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Yahweh not sin.

Again Satan tried to make Job sin by

Lesson 6, Biblical Commentary putting boils all over his body. Job still did not
sin. Although God allowed such pain, He did not
let Satan take Job’s life.
When Life Falls Apart (Job)
Job responded with worship. During this time
Biblical Passages: Job 1:1–2:10; 42:10–17 Job asked God a lot of hard questions, cried,
and argued with his friends. Still, he remained
Supporting Passages: James 1:2–4; Job faithful to God. In the end God blessed Job by
42:1–10; Ephesians 6:10–11; 1 Peter 5:8–9 doubling his previous wealth.

Memory Verse: Job 1:21

Biblical Truth: Evil is a real and present danger, This passage of Scripture is important to study
yet God is faithful to limit evil and direct because it vividly shows that God Is. God is in
circumstances so as to accomplish His purposes control of all things, and nothing happens outside
on earth. His control. Even as Job suffered, God’s
character did not change, and Job’s obedience
Context: Tragedy tests our faith in God more stayed intact because he trusted God.
than anything else. With money in our pockets, Circumstances brought suffering, but in the end
food on our tables, and houses full of blessings, God blessed Job again.
following God seems easy. We rarely doubt God
during those times. But what happens to our faith God always has a purpose for people’s good
when tragedy strikes? In dark times we question when they persevere through trials. James 1:2–4
God’s goodness. Consider Job. Job was says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers,
righteous before God. He had a life full of family whenever you face trials of many kinds, because
and blessings and then lost everything. Job you know that the testing of your faith develops
endured incredible hardships and persecution. perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work
Heaven seemed silent. But Job faired well so that you may be mature and complete, not
through the dark times. He learned a lot about lacking anything.” Trials ultimately make a person
himself, his friends, and God. When we walk “mature and complete,” and God has more
through difficulties the only thing that will get us concern for humanity’s holiness than happiness.
through is an accurate perspective of God. Job In His sovereignty He allows circumstances
questioned God. God did not answer his people might not understand in order to develop
questions but responded with more questions of their hearts.
His own. Even though Job walked away with
more questions than answers, he gained a Satan stands ever ready to attack believers’ faith
perspective of God that gave him confidence and in God, but God stands ready to defend His
restoration. people. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Put on the full
armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devil’s schemes” (Eph. 6:11). God in
INVESTIGATION His wisdom and power has equipped us with
Job was a blameless, upright man who feared defensive tools to fight Satan’s attacks. The
God. He was well respected and rich. He had Apostle Peter said, “Be self-controlled and alert.
7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 oxen, 500 Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring
female donkeys, and many servants. He and his lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him,
wife had seven sons and three daughters. God standing firm in the faith . . .” (1 Peter 5:8–9).
allowed Satan to try to make Job sin. In one day While believers know they will face Satan’s
Satan took all Job’s animals and children and schemes, they can rest by faith in God’s gracious
most of his servants. Through all of this, Job did provision of Christ’s finished work on the cross

Copyright © Clarity Publishers, 2007. All rights reserved. Yahweh: Lesson 6, Biblical Commentary, Page 1
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Life Bible Study curriculum by a licensed church during
the licensed year. No online or other duplication is permitted.
and the equipment He has given to them through Job 1:6–8 This passage sets up Job’s testing
the power of the Holy Spirit. phase. God, not Satan, brought up Job. The
conversation implies previous conversation:
Knowing God is in control of all things is essential When God asked Satan if he had considered His
to faith in Him when circumstances get difficult. servant Job, Satan knew exactly whom God was
By studying the way God dealt with Job, believers talking about. Possibly Satan tried to attack or
will realize God’s complete control and their need dissuade Job before but to no avail. It is almost
to trust Him—even when life makes no sense. as if God was antagonizing Satan because Job
remained “blameless and upright, a man who
This passage also touches on other key truths: fears God and shuns evil” despite Satan’s
The Future is in God Hands and People are attacks.
God’s Treasure.
Job 1:9–12 Notice how Satan began to attack
Job’s character, which God had just praised.
INTERPRETATION What God called “blameless and upright” Satan
Job 1:1 The author set the scene: Job was a called shallow and materialistic. Satan responded
righteous man who lived in Uz. The Bible does in anger and frustration. In verse 11 Satan
not give the exact location of Uz, but it was challenged God: Take away Job’s material
probably somewhere in the Middle East. The blessings, Satan guaranteed, and Job would
author then described Job’s character: “blameless curse God.
and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” In
the Hebrew language it is understood that the God agreed to allow Satan to test Job. Notice
author did not suggest Job was sinless. Job could how He put the testing in Satan’s hands instead
not be sinless; he repented in 42:6. It implies of testing Job Himself. God allowed the
instead that he lived as an upstanding citizen free destruction but did not instigate it.
of any major character flaws. His respect for God
led to reverence, and he turned from evil things. Job 1:13–19 Everything Job had was destroyed
except his wife, four servants, and Job himself.
Job 1:2–3 Job had a large family and great The day started festively for Job’s family (v. 13).
wealth. He had seven sons and three daughters. Then tragedy struck, reported by four servants.
Both of these numbers are symbolic numbers
found throughout Scripture. The number seven The first servant told how Sabeans stole Job’s
carries the idea of wholeness and completeness. oxen and donkeys and killed all the servants; only
The number three carries the idea of unity and he escaped to report to Job. While he was still
perfection. These numbers have significance: telling Job the news, a second servant arrived. He
This man had the perfect life. He was completely told Job fire fell from the sky and consumed all
upright and wealthy. This verse also mentions his the sheep and servants (v. 16). While the second
vast livestock in very symbolic numbers. servant was telling Job of tragedy, a third arrived
to announce the Chaldeans stole all the camels
Job 1:4–5 Job was a loving father concerned for and killed all the servants there (v. 17). While the
his children’s well-being. Understanding Job’s third servant was reporting to Job, the fourth
love for his family gives insight into his servant arrived: A wind swept in on all four
perspective and patience later in the story. corners of the house in which his children had
Interestingly, Job made sacrifices only for his feasted. The wind destroyed the house and all
children, not for himself. Perhaps he was such a inside it (vv. 18–19).
righteous individual he rarely needed to sacrifice
for himself. Or the author may have wanted to Most of the good things in Job’s life were gone.
emphasize Job’s concern for his family. He was left with his own life, his wife, and
apparently four servants. This day must have felt
something like September 11 for Americans when

Copyright © Clarity Publishers, 2007. All rights reserved. Yahweh: Lesson 6, Biblical Commentary, Page 2
Permission is granted for reproduction only for the study of
Life Bible Study curriculum by a licensed church during
the licensed year. No online or other duplication is permitted.
they heard about the first plane, then the second,
then the Pentagon, and then the other hijacked Job’s wife made her only appearance in the book.
plane that went down. With each bit of news Instead of consoling him, she suggested Job had
hearts sank a little more. acted pridefully by not cursing God. But, recall her
losses. She lost her children and wealth, and
Job 1:20–22 Job responded to the calamity. His seemingly her husband would go next. She must
response was very poetic and symbolic. Notice have thought Job did something to incite God’s
he rose, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell, wrath. Job responded with powerful perspective:
and then worshiped. Tearing one’s clothes We cannot expect only good things from God. If
symbolized grief (Gen. 37:29, 34; Josh. 7:6, Job we could, it would be because God owes us for
1:20), as did shaving one’s head (Job 1:20; Jer. good things we have done. This is incorrect.
7:29; Micah 1:16). Based on Job’s statements in 1:21 and 2:10, he
understood the concept of eternal life. He seemed
This sequence gives a snapshot of Job’s life to to understand this world is temporary and only a
this point. It begins with his rising and ends with relationship with God lasts forever. After immense
his falling and worshiping. Notice Job’s strength tragedy, perspective kept Job strong.
after this tragedy; he charged God with no
wrongdoing. Job 42:10–17 After the tragedies of the first two
chapters Job stood sturdy. He did not fare so well
Job 2:1–3 Chapter 2 begins with a scene similar thereafter. In the chapters that followed three of
to chapter 1. The angels approached God, and Job’s friends tried to console him but did more
Satan came with them. The opening dialogue is harm than good by accusing him of doing wrong.
the same (1:6–8; 2:1–3). Yet in chapter 2, God After they had thoroughly grilled him, Job began
asserts Job’s integrity despite Satan’s to question God. God responded, and dialogue
destruction. God knew Satan had considered Job. began between He and Job. But here in chapter
Satan had tested him and failed to make Job 42, God made known his anger toward these men
curse God. Satan’s response to God shows his for not speaking “what is right” (v. 7). God told
anger and frustration. them to take a sacrifice to Job and have Job pray
over them; then God would not “deal” with them
Job 2:4–7 In his anger Satan complained the (v. 8).
only reason Job did not give in was because he
still had his own health. God would not let Satan Apparently God stood ready to exact judgment on
touch that. Satan used the logic that a man would these friends who spoke wrongly but left it up to
give everything he has to keep his health. This Job to forgive them first. God always acts as the
starkly contrasts his reasoning in chapter 1 when avenger, but the best thing believers can do is
he argued Job’s commitment was because of forgive their enemies just as God has forgiven
material possessions. Again, Satan insisted God them. In verse 10 Job did this. He prayed for his
should strike Job, but God left Job in Satan’s friends what one can only assume was a prayer
“hands” to carry out more destruction. Again, God of forgiveness, and then God made Job
allowed Job’s pain but did not directly cause it. prosperous again.
Satan left God’s presence and covered Job’s
body with painful sores. The author wrote “from The story leaves us wondering what would have
the soles of his feet to the top of his head” to happened if Job had rejected these so-called
imply total sickness, intense pain, and suffering. friends and refused to forgive and pray for them.
It seems this forgiveness served as the
Job 2:8–10 After being inflicted with a terrible prerequisite to Job’s returned blessings. God
skin disease, Job sat in a pile of ashes, possibly returned Job’s prosperity after he forgave those
from the earlier devastation, scraping his sores who had wronged him when he was at his lowest.
with broken pottery. Ashes symbolize grief and
repentance (2 Sam. 13:19; Job 1:20; Jonah 3:6).

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Life Bible Study curriculum by a licensed church during
the licensed year. No online or other duplication is permitted.
In verse 10 God gave Job twice as much as he loss of loved ones when prior experiences have
had before. Concerning the list of what Job lost been relatively free from tragedy. They must
and what God restored to him, the double return remember Satan’s goal is to kill, steal, and
holds true except for Job’s children. He has the destroy them, yet at the same time, they must
same number of children as he did in the understand the essential truth God Is. Satan
beginning. This is where Job’s view of eternity sought to destroy Job’s faith in God and his
comes in again. Though people may die, their perspective of God. Yet throughout the story
souls live forever. So in the end Job still had his Satan reminds us of a whining child because he
first set of children in eternity; 10 more were born cannot have everything the way he wants it.
for a total of 20, which is twice as many. The Satan had no power other than what God allowed
Book of Job ends with a reminder that God him. Total control lies in the hands of God alone.
restored everything Job lost, and he enjoyed his Because evil is at work in the world, tragedy still
children and grandchildren to four generations. strikes our lives. How encouraging to know, then,
that God is ultimately able to conquer evil,
Notice that in the beginning of this story Job had bringing good through even the most dire
four tragedies strike at once that claimed the lives circumstances.
of his children. In the end God allowed him to
enjoy his posterity for four generations.

This passage is especially important for new
believers. Often, people assume conversion
means life will get easier. This is not the case.
Obedience to God does not ensure tragedy will
not strike. If becoming a Christian meant that life
had less difficulty, pain, disease, and sickness,
then people would line up to join. But Scripture is
clear: Being a Christ-follower is one of the most
dangerous things you can do. The disciples, the
Apostle Paul, and many martyrs in the early
Church testify to the danger and suffering
associated with believing in Christ. God is close
to the brokenhearted. Yet, He will not necessarily
protect us from heartbreak. God is a father to the
fatherless and a husband to the widow. But for
that to happen fathers have to die and leave
families behind. God is always with us, and the
only thing real and eternal comes after this life.
So we make our way through this life by faith in
God’s provision, looking forward to the reality of
heaven, a place devoid of hardship.

This passage is equally applicable to more

mature believers. The story seems to imply that
Job had lived as a righteous man for quite some
time before tragedy struck his life. At any time,
Satan can strike lives with tragedy, leaving
believers with questions about God’s character.
Aging adults may face sickness, disease, and

Copyright © Clarity Publishers, 2007. All rights reserved. Yahweh: Lesson 6, Biblical Commentary, Page 4
Permission is granted for reproduction only for the study of
Life Bible Study curriculum by a licensed church during
the licensed year. No online or other duplication is permitted.

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