September 152009 Minutes

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Bradford Conservation Commission

Meeting Minutes : Sept. 15, 2009

Members present: Nancy Jones, Gary Tillotson, Barbara Kulzyck, Ed Wendell, Monique Priestley,
Dick Bolander
Others: Mike Thomas of Newbury Conservation Commission
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM by Chair, Nancy Jones

• Presentation by Mike Thomas: Mike spoke about 2 upcoming events and looked for closer
collaboration on events of the Bradford and Newbury Conservation Commissions. The events
• Cross Vermont Trail Fall Foliage Bicycle Ride on Sept. 26 beginning at Kettle
Pond in the Groton State Forest. Sign-in and Bike Chect at 9:30; Ride begins at 10:00.
More details at
• Paddle the Border – Fall on October 4, rain or shine, launching from Newbury
Boat Launch. Suggested launch time 10:30 – 11:30. More details at
They are seking re-enacters and groups to populate the primitive campsites. Displays
will be set up along the river bank at designated locations. Monique Priestley
volunteered to man a 10x10 canopy-covered information table at Bugbee Landing.
Gary Tillotson offered to set up the canopy. Mike requested a contribution from BCC to
cover the cost of advertizing in the Journal Opinion. Barbara Kulzyck moved to commit
an amount NTE $80 from the Conservation Commission budget for advertizing the
“Paddle the Border – Fall” event in the Journal Opinion. Second: Dick Bolander. Motion
Mike expressed a desire to schedule more collaborative outings for the 5 th and 6th graders
of the Newbury and Bradford Elementary schools on the Wells River and Wright's Mtn.

• Acceptance of minutes from September 2 meeting as written: Moved by Dick Bolander;

Second by Ed Wendell. Passed.

• Financial Report:
Nancy Jones moved to pay $1000 to the Upper Valley Trust from the L.E.A.F. account
for postage on the L.E.A.F. tabloid. Second: Barbara Kulzyck. Motion Passed.

• L.E.A.F. Report:
Dick Bolander requested $600 for purchase and printing of approximately 100 T-shirts.
T-shirts will be given to the first 25 Fun Run registrants and the remaining T-shirts to be sold at
multiple venues for $10 each. L.E.A.F. logo will be printed large on the back and small on the
left breast pocket. Printing to be orange, color of the shirt yet to be selected. Motion to make
$600 available from the L.E.A.F. budget by Nancy Jones. Second: Barbara Kulczyk. Motion
Next Energy Committee meeting: Sept. 17 at 6:30
Oxbow Used Clothing Fashion Show: approximately 20 students are planning to model
apparel created from used clothing at a lunch to be held at the Colatina. Time, date particulars
are TBD.
• Land Conservation Update:
Landowner has written a letter of intent expressing his/her willingness to convey a 45
acre tract to the Conservation Commission.
A family has expressed an interest in donating 4 parcels of land totalling 9 acres off the
McDuffy Trail.

• Composting / Recycling at Oxbow HS

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Bradford Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes : Sept. 15, 2009
An organization has been (re-)established at Oxbow to make students aware of
composting and recycling opportunities in the cafeteria and the classroom. Nancy Jones has
been working with the students who monitor what other students place in the respective
bins/buckets on departing the cafeteria.
Several large recycle bins are being acquired by the high school, at a cost of $400
each, to be placed near the football field and elsewhere as needed.

• Stewardship Committee:
Gary Tillotson awaiting delivery of string trimmer.
Gary Tillotson is making a “less obvious” ATV trail around the berm.

• Other:
Nancy Jones requested $30 to cover the registration fee at the 2009 Grassroots
Festival Retreat to be held October 3 in Eliott, ME. It is presented by the New England
Grassroots Environment Fund. Motion by Dick Bolander that Nancy Jones' registration fee of
$30 for this event be reimbursed from the Conservation Commission budget. Second: Barbara
Kulzyck. Motion passed.
The plan to obtain and distribute “I shop Locally” bags was brought up for discussion.
Barbara Kulzyck moved that the project be tabled. Second: Dick Bolander. Motion passed.
Nancy Jones reminded those present of the September 19 Hazardous Waste disposal
at the Transportation site and the disposal of computers at the Recycle Depot.
Members were reminded of the course being given at the Bradford Library “Choices for
Sustainable Living”. The course will consist of 6 sessions beginning October 22 at 6:45 PM.
Cost of the book is $12.

Motion to close by Dick Bolander; second by Ed Wendell. Passed

Next meeting: October 7.

Closed at 8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Richard Bolander, Secretary

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