December 022009 Minutes

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Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting

December 02, 2009 Minutes

Members present: Monique Priestley, Ed Wendell, Barbara Kulzyck, Sandy Price,

Gary Tillotson, Nancy Jones, Richard Bolander
Others: Brent Bartlett
Minutes of Nov. 4 and Nov. 18 meetings were approved as written
Finances - unanimous vote to pay the following bill:
• $900.00 payable to Zero by Degrees, Inc. as advance for energy audit of the
Bradford Academy building (Total cost: $1800.00) from L.E.A.F. account.
Energy Committee -
• The contract with Zero by Degrees for an energy audit of the Bradford Academy
building was signed by the Selectboard. The audit will be conducted early in
2010 with the assistance of Energy Committee volunteers.
• The Selectboard has agreed to a $5,400 allocation in their 2010 Budget to be
used as matching funds to leverage application for Energy Efficiency Community
Block Grant of up to $50,000. Shirley Beresford has also committed $2,000 from
the Bradford Academy Historic Preservation Committee. If an Energy Efficiency
Block Grant is awarded, funds will be available in May of 2010 and project(s)
must be completed within 12 months. Pre-application form is due to the Energy
Office, State of Vermont by Dec. 8, 2009 and, if given the “go ahead”, full
proposal is due to the Bradford Academy Historical Preservation Committee by
Feb. 2, 2010 and the funding agency, EECBG, by Feb. 23, 2010.
• Bradford Elementary School has requested support in submitting a proposal for
“Solar in Schools”, a program to install federally-funded solar power systems in
school buildings. The proposal is being developed by Jim McCracken at BES. A
motion was made by Barbara, seconded by Sandy and passed that both the BCC
and Energy Committee Chairs sign a letter supporting the proposal. River Bend
will participate in the project and Brad Vietje of Green Works Solar Store, a
member of the Energy Committee, will be asked to provide technical support.

Stewardship -
• Burning brush on Wright's Mtn: postponed until after snow is on the ground as a
safety precaution.
• Parking lot barrier at trail head: commitments have been received, but work not
yet begun
• Policy on advertising on conserved lands: Motion to develop policy saying no
unauthorized commercial advertizing is permitted on conserved lands was made
by Barbara, seconded by Sandy and passed. Dick was asked to develop the
verbiage which is proposed as follows:

“No commercial advertizing photos, flyers, pamphlets,

business cards or the like are to be posted or distributed on
Town of Bradford conserved lands without the expressed
written permission of the Bradford Conservation
Conservation Fund/Land Conservation
• Update on fund-raising –
1 Colatina’s Buck-A-Pie Week – 11/29 – 12/5 – is on Facebook and an email blitz
where all members are to forward an email to all on their email lists beginning
on 11/22;
2) 8th Annual Calendar Supper and Auction – 2/13/2010 at Congregational
Church, 5 pm
3) An appropriations request form for the Conservation Fund, in the amount of
$5000, was submitted by Nancy to the Selectboard to be included in
their budget for approval at Town Meeting. The Selectboard will be
reviewing this request, and someone from the BCC may be asked to attend
that review.

• TPL offer for Bradford Municipal Forest still stands!! BCC representation
is desired at Sewer and Water Board meeting (Dec. 8) and Selectboard meeting
(Dec. 10).
• Now that Dec. 1 end date has passed, Barbara to contact Mia of CVSWMD to
determine how many tickets for tires were submitted and compute the balance
of the Green-Up funding.

Future BCC meetings:
1) December 15, 2009
2) January 7, 2010
3) January 20, 2010
4) BCC’s Energy Committee will meet on December 8th at Newbury Public Library
at 7 pm

Next BCC Meeting: Tuesday, December 15, 6:30 pm

Closed at 20:05

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Bolander

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