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Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

AULA 01 Exercícios de Sala 

1.Chose the best form of the verbs to complete the sentences:
O Simple Present Tense é usado para descrever ações
habituais ou uma verdade em geral. Você não encontrará a- Mr. Martin __________________ downtown on foot every
dificuldade neste tempo verbal, porque para todas as pessoas o afternoon.
verbo ficará igual , exceto na terceira pessoa do singular ( he ,
she , it ), onde o verbo receberá um “s”. a- to go b- go c-gos d- goes

Nancy plays chess every night. b- James usually________________ black clothes on
Thieves always steal. Saturday night.
Pay Attention:
- Se o verbo terminar em: s, ss, ch, sh , x , z ou o , a- wears b- is wearing c- wear d- to wear
acrescenta-se “es”.
George does his homework every night.
Leo watches TV every Saturday night. c- We _________ exactly what we __________.
He never brushes his teeth.
a- knows / want b- know / want c- know / wants
- Se o verbo terminar em “y” precedido de uma consoante, d- knows / wants
tira-se o y e acrescenta-se “ies”.
Kate studies at night. 2. Complete the questions with do or does :
Karen cries at the end of every romantic film.
a-______________ Helen live in London ?
- Se o “y” vier após uma vogal, acrescenta-se apenas o “s”.
b-______________ those girls work hard ?
c-______________ Susan have two lovely sisters ?
Patricia usually plays cards by herself.
d-______________ you like to read books ?
Everybody says that I am too short.

- Expressões usadas com o Simple Present:

3. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences:
My uncle ___________ his new car.
a-like b- likes c- liking d-is like
Every week
4. Teenagers __________ that new song.
a-love b- loves c- loved d- NRA

a day
5. Put the sentences below in the Interrogative and Negative
Once a year

a) I drink milk once a week.

I- _______________________________
twice a week
N- _______________________________
a month
b) She does the dishes three times a day.
-Alguns advébios de frequëncia :
I- _______________________________
N- _______________________________
always , never , sometimes , usually , seldom, rarely e outros.
c)- She has breakfast early.
Interrogative and Negative forms
I- _______________________________
( affirmative form )
N- _______________________________
Technology protects people.
They show some pictures to me.
d) Marcelo studies Physics every Monday.
I- _______________________________
( interrogative form )
N- _______________________________
Does technology protect people ?
Do they show some pictures to me ?
6. Complete the spaces with the correct form of the Simple
( negative form )
Present Tense:
Technology doesn’t protect people.
a- He ______________ (to plan) the crime.
They don’t show some pictures to me.
b- Susan ______________ (to Know) exactly what she
__________ (to want).
Assim observamos que o auxiliar do Simple Present é “does”
c- Mary ____________ (to spend) hours walking.
para a terceira pessoa do singular ( he, she, it ) e “do” para as
d- I ____________ (to drink) soft drinks.
demais pessoas ( I , you , we , they ).

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

Tarefa Mínima  11. Select the CORRECT answer for the following
question, according to the text :

Text one: Does the tree machine need coal, gas or electricity
The tree is a beautiful machine that works for the to work?
benefit of man. Most forms of life on Earth need oxigen. We do a) No, it doesn’t.
not get oxigen from industrial machines. We get it from the tree b) Yes, it does.
machine. The tree machine makes the oxigen that we need to c) No, they don’t.
take from the air. d) Yes, they do.
Industrial machines pollute the air. Trees do not pollute e) Yes, it needs
the air. On the contrary, they clean it. The industrial machines
make a lot of noise. The tree machine does not make any noise. 12. Select the CORRECT English translation for the
On the contrary, it filters noise. following sentence:
The tree machine does not need coal, oil, gas or Nós vivemos no planeta Terra.
electricity to work. Its fuel comes from water, sun light and a) You live on the planet Earth.
carbon dioxide. When a tree dies, it helps new plants. The b) Live in the planet the Earth.
combination of water, insects, and micro-organisms in the soil c) We can live on the planet Earth
causes the decomposition of a tree. When a tree dies, it gives d) We live on the planet Earth.
nutrients to the soil for other trees use as fuel. So, the tree does e) You lived in the planet Earth.
not die, really. It recycles its substance for the benefit of all
animal and plant life. 13. Identify the sentences in which the underlined verb
Please remember: the tree is your friend. Do not destroy it. forms are in the Simple Present Tense:

Vocabulary: 1. The tree is a beautiful machine.

Earth: Terra (planeta) 2. Trees don’t pollute the air.
To need: precisar (de) 3. Industrial machines are polluting the air.
To clean: limpar 4. Water and insects caused decomposition.
Noise: barulho 5. The trees filter the noise.
Coal: carvão
Fuel: combustível Select the CORRECT, sequence from the top to the
To die: morrer bottom:
To destroy: destruir a) 1 – 3 - 4
Soil: solo b) 2 – 3 – 4
c) 2 – 4 – 5
7. According to the text, choose the CORRECT d) 1 – 2 – 5
alternative to complete the sentence: e) 1 – 2 – 3

Trees don’t cause pollution, they _______ the air. 14. Select the alternative which presents the CORRECT
affirmative form of the underlined verb in the
a) take sentence:
b) come
c) pollute We don’t get oxygen from industrial machines.
d) clean a) are getting
e) get b) gets
c) get
8. Choose the CORRECT alternative, according to the d) have got
text above: e) got
a) Trees make a lot of noise.
b) When a tree dies, it recycles its substances.
c) Trees need electricity to work. AULA 02
d) Trees don’t need sunlight
e) The soil is composed by coal, oil, and gas.
Text two:
9. According to the text, the author compares a tree with:
b) The Earth
c) A man Fred Lewis, a fashion designer from New York, talks to
d) Life Margot Townsend:
e) Micro-organisms I get up every day at eleven o'clock. I don’t like getting up
early. I never eat breakfast – I sometimes have a cup of tea. I eat
10. According to the text, select the CORRECT answer nothing during the day. I just don’t feel hungry at all.
for the following question: I live about eight minutes from the office. I drive to the
office every morning in my car – a black BMW. I love driving. I
Who does the tree help when it dies? always wear black or navy blue. I don’t like bright colors.
a) The industries. I work from about noon till seven in the evening. I don’t
b) Insects and micro-organisms. mind working late. Before a fashion show I usually work until
c) All animal and plant life. eleven or twelve at night. I eat out in restaurants about six nights
d) The oxygen in the air. a week. I hate going to new restaurants. I usually go to a few old
e) The soil, the water, and the air. favorites.
I live with my daughter, who’s eighteen. The house is

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
always untidy. She hates cooking and cleaning the house and so Text Three:
do I! I don’t spend much time in my home. The Mountains
I usually stay in New York at the weekend. I don’t mind The Himalayas are the best-known mountain range in the
that because I hate making plans. The traffic in New York is world and Mt Everest, with a height of 8,880 meters, is the
terrible but sometimes I just get in my car and drive. highest mountain. Since Edmund Hillary made the first ascent in
1953, mountaineers from many countries have managed to
Vocabulary: climb to the peak. Normally they need to take oxygen cylinders
Matter: problema to help them breathe and other special equipment including
Staircase: escadaria ropes to connect themselves to each other. It’s a dangerous sport
Meat: carne
and many people have lost their lives, not just in the way up but
Noon: meio-dia
Almost: quase during the descent as well.
Daughter: filha
Until: até Vocabulary:
Can: poder High: alto
To stay: ficar, permanecer Height: altura
To spend: passar Ascent: subida
To hate: odiar
To mind: importar-se
Tarefa Complementar 
Exercícios de Sala  21) Mark the CORRECT proposition according to the text.
(A) The second person who climbed the Everest was Sir
15) About Fred’s daughter is NOT true that...
(A) She’s eighteen. Edmund Hillary.
(B) She hates cleaning the house. (B) Some climbers die when coming down the mountains.
(C) She likes driving her father’s car. (C) It is an easy sport because the climbers use ropes and
(D) She lives with her father. other equipments.
(D) The mountaineers never have to take oxygen
(E) She dislikes cooking.
16) Mark the CORRECT proposition according to text two. (E) There are avalanches on the Everest.
(A) He dislikes driving.
(B) He lives in a beautiful flat.
(C) He never works till late at night. 22) Mark the CORRECT proposition according to the text.
(A) The Everest is the highest mountain in Brazil.
(D) Fred does not eat during the day.
(B) There is no need of equipment to climb the Everest.
(E) Fred hates going to old restaurants.
(C) People from different nationalities have climbed
Mount Everest.
17) Mark the CORRECT proposition according to text two.
(D) Edmund Hillary is a famous peak.
(A) Fred gets up at twelve o'clock.
(E) People go snowboarding on the Everest’s slopes.
(B) Fred eats out almost every day.
(C) Fred is a website designer.
(D) Fred lives far from his work. 23) Mark the CORRECT proposition according to the text.
(A) During the climbing is not difficult to breathe because
(E) Fred likes cleaning the house.
there is much oxygen available.
(B) Helmets are important equipment for the climbing.
18) Answer the question according to text two.
(C) In some parts of the climbing the mountaineers use
Does Fred live in an apartment?
ropes to tie themselves to each other.
(A) No, he don’t.
(D) Mt Everest is almost eight hundred meters high.
(B) Yes, he does.
(E) Mountain-climbing is not a sport.
(C) No, he doesn’t.
(D) Yes. he is
(E) No, he isn’t. 24) Which question CANNOT be answered, according to the
(A) When did Edmund Hillary climb the Everest?
19) Which question(s) CAN be answered according to text two:
(B) Why do climbers need to take oxygen cylinders?
01. Who does Fred live with?
(C) How long is the ascent of Mount Everest?
02. When was the fashion show?
(D) What are the Himalayas?
04. What is the traffic in New York city like?
(E) How high is the Everest?
08. Where does Fred live?
16. How old is Fred’s daughter?
25) Answer the following question according to the text:
Does a mountaineer need to take oxygen cylinders?
20)Text two contains information about Fred’s...
(A) No, they don’t.
01. daily routine
(B) Yes, he does.
02. daughter
(C) Yes, they do.
04. wife
08. occupation (D) No, they didn’t.
16. habits (E) Yes, they does.

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

A song: Assim observamos que o auxiliar do Simple Past é o

LET IT BE (The beatles) “did” e usamos nas formas Interrogativa e Negativa. O verbo
principal da oração fica no infinitivo sem o “to”.
When I ___________(1)myself in time of trouble REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS
Mother Mary ___________(2)to me
Speaking words of _____________(3, let it be...
And in my hours of darkness
Regular Verbs
She's standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be... Os verbos regulares em Inglês são reconhecidos pela
terminação –ed tanto no simple past quanto no past participle.
And All the broken hearted people Veja os exemplos :
Living in the world ____________(4) Infinitive Simple past Past participle
There will be an answer, let it be... To love ( amar ) loved loved
For though they may be parted
To walk ( caminhar ) walked walked
There is still a chance that they ____(5)see
There will be an answer let it be... To work ( trabalhar ) worked worked

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Há algumas particularidades que você precisa saber com
____________(6)words of wisdom, let it be... relação aos verbos regulares:
And when the night ________(7)cloudy - Se o verbo terminar em “e” , acrescenta-se apenas o “d”.
There's still a light that _____________(8) on
Infinitive Simple past Past participle
Shine until tomorrow, let it be... To dance ( dançar ) danced danced
I wake up to the sound of music To agree ( concordar ) agreed agreed
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be... - Se o verbo terminar em “y” e for precedido de vogal,
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be deixa-se o y e acrescenta-se “ed”
There will be an answer, let it be... Infinitive Simple past Past participle
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
To play ( jogar , brincar ) played played
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be...
To pray ( rezar ) prayed prayed

AULA 03 - Se o verbo terminar em “y “ e for precedido de consoante,

tira-se o “y” e acrescenta-se “ied”.

SIMPLE PAST TENSE Infinitive Simple past Past participle

To study ( estudar ) studied studied
To try ( tentar ) tried tried
O Passado Simples é usado para descrever ações - Se o verbo tiver uma sílaba e terminar em “consoante –
acabadas num tempo determinado e para ações habituais no vogal – consoante” ( c-v-c), dobra-se a última consoante e
passado. acrescenta-se “ed” .
Também no Passado Simples, usamos uma única
forma do verbo para todas as pessoas (exceto o verbo to be). Infinitive Simple past Past participle
To stop ( parar ) stopped stopped
Veja os exemplos: To plan ( planejar ) planned planned

I taught / You taught / He taught / We taught / etc. - Se o verbo tiver mais de uma sílaba e a última for tônica,
dobra-se a última sílaba e acrescenta-se “ed”.
-Expressões que geralmente aparecem com o Simple Past:
Infinitive Simple past Past participle
week To admit ( admitir ) admitted admitted
month To omit ( omitir ) omitted omitted
last night Irregular Verbs
Saturday Os verbos irregulares não apresentam regras para a formação do
Simple past e Past participle ,ou seja, cada um tem uma forma
própria de passado.
Veja os exemplos:
One hour Infinitive Simple pastPast participle
Two days To tell ( contar) told told
A week ago To keep ( guardar , armazenar ) kept kept
Two minutes To teach ( ensinar ) taught taught

Interrogative and Negative forms Exercícios de Sala 

( affirmative form ) Helen wrote a letter to me yesterday. 26) U. E . de Londrina – PR :
( interrogative form ) Did Helen write a letter to me I ____________ to school everyday when I was a child.
yesterday ? a- walk b- will walk c- have walked d- walked
( negative form ) Helen didn’t write to me yesterday.
27) U. de Fortaleza – CE :
I’m terribly upset. My team ________ its third game this

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
a- lose b- loses c- losing d- lost AULA 04
28) Choose the best option to complete the following
sentences: Text Five:
I_________________ her six days ago. When Charlie Chaplin was at the peak of his
popularity, there was a “Charlie Chaplin Contest” in an
a- leave b- have left c- left d- leaved american theater. They promised to give a silver cup to the
person who made himself look exactly like Charlie. The great
29) They ________________ to learn Biology last month. artist decided to enter the contest himself. He came second.

a- begin b- began c- begun
d-nra Exercícios de Sala
30) Put the sentences below in the Interrogative and 34) According to the text, mark the INCORRECT proposition:
Negative forms:
a) Many people knew Charlie Chaplin.
a-You bought a new car two years ago. b) The artist entered in the contest.
I- __________________________________ c) The contest was in the USA.
N- __________________________________ d) The prize was a silver cup.
e) Chaplin was American.
b- I drank milk when I was a child.
I- _______________________________ 35) The text is in the...
N- ________________________________
a) Simple Past Tense;
b) Simple Present Tense;
C- They watched the soccer game yesterday. c) Simple Future;
I- _______________________________ d) Present Continuous Tense;
N- _______________________________ e) Past Perfect Tense.

36) According to the text, the CORRECT answer for the

Tarefa Mínima  following sentence is...
Which contest did Charlie Chaplin participate?

Text Four: a) A contest for participating in a film.

An attractive young woman had just deplaned at Los b) A contest for participating in a theater play.
Angeles International Airport, and stood at the gate waiting for c) A sport contest.
someone in the crowd to greet her. After some time had passed, d) An imitation contest.
she approached a man who had not yet greeted anyone. “Are e) A contest for the TV.
you waiting for a girl named Debbie?”, she asked cautiously.
The man hesitated for a moment, then smiled broadly 37) The INTERROGATIVE form of the sentence below is ...
and gave her a bear-hug and a semi-passionate kiss. Finally he Charlie Chaplin was a great comedian.
stepped back and, a little sheepishly, replied, “No, I’m not.”
a) Was a great Charlie Chaplin comedian?
31) Select the INCORRECT alternative, according to text: b) Did he was a great comedian?
c) Does he be a great comedian?
A) The man and Debbie didn’t know each other. d) Was he a great comedian?
B) They left the airport together. e) He wasn’t a great comedian?
C) The girl asked the man if he was waiting for a person called
Debbie. A Song:
D) The woman stood at the gate. BANKROBBER (The Clash)
E) The girl did not know the person who would pick her up at My Daddy __________ (1) a bankrobber
the airport. But he never _____________ (2) nobody
He just loved to live that way
32) Which question(S) below CANNOT be answered, according And he loved to _____________ (3) your money
to the text? Some is rich, and some is ____________ (4)
That's the way the world is
01. Who was the man waiting for? But I don't _____________ (5) in lying back
02. Where did she land on? Sayin' how bad your luck is
04. What’s the girl’s name? So we _____________ (6) to jazz it up
08. How did the man greet the girl? We never ______________ (7) a shovel
16. When did she leave Los Angeles? Break your back to earn your pay
An' don't _______________ (8) to grovel
33) The text mentions: The old man _____________ (9) up in a bar
01. The man’s name; Said I never been in prison
02. The gate number Debbie was waiting; A lifetime serving one _______________ (10)
04. The type of kiss she received from the man; Is ten times worse than prison
08. Where she went when she left the airport ; Imagine if all the boys in _____________ (11)
16. The airport’s name. Could get out now together
Whadda you think they'd want to say to us?
While we were being clever
Someday you'll meet your rocking ________________(12)
Cos that's where we're spinning

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

There's no point to wanna comb your hair AULA 05

When it's grey and thinning
Run rabbit run
Strike out boys, for the hills SIMPLE FUTURE AND CONDITIONAL
I can find that hole in the wall
And I know that they never will O Futuro Simples em Inglês é usado para expressar
ações futuras, e quase sempre é usado para expressar pedidos,
Text Six: promessas e oferecimentos futuros.
O Futuro Simples é formado pelo auxiliar “will” (para
Michael Schumacher todas as pessoas) e pelo verbo principal sem o “to” do infinitivo.

Michael Schumacher was born in Hurt-Hermuhlheim, Veja os exemplos:

Germany, on 3 January 1969. When he was only four years old
he was given a toy kart, and later a lawnmower engine was fitted Solar energy will be an alternative kind of energy.
to it. Schumacher´s parents thought he was not safe driving his We will be back soon.
kart on the pavements around their home so they arranged for She will tell us about the computer.
him to use the local kart track.
At the age of 15, he won his first major championship Você poderá abreviar o auxiliar do Futuro Simples da seguinte
– the German Karting championship. When he was nineteen, he maneira:
was driving racing cars and immediately began winning. At the
age of 22, he took part in his first Grand Prix, driving a Jordan, I’ll go to the beach tomorrow.
but shortly after that he joined the Benneton team. Julie’ll travel to Europe.
From: Reading Plus – Mary underwood – Macmillian Publishers Lt. 1994.
Vocabulary A forma interrogativa do Futuro Simples é feita
Toy: brinquedo colocando –se o auxiliar “will” antes do sujeito , ou seja , no
Lawnmower Engine: motor de máquina de cortar grama início da oração.
To fit: adaptar
Safe: seguro
Will solar energy be an alternative kind of energy ?
Pavements: calçadas Will we be back soon ?
To arrange; providenciar Will she tell us about the computer ?
Kart track: pista de Kart
To win (past- won): vencer A forma negativa do Futuro Simples é feita
To turn on: voltar a atenção para acrescentando-se o “not “ ao auxiliar ( will + not = won’t ) .
Racing cars: carros de corrida Solar energy will not ( won’t ) be an alternative
To join: juntar-se kind of energy.
Lecture: palestra We will not ( won’t ) be back soon.
Words: palavras She will not ( won’t ) tell us about the computer.

Tarefa Mínima  Expressões usadas no Simple Future

The day after tomorrow
38) According to text one, choose the CORRECT alternative: Tonight
Michael Schumacher’s nationality is ... Soon
a) Swiss
b) American week
c) Swedish Next Month
d) Dutch Year
e) German Monday
39) According to the text, which question CANNOT be
He will come soon.
She will be back next Saturday.
a) What kind of cars did he drive?
b) When was he born? CONDITIONAL
c) What did they fit to Schumacher’s toy kart?
d) Where was he born? O condicional é formado pelo auxiliar “would” + o
e) When did he win his first F-1 race? infinitivodo verbo principal sem o “to”. Da mesma forma que o
auxiliar do Futuro Simples , would é usado para todas as pessoas
40) Choose the alternative which contains a CORRECT English e segue as mesmas regras para a formação de Interrogações e
translation. Negações.
a) Ele começou sua carreira na equipe Benneton. Veja exemplos:
He finished his career in the Benneton team. ( affirmative form) : Helen would listen to music.
b) Quem é o piloto mais jovem? Their friends would call them at 6:00.
Who is the newest pilot?
c) Ele tem quinze anos. ( interrogative form) : Would Helen listen to music ?
He has fifteen years old. Would their friends call them at 6:00 ?
d) Ele foi ferido em um acidente.
He was hurt in an accident. ( negative form ): Helen would not ( wouldn’t ) listen to
e) Ele é um dos melhores pilotos do mundo. music.
He is one of the worst pilots in the world. Their friends would not ( wouldn’t ) call
them at 6:00

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
Lembrete: usamos “would” em oferecimentos . The CORRECT sequence(s) from the top to the bottom is (are):
Would you like some tea ?
Would you like a peace of cake ? 01. 5–3–1–2–4
Would you like to go to the beach ? 02. 3–2–5–4–1
04. 1–5–3–4–2
08. 3–4–1–5–2
Tarefa Mínima  16. 2–5–4–1–3

43) (UFPR) A questão abaixo é somatória, ou seja, a resposta a

41) Put the sentences below in the Interrogative and ser dada é a soma dos números das alternativas corretas.
Negative forms:
a) I will drink a lot of milk.

b) My friends will watch the game tonight.


c) She would talk to Susan.


A song:

ALL MY LOVING(The Beatles)

Close your eyes and I'll _______ you

Tomorrow I'll ________ you
Remember I'll always be true. According to the chart above:

And then while I'm _________ 01. The Northeast is the region which had the fewest
I'll write home every day executions in the United States.
And I'll _________ all my loving to you. 02. There is no death penalty in the Northeast.
04. There were more executions in the Midwest than in
I'll __________ that I'm kissing the West.
The lips I am missing 08. Texas is the state with the lowest number of
And hope that my __________ will come true. executions.
16. There were executions in five different regions.
And then while I'm away 32. Excluding the estate of Texas, the South is still the
I'll ___________ home every day region where there were the most executions in the
And I'll send all my loving to you. United States.

All my loving I will send to you. Text Seven: (UFSC) Texto referente às questões de números
All my loving, darling I'll be true. 44, 45, 46 (questões somatórias).

Complete the gaps above with the words from the FAST FOOD
box. The American fast-food culture dates back to the period after the Second World
War. During the War, the Americans had developed the production of
dehydrated, tinned and powdered food on an industrial scale; most of this was
Write – kiss – miss – dreams – pretend – send -
sent abroad to feed troops at the front.
away When the War ended, the USA found itself with a massive production potential
for this type of food but no starving soldiers to eat it – so the manufacturers
Tarefa Complementar  began to market it to the general public. Housewives started baking cakes out of
packets and made sure they kept up their stock of powdered milk.
The present scenario is well known: American fast food and fizzy drinks like
42) (UFSC) This is the description of a vegetable called onion. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are being successfully exported to countries around the
Make complete sentences by matching the part of the sentence world.
on the left with the part on the right. (Adapted from: Speak Up – no 143. Abril 1999. Insert p. IV)

1. This is one of the... ( ) several layers surrounding

each other. Read the following propositions. Some make sense and some
2. The ancient Greeks and ( ) can be cooked or eaten.
44) Select the one(s) that MAKES(MAKE) SENSE, according
Romans used...
to the text.
3. They are round and made ( ) oldest vegetables in history.
up of... 01. As soon as the Second World War ended, the Americans
4. Their thin skin has to be removed ( ) flavor to soups, sauces, and other sent their troops abroad.
before they... dishes. 02. Starving soldiers didn’t eat fast food because they were not
5. They have a very strong ( ) to eat them raw for sufficiently hungry.
smell and are often used to breakfast, with a little salt. 04. Nowadays American fast food is sold all over the world.

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

08. Housewives refused to use powdered food, therefore they GOING TO: INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS
started baking cakes out of packets.
16. The producers of dehydrated, tinned and powdered food ( affirmative form) : She’s going to buy a car.
decided to market their products to people in general, They are going to wait for me.
when they realized that with the end of the War there
would be no starving soldiers to eat that kind of food. ( interrogative form ) : Is she going to buy a car ?
Are they going to wait for me ?
45) Identify the proposition(s) which contains (contain) the
CORRECT explanation for the expressions from the text. ( negative form ): She is not ( isn’t ) going to buy a car.
They are not ( aren’t ) going to wait for me.
01. tinned food – food that has been preserved by being sealed
in a can.
02. powdered milk – a product from which water has been
eliminated through dehydration.
Exercícios de Sala 
04. fizzy drinks – they are full of little bubbles of gas and
make a hissing sound. 47. Supply the going to form of the verbs in parentheses .
08. fast food – food that is already prepared and so is served a- The movie_____________(begin) at 8 o’clock.
quickly. b- Mr. Brown_____________ (leave) the office at 6:OO
16. massive production – the process of making goods in small today.
quantities. c- What ________ they __________(do)with all those books.
32. industrial scale – a system in which products are made on a very d- ________you __________ (send) her the messages ?
restricted scale. e- I think I _____________ (swim) tomorrow morning .
f- I’m sure Helen_________ (ask) you to help her with her
46) Read these short descriptions of certain kinds of food and math .
choose the proposition(s) in which the name of the food
CORRESPONDS to the description. “ Mother-in-law is the most common suggestion”, said
01. A food made from flour, water and usually yeast. The Charles Tweedie, who creates custom-made scarecrows for
mixture is baked in an oven. It is often cut into slices and English farmers, adding the face from any photo.
eaten with butter, jam, etc...
Food being described: corn. 48. (UNIV. CAT. SALVADOR-BA) Segundo o texto:
02. They are eaten in many countries around the world. They
grow in the ground, are round and have a thin skin. They a) Tweedie se recusa a fazer espantalhos com cara de sogra,
can be cooked in many different ways – boiled, fried or embora esse seja o pedido mais comum.
baked. b) Os espantalhos de Tweedie costumam ser muito caros.
Food being described: potatoes. c) A maioria dos espantalhos que Charlie Tweedie cria tem a
04. They are small, round and juicy, green or dark purple in cara da sogra do cliente.
color. You can eat them raw or use them to make wine. d) As sogras são as maiores freguesas de Tweedie.
Food being described: grapes. e) As leis britânicas proibem espantalhos com cara de mãe.
08. This is the seed of a plant grown in warm, wet places. You
boil it in water and eat it usually with meat or vegetables. A song:
It is eaten everywhere in the world, but particularly in Redemption Song (Bob Marley)
China, Japan, and other Asian countries.
Food being described: rice. Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
16. They are really a fruit although many people regard them Sold I to the merchant __________ (1),
as a vegetable. They are soft, juicy, red and round. They Minutes after they took I
have a lot of seeds and you can eat them raw in salads, or From the bottomless ____________ (2).
cooked as a vegetable or in sauces. But my hand was made ___________ (3)
Food being described: apples. By the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this ____________ (4)
AULA 06 Won't you help to sing
these songs of ____________ (5)
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs
Emancipate ____________ (6) from mental slavery;
A forma “going to” é usada para expressar ações futuras None but ourselves can free our ______________ (7)
que estão prestes a acontecer ou que tenham grandes chances de Have no fear for atomic _____________ (8),
ocorrer. Neste tempo verbal o verbo to be funciona como 'Cause none of them can stop the time
auxiliar , e é seguido de um verbo no infinitivo sem o to. ___________ (9) shall they kill our ____________ (10),
While we stand aside and look
EXPRESSÕES USADAS Oh! Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfill the ____________ (11).
Won't you help to sing
Next week in a week Tomorrow these songs of ____________ (12)
NEXT YEAR IN A MONTH TONIGHT 'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs
Next month in a year

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

AULA 07 49) Write the verbs from the parentheses in the Present
Perfect Tense.
A) I know that woman, but I _____________________ (forget)
- Formation: have/has + past participle
Examples: B) Heitor _________________ (be) to Florida many times in his
1. I have been ready since 8 o’ clock. vacations.

2. She has lived in California for three years C) John and Lucas __________________ (go) to Europe in a

3. Have you already talked to the teacher business trip. They’ll be back soon.
D) Hellen ___________________ (work) for a multinational
4. MARY: The Blooms have bought a new house.
E) They _________________ (sell) all the tickets for the show.
TOM: Really? When did they buy it?
F) Sandra and Meg ________________ (live) in Canada since
MARY: They bought it last week.
TOM: Have they moved yet?
MARY: No, they haven’t had time for that yet.
But their new furniture has already arrived. 50) Complete these sentences with the SIMPLE PAST or the
a) - John isn’t here, is he?
- No, he _______________ (leave) to Rio de Janeiro.
5. Have you ever eaten crocodile meat? / Has she ever b) Angela _________________ (buy) a nice dress at the market
been to Europe? place yesterday.
6. The soccer match has just finished. / We’ve just arrived c) – Can you lend me some money? I’ll pay you back at the end
from our trip to Canada. of the month.
- Sorry, I can’t. I ________________ (already / spend) all my
money, and I’m completely broke too.
d) My parents _______________ (arrive) from Europe last
A song: week. They loved the trip.
I STILL HAVEN’T FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR - U2 e) Some of the students _______________ (study / not) for the
test. We can see it from their grades.
I have climbed the highest ______________ (1)
f) My husband _______________ (send) me a bunch of flowers
I have run through the ______________ (2)
Only to be with you (x2) on my birthday. It was so sweet of him.
g) Tracy is so nervous because she ________________ (forget)
I have ____________ (3) I have crawled to read the article about astronomy
I have scaled
these city _________ (4) (x2) 51) Complete the sentences with ALREADY or YET.
Only to be with you A) - Have you _______________ watched that film?
- No, I haven’t watched it ________________.
B) They have ______________ sailed for all five continents
But I still haven't ____________ (5)
What I'm looking for
since January 2000.
But I still haven't found C) Has Peter been to Paris ________________?
What I'm looking for D) - Have you ____________ talked to Mary?
- No, not ___________. I will do it tonight.
I have __________ (6) honey lips E) The president has ______________been to many countries
Felt the healing in her fingertips this year.
It burned like _________ (7)
This burning desire

I have spoken with the tongue of angels 52) Write SINCE or FOR before these expressions of time.
I have held the ___________ (8) of the devil a) __________________Wednesday
It was warm in the __________ (9)
I was cold as a stone b) __________________ five hours.
[Chorus] c) __________________ the last world cup.
d) __________________ Many years.
I believe in the Kingdom Come
Then all the colours will e) __________________ the moment I saw you.
_________ (10) into one (x2)
But yes I'm still running f) __________________ months and months.

You __________ (11) the bonds and you loosed the __________
You carried the cross
And my __________ (13) (x2)
You know I believe it

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

AULA 08 57- (Vunesp – SP) Do politicians work ________ and earn

________ money?
a- little – many b- very – much c- much – few d-
little – much
58 - (ITA-SP) Please , can you give us ________ bit more of
MUCH ( muito, muita ) - usamos a palavra “much” antes de that cake you baked yesterday?
substantivos incontáveis. a- several b- little c-many
Veja os exemplos: d-a little
I don’t drink much coffee.
She drinks much wine at home. 59 - (U.F. de Viçosa – MG) There are ________ dangerous
LITTLE ( pouco , pouca ) -usamos também a palavra “little” a- a lot of b- a very many c- very lot of d- very many
antes de substantivos incontáveis. of
Veja os exemplos:
I have little money. USO do GERÚNDIO
We drink little milk.
Pay –Attention : A) Usa-se o gerúndio geralmente no início de frases e
Little também poderá significar pequeno ( -inho ) . Veja: após preposições
My little boy – meu pequeno garoto e / ou meu ( without , for , in , before , etc. ) ;
garotinho. Ex. Smoking is a bad habit.
Surfing is a beautiful sport.
MANY (muitos, muitas) – usamos a palavra “many” antes de They are tired of swimming.
substantivos contáveis.
Veja os exemplos: B) Após os verbos: admit, avoid, appreciate, consider,
I drink many milk-shakes in summer. delay, detest, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish,
Tom reads many books. keep , mention, miss, practice, resist, suggest, understand,
FEW (poucos, poucas) – usamos também a palavra “few” antes Ex. You dislike driving at night.
de substantivos contáveis. John should avoid touching those things.
Veja os exemplos:
Robert wants few potatoes. C) Após os verbos Go e Come indicando atividade física.
Jane makes few mistakes. Ex. Go walking!
Go fishing!
Veja as seguintes observações:
• Em interrogações e negações usamos much / A) Usa-se o infinitivo “sem to” após os verbos anômalos e os
many sem problemas; verbos make e let.
• Em afirmações much / many podem ser Ex. I can drive.
substituídos por: a lot of , lots of ou plenty of : Let me dance.
muito ( s ) , muita ( s) . Make him study.

B) Usa-se infinitivo “sem to “ou “gerúndio “ após os

Classroom Exercises  verbos de percepção:
Feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch.
53- Rewrite the sentences using much or many : Ex. I hear her crying.
The man saw the queen writing.
a- Those families have lots of money.
________________________________ C) Usa-se infinitivo” com to “ou “gerúndio” após os verbos
Advice, attempt, begin, start, continue, forget, hate, leave,
b- These men lived a lot of years in prison. like, love, mean, neglet, prefer, permit,remember, stop,
________________________________ study,try.
Ex. He stopped to cry / crying
54- Complete with much / many :
a- __________ books on the table.
Classroom Exercises 
b- __________ milk in the cartoon.
c- __________ women at the restaurant.
d- __________ wine in the botlle.
e- __________ sugar in the coffee. 60. (PUC) Britons are used to ___________ terrible winters.
a- to have b- have c- had d- having

55- (U.E. da Bahia) Assinale a alternativa correta: 61. (UFRS) – He was angry about ___________ failed the
There is ________ bread on the tray. test.
a- not many b- not much c- a few d- many a- to have b- having c- have d- has

56 - (Osec – SP) When they were introduced, electronic 62. (F. Objetivo) – SP – Keep on _______________!
calculators were less powerful and cost _________ than they do a- try b- to try c- trying d- had tried
a- very few b- many more c- very little d- much 63. (Puc – RS) – They avoided________to the festival
more because of the crowds.
a- to go b- go c- going d- goes

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
64. FC Chagas – SP – You can’t make an omelette without AULA 09
________ eggs.
a- to break b- break c- breaking d- breaks
65. ITA – SP - He denied__________ seen her before . PLURAL FORM OF NOUNS
a- having b- have c- to have d- has Para formarmos o plural dos substantivos em Inglês
precisamos conhecer as regras e saber usá-las corretamente.
66. FMU – SP – She made me _______ the bill
before_________ . Veja a seguir como devemos aplicá-las:
a- pay – traveling Regra geral para a formação do plural é o acréscimo de um
b- to pay – to travel “s” ao substantivo:
c- to pay – traveling Ex.: House – houses
d- paying – to travel Egg – eggs
Car – cars
67. (FC Chagas-BA) – After a long argument , we finally Cloud – clouds
decided__________ to Aparecida on Christmas day. 2. Usa-se “es” aos substantivos terminados em ( s ), ( ss) , ( ch
a- to go b- go c- going d- goes ), ( sh ), ( x ) e ( z ) :
Ex.: Bus - buses
A song: Kiss – kisses
Wonderwall - Oasis Beach – beaches
Topaz – topazes
Dish – dishes
Today is gonna be the day Brush – brushes
that they gonna throw it back to you, Mas atenção : há alguns substantivos terminados em “ch”, com
som de “k”, que receberão apenas “s” no plural.
by now you should have somehow
Veja: Epoch –epochs
realized what you gotta do. Monarch – monarchs
Stomach – stomachs
I don't belive that anybody feels the way I do
Patriarch – patriarchs
about you now…
3. Aos substantivos terminados em ( Y ) , precedido de
….And all the roads we have to walk along are winding vogal , usa-se apenas “s”.
Ex.: Day – days
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
Boy – boys
There are many things that I Key –keys
would like to say to you but I don't know how Mas se o substantivo terminar em ( Y ) , precedido de consoante
, trocaremos o ( Y ) por ( ies ) :
Because maybe.....You're gonna be the one that saves
Ex.: City – cities
me Baby – babies
Enemy – enemies
And after all.......You're my wonderwall
Com nomes próprios : Kelly – Kellys
Andy – Andys
4. Aos substantivos terminados em ( O ) , precedido de
vogal , usa-se apenas “s”.
CAN Ex.: Radio – radios
Bamboo – bamboos
Studio - studios
Mas se o substantivo terminar em ( O ) , precedido de
consoante, acrescentaremos “es” .
SHOULD Ex.: Hero – heroes
Potato – potatoes
Volcano - volcanoes
MAY Algumas palavras de origem grega e latina , recebem apenas “s”
Ex.: Piano – pianos
Photo – photos
Kilo - kilos
5. Aos substantivos terminados em ( F ) ou ( Fe ) ,
trocamos por ( ves ) .
Ex. Leaf – leaves
MUST Loaf - loaves
Knife – knives
Wife – wives
Shelf - shelves
MUSTN’T Mas há outros que receberão apenas ( S ) .
Ex.: Roof – roofs
Proof – proofs
Dwarf – dwarfs
Cliff – cliffs
Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

Reef – reefs 13. Os substantivos de nacionalidades terminados em

Belief – beliefs “SE” ou “SS”, permanecem na mesma forma do
Safe – safes singular.
Ex.: a Chinese - three Chinese
6. Há alguns substantivos em Inglês que não possuem
a Swiss - two Swiss
regras de plural , ou seja , têm formas especiais de plural .
Ex.: Man – men
14. Os substantivos de origem Grega e Latina,
Child – children
permanecem o plural de origem.
Ox – oxen
Goose – geese
Ex: Agendum – agenda
Foot – feet
Crisis - crises
Mouse – mice
Phenomenon – phenomena
Tooth – teeth
Datum - data
7. No caso das nacionalidades terminadas em “man” Thesis – theses
trocam para “men” no plural.
Frenchman – Frenchmen Classroom Exercises 
Englishman – Englishmen
Irishman - Irishmen 68- (Cesgranrio) Mark the item in which all the nouns form
Mas, no caso de: their plural by adding an “s” , as year / years:
German – Germans a- leaf – world – tooth – pace
Roman – Romans b- proof – object – problem – key
Norman – Normans c- roof – goose – man- day
d- life – wife – knife – shelf
8. Para a formação do plural dos substantivos compostos,
forma-se pluralizando o principal elemento. 69- (UFBA) A palavra que forma o plural pelo simples
Ex.: Brother – in – law - brothers – in- law acréscimo de “s”é :
Mother – in- law - mothers – in- law a- man b- woman c- crisis d- night
Mas no caso dos substantivos compostos que não são separados 70- (Mackenzie – SP) Which of the following groups consists
por hífen, recebem “s” no plural. of nouns which do not form their plural in “ves”?
Ex.: Armchair - armchairs a- shelf – calf – thief b- loaf – wolf – half c- chief
Bookcase – bookcases – reef – proof d-life – knife- leaf
9. Há alguns substantivos que não possuem plural em
Inglês, portanto, o verbo que os acompanha é sempre usado 71- (Fuvest –SP) Coloque no plural as palavras indicadas:
no singular. I bought some ________ , _________ , ________ this
Ex.: Information morning.
Progress ( tomato ) ( cherry ) ( peach )
Furniture a- tomatos – cherries – peaches
Advice b- tomatoes – cherries – peaches
Baggage / Luggage c- tomatoes – cherrys – peachs
Knowledge d- tomatos – cherrys – peaches
Ex.: This furniture is very old.
My luggage isn’t heavy. 72 - (FMU –SP) There are many _____ in those ____.
a- thieves – citys b- thieves – cities c- thifs – cities
10. No caso dos substantivos “news, mathematics, optics, d- thiefs – citys
physics”, são usados com o verbo no singular, embora
pareçam estar no plural. Text Eight:
Ex.: There is a good news for you. Suspect Thief Drowns
Phisics is a very difficult subject. Sun Aug 18, 7:35 AM ET
11. Há alguns substantivos que não possuem singular em TULSA, Oklahoma (Reuters) - A suspected thief, weighed
Inglês , assim o verbo é sempre usado no plural. down with more than 50 pounds of stolen cameras and
Ex.: Shorts CDs, among other items, drowned as he attempted to
Pants evade police by swimming across the Arkansas River,
Scissors officials said.
Trousers The man, identified as Edward McBride, 37, was carrying
My scissors are on the desk. a bag weighing 50 pounds that contained stolen items and
Your pants are nice. was found Friday with stolen goods also stuffed in his
pockets, said Tulsa police spokesman Lucky Lamons.
12. Há alguns substantivos em Inglês que são escritos no He was being pursued by Tulsa police who suspected him
singular , mas tem sentido plural , assim o verbo que of robbing a Tulsa home when he jumped into the muddy
os acompanha fica sempre no plural. Arkansas River.
Ex.: Cattle "He got about 40 yards out and yelled for help," Lamons
Police said. "The officers took off their shirts, shoes and belts and
People jumped into the river. By the time they reached him, he
Peoples had gone under."
The police are coming. Lamons said rescue workers retrieved McBride's body
There are more than thirty people here. about an hour later from about 8 feet to 10 feet of water
along with the bag containing stolen goods.

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
73) De acordo com o texto acima, é correto afirmar: 79. According to text one, Which words are NOT verbs?
01. turns;
01. Ao fugir da polícia, McBride caiu involuntariamente
02. vessels;
no rio.
04. lies;
02. McBride tinha 37 anos e era suspeito de ter assaltado
08. jolts;
uma casa.
16. removes;
04. O peso dos objetos roubados que carregava consigo
32. protects.
contribuiu para o afogamento de McBride.
08. McBride se especializava no roubo de jóias e quadros. 80. According to text one, mark the WRONG propo-sition.
16. McBride foi retirado do rio ainda com vida, mas (A) “it” (L. 1) refers to egg.
morreu logo em seguida. (B) “its” refers to “fetus” (L. 4).
32. Os fatos narrados ocorreram no mês de agosto, em (C) “it” (L. 4) refers to amniotic sac.
Tulsa, no estado americano de Oklahoma. (D) “Removes” refers to the placenta.
(E) “develops” refers to fertilized egg.
74) The text contains information on
Text Ten:
01. how McBride died. EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER
02. why McBride died. It is becoming more and more important to eat the
04. who rescued McBride, preventing him from dying. right food. Experts say that the type of food you eat can
08. when McBride's body was found. damage your health. If you eat the right food, you will have
16. how much McBride weighed when he died. a better chance of living a long and healthy life.
If you eat a lot of processed food, you will be more
75) According to the text, the police likely to have problems with your health. If people eat
01. tried to help McBride before he drowned. with a lot of fat in it, they will have a greater risk of getting
02. was able to reach McBride in time to arrest him. heart disease.
04. shot and killed McBride. In some countries, people eat lees fat in their diet.
08. pursued McBride. Scientists have shown that fewer people get heart disease in
16. found some evidence that McBride was a thief. these countries. In Spain and Italy, for example, most people
have less fat in their diets than people in England. And in
England, the rate of heart disease is double the rate in Spain
Text Nine: The development of a baby or Italy.
So if you eat less fatty food, you will live longer. You’ll feel
A fertilized egg is nourished and protected as it develops better, feel fitter, and have more energy if you change to a
from an embryo to a fetus during 40 weeks of pregnancy. The simpler and healthier diet.
placenta, a mass of blood vessels implanted into the uterus
lining, delivers nourishment and oxygen, and removes waste From: Break into English – Michael Carrier &
through the umbilical cord. Meanwhile, the fetus lies snugly in Siman Haines –
its amniotic sac, a bag of fluid that protects it against any sudden Hodder & Stoughton, 1987.
jolts. In the last weeks of the pregnancy, the growing fetus turns
81. According to the text, what sort of food is BAD for
head down: a baby ready to be born.
a) Italian food.
76. According to text one all propositions are correct,
b) Fruit and vegetables.
c) Fatty food.
d) Simple food.
(A) The word “development” has a suffix.
e) Diet food.
(B) The text is in the present tense.
(C) One of the functions of the placenta is to feed the fetus. 82. According to the text, what happens in countries
(D) The fetus feels very uncomfortable inside the amniotic where the diet is high in fat?
(E) There are three different words in the plural form. a) There are less sick people.
b) The population has a better life.
77. According to text one, Which question CANNOT be c) People are healthier.
answered? d) The rate of heart disease is big.
e) People get fatter.
(A) How long does pregnancy last? 83. The text says that in Spain people eat _____ than in
(B) What does the placenta do? England.
(C) What are the nutrients of the fetus’ nourishment? a) More food.
(D) What’s nourished in order to become a fetus? b) Much more fatty food.
(E) How does the waste leave the fetus? c) More energetic food.
d) Less food.
78. According to text one, mark the CORRECT e) less fatty food.
84. In the sentence “... you will have a better chance of
01. The amniotic sac protects the baby against violent living a long and healthy life.”, the verb living is in the...
movements. a) infinitive
02. Oxygen is removed through the umbilical cord. b) present continuous tense
04. When the baby is about to be born, its head must be up. c) future tense
08. First the fertilized egg turns into an embryo, then into a d) gerund
fetus. e) imperative form
16. The placenta is located in the uterus lining.

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

AULAS 10 e 11 Exercícios de Sala 

TEXT 11:
Q uestão 85
Select the CORRECT statement(s) about the text.

SOME EASY WAYS TO MAKE FRIENDS 01. An important quality of friendship is consistency.
02. People who have many friends are more traditional.
04. It’s better to have a few good friends than to have many
08. Friends can be important when we are shy.
16. It will be more difficult to make friends if you judge yourself
too hard.
32. Paying attention to what people say is a good way to start a

Questão 86
According to the text, what advice can help these people?
Select the proposition(s) in which the advice is CORRECTLY

1. It’s hard to make friends 5. Be a good listener. Let 01. Tony is never sure what to talk about when he meets people.
if you stay home all the people talk about → Advice 4
time. Get out of the themselves before 02. Abby doesn’t always say nice things about her new friend
house and do things talking about “me, me, James. → Advice 1
that will put you in touch me.” Ask lots of 04. Rose wants to know why her classmate, Cindy, is so good at
with other people. Join a questions. Show an making friends. → Advice 2
club or play a sport. interest in their 08. Benson is a terrific dancer, but he never tells anyone about
Attend meetings of answers. This alone it. → Advice 3
neighborhood will make people want 16. Max talks to a girl in his history class on Monday, but on
associations or other to be your friend. Tuesday he’s afraid to say “Hi”. → Advice 6
groups. It’s easier to 32. Jill always talks about herself. → Advice 7
make friends when you 6. Once you start to get to
have similar interests. know someone, don’t Questão 87
be friendly one day
According to the text, what are some things you can do to make
2. Learn from people at and then too shy to
school or work who talk the next day. Be
seem to have lots of consistent. Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
friends. Observe how Consistency is
01. Do exactly what people tell you to do, never disagree with
they make and keep something people look
friends. Don’t imitate all for in friends.
02. Read newspapers, watch TV and listen to music in order to
the things they do. But
try to notice what they 7. Have confidence in be well-informed.
do. Then try some of yourself. Don’t be self- 04. Be sociable, get involved in activities in the company of
those things yourself. critical all the time. other persons.
This will only make the 08. Look for the most popular people in your group and try to
3. Don’t be afraid to show process more difficult. become their friend.
people what you’re Think of your good 16. Talk mostly about yourself, your problems and what is
really good at. Talk qualities. People are happening in your life.
about the things you like attracted to those with 32. Let people know the good things about you.
and do best. Don’t hide self-confidence.
your strong points. Questão 88
People will be interested Considering the text, compare the meanings of each pair of
in you if there is 8. Try to make friends with sentences and select the proposition(s) in which the meanings of
something interesting the kind of people you sentences A and B are similar.
about you. really like, respect, 01. A. People are attracted to those with self-confidence.
and admire – not just B. If you believe in yourself, you’ll have more people near
4. Plan things to talk about with those who are you.
with people. Find out easy to meet. Be 02. A. A good idea is to imitate people who seem to have lots of
what’s in the newspaper friendly with a lot of friends.
headlines, listen to the people. B. Maybe you can copy the behavior of people who seem
top CDs, learn about to have lots of friends.
what’s new with your From: RICHARDS, J. C. & 04. A. Do things that will put you in touch with other people.
favorite TV or movie ECKSTUT- B. Choose activities that will help other people.
star. The more you have DIDIER, S. 08. A. You can learn the last facts about your favorite TV star.
to say, the more people Strategic Reading B. One possibility is to find out the news about your favorite
will be interested in 1. CUP, 2003. TV star.
having a conversation (Adapted) 16. A. This alone will make people want to be your friend.
with you. B. When you are lonely, people will see that you need a

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
Questão 89
01. When your personal secrets are told to a best friend you can
Select the proposition(s) that can CORRECTLY go at the end
be sure he or she will not reveal them to anyone else.
of advice number 8.
01. For some people, friends have become more important 02. People always call a good friend when they have a doubt.
than their family. 04. To have best friends means to have people you can trust
02. There are many things you can ask a friend to do for you. and by whom you can be advised.
04. That way, you’ll have a bigger group of people to choose 08. Men and women depend on each other to solve their
your friends from. problems.
08. Good friends do not always have to tell each other the truth. 16. Friends, even best friends, can never replace your family.
16. Your chances of making friends will, therefore, be 32. Age is one of the aspects that influence the development of a
greater. friendship.
Questão 91
TEXT TWELVE: According to the text, select the CORRECT answer(s) for the
BEST FRIENDS question below.
How can a best friend be described?
01. As a place where you are not in danger.
02. Someone who is usually embarrassing.
04. A best friend follows the fashion most of the time.
08. He or she never tells you the truth.
16. A best friend doesn't ask you for explanations.
32. As a person who is always there to judge you.
Questão 92
Choose the proposition(s) in which the definitions of the words
below correspond to the meaning used in the text.
01. lessen (Paragraph 1) → if something lessens or is
lessened, it becomes less strong.
02. sorrow (Paragraph 1) → a feeling of deep sadness or regret.
04. range (Paragraph 2) → a group of hills or mountains.
08. advice (Paragraph 3) → an opinion which someone offers
you about what you should do in a particular situation.
16. kick (Paragraph 3) → a new interest, especially one that
does not last long.
1. Men and women share the exact same view of a best friend 32. ashamed (Paragraph 3) → to feel embarrassed or guilty
− a person who is always there for you. Your best friend is because of something that you have done.
someone you can depend on to share your happiness, suffer 64. fashion (Paragraph 4) → a style that is popular at a
through your worries, or lessen your sorrow. particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.
2. A great variety of factors play into the birth of a best
friendship − the age and circumstances under which people Questão 93
meet, what first attracts them, why they remain close, and Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT
how they fill each other's needs. Yet I found the dominant answers to the following questions, according to the text.
themes that define a best friend were remarkably similar 01. What does a best friend do for you?
across the broadest range of experiences.
3. Safety was a word I heard over and over. A best friend is a Among many things, he or she shares our feelings.
safe harbor, a guaranteed comfort zone. You never have to 02. Why does a best friend become the brother or sister you had
explain yourself to best friends because they really, really always wanted, but never had?
know who you are. With best friends, you can be who you
are. You can cry too hard or laugh too loud and never Because it is easier to help a friend.
worry what they'll think of you because best friends are 04. How many times did the author of this text hear the word
nonjudgmental. They will give you advice if you want it "safety"?
and a kick in the pants if you need it, but best friends will A lot of times.
not judge you or make you ashamed of your behavior. A 08. When do you have to give an explanation to a best friend?
best friend gives you what you expect from a parent and It becomes necessary when we are misunderstood.
don't always get: unconditional love. 16. What kind of judgment does a best friend make on your
4. Best friends are loyal and trustworthy. A best friend is a behavior?
person to whom you can tell your most embarrassing, A best friend doesn't judge us.
revealing, and damaging personal secrets with the full 32. Where can a best friend be found?
confidence they will never be repeated. Best friends can In secret places.Questão 94
deliver brutally honest answers in the most gentle fashion. 94. Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain)
5. Finally, best friends are the family you choose. They love CORRECT references to the following words, underlined in the
you because they want to, not because they have to. And text.
for many people, a best friend becomes the brother or sister 01. who (Paragraph 1) → men
they'd always wanted, but never had. 02. them (Paragraph 2) → people
04. which (Paragraph 2) → a best friendship
From: RICHARDS, J. C. & ECKSTUT-DIDIER, S. Strategic
Reading 1. CUP, 2003. (Adapted) 08. it (Paragraph 3) → a kick in the pants
16. whom (Paragraph 4) → you
Questão 90 32. they (Paragraph 4) → personal secrets
Identify the CORRECT proposition(s) according to the text.
Inclusão para a Vida Inglês

d) Catherwood’s drawings revealed that the Mayas’ incredible

AULA 12 cities with temple, pyramids, and other buildings made a deep
impression on the Aztecs, who inhabited another continent.
The Mayas 97) “The Mayas had a highly developed system of government
In 1841, a book was published which astonished 1 the as well as an incredibly accurate system of measuring
world. It was called Incidents of Travel in Central time.”(lines 17-20)
America, Chiapas and Yucatan. The author, John Lloyd a) The Mayas had a highly developed system of government in
Stephens, had just returned from a long, difficult and addiction to an incredibly accurate system of measuring time.
dangerous journey through the thick rain forests of southern b) The Mayas had both a highly developed system of
Mexico and Guatemala. He had gone there with Frederick government and an incredibly accurate system of measuring
Catherwood, an architect and artist, to search for the remains time.
of a lost civilization known as the Mayas. Very little was c) The Mayas had not only a highly developed system of
known about the Mayas at that time but Catherwood's government but also an incredibly accurate system of measuring
drawings 2 in the book revealed incredible cities with temples, time.
pyramids and other buildings as impressive as those of their d) Besides having a highly developed system of government, the
northern neighbors, the Aztecs. These cities, however, were Mayas also had an incredibly accurate system of measuring
deserted. The inhabitants had vanished3 almost a thousand years time.
Since that time, far more has been learned about this 98) “…their civilization came to an end because the Mayas
remarkable4 civilization. The Mayas had a highly developed never developed a proper resistance to local germs and
system of government and of agriculture, as well as an diseases.”(lines 36-38)
incredibly accurate system of measuring time. They were also a) Due to the fact that the Mayas never developed a proper
wonderful engineers, capable of moving huge5 blocks of resistance to local microbes and illnesses, their civilization
stone long distances and cutting them into precise shapes and disappeared.
sizes. And yet, although the Mayas knew about the wheel 6, b) As the Mayas were unable to resist local germs and diseases
they never used it. Neither did they use metals other than7 in a proper way, their civilization ceased to exist.
copper. What is even8 more surprising is that they suddenly c) The Mayas never offered an adequate resistance to local
abandoned many of their cities and built new ones in the microbes and diseases; for that reason their civilization came to
jungle9. Some time around AD 900, Mayan civilization an end.
collapsed10. By the year 1200, their last great capital, d) The Mayas were able to develop a proper resistance to local
Chichen Itza, was deserted. germs and diseases; that’s why their civilization never came to
Who were these strange people and the even strange an end.
gods they worshipped? Why did they suddenly and
mysteriously collapse? Some writers have tried to prove Os exercícios abaixo se baseiam no vocabulário do texto
that the Mayas had contact with visitors from space and “The Mayas”. Assinale apenas uma opção que é equivalente
even that they themselves came from another planet. Some à(s) palavra(s) em negrito.
people believe that their civilization came to an end
because the Mayas never developed a proper resistance to 99) Mr Brown was on a business journey when he met his
local germs and diseases. All we really know is that when future wife
the first Europeans appeared off their coast in 1517, this a) deal
great and mysterious culture was only a memory. b) newspaper
c) rush
Nas questões 95 à 98, assinale a(s) alternativa(s) que d) trip
significa(m) o mesmo que o segmento em negrito extraído do
texto “The Mayas”. 100) The architect was interested in the remains of an ancient
95) “...although the Mayas knew about the wheel, they never a) ruins
used it.”(lines23-24) b) rebuilding
a) The Mayas didn’t know about the wheel, therefore they never c) practical solutions
used it. d) drawings
b) The Mayas knew about the wheel, but they never used it.
c) The Mayas never used the wheel, however they knew about 101) Catherwood’s drawings revealed incredible cities.
it. a) disrupted
d) In spite of the knowing about the wheel, the Mayas never b) changed the order of
used it. c) showed
d) question the existence of
96) “…Catherwood’s drawings revealed that the Mayas had
incredible cities with temples, pyramids, and other buildings as 102) In 1841 a book was published on the remarkable
impressive as those of their northern neighbors, the civilization.
Aztecs”(lines 10-13) a) extraordinary
a) Catherwood’s drawings showed that the Mayas had incredible b) lost
cities with temples, pyramids, and other buildings which made a c) mischievous
deep impression exactly like of the Aztecs, who lived in the d) menacing
b) The cities with temples, pyramids, and other buildings of the 103) What gods do your people worship?
Mayan civilization did not cause a great impression as the ones a) add to
from the Aztecs. b) adorn
c) The Aztecs lived south from the Mayas but both had c) adore
impressive cities with temples, pyramids, and other buildings. d) erode

Inclusão para a Vida Inglês
1) a) d; b) a; c)b 72)b
2) a) Does; b)Do; c) Does; d) Do 73)2+4+32=38
3) b 74)1+2+8+16=27
4) a 75) 1+8+16=25
5) Written on the board 76) d
6) a) plans; b) Knows/wants; c) spends; d) 77)c
drink 78) 1+8+16=25
7) d 79)2+8=10
8) b 80) c
9) a 81) c
10) c 82) d
11) a 83) e
12) d 84) d
13) d 85) 49
14) c 86) 29
15) c 87) 38
16) b 88) 11
17) b 89) 20
18) b 90) 37
19) 01+04+08+16=29 91) 17
20) 01+02+08+16=27 92) 43
21) b 93) 21
22) c 94) 42
23) c 95) b, c, d
24) c 96) a
25) b 97) a, b, c, d
26) d 98) a, b, c
27) d 99) d
28) c 100) a
29) b 101) c
30) on the board 102) a
31) b 103) c
32) 01+16=17
33) 04+16=20
34) e
35) a
36) d
37) d
38) e
39) e
40) d
41) on the board
42) 08
43) 01+04+32=37
44) 04+16=20
45) 01+02+04+08=15
46) 02+04+08=14
47) On the board
48) C
49) On the board
50) On the board
51) On the board
52) Since; for; since; for; since; for
53) A) much; b) many
54) Many; much; many; much; much
55) b
56) d
57) d
58) d
59) a
60) d
61) b
63) c
64) c

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