EduCause Top Ten IT Issues 2007

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By John S. Camp, Peter B. DeBlois, and the 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee
hich IT issue is of top concern to technology leaders in
higher education today? Did the number-one issue of
2006—Security and Identity Management—continue to be of
prime importance to college and university IT leaders?
Did new issues emerge on the top-ten list? Did issues
from last year drop off the list this year? The eighth an-
nual EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey has the answers.
Administered by the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Com-
mittee, whose members review and update the set of IT issues to be presented each
year, the Web-based survey was conducted in December 2006. Survey participants—the
primary representatives, typically CIOs, of EDUCAUSE member institutions—were
asked to check up to five of thirty-two IT issues in each of four areas: (1) issues that are
critical for strategic success; (2) issues that are expected to increase in significance; (3) is-
sues that demand the greatest amount of the campus IT leader’s time; and (4) issues that
require the largest expenditures of human and fiscal resources.1

John S. Camp is Chair of the 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee and retired CIO of Wayne State University.
Peter B. DeBlois is Director of Programs and Media Relations for EDUCAUSE and staff liaison to the Current Issues

12 EDUCAUSE r e v i e w  May/June 2007 © 2007 John S. Camp, Peter B. DeBlois, and the 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee Illustration by Ron Brown, © 2007 May/June 2007 E D U C A U S E r e v i e w 13
Complete details and an in-depth
analysis of the 2007 Current Issues Sur-
vey are published in the Summer 2007
issue of EQ, the EDUCAUSE quarterly
of C/LMS technology as a mission-
critical enterprise system; its acceler-
ating use as a fundamental teaching
and learning resource by institutions

journal for IT practitioners. The EQ of all kinds; the challenge of choosing
article presents detailed demographic an open-source or vendor-supplied

Issues breakdowns, offers a 2006/2007 compari-

son of the top-ten issues in all four areas,
solution; and the impact of the C/LMS
technology on IT funding, in terms

Committee and places the responses in the context

of other organizations’ annual surveys
and reports on IT-related trends in higher
of both licensing and local support.
Indeed, the 2006 inaugural EDU-
CAUSE Catalyst Award went to Course
John S. Camp education.2 Management Systems as a “complex,
Committee Chair This EDUCAUSE Review article focuses far-reaching web of initiatives that has
CIO (retired) on the first of the four areas noted above: had broad impact on higher education
Wayne State University the top-ten issues that IT leaders identi- in less than a decade.”4
Anne Scrivener Agee fied as the most important for their insti- n D
 isaster Recovery/Business Continuity,
CIO tutions to resolve for strategic success. For which made a dramatic appearance
Connecticut State University System each issue, we offer a definition and a set last year as number four—following
Debra H. Allison of questions. The questions are not meant the U.S. hurricane seasons of 2004 and
Deputy CIO to be exhaustive; they are intended to 2005—remains on the top-ten list this
Miami University stimulate thinking and discussion. year, at number five.
But first, how do these results com- n E-Learning/Distributed Teaching and
Shah Ardalan
pare to last year’s?3 Five findings merit Learning, which ranked ninth last year,
Community College of Southern Nevada special mention: does not appear on the 2007 top-ten
list. This is still an area of top strategic
Elaine David n F or the 2007 survey, the Current Is- importance for nearly all institutions
Assistant Vice President, Information
sues Committee decided to split a key but has likely been displaced, at least
Services, and Director, IT Security,
Policy, & Quality Assurance issue choice from last year’s survey: for this year, by the rising attention
University of Connecticut Security and Identity Management. Last being given nationally and locally to
year, this combined issue was the Course/Learning Management Systems, a
Mary M. Doyle number-one IT-related issue, topping key technology supporting e-learning.
Vice President for Information Systems
Funding IT, which had occupied the n Web Systems and Services, which was
Washington State University
top position for three consecutive number ten in 2006 and has appeared
James M. Dutcher years (2003–2005). This year, survey regularly since 2003, does not appear
Vice President for Technology respondents had two choices: Security on the top-ten list in 2007. Including
Orange County Community College and Identity/Access Management. Com- as it does such subitems as developing
Gilbert R. Gonzales mittee members reasoned that the two Web-based business strategies, inte-
CIO issues had separately matured and be- grating legacy and Web-based systems,
California State University, Monterey Bay come complex enough in recent years and developing Web policies, this item
Sandra Helms Bury that keeping them combined made has perhaps stabilized sufficiently to
Executive Director, Customer Support no sense. With this change, Funding not be of particularly high importance
Bradley University IT moved back into the top position, to the CIO.
with Security rated number two and
Kathryn Joan Monday
Vice President for Information Services
Identity/Access Management number With most issues either holding their
University of Richmond four. rankings or moving up or down by only
n  or the first time, Course/Learning
F one position from 2006 to 2007, the top-
Keiko Pitter Management Systems (C/LMSs) moved ten issues have remained fairly stable.
Chief Technology Officer
into the top-ten ranking, as number Nonetheless, their natures and dimen-
Whitman College
nine. It is tempting to attribute this sions of urgency are constantly in flux,
David Stack notable radar blip to the community’s meriting a fresh look with each year’s
Deputy CIO vigorous discussion of the Blackboard survey results. Below, the members of the
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee merger with WebCT and the patent 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Com-
Peter B. DeBlois controversy over the past year. Not to mittee describe the top-ten issues that
Staff Liaison minimize the galvanizing impact of IT leaders say are the most important for
Director of Programs and Media Relations that controversy, but perhaps it is more their institution to resolve for strategic
EDUCAUSE important to recognize the evolution success.

14 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

Top-Ten IT Issues, 2007

benchmark data, as well as student-
centered metrics demonstrating the value
of IT. These measures, combined with
the development of an adaptive planning
  1. Funding IT
model7 to help ensure IT alignment and
agile responses to changing needs,8 are
  2. Security
essential for funding success. Funding for
IT initiatives is more likely to follow pro-
  3. Administrative/ERP/Information Systems
posals and programs that clearly advance
institutional goals, demonstrate the value
  4. Identity/Access Management
provided by IT, and are communicated in
ways the various constituencies can read-
  5. Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity
ily understand.
Critical questions for Funding IT in-
  6. Faculty Development, Support, and Training
clude the following:
  7. Infrastructure
n Can the institution identify revenue
streams that are better aligned with the
  8. Strategic Planning
current drivers of IT costs?
n What external collaborative opportu-
  9. Course/Learning Management Systems
nities might enable cost reductions,
cost avoidance, or even a new revenue
10. Governance, Organization, and Leadership for IT
n What percentage of the IT budget
is flexible? What percentage is con-
sumed by fixed costs?
Issue #1: demands for reduced expenditures, all n Does the institution have an activity-
Funding IT as technology has become a necessity for based budget in place to facilitate
In 2007, Funding IT resumed its place as the institutional improvement.5 The Spell- communication about the costs as-
top-ranked strategic IT issue, where it has ings Commission’s challenge for more sociated with specific IT services? Are
appeared five times since the survey began accountability, efficiency, productivity, the hard decisions being made about
in 2000. In fact, Funding IT is the only issue and transparency with respect to higher which trailing-edge services should
that has ranked as number one or number education costs is not likely to fade away be discontinued in favor of strategic
two for all eight years of the survey. Es- anytime soon. 6 Board members and services?
calating costs for IT service delivery and other local constituencies also expect n What decision-making process can
maintenance in the face of funding pres- more accountability and demonstration the institution implement to free up
sures at the institutional level leave little of value in exchange for funding sup- portions of the central IT budget each
flexibility in many IT budgets. Along with port. Increases in IT funding are likely year for innovative uses?
these institutional pressures come broad- dependent on the CIO’s ability to align n What student-centered metrics best
ening external pressures on the higher with institutional priorities, to convey convey the value that IT provides for
education community for improved ac- the value that information technologies the institution?
countability and productivity. bring to these priorities, and to deliver on n What steps can the institution take to
These internal and external pressures the promises. implement or enhance its IT gover-
place IT leaders in a highly visible “catch- Associated with the critical need to nance process to ensure that IT priori-
22” situation: requests for innovation to collaborate, communicate, and deliver ties are in alignment with institutional
advance institutional goals compete with is the need for IT budget and expense goals?

Escalating costs for IT service delivery and maintenance

in the face of funding pressures at the institutional level
leave little flexibility in many IT budgets.
16 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007
College and university personnel have an increased
responsibility to be proactive in their approach to ensuring
the security of information resources while operating
within a culture of openness and decentralization.
n What steps can the institution take systems? Are the policies enforced related federal and state mandates?
to contribute to the development of consistently across the enterprise, re- How does the institution remain
higher education cost standards and viewed regularly, measured for effec- current with respect to the changing
student-centered metrics? tiveness, and audited for compliance? regulatory landscape? How has the in-
Do the institutional procedures reflect stitution dealt legally and, if necessary,
Issue #2: the goals of the policies? technically with CALEA?
Security n Does the institution have a formal, n Is IT security viewed as a funding pri-
IT security remains a top concern at col- documented incident-response plan ority? Are there necessary funds to fa-
leges and universities, a direct result of that includes procedures for detecting, cilitate and support improved security
the changing landscape: increasingly, reporting, alerting, escalating decision- measures on a campus-wide basis?
critical data and services are available making authority, containing, remedi- n Does the institution have a chief pri-
electronically; data breaches are occur- ating, and returning to service? Does vacy officer and/or a chief information
ring more frequently; and the number of the plan include a notification process security officer for striking the balance
security-related state and federal regula- when confidential data have been po- between privacy and security? Are
tions is increasing. College and university tentially compromised? Are any IT staff there sufficient resources to assess
personnel have an increased responsibil- trained in computer forensics­? risks to, and ensure the privacy and se-
ity to be proactive in their approach to n Do senior administrators recognize curity of, the institution’s information
ensuring the security of information re- their roles as information stewards? resources?
sources while operating within a culture Have clear, consistent policies and n Has the institution planned or com-
of openness and decentralization.9 procedures been developed for classi- pleted a comprehensive risk assess-
Critical questions for Security include fying, handling, retaining, and dissem- ment to identify and prioritize vulner-
the following: inating information and appropriate able areas and to find ways to mitigate
security controls for protecting critical potential risks, including those caused
n Does the institution have privacy and and confidential resources? by lost or stolen mobile devices? Does
security policies that extend beyond n Does the institution have an enter- the institution routinely consider pri-
the legally required areas and that prise IT security program to address vacy and security implications before
encompass all of the institution’s IT the changing nature of IT threats and buying or deploying new systems or
resources and not just the central the increasing number of IT security- technologies?
n Does the institution provide an
awareness and training program in
privacy and security? If so, does the

The 2007 Current Issues Web site

program include awareness of the de-
fensive measures appropriate to the
institution to protect systems, data,
( and identity? Does the institution
offers the following resources: regularly communicate information
about its policies and procedures to
■ Recommended readings for each of the top-ten issues its constituents?
n Has the institution built the appropri-
■ Downloadable PowerPoint presentations on the top-ten issues and
multiyear trends ate infrastructure to improve security?
Has it implemented a unified threat-
■ Links to EDUCAUSE Resource Center entries for each of the top-ten management system that includes
issues such features as firewalls, VPNs,
■ HTML and PDF links to the EQ and EDUCAUSE Review articles antiphishing, bandwidth manage-
ment, intrusion prevention and detec-
tion, and content filtering?

18 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

Issue #3: management, organizational and project Management (I/AM) ensures that the right
Administrative/ERP/ supervision, and many other qualities to people access the right services. In the
Information Systems make the ERP implementation a success. past, I/AM was implemented system by
Until recently, most campuses were in The good news is that many have done system, with duplicate identity data dis-
the early stages of ERP implementa- this and lived to talk/write about it! tributed across a campus. The challenge
tions; however, since the majority of Critical questions for Administrative/ now is to balance identifying, authenti-
respondents to the EDUCAUSE Core ERP/Information Systems include the cating, authorizing, and provisioning not
Data Service survey reported having following: only for the systems managed by central
implemented or being close to imple- IT organizations but also for the systems
menting their ERPs,10 this overview n Does the institution get timely and of the many units on campus that need
discusses the later stages of this never- ready access to information, especially to maintain relationships with different
ending process. for strategic planning and decision constituencies.
Although the number of ERP vendors making? Have re-engineered processes Managing the life cycle of an individu-
and providers can be counted on both improved operations and increased ef- al’s institutional roles by consolidating
hands, competition has forced them to ficiency? Has the system improved and securing identity information and
offer stronger products and better services. services for students, faculty, staff, and providing this data for services that IT or
To understand the dynamics and results of administrators? other departments deliver are core enter-
this competition, Gartner publishes and n Is the vendor still a leader in address- prise responsibilities. To support these
regularly updates its Magic Quadrant for ing challenges of higher education? Is responsibilities, several organizations
Higher Education Administrative Suites.11 Due the vendor’s vision aligned with the provide valuable up-to-date I/AM and
to both external pressures (e.g., competi- institution's strategic goals? associated middleware resources —
tion) and internal pressures (e.g., funding), n What percent of the functionality of including EDUCAUSE (http://www.
campus officials have to assess the op- the ERP is actually being used?
portunities and the risks of migrating to a n Was/is the institution able to integrate ID=285), the InCommon Federation
different vendor or open-source solution. other major systems/packages with its (,
Vendors are increasingly responsive to ERP without major customizations? Internet2 (http://middleware.
major shifts in higher education, concen- n Does the institution have sustainable, and the National Science
trating on value-based business models resources to improve the system and Foundation (
and on the shifting student demographics. keep up users’ productivity in the new index.cfm).
Even though a fully developed open- environment? What is the total cost of Another important dimension of
source ERP has yet to be finalized, that is ownership for this system? I/AM is assessing the impact of state and
certainly an evolving option to watch. n If the last implementation was not suc- federal regulatory pressure on identity
A successful evaluation of ERP ven- cessful, what are the risks and costs of information practices and policies, par-
dors and solutions should consider more continuing? Does the institution have ticularly those originating with the Fam-
than just the functionality of the solution. the resources to migrate to another ily Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The alignment of the vendor’s vision system? If so, can the campus take on (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability
with the institutional mission and the such a project? and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the
ability of the vendor and the institution Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
to adapt and execute are also critical con- Issue #4: Critical questions for Identity/Access
siderations. Clearly, an ERP implemen- Identity/Access Management Management include the following:
tation is not just about the technology, The connection between managing
and responsibility and authority should information about identities and an n Does the institution have trained staff
not rest with the CIO alone. Even with a individual’s access to information and to select, deploy, and manage I/AM
broad set of senior stakeholders, the CIO services now extends to nearly every solutions?
must draw on leadership experience, aspect of academic, administrative, and n How does the institution extend and
diverse people skills, anger and stress community experience. Identity/Access manage access to confidential data

Vendors are increasingly responsive to major shifts in

higher education, concentrating on value-based business
models and on the shifting student demographics.
20 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007
The recovery of IT systems following a disaster has long
been a concern of CIOs, but the broader issue of business
continuity planning requires engagement by the entire
within the organization? How does it Formal methodologies, consultants, be included, and opportunities for
apply I/AM standards to external part- and software tools are available to assist partnering with other educational,
ners and service providers? in conducting a business-impact analy- governmental, and nonprofit institu-
n Do campus leaders recognize their sis. There are also resources available for tions should not be overlooked.
roles as information and identity institutions that are required to comply n Does the institution have a docu-
stakeholders? Is access to institutional with the federal National Incident Man- mented and tested disaster recovery
data managed properly? agement System (NIMS) or state Conti- and business continuity plan in place
n Does the institution have a strategy nuity of Operations/Continuity of Gov- for critical applications? How does
for managing digital identities? Do ernment (COOP/COG) initiatives. In the institution determine an accept-
existing systems use a centralized addition, the EDUCAUSE Resource Cen- able level of risk and the right level of
repository, synchronization technolo- ter section on disaster recovery planning investment?
gies, best practices, and/or open or ( n Where can the documented recov-
pre-standard technologies? Has the 645?PARENT_ID=166) includes an ex- ery solutions be stored so as to be
institution incorporated developing tensive collection of resources for devel- readily available in the event of an
standards? How does it handle non- oping, implementing, and maintaining emergency?
compliant systems? an effective disaster recovery plan. n Are all stakeholders willing to com-
n How effectively does the institution Critical questions for Disaster Recovery/ mit to testing the recovery modules
help students, faculty, and staff to un- Business Continuity include the following: on at least an annual basis in order to
derstand their legal rights and respon- prevent a false sense of security and
sibilities and to manage and protect n What are the natural and human risks to surface changes in the underlying
their identities? facing the institution? Colleges and processes?
n Has the institution planned or com- universities offer more than educa-
pleted an IT risk assessment to iden- tion; they are also typically involved in Issue #6:
tify and prioritize vulnerable areas housing, health care, entertainment, Faculty Development,
and ways to mitigate potential risks? and retail enterprises. Support, and Training
n Has the institution assessed and lim- n Which staff, equipment, and infor- Faculty development remains crucial for
ited the use of Social Security num- mation are necessary to continue strategic success in integrating technol-
bers and other identifying data? functioning in the event of an inci- ogy into teaching, learning, and research,
n Has the institution formally estab- dent? The institution should look at regardless of institutional size and type.
lished the ownership of identity data processes—for example, registering a A continuing challenge is the lack of con-
maintained in its systems? student—rather than the daily opera- gruence between the speed with which
tions of discrete offices. technology is advancing and the speed
Issue #5: n Which processes are mission-critical? with which academe is able to evolve and
Disaster Recovery/ How long can the critical processes be adapt. As Michael M. Crow, the president
Business Continuity unavailable (what are the recovery time ob- of Arizona State University, has noted,
The recovery of IT systems following a jectives)? How much information loss can there is “a lack of compatibility between
disaster has long been a concern of CIOs, be tolerated (what are the recovery point pedagogical evolution and technologi-
but the broader issue of business con- objectives)? Are there tiers of processes cal evolution.”12 Further, students too are
tinuity planning requires engagement with similar recovery time objectives? changing. The new generation of students
by the entire campus. This engagement n Rather than designing specific sce- brings with them expectations and under-
requires executive buy-in to ensure the narios for specific crises, can the in- standings of technology, as well as life and
participation of all stakeholders. In the stitution combine recovery modules learning styles, very different from those
event that these issues are seen as purely as necessary depending on the actual of students in the not-too-distant past.
IT problems, it may be necessary for the situation? Specifications for the chain Determining which of the many
CIO to provoke discussion by presenting of command, communication plans, emerging technologies are pertinent to
draft solutions that presuppose commit- alternative work sites, and the neces- faculty is a continuing challenge. The
ments from other units. sary personnel and resources should Horizon Report: 2007 Edition identifies key

22 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

Planning faculty-development activities related to the
effective uses of mobile and wireless technologies must be
coordinated with the campus deployment of such technologies.
trends, critical challenges, and technolo- be coordinated with the campus deploy- n What constitutes faculty develop-
gies to watch in the practice of teaching, ment of such technologies.14 ment? How is success measured?
learning, and creativity.13 These trends There is a renewed emphasis on n How can faculty better understand
may help those who are responsible for collaborative learning. Hence, it is their students and how students per-
professional-development activities for important to incorporate inter- and ceive technology?
faculty. Another set of valuable resources intra-campus collegial networks in fac- n What are the appropriate models
for helping teachers use technology is ulty development. This might include for faculty training and support? Do
the EDUCAUSE Resource Center page creating venues (such as workshops, faculty members have time to attend
on Training ( institutes, forums, brown-bag lunches, workshops, or should support person-
Browse/645?PARENT_ID=480). wikis) where faculty across disciplines nel consider different service models
Faculty-development programs also can discuss what they are learning, can to convey the pertinent information?
must be linked to campus infrastructure talk about problems, and can learn from n Are “faculty incentives” still an issue
and services to optimize effectiveness. each other.15 for individual faculty members and for
Planning faculty-development activities Critical questions for Faculty Develop- campuses?
related to the effective uses of mobile and ment, Support, and Training include the n How can the standards and assessment
wireless technologies, for example, must following: work of national and international

24 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

associations benefit campuses seek- Does it negotiate prepaid or long-term planning, staff and infrastructure
ing to measure student learning and maintenance agreements? Has the in- resources, and funding to support
faculty productivity? stitution compared lease and purchase research computing?
n How should concerns related to digital options? n Does the institution account for
media copyright protection be incor- n Is the institution planning and bud- the dynamic change and pace of
porated into development activities? geting for “environmental” upgrades? policy, security, and compliance
Does the institution know the power, ­requirements?
Issue #7: generator, UPS, air-conditioning, n Is the institution effectively meeting
Infrastructure floor-space, and fire-suppression the current demand for both wired
Managing IT infrastructure for higher requirements for the next three and wireless connectivity and mobile
education today is a balancing act. Insti- years—or for an appropriate planning applications?
tutions require high performance, reli- horizon?
ability, scalability, agility, and a platform n Does the institution have good moni- Issue #8:
for innovation. Managers must balance toring and benchmarking practices? Strategic Planning
cost, manageability, flexibility, stability, Does it perform trend analysis to assist Developing an IT strategic plan may
privacy, security, and performance. with capacity and upgrade planning? seem, to some, to be close to impossible
As institutions strive to improve n Do network and systems administra- to achieve. How can planners create ef-
communications and services for all tors have the tools and training to fective strategies for IT environments
members of the community, expecta- automate problem detection and that change rapidly and will continue to
tions are high. Service-level agreements notification? Does the institution have change over time? Within the context of
(SLAs) are useful tools for establishing end-to-end component and service- the strategic direction of the institution,
expectations and for understanding the level monitoring agents or tools in IT certainly can play its role in support-
requirements of internal customers. place? Are problem-resolution pro- ing institutional directions. Institutional
Under the rubric of “timing is every- cesses integrated throughout the IT mission, vision, and values must drive
thing,” institutions continue to view infrastructure? the strategic priorities not only of IT but
technologies as a competitive opportu- n Do network and critical applications of all units. The way to craft an IT strat-
nity requiring the ability to adopt and servers have built-in redundancy? egy is to engage key stakeholders in dia-
adapt quickly. Does the institution have test environ- logues to answer the question, “How can
IT project-delivery schedules be- ments for use when upgrading hard- IT help the institution achieve its strate-
come increasingly short at the same ware and software? gic goals?” In addition, any IT strategic
time that integration and security n Is the institution effectively manag- plan will have to be a living document
requirements become more complex. ing the accelerating requirements updated periodically to reflect changes
IT organizations must deploy the ap- for systems and storage? Does it have in institutional priorities or technologies
propriate combination of hardware, a plan to deal with the development themselves.
software, and services in a manageable and growth of more and larger data Building the IT strategic plan should
and scalable information architecture. warehouses, institutional reposito- be a collaborative effort across academic,
In turn, this architecture must facilitate ries, and digital collections? Does the research, and administrative units. The
the organization, storage, access, and institution have an information life- strategic plan should consider the roles
maintenance of strategic information cycle management plan to ensure the of students, faculty, staff, and administra-
services and resources. continued availability and usability of tion. However, the plan must be much
Critical questions for Infrastructure information? more than a reflection of institutional
include the following: n Is the institution evaluating or goals. It is the roadmap for investments
­deploying virtualization techniques in IT, and it publicly affirms the major
n Does the institution have a replace- for storage, network , or server thrusts of IT.
ment plan for servers, appliances, ­consolidation? Critical questions for Strategic Planning
network devices, and other hardware? n Does the institution have adequate include the following:

IT project-delivery schedules become increasingly short at

the same time that integration and security requirements
become more complex.
26 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007
Although more faculty are using C/LMSs, they are selective
and, more often than not, are focused on administrative
tools and less on interactive features.
n How can the institution become en- n Is the strategic planning process track learning across courses and semes-
gaged in building the IT strategic plan, aligned with how the institution ters. Likewise, the systems are becoming
when so many users may just want makes decisions? more student-centered, giving students
24x7 services? greater control over content and sup-
n Is the strategic plan connected to the Issue #9: porting more higher-order learning
mission-critical foci of the institution? Course/Learning activities.
Does the plan address teaching and Management Systems Critical questions for Course/Learning
learning, research, outreach, and en- Possibly spurred by concerns over Management Systems include the following:
gagement goals? Are these constituen- the Blackboard/WebCT merger and
cies actively involved in the planning Blackboard’s patent suit, as well as the n Should the institution buy a commer-
process? How do deans and other continuing maturity of open-source op- cial C/LMS, or can it support an open-
executives participate in the process? tions, Course/Learning Management Systems source application? Does the institu-
n Is there a communication plan to (C/LMSs) have appeared for the first time tion have the development expertise to
inform all constituents about IT among the top-ten issues facing higher implement and support open source?
planning activities? Does it include education CIOs. It may also be the case, as n Does the institution have opportuni-
conversations with members of the suggested in the beginning of this article, ties to reduce C/LMS costs through a
cabinet, regents or trustees, advisory that this visibility can be attributed to consortium arrangement?
groups, academic leadership, and stu- the evolution of C/LMS technology as a n What will be integrated with the C/
dent leaders? Do articles about the IT mission-critical enterprise system, to its LMS: portal? portfolio? ERP? library
plan appear in the faculty/staff news- accelerating use as a critical teaching and resources?
letter and the student newspaper? Is learning resource by institutions of all n Does the institution have training/
there an IT strategic plan Web site? kinds, and to the technology’s impact on support resources available to help
n Which tactics for multi-channel com- IT funding, in terms of both licensing and faculty and students make effective
munication and engagement should local support. use of the C/LMS features?
be deployed for the range of IT stra- Following the pattern of library and n Has the institution conducted, or is it
tegic plan stakeholders on campus: ERP systems, C/LMSs are fast becoming planning, an assessment of how the
surveys, newsletters, student and ad- a campus utility, expected to be avail- C/LMS affects teaching and learning at
ministrative newspapers, town meet- able 24x7. There is a growing body of the institution?
ings, focus groups, interviews, blogs, literature and research on student and n If the institution is changing systems,
others? faculty use of and attitudes toward this is there a plan in place to ensure
n Does the strategic plan drive IT budget technology. The findings suggest that smooth migration of existing materials
priorities and investments? overall penetration in higher education to the new system?
n Are the goals of the strategic plan has increased by a factor of three since n Has the institution planned for a high-
realistic and reachable? Does it in- 2000; more than 90 percent of campuses availability hardware system for the C/
clude “stretch” goals intended to support at least one C/LMS, with nearly LMS with sufficient failover capability
push the institution beyond current 70 percent standardized on a single com- to prevent the shutdown of a critical
capabilities? mercial C/LMS; and although more fac- service?
n Is accountability built into the stra- ulty are using C/LMSs, they are selective
tegic plan, with credible metrics for and, more often than not, are focused on Issue #10:
gauging progress? Are benchmarks administrative tools and less on inter- Governance, Organization,
included as short- and long-term active features.16 and Leadership for IT
yardsticks of success? C/LMSs are still relatively young. As The pervasiveness and strategic value of
n How often is the strategic plan re- the technology matures, it is evolving IT in higher education make effective
viewed and updated? Does the review more toward Learning Management guidance of IT essential. In addition, IT
process include constituents from Systems, encompassing content man- must be an integral part of an institu-
across the institution? How is progress agement and groupware tools, as well tion’s culture. Governance, Organization,
reported to the institution? as assessment tools and e-portfolios to and Leadership for IT is a critical issue if

28 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

The IT organizational structure manages the allocation of
IT resources (human resources especially) in performing
operational work.
an institution wants to be successful in knowledge work. Governance, Organiza- and types of campuses, Jack McCredie
using IT to achieve its goals. tion, and Leadership for IT undergirds all of suggests that “to achieve a higher level of
For more than twenty years, various the other current issue areas and is the coordination, campuses should consider
organizations, including EDUCAUSE, foundation for good/best practices—for moving toward more ‘federated’ struc-
have collected and disseminated data processes and procedures to ensure that tures in which areas that overlap can be
about IT environments in higher educa- the IT services and staff both support defined and governed more collabora-
tion.17 These data and analyses can help and advance the organization’s goals and tively, efficiently and effectively.”18
higher education executives make objectives. Beyond institutional structures, state
judicious decisions about IT in their In higher education, a balance must governing bodies influence all higher
institutions. be achieved between the needs of education institutions, whether public or
The IT organizational structure academic IT and administrative IT. In private. Coordinating and aligning with
manages the allocation of IT resources larger institutions, an added dimension state-level governance structures will
(human resources especially) in per- of balance is required because of large allow an institution to offer excellent ser-
forming operational work, influences divisions/departments competing for vices as well as access to vital statewide in-
information flow throughout the orga- limited IT resources. Although gover- formation that the IT organization needs
nization, and optimizes the efficiency of nance structures will differ across sizes to be successful within the region.

30 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

Critical questions for Governance, number four, continues in the top ten this 2006), final report, September 2006, <http://www.
Organization, and Leadership for IT include year, as number five.
the following: Like the previous seven surveys, the   7. John Voloudakis, “Hitting a Moving Target: IT
2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey Strategy in a Real-Time World,” EDUCAUSE
Review, vol. 40, no. 2 (March/April 2005): 44–55,
n Does the current governance structure, shows the ebb and flow of a profession
including advisory committees, facili- that is responsive in adapting services and erm0522.asp>.
tate or impede planning, prioritizing, organizations to emerging technologies   8. Philip J. Goldstein, “Information Technology
Funding in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE
and implementing IT initiatives? shar- and rising information appetites. Just as
Center for Applied Research (ECAR) Research Study,
ing expensive resources? actions that there are the predictable “big” issues that vol. 7 (20 04), <
could improve campus IT services? continue to make the largest blips on the LibraryDetailPage/666?ID=ERS0407>.
  9. A key resource for security managers and stake-
n Does the institutional executive team collective radar, there are those that are
holders in higher education is the Web site of the
understand that the role of an IT surpassed or replaced by the newer issues EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Computer and Network
leader is not about technology itself that now shape the learning enterprise Security Task Force: <
but is about the ability of a campus to and figure more centrally in the institu-
10. Brian L . Hawkins and Julia A . Rudy, EDU-
achieve its goals and objectives through tional mission. The 2007 EDUCAUSE CAUSE Core Data Service Fiscal Year 2005 Summary
technology? Does the IT leader interact Current Issues Survey reflects the global Report (Boulder, Colo.: EDUCAUSE, 20 0 6),
49–50, <
frequently with campus executives and forces of an increasingly connected and
academic leaders? Does he/she sit on “flatter” world. But it also reveals the 11. Marti Harris, Michael Zastrocky, and Jan-Martin
the president’s cabinet and participate special needs and opportunities of U.S. Lowendahl, Magic Quadrant for Higher Education Ad-
ministrative Suites, 2006, <
on institutional strategic planning bod- colleges and universities, which—despite
ies? To whom does the IT leader report? dramatic changes in the sources, form, 12. Crow quoted in “Managing IT from the Top Down,”
n Has the institution established IT and delivery of instructional and research Chronicle of Higher Education, January 5, 2007,
advisory structures that are broadly services—remain the focal point of the
representative? nation’s investment in education. e 13. The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE
n Are IT leaders for the future being Learning Initiative, The Horizon Report: 2007 Edi-
developed? Does the IT organization Notes tion, <
  1. Of the 1,785 EDUCAUSE primary member rep- Report.pdf>.
have a leadership-development path resentatives who received an e-mail invitation to 14. Anne H. Moore, John F. Moore, and Shelli B.
in place? complete the survey, 591 (33%) responded. Fowler, “Faculty Development for the Net Genera-
  2. John S. Camp, Peter B. DeBlois, and the 2007 tion,” chapter 11 in Diana G. Oblinger and James L.
n How well does the IT organization
EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, “Current Oblinger, eds., Educating the Net Generation (Boul-
coordinate with state-level governance IT Issues Survey Report, 2007,” EQ: EDUCAUSE der, Colo.: EDUCAUSE, 2005), e-book, <http://
structures? Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 2 (2007), <http://www.>.>. Links to 15. Carol R. Holder, “New Media and New Literacies:

Summary the six previous Current Issues Survey articles and

related resources can be found at <http://www.
Perspectives on Change,” EDUCAUSE Review, vol.
41, no. 6 (November/December 2006): 76, <http://
The most dramatic change in the EDU->.>.
  3. See Barbara I. Dewey, Peter B. DeBlois, and the 16. See “Faculty and Student Computing,” chapter 3 in
CAUSE Current Issues Survey since last
2006 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, Hawkins and Rudy, 2005 Summary Report, <http://
year was that Course/Learning Manage- “Top-Ten IT Issues, 2006,” EDUCAUSE Review, vol.>, and
ment Systems moved into the top-ten 41, no. 3 (May/June 2006): 58–79, <http://www. Kenneth C. Green, 2006 Campus Computing Survey>. Summary (Encino, Calif.: Campus Computing Proj-
ranking of strategic issues, as number
  4. See the 2006 EDUCAUSE Catalyst Award: <http:// ect, 2006), <>.
nine. Also in 2007, the split of last year’s>. For additional resources on C/LMSs, see <http://
number-one strategic issue, Security and   5. William H. Graves, “Improving Institutional>.
Performance through IT-Enabled Innovation,” 17. See “Historical Context,” Appendix A in Hawkins
Identity Management, into two distinct
EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 40, no. 6 (November/De- and Rudy, 2005 Summary Report, 61–62, <http://
issues resulted in a more accurate sort- cember 2005): 79–98, <http://www.educause.>.
ing: Security as number two, and Identity/ edu/er/erm05/erm0564.asp>. 18. Jack McCredie, “Improving IT Governance in
Access Management as number four. Di-   6. U.S. Department of Education, A Test of Leadership: Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied
Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education, a Report Research (ECAR) Research Bulletin, vol. 2006, issue
saster Recovery/Business Continuity, after of the Commission Appointed by Secretary of 18 (2006), p. 10, <
making a dramatic appearance last year as Education Margaret Spellings (Washington, D.C., LibraryDetailPage/666?ID=ERB0618>.

The 2007 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Survey shows the ebb

and flow of a profession that is responsive in adapting
services and organizations to emerging technologies and
rising information appetites.
32 Educause r e v i e w  May/June 2007

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