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Rewrite the sentences using punctuation marks and capital letters

where necessary.
15= 5
(i) mohua said may i come in teacher (ii) the teacher looked up and said
yes you may why are late (iii) i am sorry teacher i could not get any
rickshaw said mohua (iv) the teacher said well try not to be late again (v)
yes, teacher said mohua softly
9. Write a rearrange the sentences to make a meaningful sense.
15 = 5
(a) is, what, class, she, in?
(b) does, how, he, school, go, to?
(c) is, what, mother, your?
(d) do, where, live, you?
(e) you, can, sing?
10. Translate into English:
15 = 5
m`v mZ K_v eje| wg_v ejv gnvcvc| wg_vev`xK KD wekvm Ki bv| mZB m`h|
mZev`x ew Rxeb DbwZ Ki|
11. Translate into Bangla:
15 = 5
There is a well-known saying that You are what your eat. It means if
you eat healthy foods, you will be healthy. If you eat nothing but potato
chips, you certainly wont be fit and healthy. Your body needs a good
mix of foods. So which foods are good?
12. Write a dialogue between you and your mother about permission to go
out. Use could or would.

13. Imagine that your teacher has given you a library card like that below.
Fill it your.
Cambrian School and College
1. Name
2. Home Address
3. Class
4. Roll
5. Age



14. Write a paragraph about Firefighter.


15. Suppose, you are Sharmin and your foreign friend is Jenny. She
wants to visit tourist spot in Bangladesh. Now, write a letter to
Jerry about the main tourist spots in Bangladesh.



Primary Education Completion Examination2013

Model Test
Subject : English
Time : 2 hours 30 minutes

Full Marks : 100

Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3 :

A farmer had a wonderful goose. She laid an egg of gold everyday. Soon the
farmer became rich. He became very greedy. He wanted to become rich all at
once. He wished to have all the golden eggs at a time. So thing, he took a
sharp knife and cut open the belly of the goose. But also! he found no eggs in
her belly. The farmer lost his goose for ever.
1. Choose the right answer:
110 = 10
(a) A farmer had a wonderful-----.
i. goose
ii. geese
iii. hen
iv. cat
(b) She laid an egg of ----- everyday.
i. silver
ii. gold
iii. diamond
iv. iron
(c) Soon he became very-----.
i. poor
ii. rich
iii. millionaire
iv. greedy
(d) What did he wish?
i. to have all the golden eggs at a time
ii. to be rich
iii. to be poor
iv. none
(e) Who had a wonderful goose?
i. a doctor
ii. a teacher
iii. a student
iv. a farmer
(f) What did he want to become?
i. poor
ii. rich
iii. king
iv. doctor
(g) He took a ---- knife.
i. sharp
ii. flat
iii. vertical
iv. none
(h) Did he find any egg in the belly of the goose?
i. yes
ii. no
iii. of course
iv. none




(i) He cut the belly of -----.

i. the goose
ii. the cat
iii. the dog
iv. the cow
(j) Why did the farmer lose his goose for ever?
i. for his greediness
ii. for his honesty
iii. for his foolishness
iv. none
Fill in the blanks with the given words:
15 = 5
Once upon a time there ----- a greedy farmer. He had a ----- goose that laid
an egg of gold everyday. He sold these in the ----- and ---- a lot of money.
Soon he became very rich but for his greediness he ----- it for ever.
Answer the following questions:
1+1+1+1+1+2+3 = 10
(a) Who had a wonderful goose?
(b) How did the farmer become rich?
(c) Was the famer greedy?
(d) What did he want?
(e) What did he cut the belly of the goose with?
(f) Could he satisfy himself?
(g) Write three sentences about the story.
Read the text and answer the questions 4, 5 and 6:
Babul is a student of class five. His father had a small grocery shop in
Dublar Char. His mother was a worker in a shrimp hatchery. They had a
small house. Babul lived there with his sister Nipa and his grandparents.
Babuls neighbours were his uncles. They lived a happy life in that
remote small Island.
On the day of Ayla, it was drizzing from the morning. In the afternoon,
the wind started to blow. By the evening, both the rain and the wind
became to strong. The water in the river started to rise too. A strong wind
blew their roof away. Another wind blew Babul off his feet and threw
him away in a paddy field. Babul held on a fallen tree strongly. He could
hear breaking sounds of trees and buildings all around. People were
screaming and crying. Everything was so dark. Babul fainted.
Choose the best answer:
110 = 10
(a) There are ____ members in Babuls family.
(i) 4
(ii) 5
(iii) 6
(iv) 7
(b) Babul was thrown away____.
(i) in a paddy field
(ii) in a river
(iii) on a tree
(iv) on the roof
(c) Babuls father had a small ____ shop in Dublar Char.
(i) betal leaf
(ii) grocery
(iii) vegetables
(iv) book




(d) Babul is a students of class____.

(i) four
(ii) five
(iii) six
(iv) seven
(e) His mother was a worker in a shrimp____.
(i) hatchery
(ii) house
(iii) field
(iv) home
(f) Babuls father is a____.
(i) farmer
(ii) grocer
(iii) NGO worker
(iv) hatchery worker
(g) How many sisters did Babul have?
(i) 1
(ii) 2
(iii) 3
(iv) 4
(h) Who were the Babuls neighbours.
(i) his grand parents
(ii) his uncles
(iii) hatchery workers
(iv) villagers
(i) Drizzling means____.
(i) raining heavily
(ii) raining lightly
(iii) raining
(iv) rainfall
(j) Where did the Ayla hit?
(i) Dublar Char
(ii) small island
(iii) Papldy field
(iv) trees
Answer the following questions:
1+1+3 = 5
(a) What is Ayla?
(b) What was Babuls father?
(c) What happened in Dublar Char on the day of Ayla?
Match the words in column A with their similar meaning in column
B (two extra are given in column B):
15 = 5
Column A
Column B
land mass
tiny is size
with strength
a place for hatching
to arrange something
Rearrange the given sentences to make a meaningful story.
15 =5
Sufia is at home on a Friday. She wants to go out and play with Helen.
She has done all her home work. Its eleven in the morning. Its a lovely
winter morning.

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