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Bradford Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes : Oct. 07, 2009

Members present: Nancy Jones, Barbara Kulzyck, Ed Wendell, Monique Priestley, Sandy Price,
Tom Gray, Dick Bolander, Nikki Darling (ad hoc)
Guests: Steve Longmoore, Bradford Fire Dept.
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Chair, Nancy Jones

• The agenda was modified to accommodate our guest.

• Fires on Wright's Mtn.: The fire on Wright's Mtn and the unrelated fire damage to the cabin
were discussed with Steve Longmoore of the Bradford Fire Dept. regarding the fire of unknown
origin, Mr. Longmoore had the following suggestions:
◦ create an area cleared of brush for a 30' radius around the cabin
◦ arrange a course on forest fire fighting through BFD
◦ 6-wheelers can reach the cabin with fire equipment and neighbors have provided their 6-
wheel vehicles
◦ Sylvia's Trail is probably the most effective access for fire fighting equipment
◦ Many trees are “tripods” having had the underlying organics burned away and are
◦ recommended that brush and any downed trees be burned after snow is on the ground
◦ recommended that we consider painting the cabin inside and outside with heat resistant

Nancy Jones showed photos of the damage done to the cabin by vandals who burned a 4' by
4' hole through the cabin floor and littered the surrounding area with garbage and excrement. A
Letter to the Editor was written by Nancy deploring such barbaric conduct.

Nancy Jones raised the possibility of putting gutters on the cabin feeding cisterns to provide
water for firefighting. Consensus was that a cistern would be short-lived. She emphasized that
we need to find ways to more effectively limit vehicle access.

Nancy Jones provided email response from State Forester David Paganelli wherein he
recommended that existing trails are adequate and recommended against widening existing
trails or constructing new trails / fire breaks. He also advised that his is not aware of any state
funds available for upgrade or construction of fire breaks.

Reference was made to the invaluable assistance provided by Troy Perry and the resultant
damage to his 6-wheeler. Motion was made by Tom Gray to contact Troy and ask him to
submit an invoice to the Conservation Commission for vehicle repair costs not covered by his
insurance. Seconded by Barbara Kulczyk. Passed.

Motion was made by Nancy Jones that we participate and support the BFD plans to bring a
course on developing fire breaks to Bradford. Seconded by Sandy Price. Passed

• Acceptance of minutes from September 16 meeting: Postponed until next meeting.

• Financial Report:
The following items were approved for payment / reimbursement:

Amount Payee Source of Funds For Moved Second

$149.97 Nancy Jones BCC Budget Laminating and printing supplies E. Wendell T. Gray

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Bradford Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes : Oct. 07, 2009
Amount Payee Source of Funds For Moved Second
$30.00 Nancy Jones BCC Budget NEGEF Conf. Registration E. Wendell B. Kulzyck
$65.00 Nancy Jones Green-Up Account Recycling old computer parts E. Wendell S. Price
$8,755.00 Redstart Consulting River Mgmt. Grant Services Rendered (to close) E. Wendell R. Bolander
$402.50 Bradford Sports LEAF Account Fun Run shirts & ribbons E. Wendell T. Gray
$275.84 Upper Valley Press LEAF Account Balance of Tabloid postage E. Wendell N. Jones
$321.66 Nancy Jones LEAF Account Reimbursement for Tabloid E. Wendell S. Price
$883.75 Linda Petoff LEAF Account Layout & design of Tabloid E. Wendell N. Jones
$60.75 Monique Priestley LEAF Account Layout & design of Tabloid Cover E. Wendell R. Bolander
$81.00 Monique Priestley LEAF Account Layout & design of Ads & Posters E. Wendell T. Gray
$35.00 Grace United Church LEAF Account Space Rental E. Wendell R. Bolander
$24.00 Trendy Times LEAF Account Advertizing E. Wendell N. Jones

• L.E.A.F. Update:
Ed Wendell requested help for set-up from all hands on Friday afternoon, 3:30
Tom Gray will set up the BCC tent on Thursday afternoon with a plug into Lavalle's for
coffee maker and cooler
Proofs of the L.E.A.F. leaflet in color were shown. A motion was made by Sandy Price
that we print 750 leaflets in color. Seconded by Barbara Kulczyk. Passed.

• Vermont Earth Institute Course:

Members were reminded that the first session of seven will be held on October 22 nd at
the Bradford Public Library. Books are available at North of the Falls for $12, and registration
for this course is available at North of the Falls and Bradford Public Library.

• Other:
Dick Bolander was asked to coordinate with Monique Priestley to place a link on the
“” site to the Conservation Commission site Monique has developed.

Motion to close by Dick Bolander; Seconded by Sandy Price. Passed

Next meeting: October 21, 2009.

Closed at 8:05 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Richard Bolander, Secretary

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