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Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting

September 2, 2009

Members Present: Ed Wendell, Monique Priestley, Tom Gray, Gary Tillotson,

Barbara Kulzyck, Sandy Price

(Monique was appointed at the last Selectboard meeting; the Selectboard

requested that Jared Pendak submit a letter of resignation)

Minutes of 8/19 were approved as written

Management Plan – Gary, Barbara & Nancy have not met yet to work on this;
table until another meeting

Stewardship – Gary and Tom will make arrangements to install a culvert along
Joel’s trail this fall; a hike into the interior of the Davis land to flag a new trail will
take place mid to late September.
It was voted to allocate $419 from the FOWM Fund for a string-trimmer, with
attachable blade that Gary will purchase from The Tool Barn. The Tool Barn will
mail the invoice.

Conservation Fund – It was decided that BCC will not have a booth at “Made In
Vermont” on September 12th due to too many other commitments and not
enough workers.

Compost/Education – Nancy has worked at Oxbow this week to 1) help make

food waste separation a part of the regular routine; 2) help institute recycling in
all areas, especially on the playing fields; 3) help re-vitalize/organize the student
Environmental Coalition. She has:
• Explained the process and concept at 6 grade level assemblies
• Set up the source separation station in the lunch room and monitored the
students in 2 lunch periods each day
• Met with the Community Scholarship coordinator and set up the mechanism
for students to get community service credits for assisting with the
composting process
• Recruited and trained 2 students for each lunch period to set up the source
separation station, empty and clean the buckets
• Arranged for the kitchen staff to separate food scraps in the kitchen
• Worked with Dylan Parkin to sign up about 20 interested students, secured
a meeting room and set a date for the first meeting of the Environmental
• Met with the Director of Buildings & Grounds and agreed on the need for 4
recyclables containers on the playing fields. He will order these, and will
have in place for a special event on 9/19

Still need to recruit students to monitor the food separation station on a regular
Will ask the Env. Coalition students to contribute $ for one of the outside
recyclable bins.

It was voted to contribute $250 from the Energy Budget toward outside
recyclable bins at Oxbow. Mark McKenna, Director of Buildings and Grounds will
advise on how to direct this check.

Energy Committee

Workshops, Renewable Energy Vendors, Field Trips, Farmer’s Market, Musicians,

Children’s Activities are all coming together. Mary Wendell is securing
advertisers for the 16-page tabloid that will be mailed to over 11,000 households.
The schedule and tabloid will be completed by the last week of September and
will be in mailboxes between 10/2 and 10/8

It was voted to pay a $100 deposit to Grace United Methodist Church for rental of
rooms for workshops for LEAF, payable from the Leaf Budget.

Reusable Bags/Recycling Tires

Barbara reported that the coupons for recycling tires have gone to Fletcher
Printing, and she will pick them up when they are ready.
She reported that prices for “I Shop Locally” bags printed with the BCC logo, and
the logo of a local sponsor range around $2.19/bag or $2,190.00 for 1000 bags. It
was agreed that this is too much to pay; Tom will check with CVPS to see if they
intend to award the grant BCC applied for; Barbara will do some more research;
time is running out, so we may have to make decisions by email.

Tree Grant Update – John Hanzas is still trying to get Dave Wilcox to come and
approve the planting sites; until that happens, we will not receive the 2nd ½ of the
tree-planting grant.

Public Comment on storm water provisions for Bradford Square.

VT ANR is seeking public comment on Bradford Square’s application for a storm
water permit. Documents were reviewed, but resulted in more questions than
answers. Alex Nuti-
deBiasi and Nancy, Bradford’s reps on the Upper Valley Committee of the Conn
River Joint Commissions, will do more research tomorrow and prepare a written

Next meeting –
Due to a conflict, the next meeting will not be held on Sept. 16th, as
Members will be polled about meeting on September 15th, instead.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Jones, for Dick Bolander

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