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First Grade News

November 24, 2014

Curriculum Highlights

Math Using place value to add and subtract

Social studies Field to Table growers, processors, packagers, transporters, storers, sellers,
Long e y at the end of words
Writing Workshop - The 6 Traits Word Choice Descriptive words
Reading workshop Comprehension - Visualizing


Wednesday, November 26th Early Release

Thursday, November 27th Field Trip Pack snack from home. Wear insect repellent and
sunscreen. Be sure to pack hat and water bottle.

News From Ms. Tindalls Class

In Writers Workshop we have been studying the characteristics of good writing through the 6
Traits also known as the Write Traits. They are:
Conventions/Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar)
Organization (beginning, middle, ending, sequenced, transitions)
Word Choice (descriptive words, powerful verbs, paints a picture)
Voice (personal, individual style)
Ideas/Content (clear message, plenty of information, details support the main idea)
Sentence Fluency (varied sentence lengths, different sentence beginnings, smooth flow)
We have focused on Ideas and Organization and next will work on Word Choice followed by
Conventions (although this is really taught all year long). You could support this learning at
home by using this language when reading stories together. EG. This writer has great Word
Choice these words created a picture in my mind. These Sentences are really Fluent they
all begin differently and sound smooth when I read them. I can always tell when Im reading
an Anthony Browne book as he has an individual Voice his stories often include gorillas and he
looks at things from a different perspective. I always have to think hard to find his message.
This story is very well Organized - it has a strong lead, an exciting middle and the ending was a
surprise. This author chose a juicy Idea to write about. I enjoyed reading about how he
delivers papers every morning.
To support our Field to Table unit it would be great if you would take your child grocery
shopping with you to a supermarket and also to a fresh market. Melawati has quite a large
farmers market Saturday mornings. You might be able to talk to the farmers directly and even
see the trucks in which they transport their goods. Compare prices, packaging, health benefits,
distances travelled and pollution created to get the products to you in Malaysia.
In partnership,
Ms. Tindall

Name: ____________________________
Reading: Take note of the ending of the story. What are some different ways authors end
their stories?
Math: Play 10 sen, 5 sen, 1 sen exchange game. Put a pile of coins (or counters labeled with 1,
5, 10) in the middle. Roll two dice. Take that number of 1 sen coins. Exchange when you can.
First one to earn $1.00 is the winner.
Reading: Can you find these types of endings - a circle, a surprise or a feeling?
Word Study: Go on a hunt for words the end with <y>. What two sounds do you notice it
making? What hypothesis can you make about why and when the <y> makes each sound? (Hint,
count the number of syllables in the words you found. Is there a connection to the sound <y>
Math: Play 10 sen, 5 sen, 1 sen exchange game. Put a pile of coins (or counters labeled with 1,
5, 10) in the middle. Roll two dice. Take that number of 1 sen coins. Exchange when you can.
First one to earn $1.00 is the winner.
Reading: Notice descriptive words. EG Did the author just say dog? Or did she use some
descriptive words such as scruffy, hairy, yappy? (connect descriptive words to word study
ending with y)
Math: Play Addition or Domino Top-It. Each player turns over a domino (or two cards). Each
player adds the two numbers together and says the number model aloud. Five plus seven equals
twelve. The person with the highest sum, says, Top-It and keeps both dominoes (cards). The
person with the most dominoes (or cards) at the end wins.
Reading: Find descriptive words. How might you use some of these in your own writing?
Word Study: Morphology: Identify the base word and the affixes. Say the word sum out
loud. EG, farm + er + s = famers. Words attached.
Math: Challenge problem: There were 5 dogs in the park. How many legs were there? (say the
problem in your own words. Draw a picture. Write a number model. Explain to an adult how you
worked out your answer.)
Reading: Find descriptive words. How might you use some of these in your own writing?
Poem collection: Recite/ sing poems and songs to friends and family. Return poem collection
to school on Monday.
Social Studies: Visit a supermarket and a farmers market. Compare origin of products and

Whats the rule? Fill in the missing numbers. Use your number
grid as a resource.


Missing Numbers


10, 20, 30, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


20, 18, 16, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


25, 30, 35, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


110, 100, 90, ____, ____, ____, ____,


0, 3, 6, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


22, 24, 26, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


20, 16, 12, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____


100, 200, 300, ____, ____, ____, ____,


20, 40, 60, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____

Identify the base and affixes.























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