Talk 1 Purpose

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I begin in the name of Allah subhanawataala, may peace and blessings be upon the Prophet

Muhammad peace be upon him.

Brothers were gathered here today with the will of Allah because I want to talk about
something key, which is just as important for myself as it is for you, and I hope it benefits us
all. Im going to do my best with my limited knowledge, Im not the best teacher for this but,
im going to try because I feel its my responsibility and I want to do my part, so as I learn, I
teach you, and hopefully we can all study together and achieve great things. I will discuss our
future plans together a little later but im just gonna jump right into it.
So if you woke up on a desert island one day. Completely out of the blue. What would be the
first thoughts in your head? (why am I here? What do I do? Where did I come from?). Now
lets say some supervillain kidnapped you and put you on this island, and said your family is
going to die if you dont reach t.hem in a week. So, naturally you care about your family and
you want to save them, so your going to do your best to secure food supplies, build a raft,
find some sense of direction and get off the island right? Youd have to be literally crazy to
not do so, or just evil.
Life is much like this. As Muslims we know were here for a reason, we have a purpose. We
know something dreadful will happen to us if we dont follow it. Think of this life as
pushups. Imagine if I told you, you just do 10 pushups, might be really hard, but youll
automatically become super fit and athletic and hench from just 10 pushups. You may
struggle but youd do it right? Thats like the exchange, you work hard and do your part in
this life for an eternal great reward. And if you think about it its not so much to ask, Youre
here for a brief amount of time, you follow some orders and stay away from some things, and
you get everlasting Jannah. Allah swt says:
Verily, those who disbelieve, if they had all that is in the earth, and as much again therewith to ransom
themselves thereby from the torment on the Day of Resurrection, it would never be accepted of them, and theirs
would be a painful torment) 5:36
Allah swt isnt asking us to give up the earths worth of goal if we had it to be saved, hes asking us for something
much simpler. And just to give you an idea of eternity, im gonna use an example brother Muhammad Ali the
famous heavyweight boxing champion said something along the lines of. Imagine your in a desert. You have to
pickup one grain of sand every 1000 years, until you can leave, bit by bit. Imagine the enormous amount of time,
its beyond comprehension. Jannah is everlasting like this. As is Jahanamm.
So we are all muslims, Alhamdullilah, but why?
Typical reasons tend to be, and ive genuinely heard this from people, because my parents are, so you say to
these people, if your parents were Jews or Christians would you be as well? This is blind following or emotional
belief you see many people get really offended and angry if you challenge their beliefs because they are not
rational Allah does not like for us to imititate our forefathers without clear conviction Allah swt says

And verily guess is no substitute for the truth. [TMQ 53:28]

So you cant have just faith, like when you apply for a job or uni, your gonna research it right? Your not
gonna click submit for your cv and be like yeah I hope its right. Just like that how can you follow a
belief system if your not fully certain its correct? Science is an uncertain way to take our beliefs,
because as im sure you know, science requires a hypothesis and something tangible, You cant see or
touch God Audubillah. Science is subjective, once upon a time the smartest minds on earth believed
the earth was flat, Science can answer things like How, how does a plant produce energy or create
pollen or whatever, but it cant answer why. Science can be used in Islam, but the scientific miracles
and so forth are merely the cherry on top. Lets begin our basis on rational thought, which is objective

and doesnt allow emotional things to change it so its a good basis to search for the truth in a firm
clear way.
Now from reflecting on everything around us, we can determine that everything has a cause. The
concept of an infinite universe simply doesnt exist, even modern day scientists agree that it had a
start and it will end, as you can sort of see with the balloon universe theory how It will one day
collapse on itself I believe. The famous mathematician David Hilbert stated that The infinite is

nowhere to be found in reality. It neither exists in nature nor provides a legitimate basis
for rational thought. So infinite is just a theoretical idea.
Everything we can sense, no matter what share similar qualities. They are limite, finite, and
dependant on other than themselves. The earth is very large, but it still has a shape, mass and
volume of limited size. The same can be said of the stars like the Sun which we know will die, the
solar systems and the galaxies. All are limited and subject to the laws of nature. Water is
dependent on the sun, which is dependant on gravitational laws and energy produced by nuclear
fusion and so on. Even air is limited to the atmosphere and so on. Nothing can just exist by itself
or have the power to create itself.
Even the scientists propose the forming of all these things from one point, the big bang, but
something must have preceded that. Another universe? If so, what before that? Then what
before that? This would continue until a true beginning is found. So whatever created the
universe we can rationally deduce has to lets say have some sort of reason or will to create
everything because the intricate designs and patterns and abilities of nature are just impossible
without some thought without them, and a particle by itself or something can not think. So this
creator, would not share the same properties as the universe, i.e being limited and dependant
otherwise it would make no sense, cos that creator would require a creator which would go on for
ages and we have no proof for that. There can only be one as if there 2 unlimited beings they
would conflict with eachother, one in charge of rain or thunder one in charge of fire and earth etc,
they would be limited and not all powerful so it doesnt really make sense. Why would an All
powerful creator need a partner or assistant. So the creator which originated everything, must be
uncaused or eternal, unlimited and independent and only one. Now, this sounds, just from using
rational thinking a lot like God or Allah.
So there are a few major religions that have the concept of this one God we dont really even
need to address Hinduism or Buddhism or paganism because even from rationally thinking about
the universe we know there could only be one Creator and we know the earth isnt held up by
elephants or turtles whatever they say. We come to the major religions, Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam. It would stand to reason that we have been put on earth for a reason by our Creator
and He would try to communicate with us right? Otherwise wed be lost to our own desires and
irrational thinking just look at those in the world without guidance. So we will look at the Muslim
point of view where we will see that Allah has sent the Quran to guide us, his creation, next
week in sha Allah. Once we complete our discussions we should establish we have a reason for
being here and have to do something. But well pick up on that.
Alhamdullilah. So my future plans for these sessions is that us guys, whose bond of Islam is
thicker than any blood, can gather together and study to become real personalities and change
the world around us, and this change will 0w. I feel we could go through basic proofs and then
learning about the aspects of Islam and clearing up some things we may not know week by
week, while linking it to reality so believe me you will see the benefits of these sessions and I
hope it will make a big difference to your life and how you do things in sha Allah. I need you to
understand that were not here just for our own self, were here cos its a responsibility on us. You
have been put on this earth for a reason. Our mothers, our sisters our brothers in the muslim
lands are going through so much hardship, they cry out and scream where are the muslims,
where are the men? Shall we just let them keep screaming while we idly sit around enjoying
ourselves while the blood of our family is spilled? Because the Ummah is a family. The Prophet
Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: The similitude of believers in regard to mutual
love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body

aches, because of sleeplessness and fever. [Muslim] You know how every hero or
superhero has his reason for training and achieving greatness and changing the world?
Supermans home planet blew up so he was sent to earth to protect it, Batmans parents died so
he swore to fight crime, spider-mans uncle died so he feels responsible and wants to make up for
it etc. Far greater than this, our ummah is in a state where we are being attacked and
slaughtered on all sides. Will you be the hero that arises to face our opressors and change the
world? you my brothers are real people, Muslims. You can be something incredible. And your
motivation and reason is far greater than these false characters. the following hadith from `Abd
Allah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (Allah be well pleased with him) that he said:
I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) performing tawaf around the Holy Ka`ba saying to it: how
pure and good you are! how pure and good your fragrance is! how great and exalted you are!
and how great and exalted your sanctity is! But by Him in Whose hand is Muhammads soul, the
sanctity of a believers blood and property in the sight of Allah is greater than your sanctity! The
blood that is flowing in your veins is worth more than the Kaaba itself. And this same blood, is
being spilt. Our family is dying. Our sisters are being raped and tortured, our brothers are being
slaughtered. Its our responsibility. So in sha Allah with these sessions, it might seem vague me
seeing change the world, but bit by bit weve started the process Alhamdullilah youll see. I hope
we can develop in to personalities, heroes of Islam who will change the world, because that is
why you are here.
Ok so brothers, any Questions or comments or suggestions? Remember you all have your own
skills in our team and what you can offer the world.x
Homework: Start praying 5 times a day Salah, with this checklist, tick it off every day for each
prayer so thats 5 ticks a day, now next week, dont show anyone here, but think to yourself if you
have not done well enough, youd feel ashamed to show it here right? But imagine showing it to
Allah swt. Imagine showing it to the Prophet peace be upon him.

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