourself. In doing
this, the elders won't brand her with that accursed seal. Now I have a big request for you
Naruto. I want Hinata to stay with you over your new home which I'm sure you have. I'm
pretty sure you and your sibling isn't living in some cave seeing as I couldn't see you as the
type that would have a little girl living like that. I ask of this because the elders of the clan
will surely try something with her in which would hurt you somewhere down the line. Please
just does this for me plus Hinata won't mind would you?" Hinata shook her head indicating
she was ok with it.
Naruto for his part was shocked by such a request. Did the leader of the Hyugas ask for
him to allow his daughter to live with him? This wasn't something you hear every day. He
tried to find his motive behind doing so in which he came up with several. One was to
probably get his daughter in good terms with him in which he could use to benefit his clan

which seemed like a good answer at the time. Another was for her to assassinate hime
which he completely threw that idea out the window seeing as the council members wanted
him to produce a child plus Hinata wasn't that type of person.
Then he began thinking about the type of person Hiashi was. He knew by rumors that he
was cold but then again, he didn't believe those rumors as the ones about him was
something far from the truth. This Hiashi in front of him seemed to be concern about his
daughter seeing as he said please to him out of all people. He did not try to bargain his
daughter into his home but rather asked nicely. He sighed before making a decision he
hoped he would not regret.
"I will allow her into my home but please do not come and visit her or send anyone to do
so. As you probably don't know but have an idea about, my home is in the forbidden side
of the forest of death. I will key her into the system in which she shall not be harmed from
any creature that resides in that forest. But anyone trying to visit her will die painfully or
quickly. Come Hinata, we have many things to discuss." Hinata picked up her bag of things
and followed them into the dreaded forest.
On her way there, a chibi her was doing a victory dance on the inside of her head. She was
told that the inuzukas were going to gain the affection of her Naruto which made her
frown. This meant that she would have to work very hard or had to seeing as she got to
live at his home. But she knew her work was still cut out for her seeing this girl named
Haku as she heard the anbu called her. She would make sure that she was noticed by
Naruto while she was here.
Haku was looking over the girl named Hinata as Naruto called her and immediately saw the
telltale signs of her affections toward the blonde boy. She shook her head in amusement as
she thought of what probably went through her mind about now. She guessed that Hinata
would see her as some sort of threat in which she would compete for. But then again who
wouldn't in a situation such as the one she was in.
In no time, they reached the gates in which Naruto made a motion for them to stop. She
was soon snapped out of her thoughts as they reached an isolated looking zone based on
the fact that the gates were larger than the previous ones. Was there something dangerous
behind these gates that they had to reinforce the gates? Hinata saw that as well and
thought along the same line. As if reading their minds, Naruto answered their questions.
"There is more than one dangerous creature behind the gate which is why I chose this area
to live in seeing as no one will come here. These creatures never come near me or anyone
who wears my special necklace in which you will receive one today. As long as you wear
them, the creatures will not attack you. Each necklace will only protect one person only so
if someone traveled with a group using one necklace, only the person with the necklace will
not be attacked. The necklace is like an anti-touch suit for you. Only one person can wear
one necklace." Anko thought about it for a moment.
"But I didn't have one when emi came to my rescue, so how was she allowed to clear a
whole area with one necklace?" Naruto smiled before replying.
"It wasn't the necklace that they were afraid of but her chakra as well as mine. And before
you ask why they were afraid of our chakra, I'll tell you later but right now, I will key them
into the system then give them a quick tour along with showing them the local residents.
Also I will have to blindfold you Hinata seeing as the Hyuga elders could use you to get the
location." Hinata nodded as she understood his reason. He then pulled out clear stones in

which he had them channel chakra into them inn which Haku's stone turned light blue
almost like frozen ice while Hinata's added a slight purple to her clear color. He guessed
that their bloodline influenced the color of the stone. He then blindfolded Hinata and picked
her up over his shoulders.
If he was a mind reader, he would probably pass out from blood loss due to the amount of
naughty things that ran through her mind. She had many ideas in which she had read from
a little orange book she found sitting around the branch family's bathroom. There was a
magazine next to it in which had pictures of naked women doing things she didn't know
they were doing. She had tried one of them in which she stuck her finger in and out of her
like the girl in the book did. After that, she began reading the orange book more and more.
She also began to understand what those girls were doing in the magazine and blushed at
the fact that she did something like that but didn't stop as it felt good to her.
She soon felt him stop for a second in which she heard the sound of something opening.
She then tried to use her byakugan but instantly deactivated as the blindfolds were made
of pure chakra.
"That wasn't nice now was it Hinata? I used a special blind fold for you so that you won't
be able to see with your byakugan." There was a lot of humor in his voice. Hinata blushed
at the fact that she tried that just a while ago. She felt him move again before she heard
the sound of something closing which meant that they should be close by. After a couple of
minutes of traveling, he stopped and placed her on her feet before removing the blinds.
"Well this is the Uzumaki compound. I will now begin the tour now so hurry along." He
launched a quick tour showing them the area of the homes, the hospital, spa area, training
ground, and other areas he thought they would be interested in. Right as he ended their
tour, a sound of small feet running towards them made it towards their ears. Then out of
the corner of the building came emi whom came running towards Naruto before launching
herself in a big hug. "Hello emi meet my new teammates. Guys meet emi my Imouto. She
is 6 years old.
"Nii-san you brought some friends with you so I could play. We'll have so much fun
together and we'll all have fun." She seemed extra cheerful today. As she went on and on
about having fun, Anko, Hinata, and Haku stood there in awe as they watched Naruto and
his little sister based on what she called him interact. They were brought back to reality by
"Hey guys, why don't we all meet up at the mansion that I showed you where you will be
staying at if you decided to stay later. There we could talk and get to know a little more
about each other seeing as we never did get to know about each other right Anko?" She
scratched the back of her neck while chuckling sheepishly. "Right now, I will go set up
dinner so be there at around 7:00pm. You guys are now free to go." With that said, he left
to prepare their food taking emi with them. Anko then made a suggestion on where to go.
"Well seeing as we are a team now, why don't we go to the spa and get to know each other
a little more." She led the way in which they all dressed down and got in the spa after
making sure the water was just fine. They then sat there for a minute before Anko decided
to break the ice.
"So guys, what you want to talk about?" Haku wanting Hinata to understand that she did
not have to compete with her over Naruto decided to use that as a topic.

"Well I have something I want to talk about. Hinata, I could see that you like Naruto or
even more. I don't want you to think of me as a competition. I came here as a dying wish
from a father figure to produce children with him and if I do fall in love with him
somewhere down the line, I still don't want you to view me as an opponent for his heart.
I'm pretty sure he has enough love to share between us and more." Any thoughts of
competition that she had before they arrived vanished as she saw no deception in her
words but sincerity. Anko seeing this as a chance to create a topic went added her input.
"Speaking of Naruto, what do you guys think of him starting with you Haku. Do you really
feel that obligated to zabuza's last wish that you will have children to a guy you don't
love?" Haku thought about it before replying.
"It's not just about obligation; he seems like a nice guy to be with. I may not love him
now, but I will learn to love him in no time as I'm starting to like him already. Plus he looks
great with kids as you saw how he and emi were. What do you think about him Anko and I
mean not just as a student?" Anko blushed a little in which she cursed inwardly at the
thought of her blushing because of young boy.
"I wish he was my age. He would have made a nice guy to date and maybe other things."
The way she said it spoke volumes of rated-R material. "But then again, I could always wait
until he is legal age in which I could enjoy myself." Haku then made a statement that made
her reconsider.
"But life as a ninja is short so why wait when we are not sure that he will die the next day.
Plus as a ninja, we are all considered adults in the eyes of the public." Anko thought about
it for a moment.
"You know what, you're right. Why wait when I could get a little fox meat now" she said
with a smile. She saw Hinata frowned a little. "Relax Hinata; I'm pretty sure he doesn't
mind sharing the three of us. Besides, I'm curious to know what it's like to have two female
and a man in bed with me at the same time. I'm pretty sure this will turn him on." Haku
and Hinata blushed at the implication of all three doing things to each other and Naruto.
Anko looked over the time.
"Well I think it's time that we leave to eat as it is now 6:50pm." They made their way to
where they would meet up. They made it just as Naruto started setting up plates. He then
went back into the kitchen before coming out with the food in which he had to use several
shadow clones to assist him. He brought in several types of chicken, noodles, rice, dango,
fish, and cinnamon buns to top it off.
After setting the food on the large dining table, Naruto placed emi in her chair, tucked a
handkerchief in her shirt, pushed her chair in, and then served her a plate of food. Naruto
grabbed a seat next to her while Anko, Haku, and Hinata all sat across from Naruto in
which they began eating. Anko after taking her first bite couldn't help but be amazed at his
cooking skills.
"This is amazing Naruto, where did you learn to cook like this? You could open up a
restaurant with this." Haku took a bite into her food too.
"She's right; you could make a killing off of this. I'm so glad I'm staying with you." Hinata
wanting to taste how good her Naruto-kun's food took a bite into it.

"I'm so glad I'm staying with you Naruto-kun. I could just marry you right now." Emi
looked at them before replying.
"If you thought that was amazing, just imagine what it was like when he first started
cooking." The others gave her a curious look while Naruto looked the other way. Anko then
decided to ask her what she meant.
"What do you mean, how was his food before?" Emi then began retelling the events that
took place several months ago.
Naruto had just cooked something without the aid of a cookbook or any type of guide
except a picture of something he had. It was a simple stew dish in which he tried to make
for his Imouto not wanting her to live off ramen just as he did. He sat the plate down in
front of her. In front of her was a bubbling pile of something. It looked as if it was ready to
attack her insides which made her nervous but seeing as her nii-chan made it, she took a
bite into it.
He watched as she took a bite into his food. Naruto watched in anticipation as she slowly
chewed the food before giving him thumbs up and smiled which indicated the food was
"This is good aniki but I need something to drink fast." Naruto left to do so in which as
soon as he did, she went to the window and spat it out. She then grabbed her plate before
emptying it hoping an animal would eat it before sitting down with an empty plate. Naruto
came back with her drink which she gulped down as to wash away the foul taste of the
meal she just ate.
Not wanting to make him upset, she didn't tell him that she didn't like it. She gave him a
peck on the cheek before heading off to bed. Naruto felt his pride increase but then his
nose picked up on something which led him to the window. It was there he discovered her
food which made him frown a little. If she didn't eat the food, then she went to bed hungry
which was the reason he frowned. But she just gave him the ok sign that it was good
unless she didn't want to hurt his feelings. He began to wonder, 'was my food that bad?'
His question was answer in the form of ants moving around the food rather than to it.
Looking closely, he noticed an ant looked as if he was eating it. Using a magnifying glass,
he found out that the ant was licking the ground rather than eating the food. His food
couldn't have been that bad could it. Curious to know just how bad his food was, he tasted
it in which he spat out immediately.
He sighed before making ramen again in which he called emi down to eat then asking why
she didn't tell him that his food was that bad in which she replied that she didn't want to
hurt his feelings just as he thought. Naruto then told her that he would rather her be
honest in which he could correct his mistakes rather than her going to bed hungry. She
hugged him for caring so much before heading off to bed.
End of flashback
By the end of the tale, Naruto looked embarrassed while the others were holding their sides
in pain due to laughing too hard. He couldn't believe an ant chose dirt over his food. The
rest of the night they began sharing stories both good and bad along with secrets such as

Naruto's jinchuriki status in which Anko and Haku already knew but Hinata for her part was
shocked that her love had such a burden. She accepted him in which made him happy.
After that, they all went to bed.
Naruto was soon awoken by the sound of dripping sounds. He awoke to find himself in a
sewer. He looked around before making a comment on his 'dream'.
"Wow of all the things, I dream about a sewer. I wonder what dirty thoughts I've been
having." He began to wonder the sewer for what seems like hours before seeing a red light
at the end of the hallway where he went thinking it was a way out. When he got there, he
was greeted by the sight of a large cage with a small piece of paper that said seal on it.
Walking closer to the cage, a pair of red eyes appeared out of nowhere followed by large
fangs. Naruto started putting the pieces together in which he came up with a conclusion
that this was no dream at all but rather the seal which meant one thing.
"I'm guessing that you're the Kyuubi no kitsune am I correct?"
"Well it seems that you aren't a dumb one kit but yes I'm the might demon lord."
"And is it safe to assume that you are the one that brought me here for a reason. And
seeing that you are in that tiny cage: the reason has to do with your freedom, am I correct
again?" The fox smiled.
"Yes you are correct kit. It seems that you are a smart one but then again you
were forced to grow up rather quick so what will I do for you to let me out?"
Naruto thought about it for a second.
"It actually depends on the question I'm about to ask you in which I will make a decision. I
want to know why you attacked konoha." Kyuubi sighed already guessing he would ask
something like this but didn't have any proof behind his claim. He just hoped this boy
would believe him but then again, he was supposed to be an evil demon or so the general
population view him as such so why would this boy believe him. He just decided to tell him
anyway. It wasn't as if it would actually make any difference.
"I was ripped out of my host and forced to attack the village by someone with a
sharingan. And before you ask, no I don't have any proof." He waited for him to
deny what he said stating demons can't be trusted but that was not the case.
"Alright I believe you but I can't just let you go now could I without a price." Kyuubi looked
a little taken back but when he heard there was a price, he began thinking along the lines
of him asking for immortality, the power of the universe or something outrageous.
"First I want you and whatever fox under you including your family to serve as a
summoning creature for my family in which we will be equals rather than a one-sided deal.
That way only a member with my blood only could summon foxes. Second I want you to
change the DNA of my Imouto so that it matches mine along with a kekkei genkai for the
both of us. I don't want her to have that weird ability in which gave me horns, a tail, and
wings but the other abilities that you are able to transfer. As to what that kekkei genkai
does, just surprise me. I will appreciate anything you will offer me. And last but not least, I
want to have a second compound near your den in case something happened here to this
compound. Oh and when you change our DNA's, I want to keep the whisker marks as they
associate you with me in which I will keep to honor our deal made between us. If you
comply with these demands, then I will release you will all of you tails worth of chakra

without taking a single drop." These demands had truly surprise the fox. Not one had
anything to do with him gaining more powers than him or him being a slave to them plus
he would get to keep all of his chakra.
"Well kit, you got yourself a deal." He made a contract appear from out of nowhere.
"Just sign you name on the contract in which you shall be the first human to do
so. And as for the kekkei genkai part, I will give you a kitsune's greatest gift in
your eyes which is complete mastery over illusions. You will be able to create
genjutsu more deadly than the sharingan. I will also make some adjustments to
that it will work with the kekkei genkai you seem to already have. Now as for
the DNA changing part, I will work that part of the deal once I get out so that
the change could go through quickly without any pain now how does that
sound?" Naruto thought about it before agreeing.
"I agree with your terms now it is time for us to start." Naruto looked over the seal before
start making some modifications having seen the seal and mapped it out already. It took 2
hours for him to change the seal in which let him completely out the seal in which the seal
Kyuubi then had both Naruto and emi placed into a death-like state in which he began
changing their DNA. First he started with emi in which he took some of Naruto's DNA and
placing it in her. He found that he was only able to give her Naruto's ability to draw water
from the air. He changed her eye color to match Naruto's deep blue ones along with
changing most of her hair to blonde in which she was now blonde with red streaks so that
they could truly look more like siblings. He even changed her blood type to match his
before adding the new kekkei genkai into her eyes.
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5. DA chapter five

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