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1 just wouldn't have lasted

another year on the streets' the attempted festive atmos- leader," he said. es, his face lit up when he
More than 5,000 people phere, the junkies are pale "I call those 12 years on the described to me being given
and frighteningly thin as they streets the circuit' as you start
of all ages and classes pick at their food while seem- off in the worst hostel you
the keys to his new home.
"Being handed the keys of my
are believed to be ingly staring into a chasm. could ever imagine; you house was like being born
Some are already stoned or wouldn't put an animal in it. again. I was 38 years of age
homeless in Ireland, drunk, others just strung out, So I left it and slept on a and I was crying at being
writes Alison O'Riordan already lost in the vacant Dublin Corporation site for handed a key. This was the
world of the addict. two years, literally on the first thing that was finally
Dougie Smith, a 38-year- grounds at the front doors. mine," he said.
4 T F YOU had put me in a
The first thing they did was
I fridge, I would have old recovering drug addict, Enthusiastic about his bur-
A been warmer," a home- has proven there is a way off install sprinklers which came geoning acting career, he now
less man said. the streets. Over a cup of tea, on at sam each morning and wants to help the young who
Like most other people, I he jumped from topic to topic there could be eight of us hud- often fall into addiction.
rushed through the Christ- explaining to me how he first dled together in sleeping bags Paul Walsh hasn't had a
mas, spending a shocking slept rough jn 1998. getting soaked." roof over his head since 1999,
amount of money while quiet- "I was a late starter in life In an average week, many when he began sleeping in the
ly, yet knowingly, forgetting for class-A drugs. The acid people will sleep rough in park in St Stephen's Green.
Dublin city centre, staying on
those on the margins.
As selfish as it sounds, it
1 thought if I the streets for a variety of
He was there for four years.
"I'm staying in a hostel at
reasons, such as behavioural
was too much of an effort to
take my gloves off to give some
just put an or addiction problems, or
the minute but come summer,
I'd rather be out on the streets.
money to a homeless man. The
bitter weather cut through his
end to heroin, because they might feel intim-
idated in a hostel. In Ireland,
Some hostels have up to 16
people in a room and it's
cheap clothing while I was all
wrapped up in my winter's
everything more than 5,500 people are
believed to be homeless.
impossible to sleep, and you
get chucked out at 9am in the
warmest, going from one heat-
ed building to the next.
else would fall "I used to beg on bridges to
feed myself, and I made good
morning with nowhere to go.
I'm a drug user and was
I even had the audacity to into place' money to be honest, but times
have changed. I'm down here
barred from my mother's flat
by the corporation," he says.
complain to my mother about
house raves had just come out today in Merchants Quay hav- This was the second spell
how this year's Christmas din- in England at the time, around
ner was not as good as other ing some food because I miss on the streets for the 32-year-
1987, and I used to be going the company of people, as it's old, who spent seven years in
years because it lacked the
potato gratin from Marks &
over to England to learn to a big transition being home- prison. "I use heroin and drink
DJ. That's when I started tak- less for 10 years and then a lot. I'm HIV positive as well;
ing ecstasy, hash and LSD. being given accommodation. I caught it in Mountjoy from
Like many people, I take it And then on the come-down it
for granted that I have food on I knew if I hadn't been housed using one needle which was
would be valium. I drank alco- this year I wouldn't have last- passed around. It's because of
my table, fresh clothes, a hot hol very rarely as it would just
shower, and most important ed another year on the streets," the night-time you need to
make you thirstier. And so my said Dougie. "It can be very drink so it'll knock you out.
of all, a roof over my head, downward spiral began by
while other poor souls wake dangerous, I used to look after I'm just so used to it, I've been
taking a cocktail of drugs and on drugs since 14 years of age.
up on hard ground, soaking the girls on the streets as fre-
not knowing half the time I've had a bad Christmas living
from the rain and shivering in quently they would be
what I was being given. Hero- attacked by people coming on the streets as the hostels
the bitter wind. in came back on the scene and
As I looked around me at home from a night out. were full. I've been on the
I fell into a heroin addiction. streets so long that I know
the Merchants Quay Day Cen- Instances such as urinating
It was only on coming back to on them was very common or everyone sleeping rough. I
tre in Dublin, they were about
to feed more than 200 home- Ireland that I came to the real- throwing a cup of tea on you sleep with my clothes off and
isation I was a drug addict," or spitting on you," he said. put my runners underneath
less people, of all ages and he admitted. Estranged from his family my head. I counted down the
all classes. "I thought if I just put an
There were more men than for years, he was recently re- days until Christmas because
end to heroin, everything else united with his sister and it depressed me what I was
women, and a lot pf the men
were very well dressed, but would fall into place. I would mother. "In the last two years even going to do on that day.
somehow distressed looking. get a job, meet a girl and buy my whole life has changed dra- Christmas in prison is better
Some were now on the streets
a house. But it didn't work matically." He says that when than out here, so I'm back on
out that way. I would have his family saw "that I have the bottle." he said.
because they couldn't afford to
pay their mortgages and put
been 12 years on the streets made the effort to change and
food on the table any more. It this May if I didn't get housed do something with my life"
may sound patronising, but
this year by Focus Ireland. It they were encouraged.
was a long road of coming Having some tough
they're the lucky ones. Despite into places like Merchants
the turkey and ham dinner Quay and working with a team moments along the way, and
with all the trimmings, and admitting to occasional relaps-
IN FROM THE COLD: A homeless man sits by the radiator in
the Merchants Quay centre in Dublin. Photo: Gerry Mooney

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