The 31th Sunday After Pentecost

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Schedule St Peter – St Paul Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate Representation

31st Sunday after 31- Harold’s Cross Rd., Dublin 6W, Ireland
Pentecost, ,
after the Nativity of Christ
Sunday, January 10 , 10 10 January 2010
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy Apostle James the Brother of the Lord
in Dublin and Galway. .

Apodosis of
the Nativity of Christ
Wednesday, January 13 , 13
9.00 Mattins and 9.00
Divine Liturgy. .

The Circumcision of 1
Our Lord Jesus Christ. .
St. Basil the Great .
Thursday, January 14 , 14
9.00 Mattins and 9.00
Divine Liturgy of
St. Basil the Great. . .

Saturday before
the Holy Theophany
Saturday, January 16 , 16
9.00 Mattins and 9.00
Divine Liturgy. .
18.00 Vigil Service and 18.00
Confessions. .

32nd Sunday 32-

after Pentecost, ,
before the Holy Theophany
Sunday, January 17 , 17
9.00 Confessions. 9.00 .
10.00 Divine Liturgy. 10.00 .
10 2010 .

Tel: (353)1-4969038, Fax: (353)1-4640976,

Banking: AIB Bank, sort code 93 12 68, account 18106032, Charity: CHY14529
Very Rev Fr. Michael Gogoleff, tel.: (44) 1225-858792 , fax: (44) 1225-852211,
76 Dovers Park Bathford BA1 7UE
, ,
Rev Dr. George Zavershinsky, mobile tel.: +7 (916) 8044933, e-mail:
Rev Fr. Nikolay Evseev, mobile tel.: (353) 086-1009531, e-mail:
1 4
From the Epistle of Apostle . . And he came and dwelt in a , , ,
Paul to Galatians (1:11-19). (1:11-19). city called Nazareth, that it , -
Brethren, I make known to you, , , might be fulfilled which was -
that the gospel which was , - spoken by the prophets, “He , -
preached by me is not accord- , - shall be called a Nazarene.” .
ing to man. For I neither re- , From the Gospel according to -
ceived it from man, nor was I , St. Luke (18:35-43). (18:35-43).
taught it, but it came through
At that time, as Jesus was com- ,
the revelation of Jesus Christ. . ing near Jericho, that a certain , -
For you have heard of my for- - blind man sat by the road beg- ,
mer conduct in Judaism, how I , ging. And hearing a multitude
persecuted the church of God , , , ,
passing by, he asked what it
beyond measure and tried to , ,
destroy it. And I advanced in meant. So they told him that
Jesus of Nazareth was passing : ?
Judaism beyond many of my , -
contemporaries in my own na- by. And he cried out, saying, ,
tion, being more exceedingly “Jesus, Son of David, have . : -
. , mercy on me!” Then those who
zealous for the traditions of my , !
fathers. But when it pleased went before warned him that he
should be quiet; but he cried . -
God, who separated me from
, - out all the more, “Son of David, ;
my mother’s womb and called
me through His grace, to reveal have mercy on me!” So Jesus : -
His Son in me, that I might , - stood still and commanded him ! . ,
preach Him among the Gen- , - to be brought to Him. And , -
tiles, I did not immediately con- when he had come near, He
, : ,
fer with flesh and blood, nor asked him, saying, “What do
- you want Me to do for you?” , :
did I go up to Jerusalem to
those who were apostles before , - He said, “Lord, that I may re- ?
me; but I went to Arabia, and , - ceive my sight.” Then Jesus : !
returned again to Damascus. . , said to him, “Receive your . :
Then after three years I went up , - sight; your faith has made you ! -
to Jerusalem to see Peter, and well.” And immediately he re-
- . -
remained with him fifteen days. ceived his sight, and followed
But I saw none of the other . - Him, glorifying God. And all , ;
apostles except James, the , the people, when they saw it, , ,
Lord’s brother. , . gave praise to God. .
2 3
From the Epistle of Apostle . . I called My Son.” Then Herod, .
Paul to Timothy when he saw that he was de- , -
(1 Tim. 1:15-17). (1 . 1:15-17). ceived by the wise men, was
, -
Brethren, this is a faithful say- , - exceedingly angry; and he sent
forth and put to death all the ,
ing and worthy of all accep- ,
tance, that Christ Jesus came male children who were in
into the world to save sinners, Bethlehem and in all its dis- ,
, - tricts, from two years old and
of whom I am chief. However, . , ,
for this reason I obtained under, according to the time
, .
mercy, that in me first Jesus which he had determined from
- the wise men. Then was ful- -
Christ might show all longsuf-
fering, as a pattern to those who , - filled what was spoken by , -
are going to believe on Him for , - Jeremiah the prophet, saying: “ : ,
everlasting life. Now to the . A voice was heard in Ramah, -
King eternal, immortal, invisi- , Lamentation, weeping, and
ble, to God who alone is wise, , - great mourning, Rachel weep-
ing for her children, Refusing ,
be honor and glory forever and
ever. Amen. . . to be comforted, Because they .
are no more.” Now when Herod ,- ,
From the Gospel according to - was dead, behold, an angel of
St. Mathew (2:13-23). (2:13-23). the Lord appeared in a dream to
The Lord said: an angel of the , - : ,
Joseph in Egypt, saying,
Lord appeared to Joseph in a “Arise, take the young Child
dream, saying, “Arise, take the : , and His mother, and go to the -
young Child and His mother, - land of Israel, for those who ,
flee to Egypt, and stay there un- , , - sought the young Child’s life . ,
til I bring you word; for Herod , are dead.” Then he arose, took
will seek he young Child to de- the young Child and His
, - -
stroy Him.” When he arose, he mother, and came into the land
took the young Child and His . ,
of Israel. But when he heard . ,
mother by night and departed that Archelaus was reigning
for Egypt, and was there until - over Judea instead of his father
, , ,
the death of Herod, that it Herod, he was afraid to go
might be fulfilled which was , - there. And being warned by ; , -
spoken by the Lord through the , God in a dream, he turned , -
prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt : aside into the region of Galilee.

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