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Alfred Nobel Prize Insitution Lies and a crimes against Newton

Ingemar - Lundstrom Nobel Prize Institution Chairman: Joe Nahhas: Alfred Nobel Listening
Greetings: My name is Joe Nahhas founder of real time physics and astronomy July 21, 1969
Abstract: Nobel Prize winner institution is an institution of liars and criminals.
Introduction: Newton's equation is solved in real number system for 350 years. Newton's
equation solution in complex number system is quantum mechanics. The difference between
Newton's equation solution in complex number system real part and Newton's equation real
number system solution is relativistic mechanics beating deleting and replacing 112 years of
Alfred Nobel liars and criminals and Ingemar - Lundstrom is no exception. Ingemar Lundstrom is a Liar because Newton's mechanics annexes quantum and deletes
relativity and string theory. Criminal because Quantum - relativistic - string
mechanics is a description of visual effects that have/had been known since 10th
century and used by modern "University" Professors for Jobs money prestige and
time travel for science. I never knew what a dumb ass is till I read "Nobel".
Quantum physics and relativity theory and its hybrid string theory is not Darwin's
Apes science and scientists but Alfred dumb apes science and scientists and here it
is. Newton's equation is: F

= -G m M/r2; r > 0

Nobel wrong solution of ellipse, r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine )

Correct solution is a rotating ellipse, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t
Newton's equation in polar coordinates
F = m ;

= [r" - r '] r1 + [2 r' ' + r "] 1

With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2

Eq-1; and 2 r' ' + r "= 0


I - Real numbers or time independent solution

Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0; multiply by r> 0
Then 2 r r' ' + r2 "= 0
Or, d (r')/d t = 0
And integrating: r' = h = constant
With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2
Then, (r" - r ') = - GM/r2
Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r' = h = /u
And r' = d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d ) (d / d t)
= (- /u ) (d u /d ) '
= (-'/u ) (d u /d )
= - h (d u/ d )
And r' = d r/d t = - h (d u/ d )
And r" = d r/ d t = d (d r'/ d t)/ d t
= d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t
Multiply (d / d )
Then r" = d r/ d t = {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t} (d / d )
= ' {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d }
= - h (d u/ d )
= (- h/r) (d u/ d )
= - h u (d u/ d )
And r" = d r/ d t = - h u (d u/ d )
With d r/dt - r ' = - G M/r2


And - h u (d u/ d ) (1/u) (h u) = - G M u2
Then (d u/ d ) + u = G M/h2
And u = G M/h2 + A cosine
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The r = 1/u = 1/ (G M/h2 + A cosine ); divide by G M/h2

And r = (h2/G M)/ [1 + (A h2/G M) cosine ]
With; h2/G M = a (1 - 2); (A h2/G M) =
This is Newton's equation classical solution
Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse ------------- I
Newton's time independent solution
II - Real time or complex numbers solution:
Newton's equation in polar coordinates
F = m ;

= [r" - r '] r1 + [2 r' ' + r "] 1

With m (r" - r ') = - Gm M/r2


And 2 r' ' + r "= 0


Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0

Separate the variables: 2 r' ' = - r "
Or 2(r'/r) = - ("/') = - 2 ( + )
Then: (r'/r) = +
Or d r/r = ( + ) d t
Then r = r 0 ( + ) t
And r = r (, 0) r (0, t); r 0 = r (, 0)
And r = r (, 0) ( + ) t
And r (0, t) = ( + ) t
With r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine )
Then, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t ------------- I
Newton's time dependent solution = quantum mechanics
If time is frozen that is t = 0
Then r (, 0) = a (1-)/ (1+ cosine ) or classical
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Relativistic is the difference between I and Real II

With - ("/') = - 2 ( + )
Then ' = '0 -2 ( + ) t
With '0 = h/ [r (, 0)] 2
And '(, t) = [' (, 0)] -2 ( + ) t
And, '(, t) = ' (, 0) ' (0, t)
And ' (0, t) = -2 ( + ) t
At Perihelion:
We Have ' (0, 0) = h (0, 0)/r (0, 0) = 2ab/ 0 a (1- ) ;
= 2a [ (1- )]/
= 2 [ (1- )]/
Then '(0, t) = 2

0 = orbital period

0a (1- ) ]

0 (1- ) ]

[(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] -2 ( + ) t

With = 0
Then '(0, t) = 2

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] -2 ( + ) t

= 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1- ) ] (cosine 2 t - sine 2 t)

Real '(0, t) = 2

[(1- )/ 0 (1-) ] cosine 2 t

Real '(0, t) = 2

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] (1 - 2sine t)

Naming ' = '(0, t); '0 = 2

Then ' = 2

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]

[(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] (1 - 2 sine t)

And ' = '0 (1 - 2 sine t)

And ' - '0 = - 2 '0 sine t = -2{2
And ' - '0 = -4

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]} sine t

[(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] sine t

With, v = spin velocity; v0 = orbital velocity; 0 = orbital period

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And 0= tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]; light aberrations

' = ' - '0
= - 4 [(1-)]/

0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] radians per 0

In degrees per period is multiplication by 180/

' = (-720) [(1-)/

0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

The angle difference in degrees per period is: = ( ') 0

= (-720) [(1-)/ (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] calculated in degrees per century is
multiplication = 100 ;

= Earth orbital period = 100 x 365.26 = 36526 days and dividing by

using 0 in days: (100 / 0) = in degrees per century
= (-72000 /

0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

In arc second per century is multiplying by 3600

= - 3600 x 720 (100

/ 0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] x Sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

Approximations I
With v << c and v* << c
Then Sine tan-1 [(v+ v0)/c] (v + v0)/c
(Calculated in arc second per century)
= (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

Approximations II
The circumference of an ellipse
Is: 2

a (1 - /4 + 3/16()- --.) 2 a (1- /4); r0 = a (1- /4)

From Newton's laws for a circular orbit:

F = [M/m F = - Gm M/r02 = m v0/ r0
Then v0 = GM/ r0; for planet Mercury
And v0 = [GM/ r] = [GM/a (1-/4)]
G = 6.673 x 10 -11; M = 2 x1030 kg; a = 58.2 x 109 meters; = 0.206
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Then v0 = [6.673 x 10 -11 x 2 x1030 /58.2 x 109 (1- 0.206 /4)]

And v0 = 48.14 km/sec [Mercury]; c = 300,000
(Calculated in arc second per century)
= (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

With = 0.206; [(1-)/ (1-) ] = 1.552; v = 3 meters per second

= (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000)
= 43 arc second per century
Summary: = (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

= (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000)

= 43 arc second per century; 8 arc second per century for Venus; v =41.26

Newton in real numbers is: r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); an ellipse.

Newton in complex numbers, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t quantum
mechanics rotating ellipse
(Calculated in arc second per century)
= (-720x36526x3600/

0 days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c] Relativistic

= (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000)

= 43 arc second per century
112 Years of Nobel "science" and "scientists" are not needed and not wanted.
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