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Practice one
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. Robert wants to get rid of all the cockroaches in the house.
A. omit
B. breed
C. eliminate

D. preserve

2. My sisters hair is soft and shiny.

A. silky
B. curly

D. unkempt

C. tangled

3. I really need help from you in order to deal with this problem.
A. evade
B. bypass
C. tackle
D. worsen
4. The story that I have just read a moment ago has an uncomplicated plot.
A. senseless
B. original
C. intriguing
D. straightforward
5. Ketty was full of unhappiness after receiving the unpleasant news.
A. misery
B. eagerness
C. expectation
D. compassion
6. The metal band which July wore round her arm was given by her father.
A. tattoo
B. brooch
C. bangle
D. necklace
7. He has been boasting about his attempt.
A. bluffing
B. blaming
C. bragging

D. blowing

8. The children are feeling restless at this moment.

A. then
B. yesterday
C. this morning

D. now

9. You will feel drowsy after taking the medicine.

A. active
B. sick
C. well

D. sleepy

10. The class is keen to learn about the body structure of man.
A. ecology
B. biology
C. philosophy

D. anatomy

11. You look shabby in those old clothes.

A. untidy
B. smart

D. rich

C. fat

12. We are required to account for every cent we spend on this trip.
A. save
B. explain
C. leave
D. stop
13. She felt an acute pain in her abdomen.
A. some
B. a sharp
C. a long

D. a little

14. The river is not deep.

A. empty
B. rocky

D. shallow

C. superficial

15. There is an ample supply of crops this season.

A. not enough
B. just enough
C. a little

D. more than enough

16. The man who foretells things by the positions of the stars is invited to the party.
A. astrologer
B. fortune-teller
C. astronaut
D. astronomer

16. She helps out in the old folks home once in two weeks.
A. annually
B. weekly
C. fortnightly

D. bi-monthly

17. The drink is best served chilled.

A. hot
B. cold

D. wet

C. warm

18. Albert often eats excessively. He is one who eats too much and is greedy.
A. a drunkard
B. a workaholic
C. a glutton
D. an alcoholic
19. Please add the salt in the soup.
A. throw
B. stir

C. drop

D. include

20. He loves his cat dearly.

A. just enough
B. very much

C. selfishly

D. recently

21. This activity is a sheer waste of time.

A. a long
B. complete

C. an expensive

D. an extensive

22. My bedroom is adjacent to my brothers.

A. in front of
B. next to
C. behind

D. above

23. The tourists go back to their rooms in the ship after a heavy dinner.
A. cabin
B. hotel
C. caravan
D. cache
24. With an official document, you are permitted to drive a car.
A. a license
B. an order
C. a summon

D. a report

25. Nancy is the daughter of Johns uncle.

A. Johns nephew B. Johns niece
C. Johns cousin

D. Johns sibling

26. I am famished. Where is the canteen?

A. thirsty
B. tired

D. hungry

C. bored

27. Many families took part in the Happy Family Day at the park.
A. involved
B. performed
C. participated
D. shared
28. She has been working very hard lately.
A. occasionally B. recently
C. frequently

D. firstly

29. Mr. James is the faithful chief male servant working in M.V.P restaurant.
A. butcher
B. captain
C. caretaker
D. butler
30. Mrs. Lee told her son again and again not to play with the fire.
A. angrily
B. repeatedly
C. regularly
D. thoroughly


Practice two
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. He is quite upset now because his manager has turned down his project proposal.
A. talked to
B. blamed
C. refused
D. understand
2. The hotels proximity to the airport makes it easy to catch our flight home.
A. usefulness for B. nearness to
C. similarity to
D. interest in
3. The meeting between the border committees of both countries yielded major agreements.
A. rejections
B. objections
C. achievement
D. concurrences
4. Cambodia is endowed with abundant resources such as gold, oil, forests and coals.
A. reliable
B. unexploited
C. plentiful
D. specific
5. Jennifer is a hardworking, well-mannered and industrious student.
A. sensible
B. pessimistic
C. successful
D. diligent
6. Young people are very rebellious. Parents cannot prevent them from going on their way.
A. stop
B. hinder
C. resist
D. cease
7. Police officers should uphold the law by arresting people who break it.
A. improve
B. support
C. detect
D. deny
8. The government reiterates that more aid is needed for Cambodias development.
A. adjusts
B. refutes
C. repeats
D. confirms
9. Our new young lecturer is able to account for the reason why we have day dreaming.
A. explain
B. recount
C. replicate
D. deny
10. Sony Company is up to date. There always have many innovations of their products.
A. parts
B. changes
C. problems
D. details
11. Our dirty garments have been sent to the place for washing and ironing of clothes.
A. library
B. limousine
C. laboratory
D. laundry
12. Although her ankle is pain, she still carries on hobbling to the finishing line.
A. continued
B. stopped
C. began
D. started
13. His siblings usually share their joys and problems with him.
A. cousins
B. friends
C. guardians

D. sisters and brothers

14. Peter eats very quickly and noisily all the cakes left on the table.
A. grabs
B. gobbles
C. sips
D. swallows
15. He was given a written instruction issued by a doctor for cough medicine.
A. description
B. sculpture
C. prescription
D. order
16. The most active nuclear industry in Germany explodes in Berlin.
A. blows in
B. blows out
C. blows up
D. blows off

17. She haughtily disregarded the comments from her fellow students.
A. quickly
B. arrogantly
C. rudely
D. hurriedly
18. The speedboat is traveling at a moderate speed.
A. an average
B. a high
C. a low

D. a dangerous

19. The family went to the place where the dead body was buried to respects their ancestors.
A. crematorium B. convent
C. cemetery
D. dense
20. She is very keen on current matters of public interest.
A. items
B. tends
C. events

D. affairs

21. The Indian mother gave birth to five children at one birth.
A. triplets
B. quintuplets
C. quadruples

D. twins

22. She was elated when she received the test results and jumped for joy.
A. very happy
B. discouraged
C. confused
D. upset
23. The inflated price of the product has discouraged many potential buyers.
A. important
B. constant
C. raised
D. lowered
24. The young artist has shown great natural ability for landscape drawing.
A. aptitude
B. altitude
C. attitude
D. attribute
25. The baby has round and plump cheeks.
A. raised
B. almond
C. shabby

D. chubby

26. People working in the government held a discussion with the prime minister yesterday.
A. servants
B. ambassadors
C. guardians
D. civil servants
27. This knife is not sharp. I can not cut meat with it.
A. rounded
B. blunt
C. smooth

D. rough

28. Mary was asked to replace Jane for presentation in the class as Jane had fallen ill.
A. take away
B. take into
C. take over
D. take part
29. My parent and I go for a brisk walk in the garden every evening.
A. quick walk
B. hurried walk
C. pleasant walk
D. exhausted walk
30. Please put away your books and bag before you go to bed.
A. throw
B. pile
C. keep

D. spread


Practice three
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. The accident took place in front of the River Bank.
A. was seen
B. occurred
C. was heard

D. was reported

2. Alice called up her new friend yesterday.

A. visited
B. telephoned
C. talked to

D. blamed

3. The audients looked astonished.

A. unhappy
B. afraid

D. surprised

C. pleased

4. A healthy body is very essential for good mental health.

A. suitable
B. normal
C. necessary

D. convenient

5. His instructor admired him for the good testing result.

A. friends
B. parents
C. peer

D. teacher

6. His illness has recovered step by step.

A. very little
B. suddenly

D. harshly

C. gradually

7. The Democratic Party won a landslide victory in China.

A. soldier
B. triumph
C. punishment

D. vote

8. Most of student in my class are very well-off.

A. rich
B. intelligent
C. friendly

D. poor

9. Tom rushed out of the classroom to meet the lecturer.

A. walked
B. jumped
C. hurried

D. move slowly

10. It is difficult to pick out a present for girl friend.

A. buy
B. select
C. give

D. make

11. The meeting has been called off.

A. announced
B. arranged

D. cancelled

C. postponed

12. The police found 12 men unloading goods from the truck.
A. stealing
B. pulling
C. removing

D. pushing

13. It is easy to find fault with the work of others.

A. understand
B. notice
C. estimate

D. criticize

14. Hawkers are not allowed here.

A. Peddlers
B. Drivers

D. Children

C. Reporters

15. The black man was charged with murder.

A. punished
B. accused
C. judged

D. imprisoned

16. I will come providing that Im invited.

A. if
B. when
C. because

D. since

17. The building has been demolished.
A. repaired
B. destroyed

C. extended

18. He cherished the hope of becoming a scientist.

A. held in mind B. gave up
C. recalled

D. burnt

D. gave an account of

19. Most competitors are not open to both professionals and nonprofessionals.
A. skillful
B. amateurs
C. tutors
D. Juniors
20. Preservatives are added to bread to keep it from getting stale.
A. small
B. flat
C. old
D. wet
21. In some countries drivers are fined 200$ for careless driving.
A. routine
B. reckless
C. adept
D. aggressive
22. Anne lets the air out of the balloon.
A. inflates
B. injects

C. deflates

D. rejects

23. Creativity is a human trait.

A. tradition
B. outcome

C. error

D. attribute

24. Fret is a person who is courageous but reckless.

A. a cut-throat
B. a gas-bag
C. a dare-devil

D. a die- hard

25. She is a great teacher who can motivate her pupils to enjoy their studies.
A. persuade
B. inspire
C. guide
D. force
26. The committee is working hard to raise money for the famine victims.
A. funds
B. debts
C. loans
D. investments
27. The boys were caught in the storm and were completely wet.
A. drenched
B. drowned
C. leaked
D. drained
28. The children have to manage without their parents when they are in school.
A. get by
B. get off
C. get on
D. get up
29. Emily is a person employed to carry news, documents or to another person or place.
A. counselor
B. consultant
C. composer
D. courier
30. We were deceived into believing that he could help us.
A. retarded
B. consulted
C. cheated

D. crumpled


Practice four
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. This range of products is up-to-date.
A. old
B. modern

C. expensive

D. cheap

2. Language is a compulsory subject in most schools.

A. complicated B. complex
C. required

D. optional

3. The beautiful flowers are not real.

A. superficial
B. genuine

D. natural

C. artificial

4. The person who writes books is a very talented person.

A. judge
B. reporter
C. editor

D. author

5. Rodger was a very brilliant man.

A. an idiot
B. a genius

D. a fool

C. an illiterate

6. Life is not always easy and comfortable.

A. a bed of roses B. a bet time
C. a blind alley

D. a gaming table

7. The boys traveled from Italy to Spain by getting free rides in other peoples vehicles.
A. joy-riding
B. stowing away
C. hitch-hiking
D. fun- riding
8. The tools have been modified for use under this type of weather conditions.
A. adopted
B. improved
C. adapted
D. added
9. The instructor of the badminton team is very strict.
A. referee
B. judge
C. coach

D. umpire

10. In many restaurants, foreign workers are employed to replace local workers.
A. insert
B. cancel
C. overtake
D. substitute
11. David John is a stingy man.
A. layman
B. bad egg

C. close-fisted

D. good-for nothing

12. Danny respects his teacher for his modesty.

A. humility
B. popularity
C. honesty

D. generosity

13. The flood water has gradually dropped to a lower level.

A. subsidized
B. sustained
C. subsided

D. subdued

14. The icy wind made him shake because he felt cold.
A. shrink
B. shrug
C. shiver

D. shun

15. Please help to throw the rubbish and clean the dishes.
A. left-over
B. garbage
C. garage

D. residue

16. We were told confidently that our mother would be fine after the operation.
A. enhanced
B. assured
C. harassed
D. assisted

17. This morning we visited the place where young plants were grown.
A. market
B. nursery
C. farm
D. orchard
18. He is an eloquent speaker.
A. experienced B. convincing

C. famous

D. fluent

19. Janes family subscribe to a newspaper every day.

A. buy regularly B. pay to receive
C. read regularly

D. write articles for

20. Her religious upbringing was strict.

A. belief
B. behavior

C. ancestry

D. training

21. The house is in utter confusion.

A. complete
B. slight

C. unbelievable

D. disorderly

22. He is a mere child.

A. small
B. stupid

C. strange

D. only

23. The thief snatched her handbag.

A. grabbed
B. borrowed

C. stole

D. carried

24. The man you saw at the party is a tyrant.

A. manager
B. headmaster
C. rebel

D. dictator

25. The man of means gives food to the poor.

A. generous man B. religious man
C. rich man

D. kind man

26. The patient was asked to breathe out slowly.

A. expire
B. exhibit
C. exhale

D. exhaust

27. Let me be candid with you. It is unreasonable of you to treat her this way.
A. bold
B. firm
C. daring
D. frank
28. The leprosy patients are isolated from other patients in the hospital.
A. cut down
B. cut out
C. cut off
D. cut up
29. The mixture is made up of sugar, butter and milk.
A. gathers
B. involves
C. comprises

D. decomposes

30. The chair collapsed when the fat man sat on it.
A. gave away
B. gave in
C. gave up

D. gave down


Practice five
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. I met an old friend by chance yesterday morning. He is working at Royal Palace.
A. ran through
B. ran over
C. ran out
D. ran into
2. The patient was asked to breathe out slowly after he was survived.
A. expire
B. exhibit
C. exhale
D. exhaust
3. The scientists have found many rabbit holes in the ground at National Park.
A. cotes
B. burrows
C. barns
D. webs
4. We decided to have reunion twice a year after we graduated.
A. fortnightly
B. annually
C. bimonthly
D. biannually
5. The applicants were served snacks and drinks during the tea break.
A. refreshments B. cuisine
C. tea
D. meals
6. Sherry is lean and underweight.
A. fat
B. slim

C. dizzy

D. sail

7. Human knowledge is finite.

A. everlasting
B. broad

C. limited

D. outstanding

8. Her friends used to trust her until they know she is a swindler.
A. liar
B. show off
C. absent-minded
D. poor
9. You must not be so easily tricked into believing everything he says.
A. silly
B. idiotic
C. honest
D. gullible
10. Congratulation! You have guessed correctly.
A. got scout free B. faced the music
C. eaten your words D. hit the nail on the head
11. John Harry narrated to his family his adventure at Sahara Desert.
A. told
B. exaggerated to
C. kept from
D. hid from
12. You need to set a limit to the amount of time spent on the project.
A. draw blood
B. fan the flame
C. draw a sword
D. draw a line
13. The police were informed of the car accident.
A. reminded
B. notified
C. advised

D. warned

14. The car hits suddenly into the tree that is by the side of the road.
A. crashes
B. crushes
C. crumples
D. cramps
15. Ka Ka received many presents from friends and her relatives last Christmas.
A. awards
B. prizes
C. gifts
D. rewards
16. We have to devise a way to move the piano into the house.
A. manufacture B. generate
C. create

D. contrive

17. What happened today is just a prelude to more problems ahead.
A. overture
B. warmer
C. precursor
D. raiser
18. I am immune to all kinds of diseases because of vaccinations.
A. invulnerable B. covered
C. exempted
D. cured
19. Dairy was asked to say aloud after learning the poem in the class.
A. evicted
B. recall
C. memorize
D. reckon
20. This dress is not tight for me.
A. lose
B. loss

C. loose

D. loosen

21. We have to work together to make our plans work smoothly.

A. cooperate
B. separate
C. join
D. combine
22. Because of the shopkeeper was upset, we were unable to glean the details of the robbery.
A. connect
B. gather
C. tell
D. comprehend
23. He was able to elude the soldiers for only a short time.
A. aid
B. train
C. escape

D. restrain

24. The professor was regarded as an erudite teacher.

A. a rigid
B. a scholarly
C. a demanding

D. a reasonable

25. The Lancet, founded in 1823, is a medical periodical of international fame.

A. journal
B. series
C. handbook
D. text
26. Chicot coveted his neighbors farm but could not get her to sell it.
A. desired
B. costly
C. hoarded
D. lucrative
27. Some business disputes can be settled out of court; others require litigation.
A. treaty
B. compromise
C. lawsuit
D. cleaving
28. As soon as he finished his speech, I wanted to refute him.
A. congratulate B. meet
C. avoid

D. contradict

29. When menaced by predator, a snake may suddenly alter its behavior.
A. bitten
B. wounded
C. threatened
D. released
30. The old man had only bread to eat, yet he offered to share this frugal meal with his friend.
A. sumptuous
B. penny-wise
C. foolhardy
D. plucky



Practice six
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. In my opinion, what you said was believable and acceptable.
A. credible
B. possible
C. truthful

D. unconvincing

2. Im aware of my shortcomings Davy said faithfully.

A. skills
B. strengths
C. talents

D. weaknesses

3. My class monitor, Savorn, looks very scholarly in his new spectacles.

A. amiable
B. sociable
C. shabby
D. studious
4. Chet is fairly certain that his problem will be solved soon.
A. quite
B. extremely
C. unusually

D. surprisingly

5. Your hands did not feel anything after being in the cold water for some time.
A. became numb B. became itchy
C. became infected D. became stiff
6. Aya derives a lot of joy from helping others.
A. mysterious
B. imaginary
C. negligible

D. immense

7. Did you see the light on the tower? the captain asked his crew.
A. lamp
B. flare
C. beacon
D. flash
8. The city was in ruins by the time the troops pulled out.
A. deserted
B. rebuilt
C. renowned

D. destroyed

9. The bus will come in a minute, Cheata said.

A. soon
B. early
C. late

D. punctually

10. You cant eat these chicken wings as they are partially burnt.
A. broiled
B. raw
C. barbecued
D. charred
11. Resmey reads many different kinds of books every week.
A. widely
B. carefully
C. occasionally

D. selectively

12. Mr. Thaly looked unwell when I met him last night.
A. lost
B. alert
C. cross

D. drawn

13. Nalom told us where she was born.

A. her hobby
B. her religion

D. her address

C. her birthplace

14. They used to be close but there is a rivalry between them now.
A. compassion
B. competition
C. disagreement
D. understanding
15. The soldiers have dug a big hole in the ground.
A. cavity
B. moat
C. depression

D. trench

16. The rest of the soldiers laughed at him for his faint-heartedness.
A. boldness
B. courage
C. cowardice
D. chivalry


17. We had a picnic beside a tranquil lake last week.
A. clear
B. peaceful
C. pretty

D. boisterous

18. Mrs. Vandys younger son is a fit and healthy boy.

A. robust
B. obese
C. cuddly

D. restless

19. Mr. Vuthys small salary is not enough for the whole family.
A. present
B. regular
C. meager

D. substantial

20. This is an imitation of the famous artists painting.

A. sketch
B. draft
C. replica

D. photocopy

21. Tom showed great enthusiasm when I suggested going for a swim.
A. joy
B. interest
C. indifference
D. discomfort
22. They build a bonfire to burn the rubbish.
A. crops
B. garment
C. trash

D. inventory

23. Nika was engrossed in a conversation when I saw her just now.
A. neglected
B. absorbed
C. participating
D. eavesdropping
24. The tree is falling! he screamed.
A. grumbled
B. shrugged

C. shrieked

D. murmured

25. Mr. Jerry is a trustworthy employee, said the boss of the company.
A. resourceful
B. crafty
C. dependable
D. slothful
26. Your hair needs a trim, Miss Lina told her nephew.
A. dye
B. cut
C. change

D. shampoo

27. Bon Song is full of sympathy for the earthquake victims.

A. hostility
B. hatred
C. compassion

D. affection

28. That old lady is very interested in her neighbors affairs.

A. considerate
B. nosey
C. thoughtless

D. imaginative

29. The water in the pond is not clear.

A. shallow
B. murky

D. contaminated

C. transparent

30. KK shuddered when she thought about how close to death they were.
A. fainted
B. vomited
C. screamed
D. trembled



Practice seven
Choose the most suitable word (s) to replace the underlined word (s).
1. Mr. Tan spoke harshly to Tom just now.
A. gently
B. patiently
C. boldly

D. unkindly

2. This city experiences regular thunderstorms.

A. continual
B. periodic
C. persistent

D. occasional

3. The hikers are relaxing in a small hut as they are exhausted.

A. tent
B. marquee
C. cottage

D. pavilion

4. Jerry threw a bottle of drink to his friend Tommy.

A. shot
B. thrust
C. shove

D. tossed

5. We will meet our friends at the bus station at the break of day.
A. noon
B. dawn
C. sunset
D. dusk
6. She does not need to put on any make-up as her skin is perfect.
A. rosy
B. fair
C. blotchy
D. flawless
7. The accident victim was motionless when the ambulance arrived.
A. alive
B. still
C. groaning
D. bleeding
8. Cheata told me candidly how she felt about my drawing.
A. frankly
B. insincerely
C. reluctantly

D. dishonestly

9. The small boy hid under the bed, quivering with fear.
A. rolling
B. shivering
C. huddled

D. screaming

10. This bustling city is full of skyscrapers.

A. people
B. vehicles
C. shops

D. tall buildings

11. Peter Pan is a make-believe character but some children think he is real.
A. a heroic
B. a popular
C. an outstanding
D. an fictional
12. There was a vehicle accident outside my school this morning.
A. collision
B. adversity
C. protest
D. calamity
13. He is sick to death of his friend constant boast about her wealth.
A. puzzled by
B. tired of
C. envious of
D. keen in
14. Rasmey spent the whole night reading the story that has a captivating plot.
A. a simple
B. an amusing
C. an intriguing
D. a straightforward
15. Vuthy has had this ailment for many years.
A. hobby
B. treasure
C. illness

D. aptitude

16. He talked to professor for a short while before leaving the class.
A. attentively
B. briefly
C. indefinitely
D. sincerely


17. She does not eat cakes as they make people put on weight easily.
A. are bland
B. are unhealthy
C. are fattening
D. are out of stock
18. Its risky to drive when you are drunk.
A. hazardous
B. gallant
C. inconsiderate

D. heroic

19. I really respect the way you handled the difficult problem.
A. adore
B. consent
C. admire

D. appreciate

20. There was a bad smell when the underground pipe that carries waste materials burst.
A. plug
B. socket
C. sewer
D. hydrant
21. Saha was absent from Man. Utd. Football team for three successive weeks.
A. separate
B. complete
C. special
D. consecutive
22. The instruments used by the surgeon in an operation are free from bacteria.
A. checked
B. scrubbed
C. sterilized
D. contaminated
23. Mr. Vutha has always been thrifty unlike his friend, Jerry, who is a spendthrift.
A. meek
B. timid
C. spendthrift
D. frugal
24. Bon Song was scolded by Miss Davy for being rude.
A. grumpy
B. irritable
C. ill-mannered
25. Why do you always find fault with his work?
A. criticize
B. be in awe of

C. despise

26. He gave the police a true account of what had happened.

A. a factual
B. a fictional
C. a touching

D. absent- minded

D. fare

D. stamina

27. Chakriya is the person who explains what is happening in the play.
A. actress
B. producer
C. director
D. narrator
28. The security guard of the company is a strong and heavy man.
A. burly
B. frail
C. chubby
D. feeble
29. Nikas hands were not moving when she took the photograph just now.
A. shaky
B. wobbly
C. twitching
D. steady
30. I could never forget the day that I was rebuked by the principal.
A. noticed
B. rewarded
C. scolded
D. commended



Practice eight
Write the number of the correct answer in the blank below.
1. The volcano_______ hot gases and lava when it erupted.
A. released
B. poured
C. delivered

D. spewed

2. I wonder how he will________ when we tell him the bad news?

A. react
B. behave
C. reason
D. operate
3. The cut on her hand is so deep that the_______ can be seen.
A. stalls
B. skin
C. flesh

D. wrinkle

4. The children were full of__________ at the party.

A. fright
B. tension
C. guilt

D. gaiety

5. The results of the contest will be________ tomorrow.

A. spoken
B. told
C. announced

D. communicated

6. The_______ earthquake killed more than ten thousand people.

A. bizarre
B. mild
C. anticipated
D. devastating
7. The book Harry Porter is________ as a fairy tale.
A. sorted
B. classified
C. grouped

D. published

8. I always listen to the news________ on the radio every morning.

A. broadcast
B. revelation
C. announcement
D. declaration
9. Who do you think we should_________ about our problem?
A. query
B. advice
C. answer

D. consult

10. The miser_________ a lot of money.

A. prints
B. forges

D. squanders

C. hoards

11. John Wet bought that book because of the attractive__________.

A. title
B. blurb
C. cover
D. publisher
12. They are going to__________ the road as it is to narrow.
A. beautify
B. pave
C. lengthen

D. broaden

13. That_________ of wood in the corner almost reaches to the ceiling.

A. row
B. stack
C. bundle
D. bunch
14. The astronomer studies the_________ with a telescope.
A. relics
B. pests
C. parasites

D. galaxies

15. Please attend to this matter because its rather__________.

A. petty
B. urgent
C. insignificant

D. trivial

16. Vegetables are___________ component of well-balanced diet.

A. an abundant B. a necessary
C. scarce
D. a pleasant


17. The number of young people who_______ crimes has risen sharply in recent years.
A. commit
B. testify
C. charge
D. prosecute
18. Its hard to________ the difference between Singaporean and Malay English.
A. debate
B. discern
C. discard
D. determine
19. Since no one predicted the winner, everyone was_______ by the results of the election.
A. perturbed
B. delighted
C. encouraged
D. astounded
20. China was in________ after the first ever terrible flood.
A. fire
B. chaos
C. order

D. violence

21. The results of the exam will be________ in the next three days.
A. told
B. spoken
C. released
D. communicated
22. Riot police tried to________ the demonstrators with tear gas and water canon.
A. repel
B. consult
C. negotiate
D. report
23. He donated a large amount of money to help the people who live in________.
A. comfort
B. luxury
C. poverty
D. prosperity
24. The car skidded on the slippery road and_______ into a lamp post.
A. collided
B. crashed
C. broke
D. smashed
25. He has_________ after eating food bought from a roadside stall.
A. gastric
B. headache
C. diarrhea
D. heart attack
26. Everyone waited tensely for the compare to________ the winner.
A. shout
B. call
C. announce
D. say
27. Please do exactly as you are_______!
A. spoken
B. asked

C. told

D. mentioned

28. The children love to_________ water over one another in the pool.
A. spray
B. spill
C. splatter
D. splash
29. The ball_________ Nasri on the head and he fell down on the grass.
A. struck
B. crashed
C. collided
D. banged
30. Our teacher is organizing a camping_________ to Sister Island.
A. occasion
B. festival
C. tour
D. trip



Answer Key
Practice 1:
1. C
7. C
13. B
19. D
25. C

2. A
8. D
14. D
20. B
26. D

3. B
9. D
15. D
21. B
27. C

4. D
10. D
16. A
22. B
28. B

5. A
11. A
17. B
23. A
29. D

6. B
12. B
18. C
24. A
30. B

Practice 2:
1. C
7. B
13. D
19. C
25. D

2. B
8. C
14. B
20. D
26. D

3. C
9. A
15. C
21. B
27. B

4. C
10. B
16. C
22. A
28. C

5. D
11. D
17. B
23. C
29. A

6. A
12. A
18. A
24. A
30. C

Practice 3:
1. B
7. B
13. D
19. B
25. B

2. B
8. A
14. A
20. D
26. A

3. D
9. C
15. B
21. B
27. A

4. C
10. B
16. A
22. C
28. A

5. D
11. D
17. B
23. D
29. D

6. C
12. C
18. A
24. C
30. C

Practice 4:
1. B
7. C
13. C
19. A
25. C

2. C
8. C
14. C
20. D
26. C

3. C
9. C
15. B
21. A
27. D

4. D
10. D
16. B
22. D
28. C

5. B
11. C
17. B
23. A
29. C

6. A
12. A
18. B
24. D
30. A

Practice 5:
1. D
7. C
13. B
19. B
25. A

2. C
8. A
14. A
20. C
26. A

3. B
9. D
15. C
21. A
27. C

4. D
10. D
16. C
22. B
28. D

5. A
11. A
17. A
23. C
29. C

6. B
12. D
18. A
24. B
30. B

Practice 6:
1. A
7. C
13. C
19. C
25. C

2. D
8. D
14. B
20. C
26. D

3. D
9. A
15. D
21. B
27. C

4. A
10. C
16. C
22. C
28. B

5. A
11. A
17. B
23. B
29. B

6. D
12. C
18. A
24. A
30. D

Practice 7:
1. D
7. B
19. C
25. A

2. A
8. A
14. C
20. C
26. A

3. C
9. B
15. C
21. D
27. D

4. D
10. D
16. B
22. C
28. A

5. A
11. D
17. C
23. D
29. D

6. D
12. A
18. A
24. D
30. C


Practice 8:
1. B
7. B
13. A
19. D
25. C

2. A
8. A
14. D
20. B
26. C

3. C
9. D
15. B
21. C
27. C

4. B
10. C
16. A
22. A
28. D


5. C
11. A
17. A
23. C
29. A

6. D
12. C
18. B
24. B
30. D

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